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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1882)
A! - n Tiiimmin 12 THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. MIIii ill i hi in hi i ft li i) iiJMM ri-E.wr. " ""agAB SliMiliiiiiiii M Five Complete Courses, Open to Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuition Free. No Charge tor Incidentals. FACULTY: II. E. Hitchcock, A. M Ph.D., Dean, nnd Profossor of Mathematics. . Samuel Aughcy, A. M., Ph. I)., Professor of Natural Sciences. George McMillan, A. M., Profcssorof Greek Language and Literature. Georgo E. Howard, A. M.. Professor of History. G. K. Barber, A. XL. Professor of Latin Language and Literature II. II. Nicholson, A. M , Professor of Phvslss and Ohemlstry. L. A. Sherman, A. M., Professor of English Literature. F. W. Grubc, A. M., Professor of Modern Languages. S. K. Thompson, A. M., Professor of Didactics and Agriculture. FACULTY: Harvey Culbcrtson, M. S., Professor of Horticulture. Charles N. Little, A. B., Tutor In Mathematics and Civil Hng. Miss Ellen Smith, A. M., Principal Latin School. Miss M. G. Hitchcock, Tutor in Latin School. Lawrence Kosxlcr, A. M., Tutor In Latin School. Adelaide Dearborn, Teacher of Elocution. Conservatory of Music S. B. Hohmahn, Director. Teachers, Prof. M. Draper, Miss Kate Kimball, Painting and Drawing, Miss Ada Seaman. A. It. MITCHELL, UK. I., Lincoln, Nebraska. Office, 115 North Eleventh Street. BOHANAN BHOS, Proprietors of Livery And Exchange Stables. SIGN OF 11L.ACK HOUSE. Corner Tenth and N Strocts. One block South of Post-oOlco. Four New Hacks. Order State nt Market nnd Bum. ALSO PROPRIETORS OP Central Meat Market, 037 0 Bt, Lincoln, Neb. Mnkc n. Specially of School Books -.- &ih Sfationqrg, J. H. Harley, Druggist, Bookseller, Stationer. EDUCATIONAL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. 1101 O ST., LINCOLN. Conservatory of Music, STATE UNIVERSITY, Furnishes superior instruction in Pi tin o Forte, Organ, Singing, Harmony, Etc Klthcr in private or classes. Tuition mod orate. For further particulars, send for cir cular or see the Director, 8. B. IIohmnnB A. M. DAVIS, 1224 O Street, Wholttmli nrf Mitmil J9afr tn Oil-Cloth, Mattings, Bag, Huts, "Wnll Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Daraaob, Ac.