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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1882)
T H E H E S P 12 R I A N S T U D E N T . 11 S. F. WESTERFIELD r Still Holds tho Fort at the Star Shaving Parlor I First class slmving, ten cents. Hair cutting, twcnty.fivo cents. 1202 O St. M. HARRIS, DENTIST. Touth Inserted In Gold, Silver and Cellu loid, All woik warranted. Ollco, 1007 O St. HEjvmr itiiuGJtr.iA DEALElt IN Stoves and Hardware ! Opposite P. O. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. y I,. J. BUMSTEAD, M. 1. , -Homoeopath 1st. Offlco, 20 South Two! nil Street. J. L. l,UrJE, 1I. J., Office 1185 N Street. guth &. Wood, m. & J..UHX61 i'HTkSICI.IJW 1238 0 Street, Burr and Briggs block. A. E. HARGREAVER, l'AOKcn or choice and fancy Winter Apples. WHOLESALE DEALKIl IN Fancy Groceries, Gigars And Tobacco, FRESH OYSTERS, Dozlcr- Wo j I Cracker Co' Celebrated Good. LINCOLN, NED, . North Side roHtolllce Squure. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. HOVEY&PECK, Wholosolo and Itotalldealers In Stoves, Hardware, Tlmvnrt. Woodenwurc, &c. First class hardware store. A spe cialty miule of pocket knives 100 North 10th street. C. R. TEFFT, Dentist. Nitrous Oxldo Gas administered whenever desired. Office, 1111 O street. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, J. J. IIWHOFF, Prop., Turkish Russian Salt Water p tn In tlio Hotel. Rheumatism eared by Turkish BalliK. Corner lltli and I Streets, Lincoln, Neb. JOHN KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, 820 Soutli Eleventh, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fine stock or Goods. JANSEN BROS. COMPANY, Manufacturers, Retailers, and Jobbers of FURNITURE. West Bldo of Port Office Square. LINCOLN, NKB. A. D. GUILE, Dealer in BKD-llOOM AND I'AltLOll FURNITURE ! Hff rrors, .Waitresses, JlSould ing, Etc., Etc. WEST SID!!. P. O. SQUARE. FLANAGEN BROS., NEW AXrCWXOar graMttgEll 117 South 10th St. Where can be found ail kinds of fur niture, tinware and queenswarc. High est casli price paid for second hand goods of nil descriptions. $incoh( lotiitl antsqrvithrii, Corner O unci 17th. Tho largest Collection orUrccnHouscplunts in the State. Cut llowers, floral designs of all descriptions, fancy baskets, etc., constantly on hand. Tea and Tube roses In bloom. NO MORE LONG SITTING! Ql&?nUjl IS MA KINO PIIOTOOltAPIIS INSTANTAN EOUSLY UY THE DUV PKOCESS. Special Rates to Students ! R. C. Man ley, EAST SIDE SQUARE. GREEN FRUIT, FRESH CANDY, BUST CfXCfrARS. Olason & Fletcher, No. 0, O Street, News, Books, Toys &c. Carrying the largest stock of period! cnls in Nebraska gives tlieni an advan tage hi filling orders promptly. DAVID MAY, DEALElt IK CLOTHING AND- GENTS' FURNISHING V.'E. Farmer, DEALEU IN KUlsELKlEio Seeds and Feed. Vegetables, Minco Meat, Apple and Quince Butter, Sauerkraut, etc. -,!- b Ti- b