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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1878)
Mi 401 NECKWEAlt. VOL. VII, ; fell a victim to the assassin's dagger. Columbus, for a while after his discovery was indeed crowned with honors; yet through the very populai applause which crowned him, died in poverty and neg lect. Examples of this kind might be cited almost without number. But there arc other reasons why wo should avoid the false criterion-Public Opinion. The human mind is 30 consti tuted, that it can pursue to successful completion but one thing at a timc Whether the object be pure and ennobling, or unholy and degrading, still by the very laws of our nature, to this alone wo are held. Now as the steady pursuit of an object will awaken a sclf-dcpendcnco for good or evil; on the other hand a constant vacii latiou must engender a feeling of condem. nation, and contempt for self, which shows that the creature is far below the lofty ideal to which the Creator meant lie should aspire. Since, being created in the form and image of the Maker, it cannot be that He meant that ilis noblest work should livocontlnually under the reproach of self-abasement. And since no two hu man minds will alike conceive of the same thing, it must be that to place dependence upon the mass, would be like leaning upon a broken stall', or building upon a foundation of sand. Our own experience uud the wisdom of the past dcclaro that Truth is mighty and must prevail." We then may depend upon it, that if we take as our guiding principle, that which we believe to be true and right, disregarding alike all public censure or approval, we at least will stand as worthy of imitation. Let the world say what it may, all mus, rely upon their own migh't, deviating not from the plain path of duty, pressing for ward with a fixed aim, disregarding alike thesmiles or frowns, the approval or dis- approval, tne applause or censure of friends or foes, In so doing can be found the cheering encouragement which can in spire to deeds worthy a man, and a being who expects to be judgd by that adjudi. cator of all right and wrong-tho opinion of posterity. Student. NECKWEAR. Phrenologists read a man's character with tolerable accuracy from his facial expressions or cranial protuberances, but there are other ways of detei mining disposition aside from those of the head. The dress, and the manner of adjusting the same, dcmonslntcs largely the habits of the wearer, and as the head-gear and neck-wear are the most auspicious part of man's habiliment, they are generally ac curate therefore in showing his tastes. Of these, the collar is the most reliable article from which to judge, but lis vary, ing fashion prevents an analy.ation suffi cient to form a science. If it did, might ii he styled Collarology or Collarethlcs? Every being on this globe has individ ual features, to which dress, in order to be tasteful, must conform, and although marked leatures of race and family sim ilarity lessen the differences, yet they are so multitudinous in their diversity, that it requires an unlimited varietv of styles in dress to suit each one's body. And yet, we may ask, how many are there who wear collars which are at all suitable to the hhape of the head, or which set them oil' to an advantage? Is it because they cannot Hud the mi 'liable pattern? Possibly, for even from among the thou sand different shapes which manufactur ers have given their linen and paper col lars, one of becoming cut is not easily discovered. A shopkeeper dislikes to have his collars tried on before purchas ing, for their mussed appearance, if found unsuitable, prevents ready sale; and so the collar-seeker judges his purchase without a trial, from the starchiness and general make-up. In nine cases out of ten, if the wearer be particular, the col lar does not suit. It is either too high, too large, or too small. Many collars, too, though of Uill'ereiit name, arc exactly alike in outline, for makers choose a