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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1877)
iiiaiiiiiiiii mf i rrmm Local Nkws. till) stcml of laboring lor higher education, they arc fust becoming advocates of stu dents nights, laboring foi the promulga tion of some insigniiicaut matter, of im portance only to those whose interests are at stake. Gradually is all this taking place, hence we may infer that the slu. dents, whose ability the papers so ably disclose, are not such as those whose pla ces they now occupy. We have anxious ly awaited for the approach of that lime when the interest in the college press would revive. Wo tiusl the time is not far distant, for nothing exists in college work atVording more improvement and culture than a well conducted paper. In these columns, we propose to tell in plain English just what we think of our ex changes, and expect a like compliment in return. We will belittle no merits, nor encourage any faults. Then with good will to all, and malice toward none, we commence our researches through the representatives of the college world. The Cornell Em commences a new year bedecked in a new dress, and looks well for the change. The Era, from ap pearances, wo should judge, believes in doing little, and doing that good. The Colleye Olio is lamenting over the that soino good-looking Cadets, from some place or another, made their appear auce in their midst, and played havoc among the fair daughters of Maricll.!. This is sulllcieul ground, no doubt, Yor war, but the soft, timid slurs, slung out by the local, are far more disgusting than in t cresting. The Aa rum contain a good article on the "Choice of a Calling, containing an abundance of valuable thought, to the young -man about entering into active life. We would be pleased to quote but want of space forbids, t The antiquated appearance of the Col leijo Courier is rather pleasing. There are many good things about this little sheet, particularly its bievily. The num erous communications which it contains are Inclined to be dry and burdensome. A college paper should be wholly con. ducted by the students. liy this we mean that the contributions should be from them, bo they ever so weak, if they are the best they can produce, be contented and labor for improvement. These few remarks are intended for the Jicrkleyan, a line paper In every respect,-with the ex ception that originality is wanting. LOCAL NEWS. Hurrah! The University. Is still living. Oh! how misty! One more victory for the Trojans. It's all wind that blows somebody no good. Miss Katie Gillette presides at the or gau in Chapel. Our Local has been lingering in the metropolitan city of Wahoo. Opening day was a success. More stu" dents made their appearance than in the past. Singing in chapel is improving since the melodeous ba.ssoes in the rear have chimed in. Two young Freshes received a lecture from the landlady for .studying Geomolry with ivory balls. I want you to keep still about billiards before the old lady. She gave me the d 1 the other day. Theboysoflh'e University Union have at last mustered up courage enough to bring the ladies to the society. The students arc now all'orded the op. perlunity of studying surveying under the tutorship of Lieut. Dudley. F. M. Hall dropped in and left his card. Frank's a bully boy, and under stands how to do a handsome thing. Mr. Frank Sladler, professor of Fine Arts, now has a room in the University and will teach the ladies how to paint.