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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1877)
!. i Oh he said tttiliiiuii has come, frosty niglils come, swinging on llio galu nuisl cease, iiml inoonliglit strolls be given up. "Tin-: Military Hoys will soon appear in bluc--somo of ilium appearing "blue" already. $13,00 is big money lor a slu (lent. The Sivdknt acknowledges a com pliiuontary pass to the Stale Fair. Many thanks, Mr. Wheeler. It was duly appro dated. We acknowledge the reeeipt of many cards. The handsome card receiver, the handiwork of (lie Boss Editor, is quite a temptation. The work of painting t!ie University geos rapidly on, and which will make a decided improvement in the looks of the University. One of the Juniors has been excused from drill. Cause Campus too small for his feet, and then the small boys' lives were endangered. Tun Prof, an interesting class in Gcomolry iliis term. They practice on an. gles ul the Metropolitan Hllliard Hall. Don't do it, boys. Hiuirr must win. We shall now ex peel glowing results from the Russians, us the University Union decided, last eve, that they are in the right. The students are busy, preparing es. sajs for Prof. Woodburys department. Wi earnestly hope, that the sti'dk.nt will not now be in want of copy. Just about the lime wo were begin, ning to appreciate, the "awful" noise of the next room, they had moved the music room down stairs again. Such is life. The Univoisily boys look advantage of the liberality of (ho candidates at. the county convention. Many were seen smoking who never did the like before. George McLean, ho that made the campus so beautiful by the rare display of flowers, took the first premium at (he Stale fair for the linesl assortment of roses, etc. Mr. J. (). Sturdcvanl the Associate Editor of Hie studknt, lias so far failed to make Ills appearance, which accounts for the slim condition of our exchange column. ' Now that there is prospect of a war with .Mexico, somebody has rose up and re. marked thai the time is soon coming when we shall see the "Greaser knee in suppli mice bent." Tlio work of painting the University walls still goes bravely on. The contrac tus are doing a neat job, and when tin. jshed will add much to 1 lie appearance of the structure. Prof. Frank Stadter recently showed us a picture of our esteemed Professor, Samuel Aughey, a line specimen of his handiwork. The picture is indeed a splendid one. Some earless smoker threw the slump of a lighted cigar in the dry grass in the northern part of the campus, recently, causing a slight lire. Damages light, and no insurance. One of the gushing sophomores was recently talking about, sipping theevan. escent nectar from the cavular protuber ances of an unwilling fem in inly. He's glowing better now. C. M. Easterday gave the University a call a few days since, and expressed his desire to return, lie now peruses Hiack. stone at Teciimseli, and came to attend the State Convention. The courage of that young man who wends his way towards the risimr sun on : Friday nights deserves the highest com- inclination, bhe lives on the classic banks of the Antelope. The small boys are ro cling In the delightful aniusinenl of pins. An excil ing game;nVA'orj) is no uncommon oc- r'.lii'i'imi'o In oliimi.l .....i i. i vmijivi, oiiuii uciioiis uoys is weconiiiig to sucklings. The story which is found in lhi num ber is attracting considerable attention It was commenced in the May number and back numbers can be secured upon application to the Husincs? Manager. mms,