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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1876)
The Stvitg'le of Lifr every Immcli of labor, professional or mechanical. Tho idea should never be, ('(iiiio impressed upon ilio minds of i lie young Mint lonrningnud ability arc at a (lis. o.ounl. Our eonntri onlls lor nten of stern integrity, acquirements, and in. doniitnblo wills men who cannot he bribed or coit -"d bv ft-nr, men who are fiii 1 1 fill lo trusts imposed upon them in whatever piisltiMii hey urn oeeup;. , in the ciivle ol professional life, or in the politieal are. ta. Whatever is atloinp'od to lie done in life, whn'over puip ise is in iew, llii fuel should always he kept in remembrance, that without Im.or nothing worthy of accomplishment enii be done. Unceasing and determined por.sooinnco will olien siilllco when the re-piis'ite talent is1 wanting. 'Life is but 11 dream," '"'rune a lleeling shadow," are. familiar words, which sonic people .seem, by ihcir notions, to accept in a literal .sense. This is presumed by the progiess they ih'nkc under favorable auspices. They sueni lo think that cxis Icnce is so momentary 1 lint 'lis useless lo attempt the accomplishment of a worthy object; to leave behind Ilium, when they have passed lV.nn this, life, a monument of good woiks, lo i Itcst the fact that they weio j.ot nonentities on the stage of life. Some men eeni unable lo ward oil' dan gers wliic h threaten to make their lives miserable. .Many men are crushed down to shame, who stood blamules ami unpot leil before 'heir (Soil; yet are scorned by their lellou tiicu. P.dn ed at by the rude lingo-of ridicule; sneered at because of poverty, or lack of culture; .suspicion's poisoned weap m inflicting is venoinou sting; these make life indeed an existence bordering on inisfoiiiiiie. Ho v true and applicable are these lines: Mini' liiliiiiuiuilty to mini Millar cnualluM thonfind mourn, One false step, templed by the influeiiuu of an evil moment, from the rugged paths of morality, often buds to another, by the calumny heap.'d upon the ollbiiding one by those, who, forgetful that 'to err is hu man," lend not a hand to stay the way ward steps. Life Iris it.s pleasures and sorrows, its summer day of brightness and buoyant hope; its winter gloom and storms. In tho struggles of life, always keep in view the object for which you are striving. Little tr'lles should not interfere witli sue, and IVeptently must insu'.s bo en (lured with inarlyr-llke forbearance. In the journey of life, there is nothing more valuable than friendship. With all the d r..ling attractions of wealth, and the al lurements ol lame, a true and Hied friend is an inesMmable bussing. Witli what emotional feelings may we look back to earlier days, and with ineniory'.s fond rec ollection recall those incidents wherein we were on the verge of despair, or about to yield to the tempter's 'voice; when u kind fiieiivl, with cheering words, turned despair to brighter hope, and whose ten. dor warning kept us from the paths of or ror. Let it be remembered that there are men who have not the moral stamina requisite to curry them through the strug gles of life unfalteringly, and that it is the duty of all to befriend those they see de-' parting from right, ond infuse into their minds a greater courage, thus raising them to a higher level of moral standing. There is a sphtie of labor for all. Go forth, then, voyager on life's tempestuous sea, and seek I hit work; and, with that indomitable will a'ld perseverance, tailor not until the struggle is over, and success has crowned vottr cHorls. A. J. At the wivor' dim nwr I tremble buru. As o'er an thy IiIIIowk, O Ttmo, 1 float; And iih oft I t-lu'op Tho ntern weep, Thin they hhould hu tossing bo frail n 'mat. Hut gently roll. O troubled Son; For welcome light O'er wnvuluts blight Still dimly streams Tor me, Tor mo. .. - ' .' ,1b .mwimsmmmmm&.4: ;. . -... i&n -" LJ ill Mill i HWMMWfcll nMII lilWHW ij HI llilllllll Ml. 'MV'riMUHU.AK . . '-'$&: v T-' P&ti&&3k&ym.