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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1876)
Ihiihliii'i. tin1 inaii'genirnt of class alllairs they "lend in lmliiis ill" i ut null'1 nntl llu low arts of politicians?" Naturally, ilmse of l lie same soel. ty will seek to aid each olh. cr, but I lie iiii'lliotls llicy employ depend upon themselves. IT iheir insles nrc low, lii-ii- tiictli'icl- will no doubt correspond ; bit lb it iliuv will practice I iv nits men-, ly bceiiise the', are tin inhcrs of a secret i3i'('icl is a singular hallucination. Our auilior himself aduiiis licit iIil' charge of siciccx amounts to ni h i mr ; of course 1 licit the ehaigc may In. mule wild cin'tal force ag iiihl tu, Snci'lies, at-, for ixain plo, our iwo UltTiiry societies, anil we may condemn them because in the man:i";cmeiit of eolleue allaits "they may, in tbeir rival. r. form habits of intrigue, etc., eic." Let us nut be misundeistond. These prite liecs oniiiml be too severely condemned. Wo object only to llu attempt to make the tecrel Societies tliu scupegonts tor tltvsi lltlng.-. All timt can possibly bo urged against thorn U llutl, on occasion, (buy furnish readier I'lioilitics for llie practice of these in Is In t ii- rmirlli -li:titr, we arc quite sure thni Ion in licit iutlttcncc is ascribed to llic-c Socii lies. Ci ritiinly 1 1 y can not be moic pott nl i;i moulding diameter ibati Ibe college Itself. The cliarire is vis iotiun so tar as it applies peculiarly to these S icietii'K. The young men lints us mum iled are not tinnccusloiiied to severe iimliul criticism, thus making their con iie.xion uf tin greatest piacticul utility, ll i tibsutd to iisiime ill. n by the mere fact ol such a-fouiitlion I lie natural dcsiic foj each other's es'ei'iii should be in any wise lessened. Th. hist iliirir is Ihc only one ihat appears to have much weight. Their aniiutil e inventions (' bee imit) a sri' oils iHiisiiicc, We cannot keep too con. st uiily in mind the real work of a 0 d lejjo. Nothing should be .illowed to o'j sirttui it. As Ptol. Hitsley has s well obac'ived. the On liege or University is the place not only for instruction but lor original in. vc-tigatioii Of coui'M' nothing pertaining to a mini's culture as a social, itilelleultial and moral being, not inconsistent wi'h these two gnat purposes of iho Univcrsily, can righilully be ruled out, while everything which dots interfere how ever slighlly with Mrs.' should be ruled mil, and thai too willi rigorous severity. Even in an Ainer College, for a student in hi. in his as signed Ii sson -o- as to acquit himself cred. iliibly at lime of recitation is nothing veiy laudable. He should remember thai an opportunity is oH'ered for culture dur ing his ,Miir at the University which will never recur, and Ihal that oppor. tunity must noi he neglected. Fcetcl So. ciet lis are likely to inlerfere with it, as other things of parallel moment, and it Is certainly not Inn much to say thai the lime they exact is largely wasted, if, for no other reason, than that it is lime em phatically not spent to the best advantage Thi'io is no occasion to urge that because of his memlurship in one of these socie ties the student becomes any worse, that he necessarily contracts bad habits from his association or that peculiarities of tem per are aggravated and hardened into "lixed defects of diameter," for all this may be successfully controverted; it is siilllcieut to uri!!' that his lime is impera tively needed for something more impnr taut for the grci.l woik of the University. Tern pus omnibus rebut, non autem in Uni capitate. C. Building-. The activities of the universe, so far as we can see, are employed in building. The solf-existent, eternal God has created malciials and foices, and has set the forces to building out of the materials. The poer by which forces build we call life. The material, forces and life arc evolved out of the Inllnitudo of God's ex istence. What they are we know not. Their existence has utterly eluded our keenest roscaich. Wo study their activ ities hut cannot hiiug them within the