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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1874)
Hesperian Student r. ii1 t i. t J, VOL, . Cnlvcrsltij of tYcbranka. NO. . V ih v v, ijul nn lioiUlL.lulltt. 1871. A 1 renin. HBI.KITKU. M chum Is mi editor, Ami, when the night nro Ion", He ihikkck mi' n initnuecrlnt. Knsny, orjot.orsong; Ami ii" tho nzuio pngo 1 turn, Or scan thu pointing Hue, Suit o"or my womy ooliilc (till HlOOJl'H IllllllOllOU ilhlno, (Ht week my hiiiln was lOolliiK Willi loio mill with hour; A pile of copy b) my chum, And greener lmiitlt lay near. I'ngo nltir page I Ht os rend. Thoy niiiilc ubout n renin : I nh'iit, nnil In my nihil oil hrnin Aioe mi awful dronm. 1 dreamed 1 was nn editor, And heir. y on mo lay I ho tnxkol loading lintiiiiccririt To in lut mid enst nwiiy. 1 stood In paper to my knoos; Hut, when I touched tho lump, It surged mill boiled like cicoan waves, And now was three root deep. 1 -t niggled; but tho nccursod shoots Ito-otlllmy bieiiHt thoy mot: 1 shouted but thoy choked my mouth, And swelled moro rurtous yet. 1 ntiove to swim; but o'er my head Tin- contributions' foam Hushed howling and u doop voloo cried, Thor'e plenty moro to come." My lslon changed; n manuscript Mv Jlniioi" seemed to hold; Aoiii imiAiUt i-oiitfiu I ruid Four modest shoots nil told. I tin ned the pap'! tho shoots weie eight! I stared: mid counted Ion! I tried to rend; "I was twenty now ! I shiiokcd: they grow again! And piyo on pngo, like UNdriiV bonds, i.iown for ench one 1 turn: 1 thiuxt thorn madly In the stoso, Hut thoy rofueo to bum! It chiinuoil iiBiiln; n riolmiiur nmiui I to tho ossn) signed. HruMi! This nctlc jouttger class I.eino? us old blnls behind. Hut w hat T " Tho ballot." " pink silk tights' !c Koek," mid "Dunuis tils!" "Do Mnupln!" mid "Mnblllo's do Iht6l" Whnt hoirld thoughts woiu those! And horrid wolds! 1 rlso nghnnl Hut from tholiisoloiis jingo (.rinr with a I'lillic lour at mo The spirit of tho ago! I xttirt In hoiror from tho dronm, Whon, lo! before mo lies Jly chum's lust odltorlnl. And there words sroot m ef: - Product- or Freshman entorprUe We hold In our iobWloii. liioroti-liig contributions, mnrred II) loosunoss of oxproaslou. Western runci. Kcry mint is by duly bound lo repaid with il'iarityaud to support every organi zation that t'-nd tow aid tho nmoliora tioii of hlri follows. And as tho world is gradually approaching pel Portion, tlio tine pliilnnlhropiHi can oil ily find room to cast in Ills moans. For we Hvo in an age of reason, and are thoroforo blessed ly tlie companionship oi' reasonable men ami women. And ..s it is a progressiva As one of these channels we look upon the Granger movement of to-day, through which we candidly believe a great work is to be accomplished, in the way of reformation. Can an organization ho bound in harmony, and based on princi ples of truth and justice, have a tendan cy in any other direction than upwind, or an influence any other than for the moral culture of its members V II becomes us theri, as young men .and women, looking fonvaid to middle age, when we shall have to take upon our selves the task of improving upon the work of our fathers, in order to advance mankind to the greatest peifection, lo ten der this movement our earnest support. In all ages, great questions arise with regard to politcal economy and tho moral and social culture of society, and, in a groat measure, upon the solutions -jf these questions, depend the steps of one genera tion to another. Demonstration of these questions have been attempted by tho Granger-, but how far they have suc ceeded or will succeed yet remains to bo lotormined. There is much room for good, especially in the rural districts to which this organization i- indigenous through the cultivation of social relations. Thousands of families make gteat mis takes by forgetting to foster social cul ture, while Impelling to. get rich. And hence there has been great demand for any otganization that would tend towaid the union of noighboilioods and sic tion.-. upon questions ut sucn muu interest. To Mi is eineigency have come the Grangers, and so haypilj are they adapted to this end, that wo are of ten surprised on going into neighbor hoods, where once existed clamor and discoid, to find union and lrlcmWiip. But a principle so great as this cannot .be satisfied within neigh boi hoods alone. It must teach out and influence the whole country. Immigration will thus be slreugthcned; for the farmers through out the Mississippi valley, fioiu which our strength must come, in moving west will not be thrown among strangers, but will find friends who will take pleasure in aiding, and if need be, providing for thorn. Looking at it then in this light.and we nro puiuaded that it is a true ono, we cannot cull the organization a band, by motives tied for the completion of some selfish ends and enterprises. The Grangers are called upon to answer questions of great financial importance; f fte, the world is ever awake to reform, in so much, that men are constantly on the alert, looking out new passages through this mountain barrier to progress. for they took birth from a great financial crisis. From '119 the depression in the prices, for grain has been so great, that those depending on the sale of their farm products have yearly become deeper and deeper involved in debt; so that at present there are thousands of fanners unable to pay their taxes. Is it strange then, that thoy should seek a more direct line of market, by establishing grange? Econ omy has thus become tho watch woid ' AVg hoar it in the east as well as in the west; and the quesnion that found Con gress so long divided, was whether it would be economy to gratify the east or tho west on the ttrrency question. The east is flooded with money, and loans are at four or five per cent, while west they are from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. This problem was demonstrated years ago, and to-day we have the same result while the west is crowded with poor emmigrants, the east holds all the capi talists, and thus the bulk of the means; but the western ommigrant is compelled to spend money for all Iho necessities of life. These all come from tho east,and of course the money returnes to tho same place. No one then, taking these things into consideration, can be surprised to find the west destitute of means Tlie great financial question, if successfully sol veil, will be solved by directly supply ing the west with manufactories supported by western products This will stop tho great How of wealth from west to east for, using our cheaper material, wo can come far below the east in prices, and Aealtn will fiow to our own doors. Increasing the currency, is only an attempt on the part of Congress, by raising an imposing dam, to back the water of this great financial stieam over its sources. The east will first be drowned and the wateis raised far above it, before tho west can satiate its thirst. Tlie question then: Can the grangers of feet a change in this .state for the better? It is not at all unreasonable to supiwrttH that they can. For, as their object is the cultivation of rigid economy, they will naturally be attracted around nuclei of interests, and wherever a central in terest is, will spring up a manufactory of some needed article. This is no presump tion, for we ato only requited to look here and there throughout the gteat manufac Hiring districts of the country, to find this statement fully verified. The order is at present in its infancy, yet we sec this fact demonstrated wherever it lias sufficient influence. For ono great drain upon wes tern farmers is for farming instruments and there aio already springing up in va rious pints manufactories of agricultural implements through the instrumenlality of the gi angers alone. And as the organ. ization becomes more fully developed, and the gteat centres searched and foundv we reasonably expect, by cat fully discarding the "middle men," to see in every such great center a manufactory to supply the demand. In iow of tlie future, then, we can not look upon this movement as a tiling of small and insignificant life, but one destined to shape and mould the wealth of the west ono destined to give us all tho advantages of the east, and apowerfull instrument for turning the flood of means from east to west, P. M. L. proved basis than they now do; and, of course each and every thinking man has an opinion of his own, or as we might term it liis pet hobby, and we will ad mit that a large nutnbor ride their hobby until it becomes thread-bare and disgus ting to the public because it is being con tinually before the people, who appear soon to get tired of plain truths. In En gland we are led to believe the schools are more for the wealthy, than for the poor men's sons; but as a remedy wo have our gigantic system of public schools, where all are treated alike. But, do wo not find it to be a great error in our edu cational system, that so many are finely educated in literary pursuits whon in reality they have no tastes in com mon with their studies ? Wow our hobby is an old one, belonging to another man, and we have just borrowed it for the oc casion because it suits us exactly; we think a splendid mode to operate a school, is to have a large workshop run in connec tion wijh the school. In the Agricultural department the students are practically educated and perchance earn enough to pay their way through the u long course." Why indeed cannot arrangements be made by which students pursuing a reg ular course, can learn some useful trade while engaged in educating themselves intellectually. As a consequence of our present rule, the world is being provided with pickpockets and clever forgers &c, for all first-class theives are college bred gentlemen. Labor in this country is not looked down upon and tlie " blve-clooded" youth can soil his dainty white hands by hard labor and never bo thought any the less of. And many are the poor lads, w ho possess genius though they arc money -les-, that ale cngoih striving to gain an education, nnd should we not assist them as much as is in our power V- "Wereman ufactoiies inaugurated bv our state, and the state students put to labor within them, we feel assured that our halls would be filled to overflowing with an immense number of students. "Were the Studknt office enlarged, so that the students could do composition or bookwork, it would be ono great step towards a better future. A school-ship makes a first-class sailor, as well as scholar of the student and why should not our University make a good tradesman as well as scholar of her stud ents? 13. S. Pixciku. On the Win:;. An 5lcu. Schools in all ages of the world have differed greatly in the mode by which they teach their pupils, and we cannot help but say that they arc improving much for the better. Yet, wo nro contin ually looking forward to somo period, when they will stand on a much more im- There are many peculiar emotions of tlie thoughtful traveler, tts the train glides westward. The boundless expanse of prairies has much of the sublime in it, ami arouses thoughts and feelings nearly akin to thoso feelings in the hoait of the wanderer over the Untitles-, waters of old ocean. But while the thought of im mensity possesses the soul in gazing over tlie prairie, another comes with it that does not compliment the emotions awakened by sight of tho mighty ocean. It is that these oxtonsh'e plains, now so h m If Mi. ill I !! "l fo q l fc n "Mr . fl ISH ( j T i t8 $ it" iBff, 7 JIWyt iWWi r TTIVTVm