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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1874)
Hesperian Student F'Oft, 5. University of vYchratila. ,VO. 5. ' ., Qui noil Xi'oilclt, lellolt. 1871 i (For the Hesperian Student.) IlciiryVIH. 1 lie was n mnrrleil mnn-O, very much I And linil some trouble- with his wIvch, thoy say. Ho was a despot, too, or something such, Who grow more crabbed, as ho grew moro gray. Yet never wns a mnn whose royal sway Kuchblcsslngto the world, at largo, hns wrought: For, every inch n kins:, lie would not piny The role of traitor, when the tierce pope sought To hold him down to tribute, and to keep His kingdoms In a medlievnl sleep. o lie would be king, or nothing. Bless the day That mnde him master or so brave a lamll And let us not too many hard things sny Of one who hustled Home with heavy hnnd. 'lhey, whom ho troubled, were a little band A helpless few: alas! we pity them. But all the world is debtor to the grand Impulsive monarch, whom their words condemn; Mnce, if bluff Hal hnd not onco nobly reigned, In dungeon dopthu the Christ would still be chained. O- C D. Onirics samiicr. The lift of Charles Sumner so notably conspicuous and so recently ended will be used for a long time " to point a moral" for ambitious American youth. And it is well that Providence raises up from time to time great men to warm our hearts with sentiments ot love and admiration for their intellectual and moral nobility, and to inflame our minds with worthy ideas of the possibilities of our nature. Mr. Sumner was a representative man a statesman of a class which is now near ly extinct. His mind was enriched and cultured by broad and comprehensive scholarship, all the resources of which lie made tributary to his labors as a statesman. He confesses that he was a great reader of books, and in recognition of his obli gation to public libraries, he bequeathed his own valuable collection to the library of his Alma Mater. If it be claimed, as it may perhaps justly be, that he was not an original thinker, that he struck out no new or great ideas electrifying and shaping the age ; yet it must be granted that he was master of the power to organize thought and to clothe it in such new and attract ive dress of rhetorical beauty as to pro- duce the cflect or freshness and original! ty. If he did not originate the electricity, he knew how to forge the thunderbolt and hurl it with the might of Olympian Jove. His logic was impetuous and irresistible, and like the arrow of Achates in its path way through the sky, was itself luminous ami left a track of light behind. For young men the lesson is instructive that the highest literary culture may bo made tributary to personal advancement and the conduct of public affairs. When to this scholarly culture arc added the greatest personal purity of life, ofllclal Integrity, political conscientiousness, and devotion to the interests of humanity, the public life of Mr. Sumner has an impos ing sublimity almost unparak'Hed in these days of venality and self-sceking. For all these high qualities ho deserves, as ho will receive the lasting admiration of his countrymen. In the midst of all the encomiums lav ished on this grand character, it may seem inopportune and ungracious to sug gest the possibility of any failings that dimmed its brightness, or marred the per fection of its beauty. "With the highest respect for a character so scholarly, up. right and conscientious as his, it vet seems to me that his fame is not without some flaws which show at least the limita tions of every nature however noble. The first thing, which seems to have thrown n shade of unlovelincss on this grand life was his inexperience of the tempering influence of woman. The eagle and tho lion, types of daring sagac ity and power, live solitary and without a mate. Like them, man cannot safely live alone, and keep alive those amenities and tendernesses which enrich his own nature and endear him to others. As an intellectual leader he was without a peer, but as a personal leader he had no such following as Henry Clay or even Daniel Webstar. The personal magne tism, and social attractiveness which he might have gained in the companionship of a refined woman were never possessed by tins gifted man. It were better had tills been otherwise. Nor were the Intellectual perceptions of Mr. Sumner infallible. A splendid thcorizer, his inexorable logic sometimes carried him to Impracticable conclusions, to which he adhered with singular tenac ity. Mr. Qoldwin Smith says, America hates England. Why this so grave a charge, and so much to be deplored ? Uccuuse Americans following the lead of Mr. Sumner, were clamorous in their demands for consequential damages in order to crush and humiliate England by an enor mous fine. At his instance the treaty of settlement effected by a special envoy was rejected by the Senate, on the ground of inadaquate reparation. The view urged by Mr. Sumner on theoretical and moral grounds, was utterly scouted by the inter, national Congress which settled the Ala. bama claims, but had greatly embittered the feeling of England toward this coun- try. Even intellectual giants will some time trip in their steps. Hut to the devout mind, the apparent want of religious sentiment and christian hope, which seemed to mark his Jnst hours, will perhaps bo a subject of bewildering conjecture, if not ot pamiui regrei. Friends, politics, all worldly ideas aro in the ascendant. God, immoitality, the up. liftings of a heavenly hope, are ignored as the chimeras of n wayward imagina tion. Without doubt the thoughtful mind of this eminent man had at some time earn estly considered these great subjects. To think otherwise, would be to insinuate an insensibility and folly of which ho was not capable. Scarcely an eminent man of the class to which ho belonged passed away without recognizing at somo timo the superiority of the spiritual over the worldly, the eternal over the temporal. As the light from beyond began to be refracted into his earthly horizon, it seems strange that no word of welcome recognition should be vouchsafed to the celestial visitant; and our hearts are bur dened with a sense of the incompleteness of u life so generally harmonious andl proportionate. While, for the sake of ex ample, w' might wish some things in the career of this eminent statesman had been otherwise, let us be glad that the legacy of his pure patriotic life will be ktcema es cii possession for us forever. A. K. B. The Pictures We Paint. Before me hangs a picture a family picture. How I love to study it! How often have I looked upon it, gazing now upon that father's noble brow, now on that mother's loving countenance, tracing the wrinkles on that aged face, catching that brother's laughingsmlle, and pausing to glance for a moment at that other form which stands at his side. "Gazing still, I forget my open book, forget the burden of school duties, forget myself, forget everything but the picture on the wall. Those forms seem to speak; I can almost hear the accents of their voices: I feel their presence. Fifteen years have come and gone since 1 first saw that picture, and these years have left their impress, both upon the pic ture and the forms there represented. The hand of that aged- one, which I so often felt upon my head accompanied by her kind benediction, has long been fold ed over a pulseless heart. Time has left his silvery foot-prints upon the heads of that father and mother. Those brothers have grown almost to manhood. But the picture itself grows dim it fades. A few years more and those lea lures can no longer be traced. Would that I could repaint it ere it fades away. But alasl if I could, my picture too would perish. The fairest picture fades; the chiseled marble, instinct with life, crumbles.; proud cities are swept away all is forgotten. But through the darkness a light gleams. Over the silence comes a voice, assuring us that though one's works may perish, though the hand cease to work out cun ning devices, the eye to send out light and tho voico, music, the mind that mov- cd all, controlled all, will live through all changes. To us is delegated a noble work. We all have pictures to paint. We aro all ar tists, who paint not for tfnc but for cermty. Our canvas is not some perishing fabric of mans manufacture, but tlte Imperisha ble tablet of the soul. Our every act, ev ery word, every thought, every Impulse adds a new touch to some picture. Our works will determine our painting. 0 tho joy that wo may work! God works. The glittering worlds that bend above us are his creation. He created both tho great and the small. Tho proud ocean, rocking and roaring in tho blast, the silver stream winding its path across tho grassy plain or tho mossy hillside, the giant oak of the forest and the tiny flow- or of the Held, the insect sporting in tho sunshine, all speak the praises of tho Great Maker, and man, God's crowning work, is full of Him. All things tell of IGod and of his unceasing labor; and as we glory In life let us rejoice that we have been gifted with that precious boon of labor, that we were not doomed, like the tree of the forest, only to live and grow, but that a work glowing with immortali ty has been assigned to us weak creatures. But let us paint carefully. The colors which we use to tint our pictures with are unfading. Yea! every touch we make is indelible. Alas! how many are paint ing things hideous to behold where God designed there should be bright pictures. The landscape artist soon learns that his picture is not complete when he has painted the hills, the forests and tho streams. He must represent the sky, the little clouds, the sunlight. How many of those who paint for eternity, in their am. bition to leave the world a great picture, content themselves with painting nioun. tains and oceans. In their lives they overlook those little deeds of kindness, gentle words, acts of mercy and love, without which their pictures lack beauty. Our treasures, our graces were not com milled to us to be selfishly hoarded. How many there are with richly gifted minds who leave no legacy of good deeds, no bright picture to an admiring, expectant, world! No hearts are made better by their influence, no minds richer by the precious '' seed-thoughts" they scatter. The heart is full of generous impulses, high resolves, but they arc not quickened into action; their lives arc sot to sweet music, but send forth no melody. Oh ye gifted ones! Oh ye whose lots have fallen in pleasant places! like the sweet sunlight let your influence be felt in the dark places of the earth; let sad hearts be gladdened by the brightness of your spirit, until from faces grow n old In sorrow, and eyes dimmed with shadows, light shall leap forth. If you are richly endowed with intellect, turn not scornful, ly away from the babes in knowledge. Cultivate your powers. Drink deeply from the never failing fountain, but turn not away others, as If for you alone flow ed the bright waters. If God has given you beauty, look not disdainfully upon him whoso soul looks out through a marred visage; whoso eye lacks luster and whose cheek is pale. Tho soul enshrined within may be purer than your own. The prince of Morocco gain ed not what he sought when ho chose tho golden casket. He who chose tho silver casket was also disappointed. The wish ed for prize was for Bassanio, who spurn ed that " gaudy gold" and that " pale and common drudge" and chose tho " meagre lead." Beauty of form and feature will fade, but beauty of heart will shine on, making lovely tho plainest visage. If you have been gifted with friends and an attractive home, forget not in your, selfish joy those who have no homo. Take to your hearts and homes tho wan dcrcr, that tho sorrowing may, for a little n '.! i I fl , a' 'mi i 1 m a m k.lll m m Vi u f I? 1