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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1900)
i-kmiu'l "" mmmmmmAwmmi.m S f An 8 The Nkbraskan-Hkspkrian - BOOK REVIEWS. Dr. Clements and Principal Cutter, tho former of the botanical staff or the University of Nebraska, and the latter of the Beatrice, Neb., high school have brought our what must prove to bo a very helpful book for those teachers of elementary botany who wish to give their pupils n gooJ courso in laboratory work. Thoro has been an increasing demand on the part of University professors that tho high 'school 'lay such a solid foundation in the sciences that the subsequentwork in tho university could safely be built '"upon it. This has wrought a radical ohango in tho methods of teaching chemistry and physics in tho high schools which fit their pupils for uni versity entrance. For many years some of the botanists have been de manding laboratory training in ele mentary botany for freshmen entrance, but while tho schools have made some progress, it is a curious fact that no serious attempt has hitherto been mado to supply the high schools with a scien tific manual comparable to the many excellent works of this character in chemistry and physics. Tho authors of the "Laboratory Manual of High School Botany" have attempted to make a book which is at onco practicable in tho average high school, as well as strictly scientific. The pupil who covers the work here .laid out will be prepared to go forward in college and university classes with out tho necessity of unloading and un 'learnlng a lot of rubbish, while at the 'same time if he should go no further with his studies he has had the satis faction of knowing that he is in tho possesion of a considerable body of useful infomation in regard to the structure and actions of plants. The general plan of the book may be ob tained by a glance at the titles of the chapters, as follows: General Direc tions, Plant Structure, or Histology, Structure and Classification, Phyto geography, Synoposis of the Larger Groups of the Vegetable Kingdom, Physiology, Appendix (containing sug gestions to teacher), and Glossary. Prom Dr. Chas. E. Bessey's review in .Science of Sept 21. was something that they could not be proud of. Upon counting it was found that four hundred and fifty tickets were pledged and it was decided to keep tho game at homo. WHCIAl ANNOUOCEMENTS Chapel Monday and Tuesday, Chan cellor Andrews, Wednesday, Dr. Hill, Thursday, Prof. Chatburn, Friday, Musical. MASS MEETING IN CHAPEL. On Friday lost a second mass meet ing was held in chapel in the interest of football. The mam object of this meetng was to determine whether the Grlnnell game should be played on the campus or in Omaha and incidentaly to arouse enthusiasm among tho stu dents. Librarian Wyer acted as chair man and called the meeting to order with a few introductory remarks: "It has become necessary to call another meeting of the students and it will be left with them to decide whether the game with Grlnnell will be trans ferred to Omaha or not. Wo cannot run a football team Avithout money, and judging from the attendance of tho former games Ave cannot run the risk of holding the game on the cam pus unless a sufficient number of pled ges are received to guarantee expen ses." The athlotic board distributed slips through tho audience and Mr. Wyer called upon Professor Ward to help sell tho tickets. Tho response at first Avas slow, but soon the students began to realize their duty and pledges to sell from five to ten tickets came in thick and fast. Here credit should be given to the young ladies, a great number of them pledging ten tickets. Chancollor Andrews pledged forty tickets. During the sale of tickets Dr. Pound and Chancellor Andrews wore called upon for short talks. Dr. White also gave a talk and disclosed the financial standing of tho athlotic board telling he students plainly that thpir support Seniors There will be a meeting of tho senior class Friday, Nov, 9th, at 1:30 P.M. in room 308 in tho main building. All seniors are requested to bo present as much Important busi ness must bo attended to at onco. The post graduate students of the UniA'orsity Sschool of Music will glA'o a recital in cnapol next Thursday evening. Tho following program wfll bo rendered. Novelettes Op. 21, No. 1, F major; Op. 21, No. 4, D major Schumann; Sparks Op. 36, No. G Moskowskl; Miss Rose Olson. Sonate F minor Op. 57, Allegro assai. Andanto con moto; Allegro mae non troppo Beethoven; Earlo Wehn, "Man lebt nur elnmaL Srauss Tausig; Miss Rose Clark. "Sei mir gegrusst," Schubert Liszt; Intermezzo In octaves, Op. 44 Letchetisky; Philip Hudson. Sonate Eroica Op. 50 (1) Slow with nobility, fast and furious; (2) Elf like and swift; (3) Tenderly with passion; (4) Fiercely and very fast MacDowell; Miss Edith Shaw. Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co., S E. Cor. 13th and O Streets. A New Store, and a New Stock of Reliable Goods, well sc lected and of the rcty latest styles. Ladies Slits, Cipts art (Mtorittis Ladies Fur Scarfs Ladies Fur and Cloth Jackets. Ladies Fur aw! Glith Capes. Ladies Driss Skirts, Ladies Under Skirts. Ladies Wrappers, , Ladies Gloves and Hosiery, Ladies Corsets and Underwear. Ladies Mackintoshes. Misses' and Children's Jackets and Capes. Mail orders filled same ?ay they arc received we pay cx press charges. Lincoln Cloak & Suit Co,, S. E. Cor. 13th and D Sts. - - Lincoln, Neb. I Av vV ML V to 1 JS o-0p. Bulletin Hours 7:45 a. m. to 7:45 p. m. A shipment of Goodform "Warbrobc sets is just in. A necessary addition to one's wardrobe equipment. 'Preserves the shnpe nnd form of your garments. Call and examine them at THE CO-OP. 322 North Eleventh Street. 1 Special Rates (Cameras For a short time -we arc giving very low prices on our entire line of Cameras. Call and get prices. O. E. OE PDTRON 117 North Uth Street pp. Richards Slock 4rv Foot Ball Enthusiasts Should remember that tho Union Pacific is the best line to Topeka, Lawrence, and Kansas City, when making tours for Foot Uall games. Please keep it in mind and see the City Ticket Agent at 1014 O Street. Francis Bros9 Capital Cafe 'HnMW 121 North 11th Street. Oysters, Fish, and Game, In Season. 15c MEALS OUR SPECIALTY, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Si vous avez ime ponction en votre band de roue, allez a le Lincoln Novelty Works, Wehn Zie eine Punktur in Ihre Radschiene haben, so gehen Zie nach dem Lincoln Novelty Works. Si punctionem in orbe rotae vestrae habeas, ad Lincoln Novelty Works concurre debeas. )' -r' G Fine Furniture For Fraternities 4..............j..,....j...,..........j...j.....j.........J..J.4..5. T $ r r z 41. -r 1 t ft ill I I BiBH t We have everything" necessary to make a house beautiful and com fortable. Bxamine our stock be fore buying. The A. M. Davis Co. HOUSE FURNITURE, 1112-11x4 O Street, HHH'W.HH"H Lincoln, Neb 4 raumwwuwi) wfriiwww(iWMBilMH)l