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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1900)
fcWMr - asi .fwaegSSa " w .( -. w5&r TO 2 The Nhbr ask an - HkspkriAn fe.i ' 'ITr " " ' Bu ' 1 il STATE FIELD MEET. The fourth annual intor-colleglate track and field meet will tako place on tho university campus next Saturday, May 19. Teams from four colleges besides tho university will compete. Eentrles are in from Doane, Wesloyan, Hastings, and Xork, and tho records of these colleges In their preliminary contest show that tho university nthletes will not have a walk away. After the con test Saturday tho team will ho picked to represent tho university at tho western intercollegiate meet at Chi cago June 2. Tho following are tho university en tries for the intercollegiate meet to he held on tho campus Saturday, May 19, 1900: 100 yard dash, It. D. Andreson; W. R. Heartt or W. E. Andreson. 220 yard, R. D. Andreson, Downer. SS0 yard run, Hewitt, I. P .Mantz. Mile run, Mantz, Tukoy. 120 yard hurdles, Heartt, Mouck. 220 yard hurdle, Heartt, Mouck. High jump, W. E. Andreson, Mc Comh. Broad jump, W. E. Andreson, Mc Comh. Pole vault, May .Kellogg. Discus, Brew, Wallace. 16 lb. hammar throw, Brew, Wallace. Shot put, Brew, Wallace. Stagg always has statements to mako. Tho untimely death of the now Midway organ of reform Is duo dirGctly to tho expressed dlscrotipn of the faculty and Indirectly to tho oxprosscd indiscretion of tho board of editors. For one issuo, that of Monday tho Dally Maroon did well, but on Tuesday tho maroon had faded to a shade of yellow moro pro nounced that that of tho Now York World. Tho leading article as an nounced in heavy headlines was en titled "Divinity Scandal" and related how a divinity student at tho Midway school had so far forgotten tho pre-j cepts of John D. Rockefollor as to on-j ter into a matrimonial engagement with a young university woman even while he possessed tho heart and promise of a damsel back homo In tho east. This exposition of tho perfldlty of the divinity student, altohugh in tended for the purification of Chicago morals is what brought tho Daily to grief. At a faculty conference at which the chief editors were the In vited guests, it was determined to in definitely suspend publication and leave the reform bureau In the hands of the subsidized city press. Cardinal. ORATORICAL CONTEST. The northern oratorical league con test was won by Percy Thomas of Northwestern with an oration. "The American Infamy," which vigorously denounced the lynchlngs and the mob law of the south. Clarence E. Mc Cartney of Wisconsin took second hon ors and George W. Maxey of Michigan third place. Iowa led the race for last honors and succeeded in retaining her old position. The officers of the league for next year are Joseph Loeb, Wisconsin, president; Bertram J. Nel son of Minnesota, secretary; C'H. Laartz, Iowa, treasurer. In the Inter state oratorical contest at Denver, WiUiam S. Westcott of Lawrence Uni versity, Wisconsin took first place; Paul Prosser of Central College of Mis souri, second; Francis A. Heald, Cor nell college, Iowa, third. I walked beside a Boston girl; She was a maiden full sedate; Wo talked about all animals, Herbivorous and vertebrate. No longer will I try to talk, And learned statements try to make; She blushed, and wept, and left me 'Cause I spoko about a garter snake. Yale Record. "No right; left." man can be more than half the other half is bound to be University Book Store UNTIMELY DEATH. The new University of Chicago dally "which made Its first public bow last Monday has discontinued publication. This action is not the result of finan cial difficulties for everything pon nected with the Standard Oil institu tion is a monetary success, nor is It the result of scarcity of news with which to fill the columns for A. Alonzo All Student's SUPPLIES Kept in Stock. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. University Bosk Co. ilain Building. MM 15 HOURS AND 10 MINUTES, LIMGOLM TO CHICAGO Via Thv Sst-Iittcttut, ...IS A GREAT SUCCESS... Josh Billings once said: "Never oppose a success." That is why you should use THE BURLINGTON ALWAYS ON TIME CITY TICKET OFFICE : BURLINGTON DEPOT: Cor. 10th and O Sts ....7th St, Bet P and Q.... Telephone 235. Telephone 25. You want the Finemt mm WO have it J 9 4IS C LARKS ON LAUNDRY s: COMPANY OS AS & m 330 332 334 -336 338 340 i ,. South Et&venth Stroot fa . . w School Will Soon Be Out GET n eflMERfl or SUPPLIES BEFORE Y0D GO HOME A KODAK will give you lots of fun this summer. V) O. E. OePUTRON 117 North Eleventh Street. When a Man Buys a Shirt he wants one that fits. The "Manhattan" is the best in the world J o J j J jft Ji We have them in all the newest effects. The B L Paine Clothing Store, The "Manhattan" Shirt, ' ' ' The Best Known J J Jt jt ji Known as ThBot i M 91 A "i " r'nrr