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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1900)
Tim Nehraskan-Hespkrian GRADUATE RECITAL. On May 22, Mr. Philip Hudson, n student of Mr. Honry Eamos, will glvo a piano recital for graduation at tho university chapol. Tho program is as follows: Beethoven Sonato. P. minor. Allegro Assni. Andante con moto. Allegro Presto. Schubert "Am Meer." "Du hist die Ruh." Brahms Rhapsodic. B minor No. 1. Slovoklng. Etude in E major (Tho Bee). Chopin. Berceuse. Op. 57. Wobor. "Invitation to tho Dance." NEBRASKA DEFEATED. Tho Missouri-Nebraska dobato was hold at Columbia, Missouri, last Fri day. Tho contest was qulto unsatis factory. It was Impossible to find men to serve as judges who could give an unbiased opinion. Tho two universi ties had negoclated regarding men to hear tho contest but failed to arrive at any conclusion. All of tho judges were not selected until tho evening of tho debate, and then Nebraska was forced to accept local men. The judges were Sam Cook, General Gatar, and Mr .Gentry, all local men and In sympathy with Missouri. Sam Cook is said to have had no further schooling than to tho seventh or eighth grade in the common schools. He has been chairman of the local democratic organization for several years and is known to be poorly qualified to judge the merits of a debate. He is reported to have said after the contest that Missouri won because she appealed to sentiment. General Gatar is a local attorney and for business interests would not be in clined to discredit Missouri. Mr. Gen try is also a Columbia man. He had served twice before in contests of this nature and gave his decision against Missouri. He very much disliked to serve as a judge, but circumstances forced it upon him. He stated to the Nebraska men just before the contest that he would not like to go against Missouri another time. The decision was given against Ne braska though the universal feeling was that Nebraska had more than held her own in the contest. Nebraska representatives were informed the morning after the contest that in private circles the Missouri students said they were fully equalled by Ne braska while some openly stated the same to Nebraska debaters . Under these circumstances Nebraska consid ers that she has been defeated only in name. to give up tho tournamont. Howovor ho Is now ondeavorlng to arrange mat tors that a tennis team may accompany tho Wisconsin team when they come hero to play next weok. Mr. Walsh in speaking of tho matter said, "It is very likely that a Badgor team can bo brought down, and tho re sulting tournamont would bo of much more interest to lovers of tennis than would a trial with Nebraska." Vidotto Reporter. Tho Omaha Commercial College lo cates moro stenographers, bookkeepers and tolegraph operators during tho year than all of tho other commercial and"' shorthand schools in the stato combined. This is duo to tho fact that its students aro thoroughly prepared In all departments for mercantile situations. DR. W. L. DAYTON, Dr. J. P. Williams, Assistant. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat. 1205 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. Residence 1310 0. St. Phone 242. Office 1100 O St. Phone 535. J. R. HAGGARD, M.D. Rooms 213 and 214 Richards Block. LINCOLN, NEB. Northwestern University .... Medical School The hijjli standard and progressive meth ods which have given this School its cu rable reputation Tor over thirty years are carefully maintained. For circulars of detailed information address the Secretary, DR. N. S. DAVIS, 2431 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. GOOD WORK POPULAR PRICES Students Especially Invited to Call. R. & e. BHRBER SHOP 1144 0 Street. GOVERNMENT INSPE6TION. Government Inspector General Boyle, lieutenant-colonel In tho twenty-first Infantry, inspected the cadet battalion last Wednesday . The battalion formed at 10 o'clock and marched to the cam pus. Dress parade and battalion re view followed the formation on the campus. - -After review ,the- battalion was formed in column of companies and Colonel Boyle Inspected the arms and equipment of tho cadets. Company drill followed the inspection. During the inspection and Company drill, the cadet band played BOveral selections. Cluett, Peabody and Company Makers of Monarch Shirts and Cluctt and Arrow brands Collars and Cuffs. "Correct Attire for Men" our fnh loo booklet will be cent to those oho ask. Address us care Stttlon U Chicato. Intercollegiate Bureau COTTRELL & LEONARD 472-478 Broadway Albany, New York Takers of the jCaps, Gowns, and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universi ties. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the puipit and the bench. NEBRASKA TOURNAMENT OFF. TUero will be no tennis tournament thief Spring between Iowa and Ne braska, at Lincoln. Blnce lost year, when the Nebraska team was brpught here, the Lincoln tournament bos been looked forward to by the local enthusi asts with much interest ,but, evidently for financial reasons, Nebraska is un ablo to glvo the return meet. ' Manager Walsh, after suggesting to the Nebraska management methods of -meeting the expenses, was compelled I t J eqidative $alhrn yW&i portrait and landscape 9kotcQrapker Callery Established 1871. 129 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln, Neb. Proud of Her Foot Hbb .i2&.HnBOCliEE?!EBaaj Any woman is when she gets it encased in a pair of our dainty and handsome Oxford Ties We have them in Hanna Patent Kid, Patent Calf, Rus sia, and Vici Kid, in the latest styles and finest qualities. They are the Shoe par ex cellence for Summer wear, keeping the foot cool and comfortable. Perkins & Phone 953 Sheldoil Gx 1129 O Street ZU University of Minnesota SA' College of medicine - niid Surgery The twelfth Annual Course of Lectures will commence on the 19th day of September, 1899, and will continue eight and one-half months. The course, is graded and covers a period of four years. Medical Hall, the Laboratory of Medical Sciences, the Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, and the Laboratory of Anatomy are situated upon the University Campus. The clinical opportunities afforded by the hospitals and dispensaries of Minneapolis and St. Paul are at the com mand of the College. For out-door clinical service a new clinical building has been built in a central location. For information address, DR. PARKS RITCHIE, DEAN UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MB1M1 imtn na ! .WM..9. W W .W -W . .1 .B. .1. .8. .8. .1. -- " " - The Hammond Typewriter Co. BRANCHES NEW YORK. 167 Broadway PHILADELPHIA. 33-35 S. is) til St. BOSTON, 300 Washington fit. KANSAS CITY, 17 West Ninth. ST. LOUIS, 310 N. 8th St. A WORK IN SIGHT Pi Home Offices and Factory, 403-405 fci. 62u St., NeV YORK BRANCHES CLEVELAND. 43 Arcade PITTSBURO, 247 -4th Ave. niNNEAPOLIS, 3 N. 3d St. LONDON,! BIRniNOHAM, CARDIFF, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. r 1 . CM To the Home Office and a Correct Man OenQ a SC OTailip of the World will be mailed to you. ' Via T t