The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 07, 1899, Image 7
THE HESPERIAN BIXBY'S RETREKT, tf r M r ji lL lT w Vr AN OPEN LETTER FROM BIX. To the Student Body, Individually and at Largo: Dear Body: If you should happen to see a youth, slender, sickly, wearing ague-colored shoes, iritated hosiery and rain bow tinted trousers, do not rashly conjecture that Lincoln, minus his bull-pup and corn-cob, has come again. Ho hasn't. It is simply the College Idiot, your titled gentleman of leisure, basking in the vernal sunshine. Jnst notice that low, receding forehead, those bulging eyes, that morbid, insinuat ing smile. Lincoln has come and gone as a thief in the dark, stilly night. Solah. Gaze about you, dear body, and behold the men who aspire to be even as he was. A certain Freshman, on sunny afternoons, arrays himself in gorgeous Knickerbockers, paid for by a doting father who wears overalls. Then the deah young man goes to the library and puzzles over McOlure's. Another fellow wears three pairs of heavy, woolen golf socks in order to transform a pair of spindle shanks into plump, well-rounded calves. This is all vanity, damfoolishness, and vexation of Profs. Dear Body, none but the College Idiot can be Ed. Henry's parallel. So Long, . Bix. Wo have the Now Spring Styles in tho best $3, $3.50 AND $5 SHOES on earth. One profit from factory to foot. WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1 043 O St. -gyp- ...imnr-TTiii ' """itfiTi i wtiiMiiiatesa- P. B. Weaver spent a week at home in Falls City. Sam B. Sloan spent a pleasant Easter at Logan, .Iowa. Students will do well to remember that Westerfiold is still in business at his old stand 117 N. 13th street. A banquet of the Alumni of the University residing in Chicago was held last week. Chancellor MacLoan was present and responded to the toast "My dear boys and girls at the front." Ex-chancollor Canfield responded to the toast ''When I rode in a caboose." Tho event was a very enjoyable one. The contest which will be held tonight'at Omaha, will no doubt, be an interesting one. Secretary Benedict has been working hard to get up a good party from the University. He expects to secure a party of about twenty-five. The delegates to the state convention are J. A. Maguire, F. L. Rain, R. L. Waterman, E. F. Warner, and F. E. Edgorton. All earnestly hope that our representative will secure first place. Already nearly all of tho states in the League have chosen their repre sentatives for tho inter-state contest which will be held here May 4. Iowa will bo represented by a man from Simpson college. Wo understand that tho students of that college ex pect to charter a car and attend the contest in a body. Ne braska must make this oratorical meet a success whether she is represented or not. Her honor and that of Lincoln is at stake. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE for "The Story of tho Philip pines." by Murut Halstcad. commissioned by the Government ns official Hlstorica to tho War Department. Tho book was written in army camps at Ran Franciscol on the Puclilc with General Merritt, in tho hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the Insurpcnt camps with Ajniinaldo, on tho deck of tho Olympia with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at tho fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents, urimrui or original pictures tunen iy government pnotograpners on me spot. iargo dooic. iow prices, nig proms preignt paiu. ureau given. Drop aw unofficial war books Street. Chicago Outilt free. Address H I trashy narber, Gen Mngr., 350 Dearborn 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjjjjTTa Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may .lulckly nscortatn our opinion free whether on Invention Is probably patentable Communion, tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sentfroo. Oldest neency for securing pntents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rocelvo tpeeUtl notice, without clinruo, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated wookly. Largest cir culation of any sclontltio journal. Terms, 13 a ronr: iour monins, ci. eoia uyau newsaeaicrs. &Co.36,Bd. New York Branch Office, C25 V BU Washington, D. O. ThjE Drop the White Man's "Burden iifcifcvto& and subscribe fcr a copy of flWAWAWAWAi SOMBRERO g Contains Stories, Poems, JHJf pictures of'all Athletic teams, iAWAV Fraternities, Societies,and As- lAWr,!', sociations, besides ail the latest ttMlAllAfo c- M- ROOT and 0. J. COLLETT MMlfcMMMfc Bus- Mgrs. Gags, and Roasts. OUT IN APRIL. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS. ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY ENVELOPES TO MATCH Besides our EleRant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, we have an immense stock of UCDV PUEID j FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY VERV PUPAD Vtni UntAr 1 envelopes, all sizes, printed to match r ?nl uncAr su.a,'iB33 Waterman 'Ideal" A Fine Present. See our new line. Oet one on trial STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225, North 11th St. n