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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
IRPm THE HESPERIAN hnbitants citizens? I hapo ndU I Wiink wot. They arc inilen&dly iff nonrwiit wnd till retoiifr im part thelir old Catinibailistlc natures. Wc, the petople, uve helpers. This may be a democracy but the people are mot irunnang it. Wc will hnvc jvo vote upon' 4t. This is am inoHncc in, wMitih I believe iiu a refcronirunu Wo ouglht to solve sudh problems by a direct vote d the people. Wc niro go'img' to nmmex them and treat them is Ilhtwaii is to be tieated s a territory. There will be an American governor and more or leisw ilodal liberty will be given. The few white men! will rule. The people will have nothing to do with it. Tihis may not be im har moniy with our theory of gn-verwrnent, but we know flint it is i common thiinlg in liistory for theory and practice not to go togctlhen At the close of our civil war, we gave all negroes suiTrwge. I am in elinted tb focMevc th'at we made a TnSstnike. I do not 'believe that wc will make the sahne mistake in. the Phil'ippines. Wc are going to rule these people and not on a civilization basis, cither. The religious problem will be a very difficult one. If there is any one tilling- Mint history h'as 'taught, it is that there arc different forms of roliigioni. The religion of the Anglo-Saxon differs from that of t!hc Uatini. The people of the Philippines arc nearer tihe Roman CnlthoTic ehiijcch than the protestant. Mwny of tlhe islands have never been comqucred. It will be our busi ness to conquer them and tJlihit is a now experience for the United States. The islands will never be in a position to become a part of tflie United Stmtcs. White men' will never go there io any great ex tent. The clnuiitc is too lio't. They may go as governors, but not as iivhnlbilbimta. You may say thnt t(hc colored' man is just as good ns the white mam but wc know lie rcpvcsenlis n lower iitc of develop ment. It will take centuries for tlhe people in the tropics to Teachi owr state of development and penhaps thoy will never roach it. We wilil have a republic ruling dependencies. T fintf EuTopeani his tory much easier to teaiah now than several months ago. Wc (have an object lesson right before us. Wc can now understand how Athens and Sparta aud Rome felt 'toward their dependencies. The Philippines form a side issue to the Chinese question. China is waking up. A while ago it looked ns though China would 'be divided up, but so many nations wmnltcd a piece of her that they couldn't agree. The great Chinese nation., with its unnumbered millions, will be open U trade. The people of America propose to have their sharrc of this trade. The chief underlying reason for this rusfh of the nations toward Ohina is to obtain markets. Economically it is a life and (tenth struggle. We are overproducing. Capital is cheap and' lying idle. Tnteres't keeps dropping. People arc saving and they want in vestments tliat will give 10, 15, 25 per cent. This thing was all ready to "burst, when 'the war furnished an opportunity,. The colonial empire of Spain has been swept aiway, and we have become a world power. There is an clement of uriiversial' 'history in our own war 'history. Never Iwfore as today was there a world history. It seems as though the struggle has 'become that of the English speaking peoples againtst all the rest of the peoples of the civilized world. That was a, joke fifty years ago, but it is serious now. Pre vious to this struggle England and America, had been drawn togtcher. The reason, Russia, Prance and Germany caused us no more trouble, was 'because England said, "Hands off." There has bccni for years a steadily growing sentiment in England for closer relations with Am erica. This means that Hit- world is progressing. It is one of the tendencies of history thnt grcatter federations, greater aggregations of peoples should be formed. Tailors are Making wfB SUN firs 0L0O1 Vfc 0B3AOI More Heavy Weight Serge Suits This Season Copyright 1898 by The Steln-Bloch Co. Than anything else. Wo know that Serges would have a big call long boforo thoy did and bought accord ingly. Wo are therefore able to show many styles and qualities in tbis fachionablo fabric in ROUND OUT SACK DOUBLE BREASTED SACKS SQUARE CUT SACKS AND FROCKS Some of those Suits are silk faced, others faced to to the button hole, others perfectly plain, while some have double breasted vest. Suits are made by Hart, Schaffnor & Marx and Stein Bloch Co., which is a guarantee of thoir goodness. Prices, $12.50, $18.00, $20.00. Akhstkohg CLoraiiiG Co.. 1013 to 1019 O Street. J. H. PETTIT THE SHOEMAKER, $2.00 In vuluo for $1 00 cash, A A Waterman's Fountain Pons. Guaranteed to glvo Has moved his shoP to x439 O, on south side of street, and will be glad to oee. satisfaction. Call at HANNA'S DRUG STORE, Cor 14th and Osts. old customers, also new ones. o1 iBB iHKflH GIVE US' A TRIAL, FRANCIS BROS., Capital Cafe 121 North 11th Street. OPEN ALL NIGHT .&.U? THE I5G MEALS. (SUA SPECIALTY. Lincoln News Agency 119 "No. 12th Street, Students will find Daily Papers, Magazines, News, Etc CIGARS AND TOBACCO. TURKISH. Candy Kitchen, For Fine, Home-Made CANDIES. 1321 0 Street. STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE MEN' S .SHOES, NONE BETTER REGENTS' $3.50 UNIVERSITY $3.00-1030 0 STREET.