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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
r . h2-.i- im - HMMHMMiK? flfgNftp 'sTSgygSr I THE HESPERIAN jl f 1 , 1 f The Students' Supply Store is open at 11 hours. Gardner's Tailoring Co. ore aid righlb. Cor. 11th and 0. Ilcmcunibcr the Stiudentts' Supply Store is open at. all hours. Regents' Shoes for men direct from factory; one profit? $:.00 hand welter. ( Rebartes -to srtndenlts on watches, jewelry and repairing, 1140 0 kU, D. T. Smith. Board reduced to $2.00 a week at the Brick Block Boarding- Olub, 320-322 N ltJh. s The Delia.ii society has (begun ireparations for the celebration of its tenth hirth'duy. Studente' Oo-opcra'tave Book Co. eon saw you money if you wish to become a member. European, Anneracan and English history oivtlSnes only at the Stu dwnts' Supply Store. Studtentts Co-opciratOve Book Co., removed from baeemenlt of Uralver sity to 225 North 1 lth sU Free use of bicycle foot pump at the Students' Supply Store. Bicy cle suplies ait reduced prices. Ohas. ITenfly, 'OS, is as yet undecided whether to take up graduate work or to opcuid "' time raising corn. The Gardner Tailoring" Co. will close their men's FurniJhing Goods outt at cost to make room for cloth. Gardiner's Suiitoriimi com press and rejxiir elothirhg. Suitls pressed 50c, pantts 15e. Cor. llltili and 0. Phono 708. Kingsbury, one of the Wesleyan foot ball players, has entered' the University and is noAv practicing wilth the team. Ed Piper, Gny Cooper and Frank Martin were initialed last Saturday night as memibers of the Alpha Theta Chi fraterniity. Studeoiitft wall do well to rememiber that Wcsterfield is yet in (busi ness, at 'Wis did stand, 117 No. 13th. Txvtest styles in hfcur cut. AVe keep only high grade goods for supplies to all University de paritimem'tis. Tt pays to buy only the bes't. Students' Oo-opena.taVe Book Co. The University Sunday school class of St. Pawl's M. B. ehurch, lVvs leen reorganjized1 this year, and will again liave Dr. Sherman as lec turer. It is reported tfliait tlhe class in- Muciheth will vote umamimoualy for a production of that play hv Modjesku when slie visits Lincoln October 13th. D. M. Davis, '97, well knewn in Christian association work, will go this year to Allegheny, Pa., whore he oxpeotKi to spend the year in -theological Htmdyu Miss Jennie Obroin, for tdip past two years a student in the scientific department of 1lhc University, is now studying in the state Normal school of Etmporia, Kas. The fenior class will 'hold i meeting for the election of offieew Thursday afternoon. Several tick cits are in the field and much wire pulling is indulged in. The UnivensTty Atliletic nssociattion will hold an important meeting next Siarttordny. Tt is possible tliat the old association will 1e dissolved and a new one formed. Harry F. Gage, '98, -who was for some time artist for the Evening Ncwh of this city, hah enteTed tJie Pratt Art "institute at Brooklyn, "N. Y., where lie will study tlhe coming year. The Brick Block Boarding dlub i giving 'the best board for $2.50 a week. Try it, .Tustt seeon'di door south Conservnitory. Roper & Funk, solicitors at the Student?' Supply Store. Ed' Hager, '98, was shaking hands with old friends Monday even lug. He 5 intending to take Senior Inw, so his smiling countenance will 1e een among ilhe old familiar faces. E. A. Moore, '98, started Septeinlyer 22 for Boston, io begin a three years' course itn the Iheol'ogueal seminary there. He expected urotil recently to retiuum here for graduate work. Jesse TL Holmes, '94, and wife, returned last month from a European tour lasting aill summer. Mr. Holmes has resumed his work at profes sor of sciences in the George school, Newtown, Pa The Gardnei Tailoring Co. are all right. So. W. Cor. 11th and 0. Gardner's Suitorlum clean, press and repair Clothing. Suits pressed 50c; pants, 15c, So. Wetet Cor 11th and 0. Phone 708. The mass meelting of students announced for ThHirsduy in order to select some memhens fromi the student body to serue on the commit tee of tlhe new University hook store, was postponed imdieifinStely owing to the death of Mr. Skinner, superintendent of the schools of Nebraska City, IND What you want and you will wear what you find at the PAINE & WARFEL'S CLOTHING STORE.. They keep the best Makers of Officers' and Cadets' Uniforms. 1136 O Street. ! toui2SR4 I! .gL mnjfr OUR STUDENTS 30 SHOES Are the Best on earth for the money. WSEE them before buying. aud $3.50 ggn 1213 mm-0 1213 OCX "Erorr, . o STREET. sK" 3T0fty STREET !bdl5 The Brand Hotel. W. C. FLEURY, Prop. Exceptional accommodations for Banquets, Parties and Dancing. Special Rates to Students and their Friends of $1.50 Per Day. COR. TWELFTH AND Q, LINCOLN, P. A. & YL. J. ATvfDeiSOrJ, 1236 O STREET. " Have a full line of Ladies' and Men's Footwear. Our $3 and $3.50 Shoes ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, mi 1239 O STREET. JEHJWJWlW