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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1896)
The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL n, 1896. No. 13. The Hesperian. ssued pemi-tnontbly by the Hesperian Association of the Univer sity ol Nebraska. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) ... $1.00 Onecopy, one semester ..... .CO Advektisino Rates on Application. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian inter esting to fonder students. Please send us your subscriptions. 4VSubscriptionson our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, Uuivemity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. O. H. ALLEN ASSOCIATES H. E. NEWBRANCH. P. H. THOMSON E. F. PIPER CLINT M. DARR -J. W. SEARSON C. E. MATSON -E. A. MOORE J. F. BOOMER - L. J. ABBOTT, Jr., J NED: C. ABBOTT f Editor-in-Chief Editorial Literary Literary Athletic Local Local . Local Alumni Business Managers. EDITORIAL. A lakob number of University studonts attended the state oratorical content, They went to Crete shouting for Mr, L'inkerton. They hoped lie would win. Thoy would not be loyal University students hud they not thoy were honestly disappointed whou the decision was announced, but defeut was accepted gracefully, Doane, however, is not content with in dulging in a little just solf congratulation. She must bo-little her opponent, The long waited for time has come, and Doane thinks she has an opportunity to avengo a long list ofi.grievancca. The opportunity is made, the most of, and the spleen that has been accumulating for years, she gives vent to. The Doano Owl, after lavishing a pro fusion of praises upon Mr. House and his oration, proceeds to atone for the supposed' grievences of Doane. This is the way it does it: "Thero ore sometimes to bo seen in the U. of N. student publications contemptuous flings regarding the infant Douiio'b inability to cope with the 'big man' U. of N. "So long as tho Stato University exhibits as the consumato flower of hor literary asporations. productions like that of Mr. Pinkertons, she need never sigh for other worlds to conquor. 'The South and tho Race Question' is a decided literary failure; it lacks unity; it is composed of jerky, dis connected sentences; it abounds in harsh ingrHmmaticisms; startling illogical state ments, and evident untruths." Gun anything like tho above be found in the annals of journalism in tho University of Nebraska? Wo have never been able to produco such a piece of criticism. With such language wo have nevor consigned an opponent to the utterly bad, In two sentences Doano has oclipsod us in "contemptuous flings" as woll as in oratory. The whole account is bad enough, coming from Doano, as it does, but what was our surprise whon wo tumod to tho front pogo and saw that II, 0. House was Editor-in-' Chief of tho "Owl." This is the" way ho sounds his own trumpot. This is tho flnoBt oxampo of ogotism we have soon. Mr. Iiouso, it is too bad that you wore not permitted to vanquish a foo moro worthy' of your steel. Would it not -havo sorvo'd' your purpose bettor to have made it appear thut'you had won in a contest wlioro thoro wore orations?' n