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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1896)
10 THE HESPERIAN I Miss Maragot'Q'Oonnoll 'Imb returned to her classes after a weed's illness. "We are sorry to hoar that Miss Kittie Shackolton is confined to her rooms by sickness. Dr. Cord spoke at Geneva last week before the farmers institute. Otto Meier is preparing a paper for the journalism class on the government of the University. Students! Do you know that you ought. to have your pictures taken? The Elite Studio is still ready to give you the best work at the lowest prices. 220 South 11th street. Students! You should know that Ode Rector's soda fountain has started full-blast. "Wihidh will you have, hot or cold. 0. A. Fisher has boon appointed assistant in the Geological department. 'Overheard in Fling's Europoan history class. Student commenting on a quotation from Thucydides: "This shows the heart lessness of the Democracy in putting a man to death during his absonce." All students expecting to attend the con test at Doane are requested to moot Thurs day evening in the chapel to practice songs and yells. The P. G. D. C. mot on Friday evening with full attendance. The dobators wore Miss Bullock and Miss Smails. They gave a very interesting discussion of Phi Batta Kappa. Mr. Wilson has left the city so the Parliamentary drill will be discontinued for 'the present. E. K. Guthrie, 1540 0 street, the reliable biqyclo man, can mond your wheel in rihort 'order and the right way. If you want a Rambler call on him thcyh'o the best ODho iprofs. all ride 'em. Any student who expects to make up work at the Lincoln Normal University can (save money by seeing the managers of this ipapor. The twelfth annual session of the South western Nebraska Educational Association will bo hold in the chapel Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Some very prom inent educators will speak. The Delta Tau Delta fraternity gave an informal dance last Friday evening at their chapter house, 435 north 25th street. MiBs Dempster gave a party Saturday night in honor of Miss Ashbrook who is "visit ing her. The Misses Dempster and Ash brook were teachers at Geneva last year. N. S. Ilarwood, president of the First National bank will address the Political Economy club Wodnesday evening on the subject "Clearing Houses and IBank Oloar- ings J5 Chancellor McLean spoke at Friend last week. His subject was "Education in Ne braska and its Advantages." Thad. Williams of Fairbury visited ihis son W. L., a student of the law school, !last week. Chancellor McLean will give an address at the commencement oxorciBor of the Cotner University Medical College which will occur at the Funko March 18. The English club gave a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, corner 16 and S streets, to Prof. Herbert Bates. A largo bottle of rod ink and a pen, drapod tin black wore presented to the Professor indi cating the regret of his departure. The many friends of Miss Lulu Burrows will bo sorry to learn that she has loft'fhe University for the romaindor of the year. She is to teach in a school near Filley, her former homo in Gage county. Miss Burrows will be greatly raissod in the University as she has been active in student enterprises of all kinds. She waB one of the literary editors of the Hksi'eician, and was also president Y. "W. 0. A. "We are sorry to see Miss Burrows go, and will be glad to welcome her back next fall.