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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1895)
The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. voir xxiv. LINCOLN, NEBARSfcA, JANUARY i$ 1895. No. 7. j,"i- v V ' The Hesperian. RELIEF FOR THE STARVING. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. LEO C. SMITH, - - Managing Editor ASSOCIATBS H. E. NEWBRANCH, - - Editorial FLORA BULLOCK, - - - Literary NED C. ABBOTT, - - - - Athletic GRACE GUY THOMPSON, - - Alumni W. T. ELIRE, .... Local STELLA DTJCKER, - , - e - Local KATHARINE MELICK, - - Local WM. AXLING, .... Exchange L. J. ABBOTT, Jr., Business Manager 1 11 r 1 1 1 " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance') - - J1.00 One copy, one semester ..... .60 Advertising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian inter-' estinu to fonder students. Please send us your subscriptions. J95TSubscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. DIRECTORY. DELIAN SOCIETY. Prest., W. H. Forsythe. Sec'y, Nellie West PALLADIAN SOCIETY. Prest., Etta Grav. Sec'y, Grace Guy Thompson UNIVERSITY UNION. Prest., Olivia Pound. Sec'y Mr. McGuffy Y. M. C. A. Prest., C. R. Welden. Sec'y. A. N. Moody Y. W. C. A, , Prest., Stella Loughridge. Sec'y, Ella McCrosky DEBATING ASSOCIATION. Prest., H. W. Quaintance. Sec'y, Ned C. Abbott ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Prest., Sidney White. Sec'y, Ralph Johnston The Hesperian is glad to note the move ment ' originated by the student body and joined in by the faculty, for the University to provide relief, so far as lies in the power of so poverty stricken an institution, for the starving citizens of Western Nebraska. The movement has boon taken up, with out exception, by the various colleges, and universities in and around Lincoln, andprom ises abundant success. The suffering in the West is something awful; the thought of women and children lying at the door of death because of a want of 'the bare necessi ties of life is certainly enough to move every student to contribute all the aid he possibly can. It is to be sincerely lipped that all who" have not already given to 'the extent of their ' ability will do so at once. This, fellow students, is an appeal to the humanitarianism of the University. Let us moot it in such a way that we, at least, can not be accused of parsimony.. Let it never' be said that the withered and emaciated hand' of hunger was ever stretched to us in a vain plea for bread. Lot us meet this doman'd and meet it nobly. It is much hotter to know that your quarter will be expended for bread for a starving mother than to know that it has gone into the pocket of the next eminent tragedian or comedian who holds forth at the Lansing. Stay away from the show, dis pense, with that now tie, go without your dinner if you must, but in the name of hu-. manity, in the name of your solf esteem, give something to people who are starving. -