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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1893)
v St .s ; THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 16, 1893. No. 17 THE HESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by the Hrspf.rian Association of the Univer. sity of Nebraska. W. CATHER; Managing Editor ASSOCIATES. G. F. FISHER Editorial G I. BABCOCK Literary S. C. ABBOTT Literary W. E. KIRK Alumni J. A. LUNN Athletic B. C. MATTHEWS Exchange MYRTLE BARNES Local adain Mcmullen local C. L. TALLMADGE ....Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) .$1 00 One copy, one semester 60 Advetising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper ian interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. "Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hespeian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL. It is with great regret that wo learn that the salaries of some of the older members of the faculty have been considerably dimin ished. It seems to us almost unfair to cut the salaries of the faithful professors and officers who have given their lives to the University and its welfare, when money is freely expended upon various miscellaneous additions to the faculty whose duties are too trivial to mention, and whoso deportments are such in name only. It is as thoagh Ox ford should lower the salaries of Lang and Muller to provide valets and French chefs for the Dons. If money were plenty the situation would bo different, for then wo might have all the pleasant things of life without slighting what is more necessary. But when there is a library suffering for more books, underpaid professors doing two men's work, and worst of all, some of the most respected and faithful of the old university employees working on diminished salaries, does it not seem that e 7en such almost nec essary luxuries as extensive manual training and gyrmasium departments should be han dled very cautiously? All these now, novel, and very expensive things that have been added to the university in the past few years are certainly both useful and ornamental, but are they either to such a degree as to warrant them to cramp in any way the more import ant and essential departments of the institu tion? It is hardly fair that these pleasant new faces we see among the faculty and em ployees should make us forget or neglect the old faces of men and women who have labored so earnestly for us ever since we have been here, who labored long before we came here, who have stood by the university in the times that tried men's souls, and who have made it what it is. These old fixtures are our clas sics, and we may laugh at them and berato them day in and day out, but in our hearts we love them all the same, and nothing new can ever taks their place. Some of the new departmental ventures savor altogether too much of boarding schools and military academies, where people send their indolent and unmanageable children to be amused and looked after. Now the state's idea of education is very rigid, and it does not agree to amuse or look after any one, but only to provide instruction in science, clas- '. Jl 'iSWl v. . .vl V !''