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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1898)
THE NEBEASKAN. A WooMy JsVwbikiim.t Iiwucd ISvory Friday Noon by lihc University Publishing Association, Entered lis Second Ulnss Mall Matter. Geo. L. Towne. .Managing lid 1 tor M. I. Stewart Kdl'tor News Dcpt. John T. Summer. ...AHwoolute Editor Kdgiir II. Clark Associate I'Jdtoor A. A. HIscholT Associate Editor A. M. Hull Cartoonist Edgar Crniulb Editor Locatt l)cpU Ct ra'o .lhcll I Ha u Acwoola'le Edli tor George HurtuiM t Associate Editor 31. 1). Andreson Assoelnte Editor CHiftoti Harr Associate Editor V. W. Itrown Associate Editor P. E. Clement... Editor Alumni Dcot Tho Nobrnsknn will be soivt to any address upon receipt of the BUb&crip tlon price, which Is one dollar a year. Contributions are solicited from all. News Items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings, etc., are especial ly desired. 'Phe Nebrnskan will be glad to print any contribution rela tive to a general university subject, but the name must accompany all eueh. Address all communication to the i Nebru&kan, University of Nebraska. turcH were not attested by a notary. It, came addressed to the Nebraska!! Publishing Co., care George 15. Ma 1cnu, George 1. Towne or the "ling," and Is as follows: Manila, l 1., Oet. 1, 1808. Greetings from the V, of N. Ambas sadors to the Philippines. Up to the present date we have avoided all POH E1GN ALLIANCES. May the U. S. do likewise. (Signed.) . .1. lllTNI'ING, W. .1. X. ltOliERTSON, ltUAOTON 11HAODY, C. 11. KOCHON, GEO. W. ,11)1511, WA1IM5U COMSTOCK, HICHAM) ,1MES, EUGENE P115KCI5. I. It. ltOMEHTSON, 15. V. CITKT1N, II. II. WESS15I.. I). C. 1IAU,. AUtEUT (1AMNOEU, I1JA KE1.1-OGG. PE15Y X. .II5WETT, E. a. ru.i.siunt, C. C. TEU.ESEN, It. M. PAYX15. It. ,1. WOOD. 15. C. 1U5STE11. Can't swear as to the others, Have not seen them on the subject. Xo li cences Issued as yet, however. The railroads have not as yet ,iu nouneed a rate or at leant hud uov when the Xebmskun went to jhvw, but surely they will not be so short sighted as to fall to do so In time for the game. 1'nlvorsity students are not in the best of spirits as a result of the failure to make rates to Law rence. A failure to make a rate for the Thanksgiving game would seem to Indicate tnnt the railroads care very T.ttle for bnsincss even when it is retain. Thursday the Thanksgiving game will be played at Council lllnuV. Phe hundred students ought to go from Lincoln to cheer the boys to victory. There ought also to be some good songs written for the occasion and a thorough organiatln ell'eted so that the rooters will not be scattered and their work ineffectual. The suggests that there be a mass meeting in chapel Wednesday morning after the exercises and that all who intend to go with the team be there to prn tiee songs and yells and appoint leaders, livery aluinn' who properly appre ciates what the I'niverslty has done for him ought certainly to be willing to contribute of his substance ten dol lars to nld in securing for the Univer sity the lnagniilcent organ which Mie alumni eonunitlee proposes to pur chase. This is one of the best Instri inents of its kind anywhere and will be wortli far more than it will cost to the University and Lincoln. We who have received so much from the foster ing care of the University should be willing to sacrifice even to add this little to it. The Ames college paper, speaking of the treatment accorded their football team, says: At Nebraska especially did they find a royal reception. Every one connect ed with the institution from tilie Ohnu ceDor of the great University to the janitors of the halls, did all' in their power to manifest a irenerous feeling towards our boys. When one of our men was quite seriously injured, lie found his surroundings of such com fort as he could hnve looued for no where else outside of home. The Chnneellor sent him a bo of flowers, and all vied in ministering to his com-for. The Nebrasknn is exceeding loath to have to disagree with one so venerable and one m manifestly a friend to lie University as is General Thayer. How. ever, it cannot pmss without brief no tice his criticisms of the political or ganizations of the University. In the opinion of the writer, Uehcrsity com munities are altogether too much In-cllnt-d tn u-ct away from the practical affairs of life. The political club is one means of correcting this fault. It fur nishes a medium through which the student can be Interested in topics if current interest. It is through politi cal diseuwdon that one part of Hhe real world Is made manifost. and surely if University training is wortli any thing at nil the student ouglit nt leant to bo wtll qualified to study and weiv'i these questions. If Geo. Fred Wil liams talks nonsense, as the general intimntcs, none will be quicker to dis cover it than students. Hut by rll means let him say what lie has to say and tlrat, too, at the invitation of a students' TSimettalle club if need be. The Nobraskan is just in receipt of a short communication from the Phil ippine islands. Tl contains what we are very sure will prove welcome and reassuring news to a very considerable r-art of the University community. Tt is l curious little document, but per ficth an'hcntic, though the signa- UNIV15HSITY 1USK15T HALL TEAM. The University ltasket llnll team m.'t last Thursday and unanimously elect ed W. 15. Amireson captain. The team began playing together nt once and showed up well for the amount of practice it has had. The members of the team are W. 15. Andreson, C. M. Storey, M. S. Moore, Benedict and 11. 1). Andreson. There are not a Tew promising eardldale-. CorteJyou, who played on lae uninnn i. m. v. . team last vear is a promising candi date. Morton. Walker, .Smith. Urillltii. lllooniingdale, Clinton and Hall ire playing hard for places. The game promises to be even more popular th.m last year. Til 15 FOOTHALL VAUDEVILLE. Arrangements bine been completed which Insure the production of a vaud eville show for the benefit of football. It will be given in the chapel at an carlv date In December and an array of talent is promised that will sur prise old-timers. K. 11. Mauley ind i! R Mu,.lW have the affair in clianre and their evperince In college min strels will enable them to put a star performance on the boards. Resides some of the faces which nave become familiar to University audiences be hind burnt cork in the last two years a number of freshmen hnve been dis covered whose turns would do credit to Omaha's Trocadero. There will be music, ragging, popular songs, topical songs, cake-walks, gags and local hits till vou can't rest. There will be sc mlnders and take-offs of the exposi tion Midway. There will be a ventrilo quist turn of the first clnss, something entirely new in trick club swinging, and two big special acts entirely unique on the vaudevolle stage. Don't fall to sft. the college vnudcvilllun. Wwk &W3 (Iff PI K Jill DON'T Put Yourself Out of the pleasure of eating your Thanks giving dinner in one of the Swell Suits from our great up-to-date stock. Blue Worsted and Serge Suits, plain and silk 1 faced $7.50 to $12.00. Nobby Styles in Scotch Suits, $7.50 Suits reduced to $4,95. Special Thanksgiving Drives in furnishings. Oxford Mufflers, pure silk, padded, reduced from $1.00 to 50c. Up-to-date Neckwear, all styles, 25cand 50c. Gloves, Underwear, .Caps and everything from hat to shoes at factory prices. THE HUB Wa0 104-106 North Tenth Street. M O "Maurer" Mandolins and Guitars Estates are UASKFr HALL. Teams have been chosen from each of the gymnasium classes and a schel ule of games has been arranged to de cide the school championship. The members of the University team will not be allowed to compete in th.' ' contests. The men disqualified are . 15. Andreson, Story, 15. D. Andreson, M. S. Moore, Hcnedict and " odcr. The schedule begins tonight with a game between the eight o'clocu .ind the three o'clock classes. No admit tance will be charged to these game-. Everyone should come out and che-r for their favorites. The schedule is is follows: November 21 v- Novembr 2.s ' x s- November HO s v- ;' December xs; :j December T ' vs ' Decembtr IS ; Vs- 5 December 14.. Winners vs. Uni. leant A schedule between the three col lege teams, Wesleyan, Donne and the University, lins neen jm-iuhimmi. , lias not been submitted to the teams. The schedule will be printed as soon , as arranged. ' i Heotcli thrift U commeinonitcd in the caps worn by the presidinig of ficer tit tihe gniduntlon exorcises ot the universities of Edinburgh and of St, Andrew's. At the former cap ( Is made out of tin- Mat of an old pair nt !, lironnlwM Hint OI1CC beloiltrwl tO Oeo. lluehannn. while the later makes'! ue of a cast-off pair of John Ino s Frof. Chlene. Fresldent of the lloyal Col'et'e of Surgeon, nt 15 Hnburgih, Is j authority for tbe tatement. ' 1 JH'HB Hi'wSk J ViJAVH BR'Chz feij 1 wrsrr7 i-iw. Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Examine the Policy of tho Now England Mutual. Tho Values are as definite as those endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has been Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOJBJLB, Mgr., Phone 328 room 10. rnopL oo 1(M1 Q STREET Before After IviSbMI sxr,4 i,, n t mit i S.V WA W i SSRI4- ' ' 13 2cr-&liYlZ T i.TOyNU. nnzyjrtui? t'las: BHbSSs yjffip aro tiio beat instruments on tho market. Workmanship, Finish, Tone and Correctness of Scale are equally superior. Sole Agents: WE USE The Fay Patent Saw Edge Machine NO SAW EDGE ON COLLARS AND GUFFS, EVANS LAUNDRY CO. Laaies ' HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. LapeS Jackets Quality Rather Than Quantity. President Eliot ol Harvard, says : "Tho Intermit lonul Is a wonderfully com lHiotMoifliuiiKjot'iicc'iirnto Information." Furs 'Phe oriran fund U iwrwwinir mp- idlv. The Alumni in the Illtfh teliool hnve contributed n Inindral doli'aiv and about $1,000 has been received ;.l ready. Lnft Sunday evening Dean Sherman spoke at tflie Firmt Coiiirrefjatlorinl liuri'h on "0hritlnnity and Litera ture." Th'is was one of a series of lecture to be given n' tJint cliurch. I' We give you a very earnest In invitation to visit our Cloak and Suit Department. We are showing an assortment In Cloaks. Fur Col larettes and Suits, which we think surpasses that of all other Lincoln stores combined. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY i Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI-P ILL Cures Nervous Ills, Con'sttpntlon DvspcpMn. HIIIoushosk Norv DH8 IUh nnd Pill IIal.1t. Action not followed bv costlvciiess Doutit lt Trv It. SnmploN froo DriiifRlKtB asc. or a dress Antl-IMII Co , Lincoln, Nc 1). Pree Advisory Dent, lor Patrons. Best for the Household. Words arc easily found. Pronunciation is easily ascertained. Meanincs are ; easily learned. The growth of words is easily traced, and excellence of aualitv rather than superfluity of quantity char- 6 actertzes ns every department. 2rHlicciMcn vauea et on cwvllcalton to G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass. 0-OOOOOOOOOOOCKXM00 and Suits. miLLERcfe PAINE. IT IS THE "STYLE J And "QUALITY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio i That make them famous. All on ground floor, 226 So. 11th St.