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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1898)
. i c g j t i 1 THE NEBRASKAN. Vol. VII. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NOVEMBER 21, 1808. Pkiok 5 Cknts. NEBRASKA ADDS TO HER VICTORIES lifSSSS! A NEW FRATERNITY IN NEBRASKA against the wind ami Nebraska got uaij-iviui l ill i J l-M w l VJi VI L The Colorado State University and Denver Both Defeated By the Western Champions. DETAILS OF THE TWO GAMES LAST WEEK Folmer, Benedict and Others Add New Laurels to Their Al ready Brilliant Records. Boulder, Col., Nov. 17. One of the hardest fought games over seen on a Boulder gridiron was played between the elevens of tiho Statu University of Colorado and tho Nebrnskas today. Tho score was 23 to 10 in favor of the latter. Tho game was a good nu tured contest from bgelnning to end free from slugging- and fights. The University of Colorado played its strongest game this year and proudly boasts of the largest score that has been made on Nebraska 'by any team this season. A rather strong, eold wind from the west did not prevent the Bouldor enthusiasts from, attend ing in force and from 2 o'cloek, when the business houses ot thu city closed their doors, to 2:45, when time was called, there was ono continuous stream of humanity from the city to (iambic flelld. The visitors practically outclassed the 'home team in weight. The men in the line averaging over 20 pounds more to the man. During over hair the game, however, tho weight did not seem to avail and Boulder went, through the line at will. A strong wind at their backs and .a slight slope in the field of the Co'.oradoans a slight advantage in the first ihalf, nn ndvnntge which, added to their su perior weight gave the visitors the game In the second half. TFE TiTNE UP. Boulder won the toss jmd took the west goal with the wind at their backs and gave the Nebrnskans the kick olT. Swcnters were pulled at 2:45 and the teams lined up ns follows: Merton 'hit tackles for gains of two yards each and then Rogers wns pushed over the line for a touchdown. Chase missed an easy goal. Score, Nebraska 0, Colorado 5. The visitors kicked to Merton, who ran from tho live to the twenty-five ,nwl line. The ball was juggled ami made a beautiful run of 2:i yawls around left end and only stopped when 'he went over the side lines. Tho ball was taken in 15 yawls and Merton punted 10 yawls. Nebraska hurled it back .vo yards. Moulder lost 10 yawls on an off-side play, but gained the ball In the next scrim mage. Merton punted nine yawls and Chase got the ball. I huso 'punted 2(5 yawls and tho ball was brought back 10 yards. Benedict ran 10 yawls around loft end but was tackled and dropped the ball. McMurray scooed It up and carried it back ten yawls, nut in turn dropped it When tackled. Tackles were tried by the visitors for gains of two and a half, one und one- COLOltADO. Chase, r e O. Garwood, r. t Arnett, r. g .... Woleott, c II. Garwood. 1. g Hogarty, 1 t .... NEBRASKA. . .1 c Licbmau .1. t.. PiMsbury . .1. g., Hansen ....c, Mel ford . .r. g Turner t Kingsbury Rothwell, 1 e r. e., Brew Joe llogers, c ., rnin McMurray, r. h 1. h., Polluter John Hogers, 1. h r. h.. Benelict Merton, f. b f. b.. Erwin The following acted as oltieials: Umpire, M. T. Swart.; referee, II. P. Gamble; linesmen, Messrs. Yost and Lamsou; time Keeper, George Hay. Umpire and referee exchanged offices in the second half. TSrwin kicked to Ohase who caught the pigskin on Boulder's 25-yawl line and ran back five yawls. Itogers went live yawls through tackle and the Boulder rooters howled with delight. The ball was fumbled in the next, plav and a Nebraska man fell on it, with a loss of two yawls to Boulder. Ne braska lost one yeard on an end play, thanks to Itotlrwell, then made one yawl through the line. They next tried a quarter back kick but Chase wtsi.s too iilek for them and got the ball. McMurray went one yawl around right end ami John Itogers hit left tackle for four yawls. In the next piny the ball was lwpped. Ohase scooped it up but dropcd it when tackled. Arnett fell on the spnroid. The ball was passed 'back for a punt but kings-bury broke through the line and blocked the kick causing Boulder to lose the ball mid1 fifteen yawls Benedict went through lelt tackle for 18 yards. One more buck nnd Bene dict carried the ball over for the first touchdown. Melfowl kicked goal. Score, Nebraska C, Colorado 0. On the succeeding kick-off Chase sent the oval "between the visitors' goal posts. Nebraska made a touoh bnek and Erwin kicked off from the 25-yawl line to the 45-yawl line where Rogers caught the ball amd ran 13 yawls. The Boulders pounded the tackles for gains of two, our, five nnd four yawls, but McMurray dro"--1 the ball when tackled anil Nebraska fell on it. Polltmer tried right end for gains and1 left tackle for one ynrd. Benedict failed' to gain around left end and it was Boulder's ball on the lfi yard line. McMurray made gains of four, four and' one yard over left tackle. At this point the NTe broskans kicked on Boulder's ends back formation, but the umpire over ruled their objections. Bogers and Mio nan. I'oiiiner nit tackle tor gains of three and one yawl and then went through a big hole on the tight side of center for a long run and a touch down. ICrwlii kicked goal. Colorado punted to Nebraska's 30 yawl line. The ball was juggled and II. Garwood got It on the 15-yuwl line. Garwood hit tackle and guard for two gains of two and a half yards each. Merton hit the same hole for seven yards and then carried the ball over for a touchdown. Chase missed an easy goal. Score, 12 to 10. Nebraska kicked the ball over Moulder's goal line. Ohase punted to the 55-yawl line and the ball was car ried back 10 yawls. Tackles were tried by Nebraska for two and a half yawls ami no gains and then Erwin punted 15 yards. 'Hie ball was on the 25-yard line wiiciv Nebraska tried' a Princeton kick but failed. Chase punted from the 25-yawl line to the center of the field. Benedict was given the tall and with splendid inter ference went .13 yawls around left end. Tackles wore tried for jiius of 21 yards. Erwin was pushed across the line for a touchdown. B kicked goal. T1IK PRINCETON GOAL. kicked to Nebraska's flve- yawl line and the ball was brought back 32 yawls. Benedict failed to gain on left end but made one nnd a half yawls over left tackle. A bad fumble was made. Benedict was given the ball a.nd ran 3S ynwlx around left end where he was tackled by Chase. Right end was tried but Bog ers made I'ollincr lose two yawls, a gain of two and a half yards through the line brought the ball to the 41 yard line. Nebraska tried the Prince ton kicu but lost twenty yawls. At this point Miller, Carlson, and Thayer Ph Gam ma Delta Starts a Chapter Here in Lin coln With Very Bright Prospects. A FEW PARAGRAPHS OF EASTERN EVENTS. Recommendations of the Board of Visitors For Some Changes at Annapolis naval Academy. The chapter of Phi Gamma Dolt.i, which has been long expected by the other fraternities of the University, was established last Friday night. The boys of tho new chapter have worked hard for about two years to secure tneir dinner, and tneir success is a natural result. The Installation ccw moulcs were conduoted by Clement A. Lnwier or Kansas City, a "Fiji" rfom Cornell; rrofessor T. L. Lyons, also from Cornell; G. W. Burton of New York city, from DePauw; R. E. Moore, from Illinois Wesleyan; A. II. Slfeldon, from Knox, and C. L. Sovereign, for Wisconsin. They were assisted in the ceremonies of initiation by Van Valin and Harvey, who went for the boys to the recent nnd, by the way, semi centennial convention of the fratern ity nt Pittsburg, mid who were initi ated there. The charter members of the new chapter are: L. C. Mudge. A. 11. Sheldon, A. C. Pancoost, C. E. Harbor, E. It. Harvey, F. Van Valin, C. II. Mudge, E. A. Hose, chapters became extinct. The chap ters at Gettysburg and Allegheny had almost their entire nieinbeiship In either army. Almost all of the old chapters hae since been revived, and Phi Gamma Delta is now one of the strong, hnvlng forty-five active chap ters. These are scuttcrcd principally through the east and south, the Ne braska chapter being as yet the most western. Among the prominent alumni may be mentioned: Senatois Vance and Fairbanks, President, Moffat of Wash ington nnd Jefferson college nnd Coul ter of Lake Forest, and John Clark ltldpath, General Lew Wuiiuco and David D. Lloyd among authors. Tho installation of a new "frat" gen erally calls forth more or less criti cism. Many look with some opposi tion upon any new chapter since It means another rival. But little has beon said derogatory to the new chap ter, the Phi Gamma Delta, probably for the reason that there is little ground for criticism. It is conceded that the Phi Gamma Delta Is nation ally a credit to any institution and that the local chapter is made up of a set of good able fellows who will maintain the Ideals of their fratern-ity. iW frii .fcp'- IN GREETING TO PH GAMMA DELTA half yawls and it was Boulder's ball on Nebraska's 35-yard line. Chase punted across the goal line, Nebraska made n touch back and punted fwnn the 25 to the 35-yard line where it hit u Boulder player nnd rolled fifteen yards. Again Ohase, with the assist ance of a strong puff of wind, kicked ncross the visitors' goal line tuid the latter brought the ball to the twenty five yard line. The first hn.f was Called' with the ball on Nebraska's 12-yard line. THE SECOND h..wF. On the kick-off for the second half Chase kicked to Nebraska's 25-yawl line and the ball -was ' punted' back with the assistance of a strong1 wind to Boulder's 35-ynwl line. Itogers gained three yowls over 'tnckles nnd replaced Roth well, 0. Garwood and Itogers. After several plays the ball was on Boulder's 20-yard line and the visitors for the fourth time tried the Princeton goal This time it was suc cessful. The final score, Nebraska 23, Boulder 10. A few more plays brought the ball to Boulder's 25-yawl line in Nebraska's possession, when time was called. Tonight in the gymnasium the Ne braska foot ball team was extended a reception 'by the University students. The reception, which was a most en joyable affair, was followed 'by a dance. (Continued on page 4) F. M. Sanders, B. B. Adams, W. G. France, J. P. Rockafellow, and W. M. Hopewell. The chapter is pleasantly located in a cozy little house at 1301 II street, wiiere the installation occur red. The Phi Gamma Deltu fraternity was founded at Jefferson college, Can onsburg, Pa., (afterwawls united with Washington college), In May, 1848. As many of the students were from the southern states, extension was natur ally in that direction, and of the first sixteen chapters established, eleven were in southern institutions. The wnr wrought serious damage to all fraternities and Phi Gamma Delta sus tained its full fahare. Through the re sulting business depression and the Inrge enlistments of students, many THINGS NEEDED AT ANLVAPOLIS. ,- rl-r-tf "Jfk'W'V""''" "" " ( .vi..v,- IU I'UC J1U.YU1 iHJilUCIHJ 1U1' lO'JO HO IUU Secretary of the Navy has been made public. The 'IkxiwI consisted of S. G. llillMrn, Representative In Congress, California, President; Prof, Oaarlcs E. Munroe, Dean, Columbia University, Washington, I). C, Vice President; Eugene lla'.e. I'nitcd States Senator, Maine; DoneKon CafVery, United States- SeiKHtor, Louisiana; Irving' P. Wniiiger, Representative in Congress, Penuoyhunia; Charles G. Wheeler, Representative in Congress, Kentucky; Dr. Amos Hancock, Now Hampton, la,; II. E. Sadler. Sedan. Kas.; Prof. John L. Lamp.son, Peabody Normal College, Nashville, Teivn.; James Phillips, Jr., Fitehburg, Mass.; Edwawl C. Illmmau, Battle Creek, Mich.: John M. Boyer, London. 0 and Lieutentnt C. M". Stone. l S. N., secretary to the board. The IkkiwI mode the follow! nxr rec- ommemlntions: 1. That the appointment of candi dates be made by July 1 of the year preceding tlhc recommendatloiii for ad mission, in order to permit them to be more fully prepared. 2. That those cadets who pass into the line and Engineer Corns be re quircdt on the completion1 of their first three years' cruise, to return 1o the academy audi pursue a two years' eouie of advanced studies In. either ordnance, marine engineering or elec trical engineering. 3. That the department of seanvan ship be provided with a set of models of modern men-of- war, one of each type. 1. That the department of steaan engineering lc supplied with modern tools and lnadhinery. 5. That the loawl approves of the general plan for the rebuilding of the academic buildings, nnd believes tdibit if it 1h faithfully carried out tho re sult will be benefitting- the dignity of the nation. fl. Thnit a continuing annual appro priation be made for reblnding, in half or full morocco, valuable boolcs in "the library. 7. That the efficiency of tho boawl of visitors will be Increased by the appaointment of part of the board1 for two or more terms, so that nt least some of 'the boawl may be familiar with the duties wiiiahi the Ixxml is expected to perform. MTSS FLOOD'S GIFT. Miss Com Jane Flood', onHy daugMor of Wie deceased millionaire, tendered as n gift 'to the University the fine Flood mnnsloiv at MonHo Park, with the grounds, consisting1 of 540 acres. Tho house is very beautiful and' spa cious, and the place is worth' $250,000. The letter of gift provides Wmit the residence 'and trrounds be preserved In tact and the income be used' for some brandli of conmnerelnl education. V, J.. ..J