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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
THE NEBRASKA, A Woi'Wy Nnvwpnpr Ifiatioil Kvory Frhln.V Noon Iy "' Unlvaiwily Publishing AhjwIiiIIoii. Kntorcd as Soi'oiul Class Mull Mutlui'. Gw). 1. Townu MiiiiiikIK Udltor M. I. Htuwnrt Kill-lor Noww Dirpt. Jolm T. Kiiiiiiirt. .. .AMmiwhilo ICtlltoi lMuiir II. Clark Aswmlato lulilor A. A. MlwholV AnHoelalo I'M It or A. M. Hull CHi'liioiilwt. lfoljrnr Cnnidl) I'Mltor liOiJ I'cpi. (Ii'ikm- Muii'iMIMnn XixawlH'li' I'Mlilor (IfiMVi' IViirllcll H'liit' I'Mlutr 11. I). Nmlrwoii A-wiHatu Kulltiir Clinton Mu rr AhhchmiU- Kdltor I . Itinwn Nwnwlato I'Mltor !' I'.. ( li'iuciitM. .. I'Mitnr Alumni Ib-nl lWl. ball kxi.kIm 70.00 C'uimiM .'15,70 CiiHic'h xaliiry, unpaid -1(7.(M Oilier unpaid 'xpi'iim'H IHl.dll $l,ir;i,1!l IMSd'HPTS. Mumllng wiiiic .....$ HJB.fio A mi uii "it' ! HMifi TniUlo ItM.llfi HiwinHiti ilck'i'ls I-I!i.!i Diich 11.50 PROF MRS. L. Practice .In Olllco I l(5 LINCOLN. SSIONAL CARDS. SKARL1IS, M. D. yd to UIhlminuh of Women and Children. It. . Itcrt.t IBISWoBiiinKtonHt. (ourpl 'i tol t. tn. NHHUABKA The Ni'brasUan will bo si'iit to any nddri'KH upon rociipt of tho riubxcrlp- tlun prb'r which in one dollar a year. Contribution arc milleUed from all. News Items such as locals, personals, report of meetings, etc., nt-j efipeolal ly desired. 'Plto Nobnislmn will be glad to print any eontrlbiillfHi rela tive to a go ti oi til university subject, but the iiiiiiiu must accompany all KIK'h. Address all communication to .Ncbriinltan, Ui.iversity of iv." jrasKa. tl'U D.m't iii(ln,. HUNK lilu iiriiiiu-ll game Sitt- "TTu" cadet appointments hae caiiM-d sonic, few, small coni)i.nning. Hut siioh wen- to be expected. Nothing is so perfect that some one Is not disap pointed in it. And then, too, or course, not all deserving soldier can be made ranking captains. 17"ls not onl. that you will see a good game, for (irinnell Iiiih ti strong team, but the boys need' and do.ere encouragement. You can show by our presence that you uppreejatc a winning team. Your fit) cents will help make up the $l7fi which are needed. Tomorrow a new building will be dedicated and a holhkiy has- 'been granted that students and faculty may commemorate tihe event. Amd It is tvtiill. T,hc University is growing ni that otherwise some might not lrtivo known at till that, by the generosity of the legislature, another part had been mlded to the quadrangle, which Is now becoming n reality. This now bu ld inir find the schools of manual training IllUflliu tm " v.-;.. i n, which will be bouscii in i , arc m ..,. factors, which Indicate the rapid ad vancement or Nbraski. I niversl . In n short time we will need more build ings, in fact we should' lmve more now, t keep fullv up with rapid growth n numners and in quality tind quantity of work done. The 'Varsity eleven deserves con gratuhitlons on its sussess thus far this season. I.t has only been sco e.l against by two teams, Ames and Mis souri, and' altogether only three tlowiiH are reeonled against it. Su cral of the individual pkiyers. too de serve especial credit. Caphun MeJoid has shown good judgment in using his intMi and his goal kicking has bven. ex traordinary. Menediet has , layed 1 Is position at half to the satlsfact on of veryone. In fact the credit for a largb share of the ground gaining in nil the games is due to him. He plays a fast, hard g-ame and is nlwny ready o lake the Imll. Williams. Irwin. Pillslmrv and Stringer have all done Kood work. Willi t the team seems to lack most of all is endurance, , iind tlmt more hard practice will get. '1 he eoaoh ought to see tlmt UiIr defect Is remov ed bofore Hie Kaivsas game. hiv WiwtiM'innn, tlnancial seerahiry of'ihe Athletic Hoard, imiUtss the fol lowing statement of the, eomlltion of the treasury. It allows a tlHleit. of $187.08, wihloh must be nuil up ' i"'1' miini with (Irinnell and Drake, wilili possibly a blight profit on t'lie TIiihiUh irlvliig game at Onmdn. vast nwijoriitv of tHit students have not nit attended a sirngle game us Is evideivt from tlhe receipts, anl only a very few of 'tdie. faculty 'have 'been ween at the games. This Is w'V If evorv one connected' with the Un'i vemltiy would fitifemD just one R'nin? there'would bis money to spare. Ur Uvinly Uiere is no om wlto onnpot spend SO Cents for the sake of 'his Uni versity find Its foot ba'11 tcsim. 1 he team 'has not lost a whiffle game ami in live games has only hod' 10 points scored against it. Against other teams it (has scored 208 points. Cer tainly it deserves support and encour agement. Let everyone 'turnout at title Grinndl game, wipe out t'he debt and cheer n winning team. The secretary's sta'tememt is as roi- l0W8! EXPFJNSES. Hnsitlnffs game ' Jl-JJ Ane,s game f- Coach on salary. .; 2?"S3 Coach on Bxp. to Oct. 15 41.0.) MViml .$0i0.lfi Dellell $187,118 ALUMNI NOTES. . I. Klelih, Mis, has been elected pi'liiflpnl of the Nohniflku City High hcIiooI. A. ,1. McLaughlin, 'SH, for scvonil years professor ol' biography In I'll roup polytechnic I'iihikIomh, (Jul., now occiiplen the chair of ugriuiil f it i-ii 1 nclence ill the I'lilvernlly of ,rl one ul IMiociiIn. S. A. Tiirrell, '0(1, taught the oxi'ivIb cm the pnril year In he Wa.vhaehlc In Mtltutc, Texas. He In now Inwtruc'tor in modern languagcM in Henry college, Tesim. As a MienU Tor the nmntcr's ilegree, lie In preparing a ehrlNtonmtihy with vocabulary of old I'Vench liter iiture. lie esiieets to return in the cprlug to take his degree. I'rofi'HKor of Moiany in Hoiiutli Da kota college. Dr. Alton Saunders. 'O.'t, writes that he Is In receipt of advance Hied of his new book upon the sea weeds of the I'ucllic const. I't is pub lUlied by the California academy of sciences.' and contains thirty large plates. The finest niut have ever ap peared upon the subject in fills vicin ity. Allen S. Ring, '01. for several years principal of I lie Nebraska City schoo., has hecu elected superintendent, ot schools In the same place. W'hile tills promotion Comes as a matter of course in recognition of his work in the high fchool, it Is pleasant to know thai the mcIiooI system so conscientiously elab orated by his predecessor Is left in the hands of a inau both competent and M-hohirly. A. IC. Yont, 'nil. the greatest running back that ever played on the 'Varsity, has returned to Worcester, Muss., after spending several weeks at his home In lli'ock, and in Lincoln. Yont is the same lover of root ball as of old. Me insists upon the capability oi western "inaterlal" find believes that our fu ture prestige in fool ball Is only con ditioned by the ji roper development of men, and of a'thleties. In flit case of our own eleven, he regards the al most niter lack of alumni coaching us a serious drawback to rapid progress in raising the standard of our playing. J. M, LUC Tulaiihonu tr LOUIS N. S, DENTIST. mtii mid o stH. Lincoln, Nub. lENTE, DENTIST, i South Mill street, ItooniH 8I, ',7 ilil 1, llrownull Dill. Phono MO, DR. C. U. K Hooiiih over IARNS, DENTIST. HMO Strcut. VotornOiiloii ToloKmiili. I)U. J. T. McNAY, DENTIST. Oilleo: Tooth Cor. I DR UliNJ. !' ATIIMSTICS. Dr. Jlitstings has sent a letter to twenty-four high schools of the state with a view toward unifying state uth- loiles. - - If orgnniaiioius can be Mitisfatitor ly made the plan Is to hold an In terstate scholastic league meet in con nect ion with the state inter collegiate meet. Replies to this letter have al ready been received from Omaha high school, I tea trice, (iraud Island II. S North Platte II. S., Wyuwie II. S and Lincoln. All favorable to the plans proposed. 'Phe committee on organization and constitution consist of George C. Sliced, Lincoln, II. S.; .Nathan Mern Mcin, Omaihti II. S.; R. D. Ooverholtz, siiporintendent Ashland school. A meeting of representatives from Interested schools will be held during Christmas vara t ion for purposes of ef fecting an organization. Men registered for physical training who have not yet been to classes will hear in mi ti 1 flint they hae already exhausted one-half of the eut allow ed. Another week of absence wl'.'l in sure an incomplete at the end of the semester. linskct ball is being practiced al most daily. The new inaterlal is ex cellent. V. K. Andreson, not satisfied with his excellent record as guard, is work ing forward and is niakinga fine show ing. Story Is playing well In his old place as forward. Walker and (irlifith arc tlie most promising candidates against these men. There Is a great struggle for cen ter. Moore and Yoder are again ri vals lor the place. Cortolyon Swal low and others are promising candi dates. R. I). Andreson menus to 'hold down his position as guard with his cus tomary nerve. I''or the other guard on the first team theru is plenty of good material but prophesy is ' not in place. Lemar should make a strong show ing from experience acquired in pre vious years. The greatest need of the 1aket hall team is men who will take the trouib.o to 'become trained official?). They will be in demand for games of Die league but where they will get in their most valuable work ts In close rulings of practice games. We needi six or eight me i Who do not piny but are willing to work for the good of the team. League, games at Doant and Weslcy nn will probnhly he scheduled for the middle of November. Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI-P3LL Cures Biliousness, Conotipatfon. Dyspopnla, nilloupness. Norv ous Ills nnd Pill Hanlt, Action not followed liy costtvenoRH Doubt ft? Try It. Bamples freo. DruKRlsts. Sfic, or at dress Anti-Pill Co., Lincoln, Nob. Free Advisory Pept. for Patroni. , Hours Si'CcIiiIMch: 1)1 xtnicted without Pnln. ill nnil O His. , Lincoln, NtiliriisUu &' NVfcST, GENERvb- PRACTITIONER, Onieui lO-Jft O Sk-et, Over Flt7Konild'H. Tol. ituHhtunt'o: 17.T! Kiiclld Avo. Tol. Bin. ,0 to 12 ti. m. 2 to lip. m. Attention, Cadets. Wo mako a fmo TAILOR MADli uniform, with a TKY.ON heforo finishing, that tho fit may bu satisfactory, The past two years wo havo mado the cadot uniforms, with tho exception of a fow who proforred to o to othor dealers, as the students havo always boon privileged to plnco their orders with ANY FIRM, regardless of any recommends that had been mode, Our order book for the past two years, with but fow uxcoptlons, Indicates tlint only tho bettor class of goods nnd workmanship nro wanted by thu student, nnd this is what v we now offer. PKINE&lAZKRFEU Morchant Tailors, Clothlors and Furnlshors. Book Department HERP0L8HEIMER & CO- Has heretofore been noted among University students for the very low prices at which nil supplies were sold. This year, while lower than ever, com mensurate with quality, we have materially increased our stock. We are" prepared to supply Text Hooks of nil kinds at lower rates than were ever before made in Lincoln. Note the list quoted below. The 110 heosuH of Stomach nml Kidney. DR. ALI3ER I? MITCHELL, Wessley'sGerman-Kng. Dictionary 8o fio Wessley's French-ling. Dictionary Co Cnssell's German-ling. Dictionary i 15 Cassell's Fronch-Eng. Dictionary 1 15 Cnssell's Latin-Eng, Dictionary. . 1 15 Hessoy's Brief Hotnny 1 00 Remsen's Elementary Chemistry. . 7a Graphic Algebra 1 ),) Ticliener's Outlines of Psychology 1 45 Lniighlin's Mill 280 Le Conte's Geology 325 . Rolfe's Shakespeare, prr. vol 50 Students' Standard Dictionary... . 2 50 1 Standard Dictionary 10 50 Webster's International Dictionary 8 75 History Paper, per 100 sheets. .. . 05 Jtooms 07-8, Ilurr lllock. f Lincoln, Neb 10. 1.. Hoi.vokk, M,U. It. A. IIOI.YOICK.M . 1). lies. Telopboue 1.'3. Itos. Tolopbono4v!l. DRS. HOLYOKE vt IIOLYOKE, I in Physicians & Surgoons, Olllco, 127 South 11th street. Otllco Telephone 44!. Lincoln, Neb. Telephone 085. I O. Uox 0ft I. DR. C. A. SHOEMAKER'S Private Hospital. MB BiuUli lltluarpRl. Sorlnl iittentloii to diseases of women. Hv- ery convenience for Mirulcul cases. DR. CHARLES D. CHANDLER, U.of N. '92. 1231 O street. Hours: 8 to 10 a m-, 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to K p.m. SuudiiyH.;i to4 p in. l'lionus: OillceSWi; res. 09ft 1710 D street. Lliuolu, Neb. J. E. MOSSHART, M. D. pocliil Attention to Krrors of Refraction. Prai'tlco Limited to EYK, EAIt, NOSK nnd THROAT. 1I3IO Street, Ltnco'n, Nob. DR. J. F. STEVENS. Olhcu 1 130 O strcut. Olllco Telephone 42a Residence Telephone 424. Lincoln, Neb OmcK Houiib: Sundays: 10 to 12 n. m. 12 to 1 p.m. 2 to 5 p, in, I 3 to 5 p, in. A. D. WILKINSON, M. D. Olllcc, 21 ma 25 Burr Mock, Res., U20 touth 17th street. Telephones: Oflico, !fc; residence, 082. M. 13. KETCIIUM, M. D., Phar. D. Prof. Onhth Lul InioloL'y. Otolouy nnd yiiKolouy. Lincoln licdlcul College, Odors a thorough, invato course In refraction. Spcctucles lilted, Olllco, 220 So. Uth si. Hours, 0 to 12:30-2 to 5 J. R. HAGGARD M. D. Residence 1310 G strcbt., Tol, 242. Olllcc, 1223 O street, Rooms 11 nnd 18, Over Miller t Patno's, Tel. 635 History Covers, leather back 15 History Covers, cloth sides 12 History Covers, board sides 10 Fountain Pens, 14 Kt gold, 69c, 89c nnd 98c, each pen warranted. Wntermnn's "Ideal" Fountain Pens, $2.50 and upwards. Load Pencils, polished, rubber tipped 01 lilnck Ink, per 2 oz, bottle 2 Fountain Pen Pockets 8c, 10c nnd 15c Student's Note Books 04 "University" Tablets 15 Ink Tablets, 80 sheets each 05 Soft Paper Tabs, 500 pages each 05 Estates are Made by Systematic Savings. TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN! Exntnino tlio Policy of tho Now England Mutual. Tho Values aro as doiinito as thoso endorsed in your Bank Book. This Company has boon Chartered 63 Years. G. W. NOBLB, Mgr., Phone 328 ioaio street J. H. ID vans, Prcs. and Trcas. C. C. Quigglk, Sec. and Mgr. The Evans Laundry i ' f Company 327-329-331 North Twelfth Street. TELEPHONE 199. - LINCOLN, NEB. DR. M. H. GARTEN, Practice Umltcdio Eye, Ear, Nose and 'lliroat, 1025 O street, Lllcoln, Nebraska. E. S. KING. Flno Watch Ropalrljff. Scientific Refractlnri Optician (Graduate) 1800 O Street, iLlncoln, Nob. M Ul T HERE MAY BE.... Places as good to trade at as our's, but certainly none better. Suits and Overcoats ready to wear and made to order. EST GOODS .... For the least money at j&Mumj' iviaycr tiros. IT IS THE " STYLE' And "QUA! JTY" about the photographs made at the Elite Studio That make them famous. All on'ground floor, 226 80. 11th St. X