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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
7 -V 'M'T (J TTt( f.'&W Xi THE NBBRASKAN Vol. VII. UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, LINOOIN, OCTOOER 28, 1808. J'UIOK 5 ClCNTfl. GREAT CELEBRATION TO-MORROW Opening of Mechanic Arts Building, Addresses by Governor Holcomb, the Chancellor, Professor Brooks and Others. NEW ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY FOR 1898 Some New Books That Have Been Placed in the Library Since the Beginning of the Year. Tomorrow, Friday, October 28, will bo 11 red lutitor day in the history of the University of Nebraska. A now building- on the cam pun Is to be dedi cated with appropriate ceremonies A holiday has been grunted by the fac ulty, and if all present indications prove true the University grounds will bo thronged from morning till light with enthusiastic students. If ever there was a chance for the love of alma mater to show itself, it will bo tomorrow when a new hall takes its share of the University life. The committee of arrangements of the faculty has had the program of the day's exercises in charge and have prepared suitable ceremonies, hls committee consists of the chancellor Profs. Bessey Brooks, Richards and Chatburn. Tiie.v have been tireless, putting forth nil their energies to make the day a success, and their ef forts bid fair to be crowned with com plete success. The distribution of tickets for the exercises will be by the faculty through the committee. They will be given out at the- executive oillce on Thursday, everybody being treated the same, no favoritism bclny thowu. The selection or l'rot. Morgan Brooks to deliver the inugurnl ad drctes is particularly appropriate. Ho probably has more interest in the new building than any one professor. The students heard Air. Brooks for nlout two minutes in chapel one morning, and the impression lie left with them should cause the chapel to be tilled at ten o'clock. The exercises in the nuornoon will be at the armory ami in Mechanics' Hall. The cadet band, which in al ready gaining an enviable reputation in the state, will play on the campus. There has been a stage erected in the armory and u number of seats are in readiness. The exercises here will be breif as for the program, which the guests will march in procession to the street entrance of the new building, going by the way of the south side of the armory and driveway into T street. The unveiling of thetnblet which is n beautiful piece of mottled marble, will take place at the front of the main stairway and will be done by Governor Holcomb, with a short address. Then will follow an inspection of the building, and receptions by the differ ent departments. The school of do mestic science will serve light refresh ments nt the expense of the depart ments to be located in the new build ing. Those serving will be dressed In scnrlet and cream. In the evening the exercises will be at the Oliver and admission by ticket, President Cliiiplnin of Wash ington 'Jniversity, St. Louis, will make the chief address. The choice is par ticularly fitting as he is himself a civil engineer, being professor of the sub 1ect nt Harvard when he was called to Washington University. It was through Ids efforts that a school of manual training was established in Washington University, this being the first school of the knd in America. The subject of his address tomorrow night will be "The Educational De velopment of the United States." Pres. ident Chaplain is a direct, pungent spentter and will in tho opinion of the chancellor deliver an nble oration. Congratulatory addresses will be de livered by Hon. Geo. D. Meiklejohn, Frederic "W. Smyser, and Hon, A. E. Sheldon. Mr. Mieklejohn represents the government on this occasion in the nbsence of President Win. McKin ley and Secretary of Agricuunre Wil son, whom the management had hoped would bo present. Mr. Smyser is a graduate of the Massaohusots Insti tute of Theology and represents -the practical world interested in tho de partments ito be in tho new building. Hon. A. E. Sheldon is tho man, as nvpn'v'nno. knows, who nusHiod the ap propriation bill through the legisla ture. . . . , , , The muslo will bo furnished bv an octette of .the, finest mnlo volceo In Lincoln. The program is as follows: FORENOON. Ten- o'clock nt the University chhpel. Inaugural address "Electricity and Enlightenment," Morgan Brooks. B. S., iM. E., associate professor of elec trical engineering. AFTERNOON. Half-past two o'clock, nt t'ho Univer sity. Music by the Cadet (band. Assembling of guests in the armory. 'Music. Report of the Building Committee, Charles H. Morrill, president of Duo Board of Begonts. Presentation of the Building to the industrial College, George E. MacLeau, Chancellor of the University. Acceptance, Charles E. Bessey, Bean ot the Industrial College. Procession of the Mechanic Arts Hall. Tablet, SLns A. Holcomb. Governor of the State. Inspection of the Building and De partmental Receptions. EVENING. Eight o'clock nt tho Oliver. 'Music, Overture, "Jolly Fellows," Suppo; The University orchestra. Invocation, Rev. F. L. Wharton, Pas tor of St. Paul's church. iMiiolc, Tile Village BlaTKRSifiltlin" Batten; The Conservatory Octet Messrs. Williams, Porkins, Eames, Hunistend, Randolph, Williams, Tut tle, Gillespie. Address, Win-field S. Chaplin, C. E., LL. 1)., President of Washington Uni versity, St. Louis. Music, "The Engineer's Song," the Conservatory Octet. Congratulatory addresses, Hon. Geo. 1). Meikcljohn, Assistant Secretary of War; Frederick W. Smyser, S. B., B. & M. machine shops, Havelock; Hon. A. 10. Sheldon, and others. Congratulatory letters, George E. .MncU'iiu. t. Iinncollor. Music, Patriotic Hymn, "America." SSAAVVWVVWVVWVSAAS A K ' J 1 VVVvAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVA NOTABLE ADDITIONS TO THE LI BltAltY. The following important books have recently been added to the University library, which now millibars 37,00o volumes: Jesuit relations Mid allied' docu ments edited by it. G. Thwaites; 25 volumes. This set will contain when complete about 00 volumes and will cost about $!i()l). Nearly 'half of it lias 'been al ready received and Is shelved1 at tihe main library. It is of tho utmost val ue to the student of Aanerloan history and prints in puirallol columns Mis original French audi a competent Eng lish translation of the minute and ex tensive letters which were sent each year by the early Jesuit missionaries In America to the head of their order in France. Challenger Expedition: published re jorts of the scientific results, with Dne summary of the enitire voyage. 50 vol umes, large quarto, London, 1805. A scientific exploration! of the At lantic, Southern and Pacific oceans, In stituted 1y the British' government and conducted' 'by famous scionitlsta, during 1872-70, Three hundred and i sixty-two stations were vlsxid. (18,000 nautical miles were walled, ud a mnsn j of data was secured whlolrls of tno highest Importance in tli Held ot zoology, ibotany and gcolog-. Tho Go olunies arc shelved in tlhellbrary of the department of zoology .ami were secured at a cost of $300. Seri'bncr's History of.. 1o United States; 5 volumes. Q. New fork, 1807. Though jHpu!n.rly knownos Bryant and Gay's History. Not a vork of ori ginal research, but based aitiroly on secondary authorities. Olilely of value as 'being the only history o'moro pre tentions than the text bohs which covers the whole .range or ur history from the earliest dlscoveles to the present time. Journal Fllr Landwlrlsoiuft; 5 vol umes. Brcslnu. - ' This Is a complete file ofone of the most important of the Owntfliv agri cultural journals and was secured at a cost of $80. Engineering; 48 volume!. Loudon. Tills Is the most Important techni cal journal in its field tha1) H printed In English. Tills compkto set Is shelved in the department of mechan ical engineering and cist ;he Library $75. OP INTEREST TO MUSICIANS. Miss Jessie Schultz of Rintir!fM. n former nuwic student, is vlsltng at the Conservatory. Mrs. Fannie Bloomflekl ZeJsloy will give a rccMal December 3, under the auspices of tho University School of Music. Miss Wonder of Blue Springs, Miss Ashmund of Atchison, Kas., Miss Ed na Allen of Kearney, Neb., and Miss Comstook of Nenlly, are new students In the University School of Music. A musieal society has been formed by the young ladies of the Conserva tory to study of the life and works of the different musicians. MClss Rey- nolds Is president, Miss Cave secretory. The University Cadet baim wll give a concert Friday afternoon at the ar mory. Under the leadership of Mr. Enrle Wohn the band has made mark ed progress. It hn thirty-five mem bers. fl hi. TT.iKv.rwiH-., Onnlimilrsv w ill play nttiinr"oiMsnini,5'-oi'"uie yfi&v--Mccniirac''rcnhiitna"icfrt!!tT-Jjjhc - sur.rda. hiill, Friday evening, October 28. The local numbers will Ik furnished by the Conservatory Quartette, composed of Messrs. John Bnndolph, Henry Earnes, W. K. Tuttle, .John Williams, 1j. A. Bumstead, John l'erkins, B. B. Gillespie and It. O. Williams. The most important musical event of the week was the reel toil given by Mr. Henry Eames, the new director of the piano department of the Nebraska Sshool of Mulc. Mr. Eames came to the west with the most lliittering In troduction from Europe and the east, and consequently the niusileinivs of Lincoln anticipated n rare treat. They were not disappointed. Mr. Enmes is - iJiQ&U MHI.l-OUl) KICKS. HIS USUAL (lOAF.. a musician of great abiity. His tech nique, interpretation nrd poetic feeling is more than satisfying to Ills listen ers. Mr. Eames is preparing a llussian recital to be given soon. It will be in the form of a lecture recital, the re marks illustrated by piano selections. D. If. Lehiner, '03. Tho University ?f Chicago, Oct. 30, 180S. My Dear l'rofqjsor Davis: Two lines to say we arc much pleased with Leinier; ho is thoughtful and with ideas' of 'his own, wheh I hope we will b ivble to develop. YYuli corami greetings, V E. II. MOORE. FROM COA.CI1 ROBINSON. Providoncf, R. I., Oct. 10, 1808. Editor Nebras an: Plenso send mo tho Nebraskau to my address, p Hope, Brown Univer sity, Providence, R. I, Incidentally you might jilso send your bill. I nni lntereffcd, in, tho -university and the fdat'iall team and -would like to "keep upjj in Universlby nwrtitera. With best wles for all round success, I remain, yolrs, etc, EIJVARD N, ROBINSON. I i THE FIRST CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Missouri Defeated by the Tremendious Score 47 to 6. The Globe-Democrat on the Game. THE GRINNELL, IOWA, GAME SATURDAY What May be Expected of the Team That Defeated Nebraska Two Years Ago. The Missouri Tigers went into the with u confidence In- game Monday spired by their victory over the Medics . ., , . ,?. . , ust Monday met with n most Ignom- Inous defeat by a score of 47 to 0. It was the first game in the intercolie- glate western championship, and a large crowd was in attendance. The I f . ! . . ! . at .... ...1.1. a rush that surprised even their most Kingsbury, Stringer, Pll'lsbury, Mc aixlent admirers and before ten mm- Caslln. .MIMUlllillMO "CIH 1111V HIU uium; "'" utes had expired they had crossed the Nubriisknu line, lolbon did unusually brilliant work and seemed to be fill ing every position. Ho took the ball during a scrimmage and with fine in terference succeeded In getting near the goal line of his opponents before he was downed. McCaslin carried ball over the line and placed it squarely between the goal posts. Tol son kicked his goal and gave the Tig ers 0 to Nebraska's 0. The Missourl- ans won; on an pinys was lust unu their onslaught on the champions' line was ell'ectual and brought good1 cuius. After the Tigers bad made the only score which was to be theirs, tho Ne braska men tci: a determined stand and played a most terrific game, In which the Mlssourlans -were but foils for 'them. The work of the backs was fast and heady and the line intcrfer- forced holes in Missouri's' lino through which the entire team plunged and every man on the Nebraska eleven put ' up a wonderfully fast game. I The first kick after the Tigers had I scored put the 'ball on the 3-yard line, wnere aiossuuiii goi it aim puutcr it back 35 yards. Nebraska took the ball forward slowly but regularly, and llenedict scored a touch down, which Mel ford failed to kick, and the score i to f in favor of Missouri, The Tigers tried to punt from the center, but Nebraska soon made a re turn punt to (he Missouri 3-yard line. The Tigers rallied, and were moving slowly toward the Nebraska goal, ux when Kingsbury made a splendid run, nearly to the Tiger's line, and Erwln can-led it over. Melford made his kick. Score, 11 to 0. The Columbian team lost heart, and the visitors had everything their own way. Their rushes were poorly met, and yard after vard was gained. PIl.s bury and Kingsbury were good ground gainers, and Benedict's work was phe nomenal. He crashed through the line, and rounded the ends for repented gains. Melford, who missed his first goal, made up for it by landing seven others between the poles. The score stood 23 to 0 nt the end of the first half. The lntter part of the game, like the last 25 minutes of the first half, was one-sided. Tolson, Harris and Dunn had done good work in. the first part, but Dunn retired In favor of Liggett, who made a brilliant run nround leu end, but the Tigers were unable to send tic ball over the line. The Ne brasknns scored with discouraging regularity, and tho score stood 47 to 0 when time relieved the Tigers, The line-up: Nebraska Missouri. StringcfcATS, ,.,v , 1 e.-. , . .MoCaelin, 145 Pnjsbury, 18? ....If ... .Woodson, 170 Gilbert, 170 lg Tolson, Md ford (Capt) 100. c Smith; 105 105 ,?",; .j!.1 V-V "VA """tor, 205 Kingsbury, 105 ..r t Cramer, 10b JlroW 180 r c lInrrls(Capt.)155 Elliott. i:ir. i.'nlmor 1.17 q Houx, 150 I 1i DnUI....M tr.r. itonedlfst. 147 v I. n,, i..n KrwI.. ion f. ttnuu.' un . . -...-.. .TiuiMJIIIU , 1U lOl 1! 1 I11V1IK. l.'fU'lll 1 !...., ,!!,. o Goals from touch down -Melford 7, Tolson. Referee H. B. Shnw, Columbia. Umpire 11. H. Wiillfin, Kansas City, and G. II. Records, Kansas City. Timekeeper Williams, Lincoln. What the St. Louis Republic had to say of the game: The Tigers, of Missouri University, met their Waterloo here today. Ne braska Cniversllv hiMit t.lw.m U !, overwhelming score of -17 to 0, 'much to the astonishment of the Tigers, who after their recent victory over the Kansas City medics, had begun to think that they would never know en other defeat this season. Good weath er and a fine crowd favored tho gam'el The Tigers opened like winners,' and for the first ten minutes hndthings rt4-f"4iMfiwjiMiiw"jn22agwn' yvy.i,i-jMij son at once came Into prominence. Ho seemed to be everywhere at all times, and looked as If he was trying to play the whole game for the 'Tifers. He emerged with the ball from a sharp scrimmage in -the center of the field, and, aided by splendid interference, it was soon near the Nebraska goal. In less than six minutes the Tigers, by a punt I'roni Mossnian and a run by Me Cnslin, had put the bull over the Ne braska line, MeCaslln planting it squarely between the g-onl posts. Tol son kicked goal, making the score fl to 0 In favor of the Tigers. .Nelu-nskn then got mad, and began (o astonish the spectators. They put the ball on the Missouri 3-yard line with one kick. Mossnian saved the Missouri goal by a punt of 30 yards. Nebraska took the ball down field, slowly lighting furiously, and break ing the Missouri line at every plunge. Mencdict finally took the ball over the Missouri line for a touchdown, and Melford missed the goal. Missouri punted from the center and made a small gain. Nebraska returned the punt, and the bnll was stoived on Mis souri's 3-yard line. Missouri slowly fought their way toward the Nebraska goal, and their chances were good for another touchdown, when Kingsbury, by a splendid run, took the ball to within (i yards of the Missouri line. Erwln next carried It over for a touch down, and Melford kicked goal. At this point Missouri apparently saw her finish, and began to let down. Nebraska played ningniflcantly. Their work was considered by many to be the best ever seen in Columbia'. Bene dict, of Nebraska, played like a fiend, mid was undoubtedly their most valu able man. After Ervin hud made a third touchdown tor Nebraska, the Tigers seemed to go all to pieces. Ne braska made steady gains, and the home eleven seemed powerless to sitop them. "Oak" Hunter, the big Tiger, did good work, but at times seemed de moralized and dazed by the terrific game of the Nebraska boys. The fifth touchdown for Nebmskn, made by Stienger gnve opportunity for the neatest goal kick over seen here. The touchdown enlled for a kick out, and Melford sent the ball square ly over the goal posts, under the cir cumstances n very difficult feat Af ter the sixth touchdown for Nebraska the Tigers seemed 1o even abandon hope of holding down the score, nnd the visiting eleven piled up score after score with astonishing ease and confi dence. The second half was even more hu miliating to the University boys tlmn the first and when time wnc called the score stood 47 to 0 ngainst them, tho largest score and most crushing defeat over seen in Columbia. Nebraska un doubtedly has a most remarkable team (Continued on Pngo 4)