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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1898)
LOCALS, 'Tff'cadets havo boon ordered to ap pear In Mil uniform this weok. gubscrlbo now for. tho NcbrnBknn. ftiy cents for tho rest of the year. Alpha Tnit Omogo ontcrtnlned Its friends Friday evening, Dccembor 17. Vcrno HcdRO was Im Mated by Kappa Sigmn, Saturday evening, Dccombor 18. Dr. Peters lias a bulletin on tho corn ,tftlk tllBcaso in this stuto, now in tho press. Roy Cnrtor, of Norfolk, was initi ated by Uctn Theta Pi, Friday ovonlng, December 17. Miss Lulu Morrill gavo an nftornoon ,ea to some of hor frlonds, Saturday, December 18. Miss I'hoobo Doty, of Dnvid City, visited with hor Pi Uota Phi HlsUirn lust before the holidays. Sec Dr. I.fonhiirdt's ad In this lsmio. j j., i.'cehct has been promoted from third HcrMoant to tho position of ser geant niiijnr of tho second bntnl.lon. Prof V W. Fling road a paper be fore tin1 Am rlc.m Historical AtBocla . Hon, nt Cli'oland, ()., during tho holi days. Slgmii Alpha Kpsllon gave u ban quet ind Hinokcr, Monday ovoning, De ccmLcr 2(i, In honor of William Heed Dunroy. Professor Card has Just Issued a bul letin on tho (odllnc-moth that will be of Intrro.Ht to tho fnrmors and ft tilt growers of tho west. The art exhibit will lio open this week, I y getting tickets at tho Chan cellor's oilicc, the students havo to pay only r.f.cin edits for admission. Mr. Cliff Wcscott, who was nl the University last year, camo down from Plattsmouth Snturdny evunlng and stayed In town until Monday morning. In order to enlarge the orchestra pit the manager of the Oliver will tako out the first row of seats. And the the quesiion now Is, What will Phil Russell do? The Misses Ciopscy, Hargrcaves, and Winger, and Messrs. Cbnpln, Shedd, and V. C. llccd, loportcd lino skating at Lincoln park, but they intimate that walking was terrible. Jack Hltchman has accepted a posi tion with the Hurllngtcn railway. The electrical work he has been doing for the University will hereafter be in charge nf Charles True. Miss Clara Conklln, of the depart ment of romance languages, spent her holiday vacation with frlonds in In dianapolis and attended a conference of teach rs of modern languages. Graham Taylor informs tho com mittee who have been In communica tion with him that it will bo impossi ble for him to spend a day here and give a inik beforo the end of the scnool ypar. "The Anti-Saloon League will meet In Llnco n tho end of this month and has offi red a gold medal for the best oration Riven by a student of any col lege in tho state. One student in each college may contest for it. The instructors and readors in Eu ropean his'ory havo become to indig nant Im f.mse of tho lack of warmth In thf niiicc and lecturo room, that they In 1 1 a meeting on the stairs and decide 1 in resort to desperate meas ures if -, nie kind. if mi .ire a wcll-poitod student, you must r. ,ul tin. news, and tho on'y p'uco whdf ou win find nil tho news is In the NeiiiasKan. Don't burrow your nelghb'n'h pamr when you can get tho NcbrneUan fur tho rest of tho college year foi lift) cents. The l Hon tmclety held an election of olllcers Mund iy aftormon, December 21. Hnrry Evans was elected presi dent; mibh Eva McCuno, vice-president; Miss Mumnn, vecording secre tory; miBk MclSufTy, corresponding secretary; poibo Morse, treasurer; W. . Klnton, sergeant-at-arms; Miss Chappoll, critic. Students will find it to their advan ce to patronize the book and sta tionery departments of Herpolsholmer & Co,, for note books, history paper, history covers, university tablets fountain pens, dictionaries, French German and English, Latin and Gfeek translations and all university sup P'les. Our list of 5 cent sheet music contains names of over 4,000 pieces roth vocal and instrumental. Our music department sells all musical in- EtruwentB and supplies at lowest Prices. David Klipatrlck of Ann Arbor, paid n short visit to his Phi Kappa Psi brothers last Monday. William Hawloy Smith is expoctcd at Wcsloyan university January 17, when ho will give a rending during tho on tlro evening. O. It. Uownmn, 95, has roslgncd his position as principal at Nohawkn, Nob., and nccopted tho prlnclpalshlp of tho Wnvorly schools. 0. II. Allen, J. H. Lieu, J. H. Mc Quffy, J. A. Mngulro and J. D. Donnl son attended the Travelling Men's bnnnuot to Hon. W. J. Bryan at tho Lincoln hotel Tuesday evening. Orlo Ilrown, while opondlng tho holi days In Omaha, was very unexpectedly cnlled homo to Talmago by the very sudden death of his father, December 27, resulting from heart diseaso. Mr. Drown lins returned to his work in tho university. Men's rubbers 17 cents up, ladles' rubbors M cents up. Gent's lino Vici kid shoes, worth $5.00, go at ?3.B0. Ono lot men's French cnnmol Bulldog too. extension solo, worth ?(.00, for ?3.00 for a fow days only. Nebraska Shoo Co., 1120 0 st. M. II. Ilrown, Manager. Alpha Theta Chi gavo Its nnnual banquet nt tho Lincoln New Year's eve. Tho guests of tho fraternity were: Dr. Sherman, Professor Hodg niiin, Messrs. Gilford, Wakely and Gordon Clark. The members present were: Messrs. Droady, Cortolou, Cut tor, Dales, Erwin, Humphrey, Illltner, Hnndolph, ltlcketts, Sherman, Martin, Town. Mr. Hnccker gavo a sleigh ride on tho evening of December 23, to a fow of his friends in honor of his sister, who 1b visiting him from Minnesota. Those present wore: Messrs. Barber, llacckor, White, Chapin, Polke, Brown, Chrlstlo; tho Misses Haccker, Daisy Minor, Anno Minor, Webster, Winger, Wilson, Woods, Lansing, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Dr. Peters. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Miss Treat spent tho holidays in Chicago. Mr. Randolph mndo his parents a visit in tho old Kentucky home. A grand piano has just been placed In tho recital hall for tho benefit of pupils who appear at students' weekly recitals. These are largely attended and interesting. The glee club is getting down to bet ter work, nnd with tho prospect of a Hno homo concert nnd a trip that will tako them into an adjoining state, there will be no lack of enthusiasm, and promptness at rehearsals. Tho Philharmonic orchestra gavo a special concert for visiting teachers last week. Harriot Dement Packard being the soprano soloist. The ladles' quartet sang a number with much ex pression at tho music carnival, Inau gurated by the state teachers' associa tion. They ought to be heard fre quently. Work Is pursued with much vigor since the holiday recess, and all de partments show nn increase. If ono has an idea that to study music is a mere pastime, ho should go Into the school of music during recitation hours and ho would soon be convinced of tho serious purposo and ambition of tho mature young people In attend ance Bumstond & Tuttlc dovoto their en tire attention to tailoring and furnish ings, nnd do not sell ready-made clothof. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. mmmm&s$&3$x&3?tx&3w&8m&$ YOUNG MEN ... Don't fail to look at the fine line of Men's Suits and Over coats from $7 to $20, at the EWINC CLOTHING CO. HL-U7VYNI It. H. Graham, '97, of Arapahoe, at tended tho association. A. C. Fling, '94, of tho Nobroskn City high school, wai an nssoclatlon visitor. Miss Amy Brunor, 90, now of Wls nor, was a visitor during Mio Christmas vacation. N. C. Abbott, '!)G, wis homo from tho Institute of tho Dllul, whoro ho Is teaching. Miss Holona HodJord, '97, of tho Plattsmouth schools, was In Lincoln for Christmas. Mr. J. V. V, Cortdyon, '97, enmo down from Omnha to attend tho Alpha Tliota Chi bnnquot. J. J. Hunt, '90, ennu down from Pal myra whoro ho Is teichlng, to nttond tho nssoclatlon meetings. D. L. Killcn, '9li, Itw, now superin tendent or schoolB in .iulesborg, was a Lincoln visitor Inst wok. Miss Olivia Pound, 95, who is teach ing in tho Seward high school, camo homo to spend the hclldays. Norman Shrove, '97, who is teaching at North Loup, Neb., visited tho Uni versity Just beforo tlu holidays. Miss Myrtle Whcelar, '9li, and Miss Laura Pfelffer, '97, of the Omaha high schuul, wuiu Isltors tn Lincoln dur ing tho past week. Hugh Wilson, 97, formerly captain of Company C, was an interested spec tator at the cadet dri.l two weoks ago. County Superintendent Uhodos, '9G. was greeted by many of his friends while In attendance at tho teachers' association. Miss Mabel ltlcketts, '97, ontcrtnlned the assistants In tho department of European history, Snturdny evening, Dovcember 18. Geo. L. Towne, '95, at present prin cipal of Junction City, Kan., high school, spent Christmas In Llnco n vis iting relatives and his fraters In Alpha Theta Chi. Alii Randolph, '97, who has been teaching at York college, spent tho holidnys in Lincoln. Io has Just ac cepted an offer as principal of the West Point high school. The current number of the Law Re view, of the I'nlverslty of New York, contains tho thesis of Mr. Goodner, '97, law, who won first honors nt this uni versity with tho same theslB. A. F. Woods, t9, was a visitor at tho University for several days last week. Mr. Woods now holds tho position of nsslstant chief in tho division of veg etable physiology in Washington. Ho in also an old member of the Sem Bot. Worthy P. Sterns, A. B '95, A. M., 97, U. of N., has nn article in tho De comber issue of "Thf Journal of Po litical Economy," published by the Uni versity of Chicago, on "International Indebtedness of tho United States In 17S9." If bilious or costve, eat a Cascaret, candy catharlc, cure guaranteed, 10c, 25c. Northwestern University Medical School. Tho regular course is four joars; with conditions for advanced Blanding. This school claims superiority in tho oxtont and thoroughness of laboratory courses and in the groat variety of its clinicaj material and tho methods by which it is u Bed in teaching. For circulars of in formation address the Secretary, Dk. N. S. Davis, J., 2113 DoarbornSt., Chicago- K 1115-17 O STREET. J It's Cold. Buy Underwear while you can get what you want. Buy Cloaks while the assortment is complete. We think we have what you want. Come and see us. MILLER & PAINE. When You Travel Always Take t The To OMAHA All points East. KANSAS CITY East and South. DENVER and all Colorado points. OGDEN and SALT LAKE. BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND. SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. ITns tho best modern equipment. Pullman Puluco and Tourist Sice pers. Dining nnd Freo Reclining Chair Cars. For time schedules, tickets, reservation of births, call on or address E. B. SLOSSON, Gon. Agt., 1014 O street, J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. Lincoln, Nob. S.H.H.CLARK, Pres. E. DICKINSON, lion. Mgr. E.L.LOMAX,G.P.tfcT.A Omaha, Noli. The University of Nebraska. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Offers Complete Courses in the Fol lowing Branches: Pipe-Organ, Piano Forte, Voico Training, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History, Gon oral Theory, Sight Reading. If Yon are Thinking of Stnayius Mnsic Investigate the Merits of this School WILLARD KIMBALL, Director. Mr. Albert Turpin's DANCING SCHOOL JS'ow open for Season 1S97-9S. Adult classes, every Tuesdays nnd Thursdays Juvenile, Wednesday i p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. in. Assemblies every Thursday Evo. Hull for rent. Special rates to clubs and fraternities. 1132 N St., for terms, etc. Oflico hours 9 to 11:30 a. in., 2 to 5 p. in. OLIVER ERWIN. J. E. ERWIN The Antelope Valley CO A I,, ?Qn LINCOLN, NEB. Yards 25th and J Sts. Office 113 N. nth St.! Phone 505. Table Board, $2.50. Meals, 15 cts. MEAL TICKETS. $2.50. THE MODEL DINING HALL, MKS. ROH'T. FUUELAND, Proprietress. 316 So. 12th Street. - Lincoln, Neb H. W. BROWN, Druggist. Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a completes stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 SO. ELEVENTH ST. The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. U' Offers Free Advantages not found Elsewhere. Freo Scholarships in all Departments Orchestral Training, Military Band Training, Concerts, Lectures, Recitals. C. EHLERS, The Tailor. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. ClenninR nnd RejmirinK also Done. 126 So. 11th St. Ov r A hlfnlmnr'B C'ljrai Store 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono sendlwi n skelrh nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Conimunlen- tlonsetrlctlyoonnuemini. uananooKon rorau Bent freo. Oldest nuency for Beciirinpjuitonts. Patents taken throuuh Munn & Co. receive ipcclal notice, without clmreo, In tho Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Jjirecat clr culatlon of any sclcntltlc Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, f I. Boldbyall newsdealers. MUNN & Co.38'"'08""' New York Branch Office, 025 F Bt, Washington, D. C. .........---- , ----. .--.- ,. . . . HEARTand nervous DISEASES are Just as curable as other diseases. Treated exclusively by J. S. LHONMARDT, M. D. OFFICE, 1437 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. HOURS, 2 to O dally, except Sundays. i wSH Bfr Id h rrB rVHRHIw i Ssgrasaasasasc 11