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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1898)
rr, w l I in quosfon of tho practrablllty of such 1 HE IMEBRASKAN I committees composed of both Btudonia I and professors but press illfipatchos A Weekly Newepnpor Issued Every Prl- j chronicle tho summary action of tho day Noon, by the Students of the Untvorsity or weurnsKii En.cred ns Sicond Class Mull Matter. A. E. Pnulcc.. T77. Managing" Kdltor ASSOCIATES. I. S. Cutter Editorial committee In dropping the name of forty-ono "Hunkers." Tho principles tho commltteo works on Is, that It a student does not show sulllclont np-' prcclatlon of tho privileges given him, i he should drop out to mnki room for C.ESXs;n:V:::V:::...As8Uo;.a-any appreciative student The Kate Snow Walker Sororltle Acuity rightly hold dlxslpatnln and II. C. Burr Athlotlcs. i kuu" -" ! " '' hi-wiiii'.i.- O.lvcr Chambers Local but tho man wnstoo smooth for him and after sapping ilm a couplo at times with tho Iron by way of a proper cul mination ho Btrulo oft to his shed whllo Chick plnrcd his hat tugother and sneaked under tho fence. Milt atowart ddn't got much time to run with tho fang as ho hired out as a trained nurs) at tho beginning of tho holidays. Oorgo Portor was also so busy showing a visiting undo how to play pool that ho couldn't keep up his regular pace. Tr3s ) ?,'4vrrX n E 11. h Schwuriz Asa't Bus. M'jjr. tho "wnf.lng" of few students for too much colohratlng after a foot) all gtma i nlinutn t It r frYnn if Mint tlti tl InllU The Ncbraslmn will bo sont to any ml- ' """" ",u "'" l"u' "i" dress upon ncolpi of tho suliscr pilon i As a rule, the student body Knows price, which Is one dollar a yuir, or ilfty cents a. Homester. Contributions are solid. ed from all. News IteniH such us locals, personals, reports of ineetlnRH. etc., are especially dcslr d. The Nobrusknn will be glad to pilot any cuntr button relative to a kod era. university milJ ct, but the name must accompany all such. nothing of cases of discipline within tho walls of Nebraska. Tho policy of tho oxccutlvo olllco Is not to submit the offender to additional dlsgraro but as quietly as possible drop him from tho roll. One faro less somotlincs no ticed, often not. It Is equivalent to the Ynlo mo ho.l of sending tho cilpr.t "up country." Not ninny wcpIch ago the executive olllco handled with great delicacy and dispatch the case of a student found guilty of stealing. It mny I.o an open question whether a public exhibit Ion of the offender should bo made or not, but tho fnr more generous course was pursued. Kvory case reported to tho oxccutlvo olllco Is carefully looked Into and as quickly as possible justice administered. It la to bo hoped that tho "Frnt." man has not oxpoudod his surplus In Xmas pro ants for his mother and sis ter to such an extent that ho will bo unable to nttond the "Porshlng" hop. During tho coming month the nth letlc board will elect a football man ager for noxt year. This mattor Is almost as Important as the election of tho football captain, for poor manage ment can never win tho pennant even though tho team be satisfactory in all respects. In electing a manager there are many things to be taken Into consider ation. A successlul football mniiuger should bo possossed of a clear busi ness head and should bo a lirst-class financier, llo should be able to pir celvo his rights In n controversy and to s and up for Mum. He thould ha.e a knowledge of football so that ho would at least know how to solcct competent olllclals. Above all ho should be a, one who will not let anything stand In the way of mnk- sermon was over ho was not at all ing the season a llnanclal success. ; surprised when tho minister asked for Nebraska had such a manager this , an Introduction. year and we trust the beard will mao as wise a solocllon for tho ensuing year. THE PREACHER'S MISTAKE. Thoro Is a pio ty good enj g 1 g tho rounds on Long John Snvlllo. Whon he was In Omaha, tho Brownie took him up to tho church to hear a visit ing preacher. John had on his now suit of clothes and wns very anxious to get a conspicuous scut, eo ho pran ed tho Brownie well up In front. The preacher kept looking at John steadily all during his sermon and Jchn was all swelled up to seo whit a hit his soen dollar suit hnd mndo, and when the COLLEGE WIT. "How goes It nov at collego, ,Tohn7" A fathor thus petitioned; Then quickly cauo tho niiEwcr back: "I'm very well conditioned." Tho Huchtoi:to. I followed Iter fotr block or moro, With over qu ik'nlng pneo. I lor llguro was hdeed dlvlno; At last I mw lor face. I now am armed with gun and knife, Tho blcod Is It my eye. I'm hunting for .ho man who said That figures n-vcr ,lo. Princeton Tiger. Soph.: If a nan should lose his knoo whore should ho go to got an other ono? Froshlo: Qlvi It up. Soph.; Afrlci. Why? Freshlo. Give up ngaln. Soph.: No-gnes there. Here's nn othor. If a weman should lose her knoo whoro woud she go? Fresh ic: Nosdo. Soph.: Jorustlom. Why? Froshlo: You're too much for me. Soph.: Sho-neos thoro. See? High School Yell. Inquiring stranger "What sort of cllmnto do they have In Australia, sir?" Native "Climate? Wo don't have any cllmnte. Just a collection of d samples." Princeton Tiger. Wo Intended glvlny a tbreo monthB' guarantee to all who bought cadot uni forms. If, anyone failed to receive It plcaso call lit tho storo and nsk for It. ",' rt Palno & Warfol "Thero are others" as good, per haps, but none better than tho pictures tnkon at tho Students' Photograph Gallery, 1031 0 street. , The markings of tho judges In the opening set of prliniinary debates soem to be a cyujtable, or. the whole, ns could bo txpscted from tho complex system. One fact is especially notice able, that Is, that of the entire sixteen chosen to participate in the finals, but one man received a place who spoke first on the affirmative of his question. This would suggest that possibly oth ers who heid similar ps.tions did not receive the grades thty uesoned. Upon the founua.ion laid by the brat speak er rests tho entire argument of the question. It requires as much ability to state and define a question clearly as it does to formulato argument to suppuri a proposition. To do this properly roi,ulro3 tho groator portion of the allotted twelvo minutes, little or no time for pure argument. The one who can open a question prop er y d.s rws as much credit as ho who upholds tho piopts.tlons of his prede cessors. This fact thould not be lost sight of by tho judges, but should in fluence them to a great extent In their markings. The cemp'tt on of the series of pre liminary debates hcom to mark a now epoch in i.ur universlt yiife. It shows thai the spirit c.f debate is at prohont on' of the ttrong st factors In our col lege today. Noser before haa thero boon nearly the same number of contestants on tered for theso debates, and what is more strongly a uibjct of cong atu a tlon, never beforo has thero boon so few dropped out after once reglstored. Not alone did tho debaters outer and speak, but almost without exception th.-y carefully prepared thomsolvos on their rojpottlvo subjects. Fow, if any, who debatod would not have done credit to our university If they had been among tho lucky ones. Thero certainly were few, If any, of the con testants who did not have a faint hope of winning as a result of their hard work. This was evidenced by the fact that tho debaters almost as a whole waited patiently on Monday evening almost two hours for tho final decis ion of tho judges. Certainly If tho University has one thing moro than another to congratu late Itself upon this year It is the great auccess of this annual preliminary de bate. Somo tlmo ago tho Nebraskan men tioned tho discipline committees in vogue in Leland Stanford University. Wo may have made a remark or two "I was watching you all the tlmo," exclaimed he, "because I Immedlat"ly picked you out for a divinity student." Poor John managed to tell him that he was only a plug electrician and he told tho Brownie afterwards that he dldct caro for hinipolf particularly because he was always getting hard rubs, hut ho did feel bad for his new suit of clothes. VACATION NEWS. Tho people who are so benighted ns to Imagine that there Is no fun In town during tho holldnys should have stepped into Lincoln about Christmas time when some of tho old timers were sneaking Lack frcm the r headquarters around the state. There wasn't so awful much to do, of course, besides sit In somo frat quarters and swap lies or play alx-handel "Hearts." This last was very popular however on ac count of tho high Intellectual qua Idea tion of "shilling tho queen" on somo rcubeii college man who has been "farmed out" at York since graduation. Thero was a little skating, too. There was a spot of ico at Lincoln park about as big as a tambourine where Bert Whedon would "cut tho llguro 3" for hours without stopping. Ho was on oxhlbltlon all day and looked very nicely. Doc Everett was in from Chicago and was quite willing to be Inter viewed. Ho epoke several times at the Red Ribbon hall on "Resisting Trmp tation in a Great City." Ho is the samo earnest student as whon wp lnt saw him. Ho will bo back In time for tho convention of the Epworth League. Allio Randolph also walked In fiom York, whoro ho has boon Uachlng at the colloge. Ho hadn't teen the bright side of a plpo since ho left here and was looking frail and unhappy. He soon got In trim again arid learned to Blng "Hot Time," and a few other new songs which had not yet struck hi- town. He found life In the city too exciting, however, and started up to somo little country berg seeking change and rest ho particularly lacked change. "Chick" Abbott got It Into his head one time when he was out to Lincoln park to "frisk" tho hot tomalo sign. Just as he got It off the building tho owner came out of tho shed and gave him an exciting foot race. Ho chased him around tho park twice and finally corralled him under tho switchback where ho despolsled him of his sign after belaboring him over tho scono with a walllo iron. Chick tried to per suade him that ho wanted the sign for his grandmother, who waa starving, Dr. Clifford R. Tefft, dentist; artistic crowns and bridges; 1127 O street, over Rehlander's drug store. W. F. Nocdham, merchant tailor, 125 N. Twelfth st., carries a fine line of suitings; guarantees work; prices right. m ( X tor sg-m V6 v: S5Sh Ji ITU-."' - o:,p L 2l per cont discount on nil Lotithor GoocIh. MEN'S SHOES LgDIES' SHGES CHILDREN'S SHOES We want to especially mention our boys', youths', misses' and children's school shoe. They nre the best. No Discount on Rubber Goodh. Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 0 Street. P d Si A stock of Huntington's special dlo stamped stationery has Deeu received by the Co-op. It makes tho prettiest U. of N. tablet yet seen. Now is the time for all the !boys to buy their SUITS. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Corner Drug Store .. 10th and Q Sts. Ready for business 24 hours in the day. Niht calls answered. COWLES & GKIF.VISH, 10th and Q Sts. DR. S. E. COOK. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1215 O St. O. F. Lambertson, D. D. S. (nuliiiito of OHIO COLLKGE V NTAL SURGERY Oolct and I'nrifluin Crowns. ISrldue work Gold, Aluminum .ind Kulilx r 1'IuU-m. Special Rates to Students. Oillrc, Kooms -a mid S-l. Al miihIi r Work 12th and O Sts., Lincoln, Nob. ANQOLINS. Quitars"Banjos. I 111' Washburn IS the 1 hmIih,!. make of world-wide reputation. Sold l-y bit rl.i. dealers everywheie from M5.uo upward. Imitated eteii.nelv, k) be sure that the name "George UAshburn" is burned upon tho inside A beautiful Washburn Hook contain mg portraits and letters from the De Kes.kes, Calve, ICames, Nordica.Scal cbi and 100 other famous artists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept. U, LYON & MEALY. Cor. Wabaih Ave. and Adams St., Chicago. MATHEWS PIANO COMPANY Agents for Washburn Instruments. Also general factors Shaw, Weber, Weg rrtan and Jewett Pianos, and Farrand & Votey Organs. All Winter Suits at Cost. We make them in our usual first class manner and keep them PRESSED ERE BUMSTEAD & TUTTLE. Best Work, - BestServce. Established 1889. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Greatest Courtesy. Modern Equipment. Telephone 199 You'll Find it's a Good Place. FRANCIS BROS. 121 North Hth. Proprietors CAPITAL CAFE. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 O St., Lincoln, Nob I Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 Cent Meals. i