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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
7-r -. ,,. s ;- -y 'vOTf wmmmmammmmBm LLe CCXcf THE NEBRASKA N Vou III. No. 22. UNIVEKSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, ISDfi. Prion Fivk Gents. l"m" ,;UJi" " iTWg """i' yr1 iup'pp';f M FIRST CONTEST A SUCCESS WRESTLING MATCH SAT URDAY NIGHT. An Innovation In University Athlotlo Cirolon A ralr Sliod Amtionoo Names of tho Winners, Tho boxing and wrestling con toBt which occurred in tho gym nasium last Saturday evening was a success in uvory sense oE (ho word. This is the first exhibition of tho kind that has occurred in univorsity circles, and much praise, is duo tho men who havo exponded so much time, and hard work in undertaking 5',. This has boon a successful year for univor sity athletics genorally and this success appears to bo spreading outside of tho football fiold. Tho boxing and wrestling con test was to havo taken placo March 23d, but on account of tho dramatic club attraction, and the nearness of spring vacation (?) it was postponed till Saturday, April Oth. Chairs were placed on the gym nasium lloor around tho ring and and mats. 13y half past eight these were filled. "Billy" Hayward then intro duced the referee for tho evening Mr. P. J. Cosgrovo. Mr. Cos grove is an old Ann Arbor stu dent, and for two years hold tho light weight boxing champion ship of that university. He also played right end on tho 'varsity foot ball team. Tho first event of the evening was n light weight boxing con test, foi points only, between "Dean" Gardner and P. J. Cros ner. This contest, as well as all tho other boxing contests of tho evening, was conducted under tho Marquis of Queensbury rules, which limited tho event to three rounds of three minutes each, with one minute intermission be tween each round. Tho "Dean" did some plucky work, but was unable to get away from Crosner's superior reach. John Cameron and E. 0. Pace next faced each other on tho mats in the light weight wrestling match. After twenty minutes of hard work on both sides the men retired, neither scoring a fall. Cameron was on top of Pace sev eral times, but was unable to move him, and seemed content to keep him in that position without at tempting to do more with him. As Fair did not appear in the ring against Flippin for the heavy weight boxing, the first bout of the middle weight boxing contest between Mueller and Clausner now took place. This was a ver' well matched contest, both men being in good trim. It would have been hard for any one out side of tho referee to tell in whose favor this bout onded. Tho second wrestling bout be- twoon Cameron and Paco was tho next ovont. This ending as tho first, neither men scoring a fall. Tho univorsity authorities ob jected to Mr. Tauscan, tho trainer of Mr. Soivoking,appoaringon the program. To till in this ovont, Mr. W. TT. Oury kindly consonted to a five minutes wrestling bout with Flippin, but had it stated that he did this as an untrained man, who wished to soo what ho could do against a man in train ing. This ovont was probably tho most oxciting ouo of the oven ing. Oury sooured first hold, but was unable to got Flippin otT his foot. By working hard, with tho samo hold a socond titno, Oury succoeded in gotting Flippin two points down. Flippin's training hero showed to advantago, and as Oury was nearly winded, Flippin with a littlo work secured a "down." As Muollei' was announced tho winner of tho first middle weight boxing bout, A. II. Andrews now contested his right to the gold medal. Muoller did most of tho loading, and Andrews' work was moro on the defensive. Tho names of tho winners wore next announced, and as each name was called tho winner received a neat littlo gold medal. Follow ing aro tho names of tho lucky ones: "Winner of tho light weight box, P. J. Clausner. E. O. Paco won the light weight wrestling match by default. Geo. Flippin received tho heavy weight boxing medal by default Muoller so cured tho honors in the middle weight box. Cameron and Pace were to have one moro trial of eight minutes for a fall in tho middle weight wrestling, and tho contest was to be decided in the future, if neither secured a fall in that lime. This last contest which resulted as tho preceding ones between Cameron and Paco, closed tho program, and four hundred peo ple left the Armory feeling satis fied with tho first university box ing and wrestling contest. C. B. B. The rooms opon togothor vary convonioutly for dancing, and ae tho lloors woro canvassed, it was a tomptation to some not to begin a two-stop before tho rocoption hours woro ovor. At ton o'clock tho music struck up, and lovers of dancing woio happy. In tho li brary woro card tables for thoso wishing to play. At a lato hour tho party broko up, and tho Phi Psi's had tho rocollection of an other vory pleasant "at homo" in thoir honor. Invitations aro out for the Sig ma Alpha Epsilon danco to bo givon at Lansing hall, April 19th. WAS LIKE A BOMB SHELL THECHANCELLOR'S RESIGNATION. Mr. Dunroy's Reading. Tho roading given by "William Rood Dnhroy in tho chapel of tho university on last Monday even ing was a very successful affair. Tho chapel was tastefully deco rated with palms and statuary and ovorything was in kcoping with tho character of the entertain ment. Tho audienco was most appreciative and everything went smoothly and nicely. After tho program Mr. Dunroy was given quite an ovation, the audience crowding around him with con gratulations. The music which was excellent was furuibhod by tho conservatory of music. Tho following program was given: Address " Pools mid Poetry," lion. W. J. Bryan Tcnou Solo "Tho Minstrel Hoy," Shelby Mr. Albert Kendall. Poem Tho Nobrasky Uui William Rood Dunroy. Piano Solo ' Staccato Etude, Rubinstein Miss Emily Metcalf Perkins. Rmnivo H) "Nobrasky" UUA,,,NO ) (b) "A Nocturne" Sono -"Toll Mo My Heart.". . . .Bishop Miss Clara Margaret Spencer. ( (ci)"Tlio01tl Fashioned Girl" Readixo (("Mother's Old Rag Car ( (cj"Rosignation" I pet" William Reed Dunroy. Pi Betas Receive. Last Friday evening the beau tiful new homG of Mrs. Frank Lahr was tho sconce of a delight ful rocoption given by tho Pi Beta Phi girls in honor of Phi Kappa Psi. Tho hull was bright with Phi Psi colors, and tho laurel and ivy of tho fraternity. In tho other rooms wore tho blue and wine colors of Pi Beta Phi, while roses were everywhere in the greatest profusion. A quantity of calla lilies arrived most opportunely from California, and wero used effectively in tho decorations. In the dining room smilax drooped from the chandeliers and palms stood in corners and alcoves. Resolutions of Sympathy. University of Nebraska, Miitary Deeartmext, April S, 1S95. Cadet Company 0," to Cadet Captain J. P. Beardsloy: "Whereas, Death has taken from you and from your home circle your beloved father, and since wo realize that the separation has caused you sore ailliction. Therefore wo, tho individual members of your company do hereby extend to you our heart felt sympathies in this your time of sorrow and do commend you to the Eternal Father through whom only tho broken ties of earth may be reunited in a never ending day. On as. C. Pulis, B. W. "Wilson, H. "W. QUAINTAXCE, V. 0. Barber, Chas. Hendy, Jr., Committee. Evorybody Gomplotoly Surprised Mnoli Roffrot XSxproaaod Korront Sstabrook TnUtti. Tho following lottor was givon to tho board of regents of tho university at an informal mooting on Wednesday night by Chaucol- lor Can fiold: Lincoln, Nob., April 10. To tho Moinbors of tho Board of Rogonts Goutlemou; It becomes my dutv to inform you that I havo this day ro coived and accepted a cull to tho pres idency of tho stato univorsity of Ohio, to outer upon tho duties of that olllco on July 1st. I, therefore, prosout my resignation, to tako ofrect upon that date. t hopo you will understand that this stop is not taken hastily. Aftor sov eral mouths of constant and caroful consideration of institutional interests and oillcial duties and family responsi bilities and cares, it seems that this change is desirablo and that I am at least reasonably free to make it. It would bo irrelovant to attempt to rocito here all the reasons leading to this conclusion, and it would doubtless bo as unnecessary and futilo as irrolo vant, 1 havo vory sincerely endeavored to dotormino whoro my duty lies both in tho educational world and as to pergonal and family affairs which T havo entirely neglected for many years, but which cannot properly bo longer without moro of my attention and oversight. It fortunately happens that there is offered in Ohio an unusually favorable opportunity to continue my work in the educational Held and moot tueso personal obligations. It ought not to bo nocessary for mo to assuro you that I keenly appreciate all tho courtesy and confidence that havo marked our oillcial relations, and that this institution will always bo an object of my solicitous interest and regard. I havo given it four years of as faithful service as lay in my power; and I think it can bo truthfully said that tho first and most immediato task to which you called mo has already been accomplished. Tho university has my heartiest good wishes for its future. I beg each of you to accept tho as surance of my personal respect and regard; and that you will believe mo to be, as ever, most cordially yours, James II. Caxfield. Tho matter was a complete sur prise to every one, and many were tho expressions of regret heard among the students and faculty when the fact was made known. The regents said that it was as much of a surprise to them as to any one, and they were filled with consternation. Mr. Estabrook, a warm friend of tho chancellor, said, "It was an absolute surprise, wo had no intimation of what was coming. Wo were called to an informal meeting and the resignation was handed us. Wo feel that it is a great blow to the university. Ho has been working so hard this winter for tho institution trying to get the appropriation and ho believes that if he had not been successful in obtaining the appro priation, that he would not havo resigned. Ho had the good of tho university at heart and it will bo a very hard matter to find a man Continued on 4tU page. my h