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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1894)
M Olffi. iprWi 1 r r'll'niirni' i r n- - r - r - -. ....... ... , ,, ,..,,. i .! ' THE NEBRASKAN -jau Vol. i - '" ' n r . 1 1 III. No,. 6. ifli&'jy UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER L, 181)4. Pkior F H 1 4 IHl' iviu " m ' -N j -i m t o. ., !.! WffiRgf V tPt NEBRASKA DOWNED Tho LlncolnAggrogatlonStarta "off With a Rush. TOUOH.DQWtf, SEVEN MINUTES Mada by fend Runa, ButOury Fallo to Klok a Goal. Jiissbtiftt EASILY BU.OKS.XINE Scoros two Touoh-downs In First Half. tho TWO MOEE FOR NEBRASKA But They Don't Win tho damo-Failod to Klok Goal or wo Would Have Tied tho Soore. Kansas Cm-, Nov. 3. Special telegram lo tho Nkbiuskan. Tho Nebraska boys reached horo at 1) o'clock Friday ovoning. They seemed to bo in much bettor trim thuu they did a year ago, when they entered the town at 5 o'clock jn the morning. The game was hold at Exposition park, which is located about a milo and a half from tho center of tho city. They arc a .good deal like our grounds om , larger. The grand stand is better, and there is a live minute cable car service. The gamo had been well advertised, posters everywhere, and consider able intorst aroused. This is tho way thoy lino up. SuSSOURI. . -NERUASKA. Gibson l. k Whipple Conloy i t Dern Thompson L. a Jones Thompson J., c Homing Hill r. u Wilson Latimor u. t Oury Allio r. e Shuo lvans q. n Spooncr Anderson i ii Yont Shawhan l. h Flippin Young f. r Hay ward . Substitutes for Nebraska Frank, Wiggins. Tho gamo was not calle 1 until 15:80, owing to the usual delays, choosing umpire, roforee, and lines man. Finally Mastin was selected as umpire, Woodson roferct, and Williamson linesman. Nobraska won tho toss and took tho south goal. Evans started the game by kicking tho ball out of bounds. Hayward got it and punted for forty yards. Missouri took the ball and punted Shuo fell on it, and tho next play netted thirty yards by Flippin going around right end. Yont was tried for loft end run, but lost two yards. Flippin then went around tho end fori; touch down. It took.just seven minutes. Oury missed goal. Score, Ne braska , Missouri 0. Young then punts thirty yards on tho kick oil'. Hay ward sends it Imok for forty more. Missouri gained by steady rushes. Whipple "hurt his kneo at this juncture. , Spoonor fumbles and Nebraska loses ground. Wiggins' off-sido play brings ball to live yard lino. yo can't jiold thorn and they make a touch-down ii soventeon minutes. Audorsoji kicks goal. Hayward punts on kick oil' fjjjyty yards. PonniB off side play lajps us ten yards. Missouri hero lYP'rfesjerjss-evoss for ftyv yards. , 0;pon't, pupk tpoir lmo. nay Wjjrd ,;puit;cd .in Ihp wrong direo lion for flyo yards. Flippin and Yont lost ton yards ami again thoy push us over. Goal is kicked. Time, twenty minutes. This ends the first half with score 113 to I, the wrong end to. Shuo's playing is lino, but Hayward a lit tlo weak. Spoonor is doing well at quarter. Tho Missourians aro lining up Flip pretty fast. Tho ground is in line condition. Tho weather lino. Attendance is SOD but they're all yelling lor Missouri. NIX'OND HALF. The second h-ilf opened 'up under rather gloomy prospects for the Nobraska boys. Tho terrific rushes their opponents made were not to bo withstood. Tho fact that thoy had bucked tho lino successfully for nearly the entire length of tho field, tended to discourago thorn considerably. Novertholcss they oomo up smiling tho next round and joined battle with new vim and onorgy. Thoy did a little better in this half, but no use. Missouri makes another touch-down with a goal which wins tho gamo. Shuo and Flippin each made a touch-down in this half but only from one of them was a goal kicked owing to tho ball not being planted be hind the goal posts. Thus endeth the second lesson (Missouri won, IS to 14 sorry.) L. II. Roiuuns. An Inspiration. It was astonishing to seo how many young mon camo to tho measuring room who did not know how to tauo a full breath who ap parently had novor filled their lungs full. There may bo an ex cess of air stirring in Nebraska, but no amount outside tho lungs will over compensate for a lack in side. Now while these crisp, delicious October mornings aro coming on one after the other, tho first thing for cvory one, to do on going out into tho morning air is to fill tho lungs full timo after time. Breathe ! ! Brcatho till the head grows dizzy. That simply shows that you are not used to it. Brcatho till tho ribs crack, brcatho till tho buttons or tho corset strings burst and in respiring leaving an inch more leeway. Emulate- tho ambitious frog of fable. You can not burst. Follow this up not once or twice but morning after morning for tho whole school year and you will add, if not a cubit to your stature, at least an inch or two to your chest girth, and ten or twenty cubic inches to your chest capacity. This will mean a large addition to strength and vitality. 'Aro 1h tho Bunio to iih an mil!; to tmbica Or water la to HhIi or pomllnniH to clox, Or roots and alrba unto an Injun Doctor, Or boyB to girls." What Thoy Say. Tho Chancellor has received ro turns from all departments con corning student expenses for tho coming year. Every department. ho says, reports that it has guarded carefully against all needless ex ponso several roport a consider able lessoned expense, only one re ports any increaso and seems to givo a good explanation and reason for that. Freshman, (reading May bless ings bo upon tho head of Cadmus, or whoever it was that invented books Carlylo.) "1 guess Car lylo novor had to tako Saxon. ' ' Anglo- Univorsity of Wisconsin claims to have tho 'finest college gymna- - 1 siuni in tho world. Ex, HALLOWE'EN DOINGS Somo Unl Boys Got Into Trouble also tho Coolor. UNION SOCIETY CELEBRATES Murrv Crowd Gooo to Colloao Vlow Y. M. C. A. noooptlon Olhor Hnpponlnun. Wednesday was Hallowo'on, a dale generally observed by uni versity students, and for once a little alleged fun was indulged in, in which "hard times" did not figure. Groups wandered about of "our boys" tho streets until early morning, tearing up side walks, crossings, etc. Some did not stay out so late, owing to a check in their career caused by the appearance of a policeman on tho scene. This necessitated an invol untary cessation of hostilities, also a show of coin, to the amount of 12 per capita. To avoid all sus picion, however, thoy attended their S oclock clashes, Thursday morning. Several parlies took the attention of many, and to keep the boys out of mischief, the Y. M. C A. hold a reception which was well attended. Unions Celebrate. No merrier crowd ever left Uni versity Hall than loft about seven o'clock on Hallowe'en. Two large carryalls were at the disposal of this crowd of forty young people No one who went will ever tell that the driver did not know the road and consequently got lost in the shuffle, and bygan to enquire. "Say, fellow, are wo on the right road ? " "Why, how do I know" "Say, where did you say those cat-tails were" Thoso pcoplo went around hvo or thrco sections before they reached their destination, at 10:30. The night was spent after the manner of all Hallowe'en parties, in games, music, banqueting, and the usual merry makings. Tho return was made through tho mud and cold with tho usual mishaps. When these people gathorod for classes, the next day. thoy passed one another with such questions: "Yes its' tho same day." "But oh, such a difference in the morning!" HALLOW UN IIAI'PKNINOS. Miss Shell gave a very pleasant little Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Morris Garner. Thooven ing was very pleasantly spent in fortune telling, and various Hal lowe'en amusements. Then danc ing was indulged in until n late hour. Tho participants were Misses Bessie Turner, ilennie Har bor, Lola Paddock, Miss Wort, Ijoihi Deweese, Edna Polk, Mrs. Scribner, and Miss Turner. Messrs Cullen, Barber, Virgil Barber, Charley Harbor, Morrill, and Wil son. A delightful Hallowe'en party was given by Miss Ann Wilder. Tho various ways of telling fort unes and of finding out who is to bo each girls future "for bettor, for" were gone through with. After all had learned their fate, daint) refreshments wore served, Then followed ghost stories in tho dark, till tho girls wero as nervous as real witches. Thoso present wore Misses Ellon Smith, Libbie Soacrest, h lo Winger, Cora Crop soy, Gortrudo Hanson, Mattio Burks, Miss Main, Miss Chase, "Marion Smith, and Ella Fitch. Delta Gamma Initiation. Wednesday ovoning tho Dolta. Gamma fraternity took unto itself seven now members. Tho unsus pecting "pledges" wore brought I from south Lincoln to Holen Greg- ory's house in very peculiar con veyances. Purl of tho initiation took place in ii vacant house near Helen Greg ory's. When that was demolished the party adjourned to Sara Schwab's, when thu ''solemn part!' took place. Jn the course of the initiation somo flash liirht pictures of tho victims wore .secured, which aro blood-curdling. After tho initiation tho dining room was thrown open, where an elaborate .spread was prepared. Tho table was decorated with roses and tho Delta Gamma colors. About twenty-four Delta Gammas were present. Tho initiates wero Jessie Lansing, Helen Woods, Mrs. Ida .Jackson, Selma Noron, Nolia Cochrane, Edna Polk, and Geor giana Case. GATES TALKS. Says There is no Unkind Feel ing Toward the Unl Boys. Tho Chancellor extended to President Gates, of Iowa College, his congratulations upon tho clean and honest playing of the Iowa boys when they were at Lincoln; iind received the following charac teristic reply: "1 IhrtiiK you heartily for taking pains to send so good an account of my boys. It is a great pleasure k know that they were able to win for themselves such a word of con fidence while I hey were abroad. Naturally they feel a little bit sore over their doieai, mil inai is an orthodox way for boys to feel under these circumstances. They have, of course, a large number of reasons and theories by which to account for it; which is also per fectly natural. General')' there is omo adequate, reason, or combina ition of reasons for such disaster as lliey have suffered. It is not al ways untrue that among tho rea sons that might be adduced there :s.M lurking suspicion that the other fvllows were a bit stronger. l.have heard no unkind words of their treatment while away. Their criticisms have been on certain kind of play with which they are unfamiliar. Hut even these have not luvn .spoken of in an unkind spirit. It is not always possiblo to keep rough play like football free from objectionable elomonts; but when ii can lie done it is suporu irnin- ing. SOME ilNTERESTING DATA. Showing the Attendance in the Various Departments. From the reports from heads of iJopartmonts, just submitted to the chancellor, mo louowmg munvu to be the departmental attendance nl tho university at the present du.o: English '0 Physical Training 7015 Mathematics W Latin 7f German lul) English Literature -US Chemistry MM Physics ' ;17 European History WS Botany . . ,1AI : ,)vi Manual Training . -j i 'i Itnninncn Linimiinros 205 JClooution 1851 Philosophy 1 y Greek . 11 Geology J-l American History 130 Political and JSeonomio Science. 80 Military TO Zoology 75 Electrical Engineering 5(5 Civil Engineering 50 Agriculture 1 Entomology . 23 Horticulture 18 Hebrew 2 Tho soniors of Lake Forest Uni vcrsit)', Ills., have decided against. cap and gown. Hut thoy Have de cided to wear "something weird." THEY'LL BRACED Military Cadets Only for S and Artillery Drill. x WILL BE SELECTED WITHOi '4 Lloutonant Purshlntr Sprlnga'Sl Drlao Llout Hardin's Schonv anttalllon Nows. V A surprise was sprung on J cadets Monday evening at when tho orders were read, thay officers in charge should sond 1 1 ti ,n,i,l in 4 ,il t r i 4 ,n, In4 is l,T milhary-like in deportment, atfi tion and gonoral military bear!! From this list, tho lioutor chooses the best mon, and tl will bo assigned to the pormaf artillery and cavalry compan Those who aro not chosen will obliged to drill with new cadeti setting up exercises while- others are reaping tho reward their labors hv not having to (I through tho winter. The lieutenant has put his i down on those cadets who no stand ui) in a military fashion, if thevdo only in ranks, who1 around with half their uniformj and half someting else, or who! not salute when they should. A now the cadet who didn't stand straight is feeling extremely so; The names ot the luclcy cad will be read off about Thanks ing lime. 1 Lieutenant Hardin's Scheie Lieutenant Hardin camor ' " from Doane to seo the fl game lasr Saturday. Hj) enthusiastic about his battalion, rather his company, for he oil has eighty men. Ho has a gnT scheme tor their annual encan annual ment next year. He wants battalion to march overland Milfordor some other point do that way, and his battalion will there ahead of us, laying tor along the roadomowhoroand wh' wo appear on the scone they emit blood-curdling yolls,and the upon will ensue tho most torriffi battle over witnessed by the olddj IIlllUHUUIIl.S IU .Mill IAJII. J.I1 when all are killed or winded will be discovered mat wo a friends and not enemies. Thoy V, then sue lor peace, ami we w camp peacefully beside the st$ waters of the Blue, or Salt Cre or whatever conies handy. When Lieutenant Pershing w asked for his view of this schon: lm (lid unl minm to f)ivnv WlwiOwti. tinv iviH nf it will I carried out, is as yet doubtful. f Battalion Notes. When a cadet brings back t sick-book signed by Doctor Clari he does not need further authorij to be absent, but simply makes oj his request and hands it in. Tl first sergeant finding that he is aj sent, goes to his sick book and? his name is there, no furthor uu thoritv is ucceessary. 5 Tho gunners this week wc Saxton, Hobbins, Kring and Wal ron. Lieutenant Hinds wandered iw nmonir Company A's ranks Mo day ovoning giving somo valuab information, isut ho was not all appreciated by tho short co poral ot that empany. Lieutenant Ponn, tho officer d tailed ass instructor ofmitita science inho Omaha high Wido visited tho university last Frida lie got some pointers trom ou way oi doing things, and express' himself as vorynnuch pleased wi the showing or tho battalion. Tho Dial of Sti Mary's ( Kansas, is a publication of thi two pages on the magazine m ,.i,l ,o nvinnMiirwl r mhi'lf nvinna ' IB II VlltllUllU OlIUUV. JL: 1 1 : I ii Mir II it . . ir . Jaflnyi u. t .f.u- uaji &ZU . . - 'Mxih ' Ira"- ' y tfWftMKmi. njum-X MMtm &t$tMj i. K k eft, OJLAi miwmuiwHTmam mmzmi-fiiM ... Arm tin am urn i