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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1894)
I y. ' 7 zowz. Corner P and Tenth Sta. NCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Eli Perkins' lecture nt the Lnnsing lust Saturday was very poorly attended. It was expect ed to put at least two hundred dollars into the treasury of the Athletic Association, but instead increased their deficit by nearly one hundred dollars. Perkins is getting to be somewhat of a chestnut, which may account for the small attendance. (It does not excuse it, however.) He wandered into politics and talked protection. Our democratic fel low students thought that his remarks on the subject sustained his reputation for veracity. The final steps were taken in organizing the Political Science Club last Saturday afternoon. The following officers .were chosen for the second semester. Mr. Wilson, president ; W. Hil dreth, vice president ; A. B. Ly ons, secretary and treasurer; Miss Hammond and Messrs. Healds and Searson, members of the executive board. Prof. Taylor, as head of the Depart ment of Political Science, is the ..honorary president of the club. The club meets semi-monthly, and prominent speakers will address it upon the practical economic questions of the day. Profs. Barbour and Bessey have finally decided that the fossil daittionch'xj or devil's cork screw, of which the University possesses many specimens, be longs to the vegetable kingdom. Cells which have been discovered show unmistakeable vegetable characteristics. The last lot of specimens of this interesting fossil have just been mounted and placed in the museum. Kansas University proposes to make an expedition to the Bad Lands next year to obtain some specimens. The U. of N. has .up to this time been the only school possessing representatives of this rare plant. At the meeting of the Junior Promenade committee Monday night, it was decided to invite a large number of representative people who were selected as patrons. It was decided to hold tickets for University students who have engaged them until next Monday. If not paid for at that time they will be sold to an)f one who may want them. The committee is sure that the necessary number of tickets can be sold to University students and that it will not be necessary to sell to town people. One hundred and iourteen tickets have already been sold, and as 150 is positively the limit, stu dents who do not secure their fckcts at once may be disappointed. GoLDOftBBa's Boston Store. .. Is the Cheapest place in town for Clothing, Dry Goods, and General Merchandise, FRANK PACAL,- BOOTS AHD SHOES MADE TO ORDER. Repairing Neatly Done At the Lowest Prices 1010 P ST. LINCOLN, NKB. SULPH0-SAL1NE BATH HOUSE, Rheumatlsm-Nkln, Blood nnd Ncrvoii diseases, livcr nnd Kidney troubles turn ohronlo ailments nro treated with uulform succors . , Tho Ho E nt Baths nretho Important font res of this establishment nnd ours mv speedily effected wlicro otlicr moons nnvr l"' .... 1 These Artesian Waters are mnny time stronger thnn ocoan brlno, and the thorouirli system of treatment soon results In roller lo the afflicted patients. All Sorts of Baths arovlven including n groat swimming pool BOxlM loot, and SJtf to It feet deep. There are SprlnR Hoard!, Shower nnd Needle UftthB,Tmpeze nr.U other conveniences. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Hth and M Streets, LINCOLN, NKB. j - O s" 1 w J -'; mm: sCHi smsBk STRA auk the war. re ns Now in Yimiv Opymrlxinttx to shvo money on HOLIDAY PRESENTS AIE. FLEMING'S, 1224 0 St.. 1 Who has Just received nice lino of I i.h-Ics,.-' Wntrhcs. Jewelry, DhuiuiUds. Sllvcnvniv, tiP Optlchin I'nittio ted with tho Store. CIGARETTE SMOKERS Wio nrew III li.B " "w"i Utile more w I?' ... i" ...- ... ... nmr Until' llimtvHH v.iVt.iVl 1HIS BRAND MtH-il..r The Richmond Straight Cut Ho. I ......, fw.T,. nii iiHi'iitrvt most dellrste w n"m. him wirt C0L0 LEAF jriiiwii in irKinm. DEWARE OF IMITATIONS, nnd oWrve Hint the nsmc or the nmntdneturers n below is on CM-rj iwvUgc. tV BHANCH "T, TQCimoNDVtRgtNtS. I 0, F. LAMBERTSOK, D, D. S, LINCOLN, NEI1. (hndunteorOhloColle.o or Dental Km-Kory,- Office Alexnndcr Itlk. Hooms 23 nnd Oi. ! Cor. 12th and 0 Sts, C. E, SPHHR, m. D. Practice Umltcd to Diseases or t e 1?VT? THROAT THA-D Hi X Hi AND NOSE HiXlXi Glasses CarefulU Adjusted. 1216 O STREET. LINCOLN, NE R.H OAKLEY Jo st. Handles all the best grades of COAL Rock Springs Nut and Lump. Canon City (Genuine). Hurricane. Colorado Smokeless. ' Vernon and Silver Creek Nut. Scranton, Iakawanna, Lehigh, Colorado and Arkansas Hard Coals. Don't fail to try our SMOKELESS and Vernon Coal. Best values in the market. iiiii Telephone 66. Nicely Furnished Rooms Gas, Steam Heat, and Water in every room. Lansing it Hall Block. At 1334 O STREET. Fine foot form Highest Quality Lowest Prices. Usual Courtices Extended to Students. J. H. EVXNS.Prest.nndTrcfts. BARR PARKER, T ,109 Street. C. C. QUIGGLE, Secy, end Mgr, urns Liulrj Coin 327, 329, 331 N. 12th STREET. Telephone 7 99. LINCOLN, NEB. GOLD CROWNS Molar Roots Banded with Gold and Pereelala Crania, the fluent aad Boat taxable crowns ever made.end nnexeellea far beauty. KAT FOI.SOM'S - TT 1J A MOt?M M 1 f 1 II l 11. tmn.V3ZUV Home-Maae breaa VIENNA BAKERY. The Ijirja-st nnd Finest Ahnrtnicut of dunlin. I In the State. Families nnd I'urt let-up- ' piled with lee Crontn, lees. eto. etc. j 1907 O STKKKT. - - PHONE, fill. I TAILOR Special IndQceients to Students. Cleaning and Repairing. 1133 N STREET. nTT.,1 BRIDGE WORK OF EVERY STYLE. Removable Bridge Work All Gold or eart Vulcaalte. u0 Wo are putting up the finest remov able bridge work on gold and Ifronoa Vulcanite ever made, superior to any thing ever before offered to the public. Can be worn with the greatest comfort, and costs less than ordinary bridge work. Is easy to repair, but soldoa breaks or needs repairing. We also put up artificial teeth with gold palate, the finest artificial teeth over made. All work warrantee trst class or Be sale. Tale ply la nf vrcrk it) supnm perfection for public speakers. Dr. A. P. Burrus. (BOOMS 9 AND 10, l-'Oft O 8TRKR, SJdLnoolxL. 3CToTo. We Told You to Take the I BURLINGTON When You Started on that Trio. Don't you wish you had taken our dance? I J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, OMAHA, A. C. ZIEMER, Passenger Aj LINCOLN. City Passenger Agent, USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. MODERATE PRICES, W. R. Dennis Co., 1137 O St. HATTERS, FURRIERS, : FURNISHERS. BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE Complete Line of Furnishing Goods, Trnnks and Yalises. Suits nindo to order In Custom Department, Entire satisfaction guaranteed. -1125 O Street. 1 . PTICKL MORK AND Lens TretteMit for tie Eyes. Lenses for Far Sight, Near Bight. Astigmatism, Crossed Ejes, tlttod in Bpecracles, Ej-o Glasses, sold or steel. Lenses or any parts of Framo maaufactured to Ordei G. E. THOMPOM, Ma8SSSBB 1214 O Street. mmimm,)t?A('0y 3 ' tr ? "W' ' 4 i - Svyy , JtaiMMMB.JMyMliBMmMaM