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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1894)
i mn.. -warn BiW 41 'i 1 LOCAL. V. P. Sheldon spent Sunday jt his home in Wchawkn. The Sem. Bot. have decided upon a seal and a co'at-of-arms. Misses Barker and Thatcher joined the Palladians on last Friday evening. Pro!. Taylor will give a three hour course on the money ques tion next semester. Fred Barnes was absent from lectures for two or three days last week on account of illness. Miss Ura Kelley litis been ab sent from lectures this week on iiccount of an attack of tonselitis. The first lecture before the Political Economv Club will be 'delivered "rieXt Wednesday-evening. Prof. Wilson spoke at a joint meeting of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. last Thursday afternoon. The new memders of the Palladian society will give a special programme on the 9th of February; Mrs. Manning is assisting in the prepar&lion for the Greek plaj to be given on the 15th of February. No examination will be given to those psychology students who intend to continue the work next slcmester. Miss Helena and Nellie Lau have returned from Hastings where they have been visiting thepast three weeks. Some new specimens have been received in the Geological Department. The class is at work analyzing these, . . The literary societies are ar ranging to give a joint program in Chapel on Wednesday even ing before Qharter Day. The University party given at the Lansing last week was a very enjoyable affair. About thirty couples were present. The Senior class meets next Tuesday at five o'clock to con sider Senior invitations. Now for the beginning of the fray. Mr. Max Westermann, clerk of the University, was out of town lor-a few days last week. He took his mother to Decatur, 111. Prof. Wardwill deliver a lec tnreto his advanced comparative anatomy class next Tuesday evening. His subject will be vermes. The chorus is working hard preparing music for the Charter Day exercises. A number of singers from the city will assist it. After at: intenselv interesting business meeting ,lnst Friday evening the Palladians decided to purchase a new carpet for their hall. A full set of American Stoto Reports has been placed in the Library. This gives joy to American History students, as it saves many a trip to the Capitol. How many of us will be among the lortunatc after exams are over? There will probably be a few who will wish they had attended more to work and less to other things. Chapel and drill have been' discontinued during examina tion week. Recitations, how ever, go on with unerring regu larity, much to the disgust of the students. Prof. Hampsen took the class') in Machine Designing to Have- .iuin juai wuuiv iu visu nit; uui- 1 llrt4- a a t v s-k 1 4 maina.41 U I lington shops. Many valuable pointers vrere obtained by our embryo mechanics. Prof. Edgren's Freshman French class, will not be so large next semester. 1 he number of flunks is said to be appalling. Prof. E. said that it was unpleas ant but he felt that it was his duty, and he did it, nobly. At its regular jneeting on Saturday evening the U. B. D. C. considered the advisability oft the contemplated issue oi gov-' r ... ernment bonds. After a spirited ( discussion, the secretary was in-' structed to send Secretary Car-' lisle a telegram announcing the result ot the discussion. mi tt t f 1 rr The Haish Manual Training School of Wesleyan University was burned to the ground Sun - day night. 1 here was no msur- arice whatever. The loss of this building will seriously crip - pie the school. Wesleyan stu- dents have the sympathy of the U. of N. in their misfortune. There is still an opportunity for students to show their hos pitality by entertaining some of the high school guests. About one hundred are yet unprovided for. Remember the story about entertaining an angel unawares and take in one or two. They may be angels. Some long suffering mortal whose drill cap had been stolen from the rack broke forth in song Wednesday morning. A poem of some considerable merit and entire originality was posted -on the bulW'ii board, appealing to the culpi ijt to return I-i- . 1 . :' ; , .. , me siuien property ana avoid eternal damnation. Look for the Charter Day issue oT The Nkijraskan. The Junior Promenade prom ises to be very successful. Only about thirty tickets are left. These will probably be sold in a day or two. Those desiring - lllem arc advissd to purchase at once, as the committee say that the number is absolutely limited to 150. Mr. Mallalieu's name was omitted from the list of the committee published last week. The Union Bovs Debatincr Club is to be again annihilated (11) by the "sesquipedalian ver biage" of the Maxwell orators on February 24, 1894. Ques tion : "Resolved) Vhat the prin ciples and policies ot, the A. P. A. are inexpedient." As usual, the Maxwells have assumed the burden of proof. They declare they nre after scalps, and the evident epitaph of the vanquish ed U. B. D. C. will be: "As- BhvxilltPfl hv fnrnn . Affiipv es- cence. If you want to keep posted on the" the news of the Uni read The Nebrasuan, YOU can have the DAILY WORLD-HERALD delivered at your room for 15 cents per week, seven days in the week.,DBQP-A POSTAL or leave your order at 1045 O St. Harvest Etfcuslons. Via the Missouri Pacific. On the second Tuesdays in December, 1893, January, February, Maroh, April "J M? m V6 JfwU7 F will sell round trip tickets to all sta- tion8 In Toxas wlth flnal 1ImIt t0 return in thirty days from date of sale- st0P overs ara alIwod in Mex!co aad Indian Terrltory. Come ( and take a. trip to the south. Phil Daniols, 0. T. A., 1201 0 street ' CRAS. B.GREGORY (U OK x V : SE1XaXxS 1 J A 1 St-AlliM 0 Street. fc PHONE 343. THE A.M. DAVIS CD. Carpets i I112Q Street. Furniture 2 1 1 South Eleventh St. LINCOLN, NEB. WM. GREEN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. 12 1 5 O Street. Fine Baked Gcods High Grade Confections Ice Cream and Ices NEW YORK BA-K Telephone 763. 130 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Peoples' Barber Shop, J. M. MORTON, Proprietor. SHAVING 10 GENTS. Cor. 10th and 0 Street. Under U. & M. Ticket Ollleo, Lincoln, Nob. BEST OF UNION BARBERS. Why , 1 Do you buy ready . made clothing when you can have a suit to order for the same . money? SEE Wanamakcr k Brown's Samples AT L A. BUMSTEAD'S Llndell Hotel Block. 12SO M Street. A&TCall and see list of Student Customars. TELEPHONE 270. CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY .330-3-4 S. 1 Ith St. H. H. GLEHSON. Teas, Coffees and Spices. 1 234 O STREET. I Coffee Koasted Twice a Week. TEL". 64. H.W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, Books and Stationery, College" Text Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 South Eleventh Street. G. W. CLUTTER, DENTIST, All Work First Class Charges Reasonable. Rooms I, 2 and 3, 1134 O Street, :!! L-Jl it- Hi m 1 -frAgi': -i.J