The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 17, 1997, Page 10, Image 10

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    Jumpm’ Kate on a mission
to new home in Georgia
JUMPUv from page 9
jor Fritz Gibson, took loyalty to a new
level when he began playing bass with
Jumpin’ Kate last May.
“I’ve been a big fan of hers for a
long time,” he said. “I first saw her at
Cafe Le Shakes when I was still in high
school. Besides playing with REM, this
is my biggest dream ever. I can’t think
of a better songwriter.”
He added that he thought the move
was a positive thing for Boner.
“The music scene in Lincoln is in
shambles. A lot of the bands that have
been mainstays are dissolving,” he
said. “The way this city is isn’t good
for Katie. Every band that broke out
of Lincoln had to leave to do it.”
Andy Fairbaim, booking agent at
Duffy’s and recent UNL graduate,
agreed that the move would be good
for her, but no one would be able to
fill the void her departure would cre
ate. -V"
“Lincoln’s losing one of its few fe
male voices. But I think it’s good for
Lincoln’s losing one
.* *. ■•.! j • . _ . ' :v
of its few female
voices. But I think
it’s good for her to
get her music across
to some new people.”
Andy Fakbairn
booking agent for Duffy’s
her to get her music across to some new
people,” he said.
“But there will be a void. She’ll
never be replaced. There will never be
another Jumpin’ Kate.”
Jumpin’ Kate has one more Lincoln
performance before heading off to the
land of peaches. She’ll be at Mo Java
Cafe, 2713 N. 48th St., Saturday at 8
Valentine's Day is almost here,
send send a personal to let
them know you care.....
Harris Laboratories is looking for personable, energetic
individuate who wants to be part of a strong team environ
ment. As part of our team, you wil screen mdlviduais over
the telephone to match requriements for pharmaceutic^
studies while entering,data into a computer database.
This position offers excellent growth opportunities. HS
diploma and data entry skills are required; one year of
customer service or sabs experience is preferred. Num
ber of hours vary based on staffing needs. Please com
plete an application at: -
Human Resources, J-SPR
62T Rose St.
Lincoln, NE6S502
Firetruck dean-up person. Daytime hours, Monday-Fri
10 EDM
Full or part time. Lady's Fitness Is hiring for all positions.
Men A women. Cal fell, 48S7777
Get Paid to
Surf the Net!
Local software developer has Immedtete opening for part
time technical assistant. Duties will include monitoring
Internet newsgroups, searching for data and software
resources, software testing and other related tasks. Some
computer experience required. Apply By MaR Only to
Micrclmagaa. Inc., 201 N. 8th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
1347. Please include Nst of colege courses u*en and
grades earned.
Governmental Affairs
Nebraska Public Power District has an Immedi
ate opening for part-time administrative support
in our Legislative Office in Lincoln, NE/TOs
position wn provide clerical assistance in a fast
paced office environment while seeing govern
ment in "action*. Requirements incluite a valid
driver's icense, ability to operate various office
equfcxnent, use WordPerfect 6.1 or Word soft
ware. Applicants must have a high degree of
professionaism. be dependable, responsible,
and adhere to the strict confidential standards of
the office.
Interested petsons should contact the Student
Employment A Internship Center, 345 Nebraska
Union. Salary Is $5.50 to 6.50 par hour depend
ing on quaWfcations.
Nebraska Public Power District is an Equal Op
portunity Employer, if you have any special
needs or requests, please contact us at P.O. Box
499, Columbus, NE 68602.
EARN $10
Disc Jockey
Experience in stage, music or pubic relations. Call 434
2466 lor application.__
Experienced aerobic intructor for local fitness center. Call
476-6600 M-F between 9-3.
Experienced Aerobic instructor for older adults.
Available mornings. 441-7575.__
Hiring for waitery postions. Apply at Taj Mahal Cui
sine of fndia, 5500 Old Cheney Rd. 420-1133.
HUnza Is looking for individuals to fill PART-TIME DAY
shots. We offer an excellent benefits package which
Excellent wages
Super flexible hours
1/2 price meals
Scholarships Program
Buddy Bonus Program
Opportunities Await You!
Stop in and apply today at:
13th & E
Gateway Mall
East Park Plaza _
is hiring note takers in all areas. Apply at Jon's Notes next
to the Student ID Office in University Bookstore. 472
Kings Drive Inn of Lincoln “Home of the Worlds
ers. Good wagesand fiexlble^ours. if Interested please
call 474-4262 or 435-8396.
Knolls Restaurant
Several positions avaiabte for noon/evening dining room/
banquet staff. Perfect hours for students' schedules.
PONT WAIT! Call NOW for more information: 423-2843.
Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
*Come see what we can offer you!
•Wages that only the most successful restaurant in
town can offer!
•Team work at it's bestl
•Unparalleled training and support!
•Paid vacations!
•Closed on major holidays!
•Some daytime avalabMy required!
•50% employee discounts!
•You Do Not hare to wear a name tag!
•And nobody sings Happy Birthday!
Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with
Lazio's, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday,
or Thursday. _
Looking for a great part-time campus job? The College of
Business Undergraduate Advising Office is looking Tor a
receptionist to work 15.hours per week, Monday through
Friday. Duties include answering piones, greeting cus
tomers, fifing, data entry and other miscellaneous duties.
Great work environment! Must have exceptional interper
sonal skills and be detail oriented. Computer experience
preferred. Appications arq available In CBA 138;applica
tton deadline Is January g4.
Office Assistant
in Housing
The UNL Housing Central Maintenance and Family Hous
ing office is seeking a UNL student to work 15-20 hours
per week beginning spring semester and full-time during
the summer. We need an individual with good typing/
computer skills, some knowledge of basic bookkeeping,
record keeping, filng, ordering supplies and good tele
phone skills. This person must be energetic, dependable
and customer-service oriented. Previous experience in
an office setting helpful. Apply in person at the Seaton
Had recaption area by January 20,1997.
Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT employ
ees for deflyery and pick-up. Must be 21 years old. Good
driving record. $6.00/hr. Ftextote hours. Apply at 2200
West Adams No. 5 c/0 Airborne Express between 10 AM
5 PM.
Part time counter Position for fast growing dry cleaner. 28
hours/week. Ideal job for sell-confident people oriented
student Cal 423-5580.__
Part Time Receptionist
United HeakhCare of the Midlands is tasking an Indi
vidual to work part-time In our Lincoln oMce to provide
back up support to the secretary. I you meet the folowing
requirements, please man or fax your raeume to out
*Excetlef* tutanhonn skits
*»*--»»-- »
r'rovcioncy in Microsoft woik
United HtallhCare of the Midlands, Inc.
450 R^jitg^^^^.100
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Computer Graphics/Design Opportunity. Must be fam War
with Photoshop and/or llustrator. HTML sk lls helpful but
not required, variable hours. This is a career path oppor
tunlty. Cal Eric: 441-3292. •
Computer Lab Help '
Morning through evening student pomputer lab consult
ants wanted. Excellent customer sendee and PC akMs
requited. Call 472-5630 or visit 201 Mller Hal.j „■ , ?
Help wanted. Part time mornings. Apply in person at 27th
ana A streets Amoco.
Several part-time openings available. One for executive
sisport person to do fiing and special projects. This
individual must be accurate, dependable, end respect
confidentially. We are also staffing our reception and
phone answering pool. This position requires strong inter
personal and communication skMs as wal as dapendabl
Ity. Both positions allow fiexbie schedules. Please send
letter of applcation to: Professional Business Services.
7700 A Street. Lincoln, NE 6S510
, Part Tims: -
Accurate and dependable Individual desired. 830am
11:45am or 12:45pm-4:30pm. Mon-Frl.
• Accurate, dependable person needed Mon-Frl. 1230 to
430pm. Coitect. sort, and distribute maM.
Part time Communications Assistant needed to coordi
nate communications items for our Mamet Web Site and
other communication outlets. Applicants should have a
basic understanding of the Internet and On-Line services
and excellent written and oral communications skits.
Basic understanding of Ag. industry and Current Ag issues
is a definite plus. Good word processing skills also essen
tial. Approximately 20 hours per week. Holdays and paid
Apply In person or 6end resume. Nebraska Farm
Bureau. 5225 So. 16th, Lincoln. NE 68512.
Administrative Clerk
Part-time opportunity for individual with clerical or data
entry experience. Candidates must possess typing skits,
be 10-key quallied and detail-oriented. We offer a com'
petitive salary and benefits package. Qualified candi
dates apply in person or cal:
4600 Bair Ave
Lincoln, NE 68504
Part-time assistant bookkeeper, a/p, experience helpful.
9-2, Monday-Friday. Call Gingerfor an appointment. 467
2302. .
Accounting Clerk
The Nebraska Higher Education Loan Program, Inc.
(NEBHELP), a leader in the student loan industry, is
seeking to fit a part-time Accounting Clerk in the Finance/
Accounting Department. This postion provides support
by applying the principles of accounting to generafledger
entries and other clerical accounting responsbiities.
Responsbiilies include: assisting with the organization of
financing document in the document control center, copy
ing documentation, data entry into general ledger system,
and general clerical duties.
Qualified individuals wil have one year of college or
technical school accounting course work, or one year
related experience and/or training, or equivalent combi
nation of education and experience, knowledge of gen
eral accounting principles and practices, knowledge of
Quattro Pro or similar spreadsheet software application,
familiarity with mid-range computer-based general ledger
accounting systems and WordPerfect preferred. -
If interested in this position, please send a resume tor
Human Resources, P.Q. Box 62505, Lincoln, NE 66501
2|05^or apply In person at 1300 "O' Street, Lincoln. NE
Equal Opportunity Employer
Hank UbonloilM M«to MM phMMtomWt to draw
Lincoln, NE 66502
Unfcrerafey of Nabreeka
Computing ScivicfB NilWQffc
Operate the UnivetsRys mainframe computer system/
consoles, mount computer tepee, operate printers and
other off-line equipment Computer knowledge and good
customer sendee skills preferred. At a minimum must be
able to wotfcin four-hour time blocks. 16-20 hours per
week. The Data Center Is open 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. Must be available to work summers and
school breaks. Hburssriivarybutshiflswfibeskheduied
primarily on weekends and grmrea (11:00pm-7:00am).
$5.25 hourly. Apply In person at 235 NabrlTlal.
Excelent experience for Human Services/Psychology
Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one day
volunteer traininq sesslon SatuaJay Jan. 25. from 9-4:30
at Community Mmttai Health Center, 2200 St. Mary's
(near Lincoln GeneraJ).To register caN 475-5171 or 469
3275 and leave your name and number.
Programmers Wanted. C experience arid knowledge ol
HTML. Database and SQL experience a ptua. This Job car
lead to ful time employment after graduation. Exciting
opportunity. Call Monte: 441-3292.
Student needed Tuesdays and Thursdays. 230-330. tc
meet and hefr son in wheelchair off school bus.
National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry's
loading provider of market research is NOW accepting
appScations for Is professional interviewing staff. If you
are interested In healthcare issues, enjoy taking tc
people, and are in need of a part-time Job—mis could be
theopportunity for YOU! NRC offers:
•Evening/Weekend hours
*F1ext>le schedulng—You choose the days you work!
•Convenient downtown location
•Casual and smoke free work environment
‘Paid training
•Competitive hourly wage
For more information or to schedule an interview, please
call the Data Collection department @ 475-4526, M-F
between Sam a 5pm.
Tutors are needed in the Hewit Academic Center. We are
seeking upper-level undergraduate and graduate stu
dents with a GPA of 3.0 or above and excellent commu
nication skils. Tutors wili earn $5.50 per hour and will have
flexible and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300
West Stadium or call either 472-9985 or 472-0513.
Experienced telephone workers. Good cause, Good pay.
Bonuses. 5-IOpm, ask tor John 4754)404,
Wanted: leasing agent, part/full time, apply at Superior
Place Apartments, 1501 Superior St. between 1-4 Mon
day thru Friday.
Wanted: Mother's Helper. Approx. 20hra/week. Cal Kelly
438-2690 to set up an Interview, bring references.
We need fun-loving dependable teachers to work with
adorable children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12
years. Must be avalabie 3-6pm Monday-Friday. Great
experience for students in Teachers college or family
science. Apply in person, Krayon Campus Inc 6001
Normal Blvd.
Daily Nebraskan Circulation
DeWer newspapere downtown or on east campus every
morning. Must have own car. no classes before 9 a.m..
and be an UNL student wfth at least a 2.0 G.PA Contact
Dan at 34 Nebraska Union. 472-1769.
Earn $$$
Immediate positions available persons needed, 730
930AM. Monday-Friday. To provide direct care tor chil
dren, flexble days. Call Trinity Infant & Childcare, 475
I * I
I shows. Weekends, Work-Study preferred. Con- I
| tact: 472-2641. _I
Dependable individual to assist with tropical fish
maMainence. Apply In Matter Hal Room 2 or cal 472
0982. Woik-etudyapprowl required. _
Needed student wMi work study voucher to work In the
Economics Department. Computer skill required: gen
eral office duties. 98/hour.CaHCarolor Kim at 472-2319.
' * *r“? ■ ? i - i ' 1
-77*-- •_ —
; “Summer Camp
, •' Opportunities**
Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kkaki,
located ort the Platte River, is seeking applicants for
summer staff positions. Call or write YMCA Camp Kkaki.
2^6 North tlth.- Suite 301, Lincoln NE 68508. 402-434
IfclkeLaa0n& Memories at SUMMER CAMPI
.Top ranked camps in the: Pocono Mins of PA. Need
counselors to teach water and land sports. Outdoor
Adventure. Arts & MORE! Call 215-887-9700
Christian Sports and Adventure Camp—Seeking quali
fied counselors to work with boys and girls ages 8-16.
Employment, terms for all or part of the summer. If
remotely interested,come to our NU informational video
presentation 830 p.m., Monday, January 20 at Ns- •*
masks Union (See dety Rating lor room). Located
Mount Ida, AR (SOI) 087-4131. VMt our Webake at
AVAILABLE! We need rote models, sensitive, caring and
skilled staff members. FOR THE BEST SUMMER OF
YOUR LIFEI In NE Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mtns. Call 1
800-61-WANDA or E-Mail or
information, application and to schedule interview. This is
a great camp arid an awesome experience. Camp
Towanda, Honesdale, PA.
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
Alf teal estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes t illegal to
advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famiial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan wll not knowingly accept any advertising for real
estate which is in v'toiatron of the law or discrrm 'inates
against sexual preferences Our readers are hereby
informed that aldwelkigs advertised are avalable on an
equal opportunity basis
2 male roommates needed to share nice 3-BR house In
Belmont area. Close to campus. $200 + utilities. Ryan
4th Roommate wanted! FUN Male/Female. W/D. Off
Street-Parking, 3000 Starr St., $165/month+ 1/4 utikies,
can 438-7908.__
Female to share two bedroom loft. $262.50/month plus 1/
2 utiWies, $200 deposit. 1617 F St, 476-8657. _
Fun/Responsible F to share apt. near east campus.
Prefer Grad. $170. 437-5178x14 or 489-0889.
M/F roommate needed. $150/month +1/5 utilities. 1 block
from campus. 435-8448.
M/F, non-smoker, 2 blocks from east campus. 2 bedroom.
fireplace, parking, laundry. $217+1/2 utilities. 466-8651.
Male roommate wanted for a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath
house in the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $210/month + 1/3
utilities. Andrew 476-6502.
N/S Female roommate needed ASAP. 3BR, 2BA apart
ment, $210/mo+utlkies. Call Lori 474-1880, leave mes
sage._. -
N/S responsbtemale to share 2 BR apartment for spring
semester in WMowhaven. $205 -»• 1/2 utWttes, 438-1514.
N/S. responsible. M/F to share large 3 bedroom home, 2
baths, W/D. 5 blocks from East Campus. 3 blocks from
UNL Busline. $2S0 +1/2 utlties. $150 deposit, reference.
Call Kelly 438-6745.__
N/S. Graduate perierred to share townhome. Your own
bath. Off street paiking, $325* 1/2 utilite6. 477-0471
Roommate needed, female to share apartment with deaf
woman with 2kkfs. 2 bedroom apartment near 27th & Hwy
2. $225 includes utilities. 476-3666/476-9107._
Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom **. Close to
campus. $230 + 1/2 utilities. 477-7063
Roommate needed for a 2 BR. 2 BA house at 1205
Claremont. $300. Cosigner required. 6 mos lease. 432
6644. _"
Roommate needed ASAP. Rent $245 ♦ 1/2 unities. South
Lincoln. Call 421-8015, leave message.
Roommate to sham Nice 3 bedroom house. 66TH A
HoWrege area. Available Immediately! 488-7867/teave
Two male roommates needed to sham a house. $175/
month ♦ 1/5 utiMss. Deposft and references required.
By Ann Stack
Senior Reporter'
Expect serpents, rock bands, co
medians and more this spring from
the University Program Council.
UPC, an organization composed
of students, is on a mission to bring
top-notch entertainment to UNL.
This Saturday, UPC and the
Afrikan Peoples’ Union is co-spon
soring speaker Philip Walker fa the
Martin Luther King Jr. Banquet.
That will be held in the Centennial
Roan at the Nebraska Union.
Next Thursday, the union gets
live courtesy of Omaha's Blue
Moon Ghetto.Roots-rockers The
Wonsers, a wonderfully fresh band
from Minneapolis, opens the show
at 9 p.m. in the Centennial Room.
There’s a game of Supermarket
Bingo, where the prizes are edible,
in the East Campus Union Jan. 24,
and Jan. 30 Jay Friedman will
present a “Sex Matters” speech at 8
p.m. in the Nebraska Union’s Cen
tennial Room.
The Racial Minority Leadership
Conference, co-sponsored by the
Office of Student Involvement with
guest speaker Marlon Smith, is Feb.
1 at 1 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Cen
Feb. 6 brings the return of
Thursday Night Crib shows with
singer/songwriter Jen Cohen. These
are in the South Crib at 9 p.m.
UPC and the Chinese Students
Scholars Association team up to cel
ebrate the Chinese New Year on
Feb. 7, and “Maborosi” shows Feb.
9 as part of the International Film
v Brainwaves, an improvisational
audience participation-based com
edy troupe, will perform Feb. 13 in
the Crib, and the following week the
Office of Campus Recreation pre
sents a chess tournament.
„ The film “Bye Bye” will be
shown Feb. 23, and Rape Aware
ness Week is recognized Feb. 26
with an interactive discussion by
Katy Koestner. A dance, aptly
called the Snow Ball, will be at the
East Campus Union Feb. 28.
Shakespeare visits UNL March
8 and 9 with a showing of'“Twelfth
Night.” Comedian Renee Hicks,
who’s appeared on HBO, brings her
comic commentary on social issues
March 13, and Gil White talks about
some cheap spring break travel op
tions for penniless students on
March 20.
Singer/songwriter Stuart Davis
comes to the Crib on April 3. Pass
ing Zone, a comic juggling team,
comes April 10.
Herps Alive, an amphibian pro
gram presented by herpetologist
Keith Gisser, makes a full-day stop
in the union April J4.
Crib Nights finish on a high note
April IT with karaoke, and there’s
a chili feed April 18 at the East
Campus Union.
A Chicano Awareness Dance co
sponsored by the Mexican-Ameri
can Student Association will be
sometime in April, as well as the
final two international films, “The
Silence of the Palace” on April 13
and “The Magic Hunter” on April
Remember, these events are free
with student ID. You pay the fees,
you may as well take advantage of