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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1997)
___a-_ ... .. . COMfrOTER OPERATOR Unlveraity of Nebraska Computing Sewicee Network Operate the University* mainframe computer system/ consoles, mount computer tapes, operate printers and other off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good customer service skills preferred. At a minimum must be able tovwork Ip'fogr-iiour time blocks, 16-20 hours per week. The Data Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Must be available to wok summers and school breaks. Hours will vary but shifts wit be scheduled primarily on weekends and graves (11:00pm-7:00am). $5.25 hourly. Apply In person at 235 Klebr. Hall. Get Paid to Surf the Net! Local software developer has immediate opening for part time technical assistant. Duties will include monitoring Internet newsgroups, searching for data and software resources, software testing and other related tasks. Some computer experience required. Apply By Mail Only to Microimages, Inc., 201 N. 6th Street. Lincoln, NE 68508 1347. Please include list of college courses taken and grades earned. Governmental Affairs Internship Nebraska Public Power District has an immedi ate opening for part-time administrative support in our Legislative Office in Lincoln, NE. This position will provide clerical assistance in a fast paced office environment while seeing govern ment in “action". Requirements Include a valid driver's license, ability to operate various office equpment. use WordPerfect 6.1 or Word soft ware. Applicants must have a high degree of professionalism, be dependable, responsible, and adhere to the strict confidential standards of the office. Interested persons should contact the Student Employment & Internship Center, 345 Nebraska Union. Salary is $5.50 to 6.50 per hour depend ing on qualifications. Nebraska Public Power District is an Equal Op portunity Employer. If you have any special needs or requests, please contact us at P.O. Box 499, Columbus. NE 68602. Help waited* Part time mornings. Apply in person at 27th and A streets Amoco. Hiring for wartery postions. Apply at Taj Mahal Cui aine of India, 5500 Old Cheney Rd. 420-1133. IMS OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING NOW HIRING FOR PART-TIME TELEMARKETERS $100 HIRING BONUS WITH A GUARANTEED $7.00-$7.50 RATE, YOU CAN EARN $10 WITH GOOD PERFORMANCE! AT IMS YOU WILL FIND PAID TRAINING YOU SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE PLUS YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORK A FRIDAY OR -SATURDAY perfect Attendance bonus WALKING DISTANCE FROM UNL CAMPUS FIND OUT WHY IMS IS THE #1 TELESALES COMPANY IN THE U.S. CALL AUBREY OR COME IN AND APPLY: IMS SUITE 304 GOLDS GALLERIA 434-2626 EOE __ In-■ —— ■ JON’S NOTES Is hiring note takers In all areas. Apply at Jon 's Notes next to the Student ID Office in University Bookstore. 472; 731,3___f-__ Kings Drive Inn of Lincoln ‘Home of the Worlds GreatestHamburger*is looking for qualified del Very driv ers. Good wages and flexible hours. If interested please call 474-4262 or 435-8396. TEAM TODAY! Runza is looking for individuals to fill PART-TIME DAY shifts. We offer an excellent benefits package which includes: Excellent wages Super flexible hours 1/2 price meals Scholarships Program Buddy Bonus Program Opportunities Await You! Stop in and apply today at: 13th &E Gateway Mall _East Park Plaza_ Lazio’s Brewery & Grill ‘Come see what we can offer you! ‘Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer! ‘Team work at it's best! ‘Unparalleled training and support! ‘Paid vacations! ‘Closed on major holidays! ‘Some daytime availability required! *50% employee discounts! ‘You Do Not have to wear a name tag! ‘And nobody sings Happy Birthdayl Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with Lazio's, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. m CREW MEMBERS Shift/Assistant Managers Looking for PT/FT qualified persons toJoin our team! Benefits include: com pet stive wages, flexible sched ules, 401K Benefit plan, end MORE! Apply at: 14th and Q or any Lincoln Arbys location. EOE Looking for a great part-time campus lob? The Colege of Business Undergraduate Advising Office Is looking Tor a receptionist t&wbrk 1 Shouts per week, Monday through Friday. Duties include answering plones, greeting cus tomers, filing, data entry and other miscellaneous duties. Great work environment! Must have exceptional interper sonal skills and be detail oriented. Computer experience preferred. Applications are available in CBA 138; applica tion deadline Is January 24. Office Assistant in Housing The UNL Housing Central Maintenance and Family Hous ing office is seeking a UNL student to woik 15-20 hours per week beginning spring semester and full-time during the summer. We need an individual with good typing/ computer skills, some knowledge of basic bookkeeping, record keeping, filing, ordering supplies and good tele phone skills. This person must be energetic, dependable and customer-6ervice oriented. Previous experience in an office setting helpful. Apply in person at the Seeton Hall recaption ana by January 20,1997. ' = " - ll University of Nebraska Foundation Student Fundraisers Needed Earn great money while calling Alumni * •Benefit: %' \ ' ' 's • $5-0perhour (ihcludiiig b§|pfe$)i : ; • 5 minutes from Campus • FlexASi ^pheduling § i • Casual attire f — ' f • Opportunity ; jeairt rt)oiit; UN-L f :•: ? • Haveig vital role in improving ' ^ yourbollegeand the University ’ Qualifications: - ^Evening hours Jtfonday - Friday • Mftumuro of three evenings ; (with opportunity for up to five) Contact Brad Shafer orKjrisfin Kasparek at 472-2151. Editor In Chief ~I « _ ' - V The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for next year's editor in Chief. The editor formulates editorial policy, determines guidelines for the daily operation of the news room, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page and prepares the • editorial salaiy budget. Applicants must have one year experience, preferably at the Daily be enrolled in at 6 hours at UNL 2.0 minimum G.P.A. and submit clips applying. The position begins August 1,1997 until May 8, 1998. A half of month's salary is paid in the 1997. Salaiy is $975/month (except 1/2 "■ month in December and pro-rated in May. Applications are available at the Daily Union and must be returned by 3 p.m., Friday, Netfr^'— UNL does not discriminate in its acaaemic, programs and abides by all federal regulations j ■ * ' I ... • . • . - ’ ■ . . ; S . ; ■ ’ Firetruck dean-up person. Daytime hours, Monday-Fri day. $5.50/hour. Apply in person to EDM Equipment, 3001 West “O" Street, Lincoln, NE -_ 3 ■ Full or part time. Lady's Fitness is hiring for all positions, Men 8Women. Cal BMI, 483-7777 _: OFFICE WORK Several part-time openings available. One for executive support person to do filing and special projects. This individual must be accurate, dependable, and respect confidentiality. We are also staffing our reception and phone answering pool. This position requires strong inter personal and comm unication skills as well as dependabil ity. Both positions allow flexble schedules. Please send letter of application to: Professional Business Sen/ices, 7700 A Street. Lincoln. NE 68510 Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT employ ees for delivery and pick-up. Must be 21 years old. Good driving record. $6.00/hr. Flexible hours. Apply at 2200 West Adams No. 5 c/0 Airborne Express between 10 AM 5 PM. Part time counter position for fast growing dry cleaner. 28 hours/week, ideal job for self-confident people oriented student. Call 423-5580. “Part Time Receptionist United Healthcare of the Midlands is seeking an indi vidual to work part-time in our Lincoln office to provide back up support to the secretary. If you meet the following requirements, please mail or fax your resume to our address: 'Excellent telephone skills 'Proficiency in Microsoft Work 'Flexbilitv United Healthcare of the Midlands, Inc. 450 Regency Parkway, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE68114 Fax: 402/445-5050 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Empbyer Part Time: ~~ FILE CLERK Accurate and dependable individual desired. 8:00am 11:45am or 12:45pm-4:30pm, Mon-Fri. MAIL ROOM Accurate, dependable person needed Mon-Fri, 12:30 to 4:30pm. Collect, sort, and distribute mail. COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Part time Communications Assistant needed to coordi nate communications itemsfor our Internet Web Site and other communication outlets. Applicants should have a basic understanding of the Internet and On-Line sendees arid excellent written and oral communications skills. Basic understanding of Ag. industry and current Ag issues is a definite plus. Good wordprocessing skills also essen tial. Approximately 20 hours per weqk. Holidays and paid vacation. Apply in person or send resume. Nebraska Farm Bureau, 5225 So. 16th, Lincoln, NE 68512. Part-time Administrative Clerk . Part-time opportunity for individual with clerical dr data entry experience. Candidates must possess typing skills, be 10-key qualified and detail-oriented. We oner a com petitive salary and benefits package. Qualified candi dates apply in person or call: . RPS.INC. 4800 Bair Ave Lincoln, NE 68504 402-435-4242 EOE/AA PHLEBOTOMISTS Harris Laboratories seeks skilled phlebotomlsts to draw blood samples from study participants within time con straints of study (1 minute intervals) and process samples. We currently have day and evening shifts avail able. Number of hours vary based on staffing needs. Excellent wages for skilled Phlebotomlsts. Apply at: HARRIS 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE PHONE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Excellent experience for Human Services/Psychology Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one day volunteer training session Saturday Jan. 25, from 9-4:30 at Community Mental Health Center, 2200 St. Mary's (near Lincoln General).To register call 475-5171 or 489 3275 and leave your name and number. Programmers Wanted. C experience and knowledge of HTML. Database and SQL experience a plus. Thisjob can lead to full time employment after graduation. Exciting opportunity. Call Monte: 441-3292. SCHEDULE FRIENDLY KeHy has the perfect position for you to gain effective communication experience. These temporary evening assignments include: •Flexible schedule •Weekly pay •Great benefits •Free parking •Convenient downtown location If this sounds Hke what you've been looking for, call us todayl l/n ■ %/Temporary IMLLL/ Services 483-4094 Not an agency/Never a fee An equal opportunity employer Experienced aerobic intructor for local fitness center. Can 1 476-6600 M-F between 9-3. _ Experienced Aerobic instructor for older adults. 1 uriLT Triton. 441-7875. STUDY PARTICIPANT REPRESENTATIVE Harris Laboratories is looking for personable, energetic individuals who wants to be part of a strong team environ ment. As part of our team, you win screen individuals over the telephone to match requriements for pharmaceutical studies while entering data into a computer database. This position offers excellent growth opportunities. HS diploma and data entry skills are required; one year of customer service or sales experience is preferred. Num ber of hours vary based on staffing needs. Please com plete an application at: □HARRIS Human Resources, J-SPR 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 _ AA/EOE TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry's leading provider of market research is NOW accepting applications for its professional interviewing staff. If you are interested in healthcare issues, enjoy taking to people, and are in need of a part-time job—this could be the opportunity for YOU! NRC offers: •ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING!!! •Evening/Weekend hours ‘Flexible scheduling—You choose the days you work! •Convenient downtown location ‘Casual and smoke free work environment •Paid training •Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interview, please call the Data between Sam _ EOE/ADA _ Tutors are needed in the Hewlt Academic Center. We are seeking upper-level undergraduate and graduate stu dents with a GPA of 3.0 or above and excellent commu nication skills. Tutors will earn $5.50 per hour and will have flexible and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300 West Stadium or call either 472-9985 or 472-0513. WANTED: Experienced telephone woikers, Good cause, Good pay, Bonuses, 5-10pm, ask for John 475-0404, WANTED: Weekend custodian. Apply in person to Mark Holste at Harper/Schramm/Smith maintainance. For more information, call 472-1068._• Do you enjoy Kids? Tired of paying room and board? We re looking for a student to exchange 14 hours per week providing child care/cleaning in return for free room and board. Private quarters in large southeast Lincoln home. Flexible hours, experience with children. Refer ences and dependable car. Needed Immediately Call Penny or leave message at 423-1310. Earn $$$ Immediate positions available persons needed, 7:30 9:30AM, Monday-Friday. To provide direct care for chil dren, flexble days. Call Trinity Infant & Childcare, 475 9731. Responsble person wanted to care for infant in my home, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 421-6177. — "A" • I Wanted: Ticket sellers for planiterium and laser I shows. Weekends, Work-Study preferred. Con- I tact: 472-2641. I Dependable individual to assist with tropical fish mamtainence. Apply in Manter Hall Room 2 or call 472 0682. Work study approval required. Needed student with work study voucher to work in the Economics Department. Computer skills required; gen eral office duties. $6/hour. Call Carol or Kim at 472-2319. “Summer Camp Opportunities*1 Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for summer staff positions. Call or write YMCA Camp Kitaki, 216 North 11th, Suite 301, Lincoln NE 68508. 402-434 9225. CAMP OZARK Christian Sports and Adventure Camp—Seeking quali fied counselors to work with boys and girls ages 8-16. Employment terms for all or part of the summer. If remotely interested, come to our NU informational video presentation 8:30 p.m., Monday, January 20 at Ne braska Union (See dafly Hating tor room). Located Mount Ida, AR (501) 867-4131. Visit our Website at ACLU Nebraska has internships for students interested in civil liberties and rights. Call 476-8091. 4Q0$__Hggjygr 2 male roommates needed to share nice 3-BR house in Belmont area. Close to campus. $200 + utilities. Ryan 477-1638. 4th Roommate wanted! FUN Male/Female, W/D, Off Street-Parking. 3000 Starr St., $165/month+ 1/4 utilties, call 438-7908. Female to share two bedroom loft. $262.50/month plus 1/ 2 utilities, $200 deposit. 1617 F St., 476-8657. Fun/Responsible F to share apt. near east campus. Prefer Grad. $170. 437-5178x14 or 489-0889. M/F roommate needed. $150/month +1/5 utilities. 1 block from campus. 435-8448. M/F, non-smoker, 2 blocks from east campus, 2 bedroom, fireplace,parking, laundry.$217+ 1/2utilities.466-8651. Male roommate wanted for a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath house in the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $210/month + 1/3 utilities. Andrew 476-6502. N/S Female roommate needed ASAP. 3BR, 2BA apart ment, $210/mo+utilities. Call Lori 474-1880, leave mes sage. N/S, responsible, M/F to share large 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, W/D. 5 blocks from East Campus, 3 blocks from UNL Busline. $250 +1/2 utilties, $150 deposit, reference. Call Kelly 438-6745, N/S. Graduate perferred to share townhome. Your own bath. Off street parking. $325+ 1/2 utilrte6. 477-0471 Need Female roommate to share 3-bedroom Claremont Apt. $168-Deposit. $236Rent, 1/3 utilities. ASAP, 436 9055. - _ Roommate needed, female to share apartment with deaf woman with 2 kids. 2 bedroom apartment near 27th & Hwy 2. $225 induaes utilities. 476-3668/4769107. Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apt. Close to campus. $230 + 1/2 utilities. 477-7063 Roommate needed for a 2 BR, 2 BA house at 1205 Claremont. $300. Cosigner required. 6 mos lease. 432 6644. Roommate to share Nice 3 bedroom house, 66TH & Holdrege area. Available Immediately! 4867867/leave message. Two male roommates needed to share a house. $175/ month + 1/5 utilities. Deposit and references required. 477-6306. Two roommates needed to share five bedroom house. M/ F, non-smoking. $250 + utilities, 2729 S 40th. Call 484 5506._ Wanted: Two roommates for house. 70th and Vine area. $200 plus 1/4 utilities. No smoking, no pets. Quiet. 464 2289. 3 Bedroom, 2944 S. Nice, W/D, parking. $550,466-5446. 4216 F. Newly built four bedroom, two baths, double garage, $950.430-6328. 5+ bedroom, 3 bath, just redone, C/A, dishwasher, W/D hookup. 1144 F St, $900. 430-9012 CAMPUS CLOSE 1735 N. 29th. Five-six bedrooms, two baths, paiking. $875. 430-6326. Roommate needed for a 2 BR, 2 BA house at 1205 Claremont. $300. Cosigner required. 6 mos lease. 432 6644. _ Heating bill too High? Gas/Heat paid, One-bedroom, 1109, 1121 N. 8th. $330-$365. HEAT PAID! 2920 "P" and 4300 Comhusker Hwy, Two-bedroom. 1 1/ 4 bath.townhouse, spacious, beige or gray, $475-$4$5, HEAT PAID! Two-bedrooms, one or two baths, neutral colors, ceramic floor, white with oak trim, washer/dryer hookup, beautiful,electric heat, $530-$560. Cherry Hill Management HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! _ 489-4857 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349. Two bedroom units $369-$429. Laundry, busline. JONES PROPERTIES 640 South 20th 475-7262 ******************** Is privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets, laundry, $375 includes all utilities. Need garage? Additional $40 per month. Ideal for one individual. 475-7262. I