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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1994)
DRUNK DRIVING DOESN'T JUST KILL DRUNK DRIVERS us Oapartmant Ot Transportatior |Career lama : 1 CO-SPONSORS I Ijj Omaha & Surrounding Areas NEWSRAPIO_0 ^■* Accountemps Aim Institute I* Ameritas Financial Services Analysts International Corp. I* Andersen Consulting K3* Applications Designs & Era Development fel* Applied Systems Technologies Ifl. Bass & Associates Bellevue University B<CTG Era* Cargill, Inc. ConAgra Frozen Foods Ejl* ConAgra Grocery Products E'3 Companies kj» Contracted Services Group |H* Edwards-O'Neill Group I* Empire Fire & Marine Insurance Company ■* Experience Unlimited ^|* Famous Footwear EjS* Farmers Insurfihce El* Financial Services Career EE Opportunities El* First Data Corporation ■221 • First Investors Corporation fta* First National Bank Gateway 2000 Holiday Inn Convention Centre * ™ney oowes copier systems ^ 70„j p * Primerlca Financial Services » 72nd & Grover _ -Th. Roger. Resource, Inc. f Wednesday, October 19,1994 , sencore, Inc. _10:00 am - 4:00 pm • Sitel Corporation LU Software Resources El • Targe, Stores El The Finish Line fcj . Gateway Electronics Institute . Today# Temporary P • George S. May International Company # Tr|pIJ _ j O *,nacom . U.S. Air Force ■ • Matrixx Marketing . y s Software I £ • Met Life . Unjsys Corporation ™ • Metromail Corporation . Un|veraity of Nebr# Medical CenterEj • MHA Software Services, Inc. . A Ro»rt D • Mutual of Omaha • West Telemarketing Corporation El • Nebraska Air National Guard . Western Auto E3 • Nebr. Dept of Administrative Svcs. RESTAURANTS M • Nebraska Job Service .Arby's Restaurants • Norre» Temporary Services . Country K|tchen £ • OfficeTeam # pizza Hut • Olsten Staffing Services • Village Inn Restaurant H • Oriental Trading Company, Inc. ---lEl • PKS Information Service. Inc. “ 0 • Pacesetter Corporation Ratumo* • Opportunities Available From Entry Level El • Perot Systems to Professional_P • Physicians Mutual Insurance Co. • Pioneering Services Corporation _Ej Accepted at more Schools than you were. it's everyv'/here ■you to be • VIM UJLA. HM. 1994 Shawshank Continued from Page 9 “Demolition Man”) with their finan cial wiles. The plot is much more intricate, but there are surprises that must not be given away. Andy’s outstanding suffering and eventual triunmh are the centerpieces of the film, demon strating the resiliency of hope even in the face of utmost despair. The cinematography of the film is exceptional. The darkness of the prison and its inmates permeates the screen, and the freedom demonstrated by the aerial shots contrasts well with the crowded pen. The array of actors is impressive. But the performances they give much outweighs any expectations. The ironic evil of the guards and warden is demonstrated well by Brown and Gunton. Character actor Brown was made for the part of the unforgiving guard captain. And Norton captures perfectly the essence of the greedy, power-monger warden. Freeman is spectacular as Red. Originally intended to be a red headed Irishman, the character for tunately was changed, allowing Freeman's captivating persona to pro vide the essential narration of the film. Robbins is fantastic. His portrayal Movie: “The Shawshank Redemption” Rating: R Stars: Tim Robbins. Morgan Freeman, Bert) Gunton, William Sadler, James Whitmore Director: Frank Darabont Grade: A Blurb: Hope, integrity triumph in prison film of the introverted Andy is, like the character himself, almost beyond words. Robbins exemplifies beauti fully the inner strength required to keep the secrets that Andy holds. The film is often very dark and brutal. Some of the things that hap pen to various inmates are not pleas ant to behold. But the fact that they arc done realistically adds to the glo rious redemption at the end of the movie. “The Shawshank Redemption” is not just a film adaptation of a King story. It is a recapturing of the author's intentions and presenting them in a whole new medium. And it is a must-see. Nebraska Brass to open with guest percussionist The Nebraska Brass wiH open its 1994-95 concert season tonight with a concert at St. Paul United Method ist Church. 1144 M St. The concert is entitled “All American Pops” and will feature John Harris, a guest percussionist and the percussion instructor at Dana College in Blair. There are five members of the Nebraska Brass: Dean Haist and Brad Obbink, trumpets; Allen French, french horn; Jay Pralle, trombone; and John Thomason, tuba. Tickets for tonight's performance are available at the door, and cost $ 10 for adults. $8 for senior citizens and $6 for students. The group will have three other concerts in its season. They will be on Dec. 20, Feb. 21 and June 5. The final concert will see the Nebraska Brass join forces with the Plymouth Brass, an ensemble home to First Ply mouth Congcrgational Church in Lincoln. Season tickets are available through the group, and are $34 for adults. $28 for senior citizens and $20 for students. Nightmare Continued from Page 9 Anyway. Freddy is after Heather’s (fictional) son Dylan (Miko Hughes, “Kindergarten Cop”), who has begun talking like Freddy and walking around with knives taped to his fin gers Naturally, when Heather tells people that Freddy is after her. they look at her like she has lobsters crawl ing out of her ears, so she has to take care of things herself. If this is Heather playing herself, she must not have many friends. Her characterization is nothing past her role of Nancy. Langenkamp’s char acter from the first “Elm Street” film. Robert Englund is back, too. This time around, he’s pulling double-duty as himself and as Krueger. He pulls ofT playing himself rather well, and, of course, horror fans can’t get enough of Krueger. Unfortunately, it takes more than an hour to sec Freddy, and it is a VERY long hour to get there. Freddy has a new look for “New Nightmare.” To become more of a GQ demon, Freddy adds a trench coat and changes the colors of his sweater to make his look more menacing. Plus, the glove has changed. It has gone beyond being just a leather glove Movie: “Wes Craven’s New Nightmare” Rating: R Stars: Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, Miko Hughes. David Newsom Director Wes Craven Grade: D Five Words: Freddy attacks the real world with razor blades and seems even more hideous. Still, the movie lacks intensity. Craven tried to avoid a great deal of gore for this film and focus more on suspense. One problem: there is no suspense. If Freddy began haunting people other than Heather, that would have helped. Imagine the nightmares Englund would have — or have had — about Freddy! Nevertheless, the movie is a waste of time, even for horror film buffs. It would be better to watch a Sondra Locke retrospective than en during this cinematic burp. Fair Continued from Page 9 look at the art while they’re here.” The Bread and Bock Fair cor responds with an opening exhibit “Biblio/Graphics’’ that emphasizes books as art. Paper said the exhibit provided the opportunity for the gallery to collaborate with literary organizations. The fair will also feature a raffle for a bread machine and an eight category bread-making contest. Paper said the fair would also satisfy the appetites of students who miss homemade foods. tJWTWm JL American \VimV§ ■ Red Cross