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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1994)
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! 1ST ANNUAL FALL BRAWL IS NEAR THE UNIV. OF NEB. INTER-TRIBAL EXCHANCE(UNITE) 5-ON-5 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT OCT.22/23 9:00am-5:00pm MABEL LEE HALL $50 ENTRY FEE DUE OCT. 10 @ 5:OOpm PICK UP ENTRY AT: 220 ADMIN, M.C.A. OFFICE CAMPUS REC NEAR EQUIP. CHECK OUT SOUTH LOBBY NEB. UNION ON SHELVES DEADLINE : OCT. 10,1994 AT 5:00PM 3 ■ • Dinosaur, Jr. pa _ _ 4 ^ vj t 0 L J v SJRE ^ “Without A Sound” !y§| •• *:.^x^3^A.jjk H Five convenient locations ■ mil “Monster” R.E.M. Warner Brothers Grade: A Hidden in a dark corner of for bidden desires, a low growl of furi ous anxiety emerges from “Mon ster,” R.E.M.’s revolutionary re lease. “Monster” is revolutionary in the sense that it takes R.E.M.’s 1992 release, “Automatic For the People,” and shifts back into manual drive. This is a new R.E.M. with a harder edge and a comic sense. The guitar-laden songs on “Monster” fall into a deeper gnawing groove than any of the band’s previous works. Of course, leave it to R.E.M. to completely revamp its style. It’s not unusual, but “Monster” is the feeling within. “What’s the Frequency Ken neth?” was released as “Monster’s” first single and shot up the charts. Barely recognizable as R.E.M., “Kenneth” is reminiscent of the transition music in “The 6 Million Dollar Man.” It’s very bionic. However many transitions “Monster” may go through, one thing never changes — the lyrics. R.E.M. has maintained its lyrical excellence and diversity on “Mon ster.” The manic side of “Monster” is raw and sexual, almost exploitive. Sentiment returns on “Strange Currencies” when lead singer Michael Stipe transforms into a heartbroken, lovelorn man longing for his companion. A refreshing piano solo bright ens “Tongue” as Stipe melts into a swaying melody. “Tongue” licks the wounds of pain and relays a sense of forgiveness and making amends. Stipe has an insight into life that eludes the common man. He can make the most depressing situation tolerable with his subtle reassur ance and borderline optimism. This may be why so many art ists, including Matthew Sweet and Kurt Cobain, confided in Stipe and wanted to work with him. Stipe’s lyrical genius continues to make R.E.M. one of the most influential bands in history. R.E.M. brokeall the molds while creating its “Monster.” Conven tions, style and conformity were eaten alive on the album’s ^origi nal songs. The guitar feedback is fierce, pulling back in a tight crouch and then pouncing in attack. The lyrics define originality and the rest of the band compliments R.E.M.’s new “no-style” with sporadic drum ming and other special effects. “Monster” features originality in more than one way. The vocals on “I Took Your Name” were re corded through a Walkman and some of the backing vocals were sung through a telephone. Some of the faster, harder songs contain a lot of scratching noise as well, which is exemplified in the savage “Circus Envy,” a song of utter chaos. “Monster” was recorded live, which adds to its casual ambiance. It has a feeling — fun, lively, ener getic, aware. R.E.M. has created a “Monster” and it’s ready to attack. — Paula Lavigne Lemon Continued from Page 9 “It was really joyful to be sharing students with Amy,” Lemon said. Lemon also worked with the Chrysalis Repertory Dance Company, Houston Contemporary Dance, Bill Evans and Fred Strobel. She received her Master of Arts degree in dance from Goddard College and her Mas ter of Fine Arts degree in modem dance from the University of Utah. Lemon, who has worked at univer sities in Virginia, Wisconsin and Utah, said she always ended up someplace different. In her travels in the United States and Europe, Lemon said she noticed similarities and differences in both the artists and the audiences. "The audiences’ preference may be different. The ways the artists move, the kinds of movements the dancers like to do or don't like to do, the political climate, the social climate, the funding climate—they’re all dif ferent she said. Ri^ht now. Lemon said, funding was difficult to come by. ( "Everybody’s tightening their belts. There’s less money and more competition for available funds,” she said. No matter what, dance gets the short end ofrhe stick when it comes to funding. "This is not a complaint. This is reality. Dance has been the stepchild in getting funding,” she said. In a community, other things such as opera, symphony and music are up front for grants, she said, and the same prioritization occurs at colleges of fine arts. “I'm waiting for the day in the U .S. when artists will be declared national treasures,” she said, “like in Japan where they're taken care of in their old age. “Creative artists do affect our way of life .” She said this may be related to people’s perception of dance. ’ “I think there's so many more forms —aerobics, marshal aits, gymnastics ... that the edges get blurred and it’s hard for people to say what they think about dance,” she said. I--—---- t ,'8 Pregnane> 100 Printing » Copying 1 182 Recycling 02 Appkancs* |®3 HeUgtoue 06 Bicycle* 185 10 Books 188 Tanning 13 Clothing 190 Tattooing 16 Compute* 1?3 Travel ^ ^ 20 Furnkure 195 Typing 8 Returns* 30 sWWtiry IB 40 Ml*c. For Sale 45 Musical Instrument* -■ 46 Ofllo* Furniture 200 Rkfe* 60 Pali 203 Spring Break Trp* 56 Photo Equipment 205 Career Events 60 Sporting Goods 210 Announcement* 65 Stereo*/TVc 215 Meetings 70 Ticket Exchange 220 GraSiARalre 90 Vehicles 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost 6 Found - zdq wani#a 100 Adoption 280 Fundraising 105 A Herat tone 8 Sewing | 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Sendee 1 120 Bride! 300 Help Wanted 125 Catering 310 Child Care 128 Child Car# 320 Work Study Job* 130 Cleaning laundry 330 Summer Jobs 131 CleanlngAlouBehoids 340 Internships 135 Computer Service - 140 Entertainment 145 GW Ideas _ 150 ft1? It n ess 400 R°omm*#S 4,8 Housing Wanted ido insurance 4 on nrwnc/u»ni 4 wm » . 1 r»ei.1 nfTiiinrimi nOunli/nB1!I 430 Hou*es/Rent ~ ri_P”PT*^ 440 Duptex/Ram 1 ak 1 SLaa. 450 Apwlmems/Rent ! 71 ctSSTna 480 Sur"m" Hoo*.ng 17* 0 470 Nobile Homes/Rent 175 Photography 430 vaceiionKent _490 Homas/Sale_ $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual student and tfudent organization ads $4.00 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.13 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must bs prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sax. sexual orientation, race religion, age. disability, marital status or national The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for aN contents of aR ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. I I Be deecriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the Item for sale or offered. 00s For Sale NWw, Dryer, SkM or Refrigerator only $28 (town and 3 monthly payments a* $26, Jud $100 chotce, no Infer#*!, VMjrrart£ Free dafvery, Cheaper than the laundrymal!. Almost lAe newCannondala, SM 500 Serious offers only plsaae^caH 436-2236_ Bike for Sale 1690 Centurion Iron Man Tridhalon BA*. LA* new. $460 OeO cMI 489-3513 Eve._ Naw and used bicycles, expert repair on alt brands Wheafn A Qaaln BA* Shop. 2706 Rwtdolph. 438-1477. Raleigh Summit Mountain BA*. Teal. Pyramid Endbars. Ml. Zafal Pump. $176. 43A8934 _ Sea the 95 models now) Naw 95 arriving daily Cyda Works 27th A Vina. Lower than aver prices on remaining 94. __ __ VWtaeter 2000, $290., U-lock. sp guards. Ire* tuna-ups. rag. $400. Call 477-7160. MACINTOSH Computar. Complete system Including printer only $500. Cal Chris d 600 289 5685. King size watertoed, frame, healer, liner. 6 drawer pedes Id. $90 080. 489-2292. Moving sal*. Bad. chairs, tables, kitchen equipment, computer. Mud go Quick 4384445 or 474-1293 PROTECT YOURSELF And your loved ones Pepper guard by MACE (riavatabie at from booth In Union sponsored by Assoc, ol Collegiate Entrepreneurs I Peevey Prof ax II Guitar Mull effects Preamp. | 8 simultaneouseflects,programabie. 33 differ I ant effects. 436-0124, B r~. i VCR sKremou^S^-) excelent condllon Also. COLOR Wanted: 3 tickets to Colorado gam*<10-29) Cal 436 0920, leave massage. dfenled: 8 tickets to the Colorado gam*. Cdl 476-2778. COLORADO TICKETS WANTED Student, lacuky, and regular lection* (STUOENTS TCKhts MUST BE VALIDATED ANO BE W GROUPS OF 2 OR MORE) Top $ Paid 1-800-817-2820. 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October 2.1994.600 pm Coal: $10 Adult*. $5 Student* with 10* Cek Jaaaice Chong(IA) at 2-6366 _ Building Csmpus Excellence STUDENT FOUNDATION Coffeehouse Music Say So wM be pertormtog at 730 pm on Thursday In the Cukure Center k you are looking lor a aludy break atop byTStudem* admitted tree, public $3. Sponsored by the UnNeraky Program Council. Criminal Justice Student Assoc. Meeting. 1106 Neihardt on Wed. September 28th at 7-30 Quest apeekera: 2 lormer Nebraaka Kata Pennkentary Inmataa. _ Flu Shot Day The Untveraky Haakh oantar wrik adm Water tlu shots lo all Interealed student*, lacuky. and stall. Od. 3 from « 12p m. and 1-4p m. Coal $10._ Gay Rights & Censorship Nationally known speaker. Jack Thompon, w* be apeak sored by the Unk/eraky Program Council.