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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1994)
GRE Practice Test Sept 29th at 600 pm, room 102 Hamilton Hall, cost is $700. Sign up in Burnett Hall, 1st floor PSI CHI Board. House Plant Sale UNL Hortlcuture Club Thursday Sept 29 7:30em-3:00pm. East Union INTERNSHIPSIN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Applications due 3 Oct. 1994 One year Internships starting January 1995 with Center (or Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Department of Agronomy. Each Intern designs and manages one of 4 micro-forms: conventional, organic, agraforestry, beef. Course credit and summer stipend. No farm experience required: junior/senior in any major may apply. A unique opportunity for hands-on experience In sustainable agri culture. Applications available Room 220 Kelm Had or call 467-5378. _ Intramural Flag Football Managers The Manager Meeting for Men s & Women's Flag Football will be held Thursday, September 26, at 5:00pm in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one representa llve present to be ellgbie for competition. Call 472-3467 lor more Information._ Junior and Senior Education Majors Odyssey II Program has mentors in related fields. Protege application deadline extended to Friday September 30. Apply 200 NE City Union._ Junior and Senior Business Majors Odyssey II Program has mentors in related fields. Protege application deadline extended to Friday September 30. Apply 200 NE Ctty Union. _ Political"Science IMajors Odyssey II Program has mentors in related fields. Protege application deadline extended to Friday September 30. Apply in 200 NE City Union. Model Call Westbrook Music Bldg *134, Oct 2.6pm NEED A TYPEWRITER? There's one available for student use FREE in the Student Info, Center 116 Nebr. Union New Zealand/Australia Adventure Trip This trip will run from December 16,1994through January 7, 1995. II Interested in exploring these two incredible countries, please attend tne Information Meeting on Thursday, September 29 at 7.90pm In the Campus Hec reation Center Conference Room. For more Information, call 472-3467. OPEN MEETING Nebraskan* for Peace Lincoln Chapter Bread tor the World Lincoln Chapter United Nation* Association Lincoln Chapter 100 Thursday .J^rtember 29 CORNERSTONE-UMHE MON. 16th St. - BORIS PET ERL IN Writer/Journalist from Zagreb, Croatia PROTECT YOURSELF And your loved ones. Pepper guard by MAC£• avalable at front booth In Union sponsored by Assoc, ol Collegiate Entrepreneurs. SKYDIVE iiiu’l^iiLu/in'r'r^.900,1 C#M Crt,# SPECIAL SEMINAR Thursday, Sept. 29 330-5:00 PM Andrews Hall 228 BORIS PET ERL IN Zagreb, Croatia Writer/Journalist f h * I tote of Irrdrpr^dvnt Writers b JoumaNata In Current Emm European Conflicts ALL WELCOME Student Foundation New Membership Applications are available In the office for Student Involvemnet on city and aast campus. Applications wil be acceptecd until 4 pm on Thurs , Oct. 6th. I STUDENTS WITH CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP NEW MEETING TIME This group, meeting from 11:30am-12:30pm, offers an understanding and supportive environment for the dis cussion of issues pertinent to parenting. Meets every Wednesday, 338 Nebraska Union. Any questions?, call the Women's Center, 472-2597. This Test Could Save Your Life! Free depression screening Thursday, Oct. 6 from 8 10a.m. and 11-lp.m. at the University Health Center. Open to aH students, faculty and staff. Confidential seif written test and meeting with mental health professional. Also Available from Sep). 28-Oct. 6, a free telephone screening. Call 1-8OO-200-1876. UNL Men’s VolleybailClulb Tryouts: Sunday. Oct. 2 at 1 p.m. 8 Monday. Oct. 3 at 6 P.m- « J-ee Hall, North Gym. Questions? Call Marcus 486-3237,__ Women’s Wrestling Practice Wednesday 7:30 pm, combative arts room, Campus Rec. Beginners Welcomel Questions call Bonnie 467-4124 Ad Club Meeting tonight at 630pm In Avery Hall room 201. See you there. Biochemistry Club Biochemistry Club Meeting, Wednesday 630 pm. East Campus Union, Bowling Alley. We wHI discuss our trip to the Biochemistry Conference in Missouri. CBASAB Meeting Wednesday, 530pm in the Union. IMA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS Student meeting, Wednesday Sept. 28,730pm, Nebras ka Union. Speaker: Jeanne Capias, Becker CPA Review. Free pop 8 pizza. New Members Welcome!!! Nebraskans for Peace Meeting Wednesday, September 28.730pm. City Union (room posted). Pre-Optometry Club AN old members and any new students Interested In a career In optometry, please call el her Susan (421-4659) or Chris (475-0126). Pre-Phvsical Therapy Meetinq Wednesday Sept. 28,7pm Unlv. Health Center, rooms A-C. Pat Hageman, Director UNMC speaking. SAA Meeting this Thursday at Wick 5:00! Be there...or well be you up! _ SERTOMA (service organization) • , . Meets Weds. Sept. 26 at 6 In Union, room wNI be posted. New members wloomoll Meeting tonight, 8:00 pm. NE Union. See ya there! STUDENT FOUNDATION Meeting Thurs., Sept. 29 In the Union. Officers should amvepromptly at 4:45. The general mtg.willbeqln at 5:15. UNL Rodeo Association Meeting, East Campus Union. Wednesday, Sept. 28th. 730 p.m. ___ Wildlife Club speaker meeting. Kay Young will be speak ing about uses of native plants. Wed., Sept. 28. 7p.m., East Campus Union. AXA congratulations to our Newly Initiated Brothers: Chris Bassett. Kevin Brandenburg, Malt Edwards, Mike Hoffman, Gary Schuster, Zack Stops. DJ Wilson. In ZAX The Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha AXQ ATE Masters ’94 Congratulations to the f oNowing winners: 1. THE 2. Sigma Nu 3 Chi Omega 4. Alpha Dels PI Thanks to all who played! -! THK FAR SIDI By GARY LARSON ...11-I /\m; %s s y«“'X^N / r^Y plmiw- re \ f ^;ilfl; ^ y<^ ^P -f kp _ Arz axq Dames and Desperados October 7,1994 A very belated thank you to the Delts for having us over before the UCLA game. Better late than never, huh? _Love, PI Beta Phi Arz Here's to Alpha Gamma Slgmal Thanks for an excellent Froshl Let's do It again 6ometlmel Love, Kappa Pledges Congratulations to new Initiate, Jeff Scoular. The Men of Phi Kappa Psl' FH& roB Music and Melons Come to BroyhlH Thursday (9/29) at 330 for a piece of watermelon and listen to a great band, THE KIND. Hope to see you therel FH Congratulations Pat Dodd on your Initiation into FarmHouse Fraternity. -The Active Chapter <DM Congratulations to Laura Shuminski and Michael Lammli on tneir pearling The Women of Phi Mu A Big Thank You to AGR for the trip to the Pla-Moor last Sunday. Lets Do it Again! The women of Phi Mu kkF Thanks for the Farm Party on Saturday. We'S have to go to many more barns together. The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon AX A Congratulations to the “CHIEF' Jeff Schaffatl for being selected to Delta PI. In ZAX, The Men of Lambda Chl Alpha ilKO The men of PI Kappa Phi would like to say congrats to W1NGNUT on Initiating. _____ _ Thanks to the Kappa Sigs for the sweet bowling games I We had a blast! Love, the women of PI Beta Phi Theresa O, Stop into the Union and pick up some Pepper Spray on a key chain! Raider To SlgEp, Thanks lor making Monday night dinner more exciting. _TheAXOs To the pledges of Sigma Chi, You hit us with your best shots. Lets do it again sometime soon. The pledges of AXO To the SlgEp pledges. Thanks for having us over last Tuesday. We had a great time. AXO pledges REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Comm, for Fees Allocation - Res. Hall rep. Government Liaison Committee International Students Subcommittee Publications Board Electoral Commlslon Commencement-Upper classmen Senate-Graduate Student Students with disabilities Deadline for above poeMone: Sept 30 Applications available at the Student Government office _ 115 Nebr. Union. UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6 JO p.m. Tonight EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION I want a woman who Ikes Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Box 80861. Lincoln, NE 68501. FOUND: Bl-focal lense from glasses. South of the Devaney Center Watch found at 15 A "W Sts. Identify and claim at DN, 34 NE Union. FUNDRAISING Choose from 3 different fundraisers lasting either 3 or 7 days. No Investment. Earn $$$ for your group plus persons! cash bonuses for yourself. Call 1-800-632 0528, Ext. 65. 300s Jobs $$$ Flexble hours - unlimited Income potential. Position yourself lor changes that are now happening. The timing is right. Recorded message: 441-0800. 7-ELEVEN Under New Management. If you are looking for extra income and need a fob that can work around your school schedule, apply at any location. We have open fut-time/ part-time 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. EOE. College Students $9.00 - Entry Level Part-time, flexible schedules, internship and scholarship opportunities avialable. No experience necessary. Short training provided. 488-6017 Discover the versatile world of Avon and earn extra money. For more information call 435-5024. Domino’s Pizza Is Now Hiring Domino's Pizza is looking for delhrery drivers to fill all shifts. If you have a car, insurance and an excellent driving record Domino's wants you. Most average $7.00 to $10.00 per hour. Apply at any Domino's Pizza location. Early morning teacher needed. Apply at 320 N. 48th, Merry Manor. s. CO-WORKERS ‘Excellent pay and benefits ‘Health/dental Insurance *50% Meal discount ‘Great work environment ‘Paid vacation ‘Flexible schedule ‘S.T.E.P. Tuition Fteimbursed Scholarship Plan AMIGOS, an expanding quality oriented Mexican fast food chain has excellent part-time and fuB-tlme job oppor tunities available now. If you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and like to work at a last, intense pace, an opportunity to put these skiBs to work and develop as a leader is available. 15 and 16 year olds welcome. APPLY NOW AT AMIGOS Any Lincoln location or the Corporate Office at 2546 S. 48tn in the Van Dorn Plaza. EOE Are you a movie and game buff? Audio Visual Video center is needing a video and game specialist to deal with customers. Part-time must be friendly and have experi ence working with the public. Evening and weekend hours. ApplyJ2301 N. 33rd St. M-F, 10-6. Are you good at linear programming, goal programming, decision theory (as it relates to micromangement sci ence)? My company will pay up to $2000.00 for models. Interested applicants respond to U.S.P.S. p&DC, 4800 Collins Road. Room 138, Lansing, Ml 48924-9997. Big John’s Has bartending positons open. Apply in person 399 Sunvalley Blvd. Must be 21. $5.75 to start* tips. Big John’s Billiards Now accepting applications for responsible and energetic bartenders and wait staff. Apply in person to Dana or I YMCA Downtown is hiring aerobic instructors, I certification needed. Apply at the downtown I YMCA, 1039 P St. | EARN $85 ...For 1 1/2 days work, once a month. Vehicle needed. 483-0323 after 6pm. Extra Earnings Opportunity Enthusiastic, friendly individuals needed to sample, up grade and get new subsabers from walk-in traffic in stores around Lincoln. PosItNe attitude a must. Salary based upon commies ionsales. Need to be available Mon Fri 5:30pm-8:30pm, Sat 11:30am-2:30pm(flexble). Please call Mark, 473-7353._ Hashers needed for Mondays at sorority. $5 and free meal • lots of great homemade foodl Cal Kevin at 476-9516. Help wanted: Coat Checks, Cocktails, Cashiers. Dance Insturctors and DJ's. Serious inquiries only. Guitar* & Cadillacs. 5400 “O" 91. Cal after I Oam, 464-1100,_ KINDERCARE NORTH Now hiring for early morning and late afternoon teachers. Applicants must have previous chid care experience. Please apply in person at 6900 Huntington Ave. Knolls Country Club We are now looking for Tuesday/tnursday or Wednes day/Friday day wait or bus positions. Some evening and weekend hours available Shifts that will work with your busy schedule. Cal 423-2843 or apply in person at 2201 Old Cheney Road. LaundryLand hiring for 730pm-lam, 2-3 shlts/week, 85 hr. Apply at 271h and Starr or 48th and Old Chenney. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HI, I'M CALVIN, EMINENT TELEVISION PERSONALITY HERE TO TELL TOO ABOUT NE.N, WPRCNED 'CHOCOLATE FROSTED SUGAR. BOMBS"' I LOVE'EM? \.--1 THES'RE CRUHCHS OH THE OOTS\DE, CHEWS OH THE INSIDE, ANO THES OCHT HME A STHGLE NATURAL INGREDIENT OR ESSENTIAL mmm to get in the was of that Rich, fvjdgi taste.' wmm1 Nes yoos, Wu. like 'em so much, lew wont be able to S\T ST\LL/ REMEMBER/ ITS TUE CEREAL l GET PND TO recommend because I*m FAMOUS/ J Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0621 ACROSS 1 Beer ingredient S Investment choices 11 Rooter 14-pricing 19 “A Midsummer ..damsel i«“-Ape,” Sedaka song 17 OL 19 Strike violently 20 -de Cologne 21 Stretched the budget 22 Health resort 29 Windshield accessory 20 Left in the lurch 29 Smoker’s receptacle 31 Louis XIV, eg. 32 A co-worker of Alice 33 Selfishness of a 6ort 37-even keel 40 Make lace 41 B.A., M.A., etc. 43 Golfer’s concern 44 Fog and smoke 40 Burnt 47 Adlai's opponent 40 Not many so Having fixed limits 82 Aboriginal 87 Where the action is 80 Actor Silver ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 5* Mrs. Bruce Willis 60 Spanish gold •1 “-was going to St. Ives" 62 D 67 Moreover 66 Respect 66 Former spouses 70 Command in a library 71 Fine 72 Profound DOWN 1 “Wha...?" 2 -for the road 3 Entertainer Zadora « City artery 6 Quaker’s pronoun 6 Grid arbiter 7 Egged on • “Where there’s 6-Pieces in a mosaic 10 Bluer 11 L 12 Slack-jawed is Wanderer 16 Did some paving 23 Conveys lightly >4 Muslim’s religion >60 >7 Kanga's baby *» 20 “Rock of-“ 30 Mr. Berra 34 Fury 38 Fax, e.g. 38 Word written on a biblical wall 30U.S. poet: 1889-1973 30 “-body cry?": Burns 42 Big-game hunt 48 Expensive stone 40 Squeezed in 81 Pressed 82 Homophone for praise 83 Pasadena flowers 84 Vice 88 Strad's competition 88 Flaxen material •0 H. Keller’s "The Story-Life" •3 Body of tps. •4 Paul Bunyan implement M Director Spike MJ. B. Rhine's interest