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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1992)
Tolerance is key, dean says By Mindy Leiter Staff Reporter__ Tolerance is the most important . • value of concern to theun i versity, John Peters, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, told a small gathering of faculty and students Friday. “Tolerance is the ability to recog nize and respect one another’s beliefs and customs,” Peters said. “It docs not mean that you necessarily agree or Sympathize with them.” Peters' speech was part of the Food for Thought and Theology for Lunch programs, sponsored by the campus ministries of St. Mark’s-on-thc-Cam pus Episcopal Church, the UNL Lutheran Center and the United Min istries in Higher Education. Speakers in the Food for Thought program arc asked to identify what they believe is the most important value facing the University of Ne braska-Lincoln today. Peters said he learned tolerance from his mother and his experiences as a half-Polish, half-Moravian child growing up in an ethnically mixed Cleveland neighborhood. ’ “Everyone’s grandmother had a heavy accent,” he said. “It was just something you had to get used to.” He said his experiences at the uni versity taught him tolerant attitudes. “You don’t get to be dean of the College of Arts and Sciences without becoming tolerant,” he said. Tolerance is especially important now, Peters said, when a review of local and world events such as the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Rodney King aftermath show how intolerance is causing unrest. “I have seen in administration how intolerant altitudes can cause a break down in education,” he said. The mission of the College of Arts and Sciences is to produce people who can think critically, arc objec tive, aware, curious and flexible, Pe ters said. “Tolerance comes before those all,” he said. He said the arts and sciences col lege was striving to incorporate toler ance into the curriculum and make it an issue with students and faculty. Peters said this was accomplished through faculty awareness and sensi tivity toward students’ attitudes. A conflict can arise in situations where one’s principles limit toler ance, he said. “I do not tolerate rigidity of the mind, left or right,” Peters said. “I cannot tolerate rigid thinking through a philosophical perspective.” He said racial bigotry and geno cidal thinking were other principles that could not be tolerated. Peters has had responses, he said, from students in classes and in papers that could only be described as big oted. “Ninoty-nine percent of the time the problem is just plain ignorance,” he said, and most of those problems are best solved by talking with the individual. Dig Continued from Page 1 struct the rear section and have it become part of the museum. The Nebraska Slate Historical So ciety and the University of Nebraska Lincoln summer sessions program undertook the project. Funding came from the summer sessions teaching budget. The group knew the rear wing was composed of a kitchen, dining room and servants’ quarters, but it did not know where they were situated, Bleed j said. By excavating the foundation, I they hoped to determine the exact | location of each. In its search, the group also discov- ' ered a 24-foot well shaft and a cistern, | which indicated more complex plumb- i ing than had been expected. Thecistemcontainedgarbagefrom I the 1870s to the 1920s. Several pieces of Tourney china , were found that date back to the time ! of the original occupants. “This is what the Kcnnard family I would have used,” Bleed said. He described the china as common but classy. “It will be able to lead the histori cal society to the kind of china they want in their reconstruction,’’ he said. The group also found a medicine bottle from a pharmacy owned by Thomas Kcnnard and a pair of shoes and a corset from the 1920s. All items uncovered arc in storage and will be used in classes before being relumed to the Kcnnard House museum. Students on the project said they found the experience enjoyable, as well as educational. Teresa Jacobs, a studcni-ai-iargc studying archeology, said she was glad she participated in the program. “It was a good group to work with,” she said. Before leaving, the group made its own contribution to history. The mem bers added a time capsule to the cis tern for future archeological students to find. "Live Bands" College Nights - Toes A There. Thurs. Oet. 1 A Tees. 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Students who are unable to personally return their application to the Student Activities Financial Services Office should contact Kim Undcrdahl, Room 222 (phone 472-5667) before September 18, 1992 to make arrangements. Students who have completed a refund application and relumed it on or before September 25,1992 will be mailed a check lor the amount of the refund claimed. Refund checks will be mailed between the dates of September 28 and October 2, 1992. t " 1 .—---—.i runa A refund amounts are as Follows: $2.92 Daily Nebraskan University Program Council....$4.13 r otat tfejilpiiKi ♦««»»«»»»»»!«».»»<»»».¥.»»«»♦««.».«.^».».»»$T<^9 •-'•-•• Students claiming a refund will lose certain benefits provided by the above listed Fund "A" users. For details on which benefits may be lost, please refer to the cover sheet on the refund application. ■ ■ mm € r — — — — — — — — — — if I I I I I I I I ■ * .? 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