Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1992)
Classified 63 Pfegnancy FOR SALK 64 Printing & Coovina • 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers - 8 Furniture NOTICES 9 Garage Sales U r > 10 Misc. For Sale ,%100 Rides \\ SSrn^'05 Career Evemts 3 Furn"ure 110 Announcements 15 Photo Equipment 120 Greek^ftairs ^I9/T^S 130 Student Government 8 ' L* _ 140 Personals 50 Vehicl^ 9 145 Lost 4 Found 148 Wanted SERVICES Ii?-Fundraisin9 ■ ‘ ' . JOBS 22 Adoption __ 11 Automotive* Sewin9 150 Child Care Needed 57 B^v^S-rice 160 Help Wanted 5o a l 162 Work Study Jobs £ Catermo 164 Summer jibs 32 Craning/Laundry 166 33 Cleaning/Households un, - 34 Computer Service nULMMi 36 Entertainment •" 38 Gift Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health & Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duple* For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4 00 per day for 15 words on non student ads. $.15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submined free of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 2 Appliances For Sale REFRIGERATOR for sale- 4 5 cu. ft. Great size for dorm room - call 477-0775, 3 Bicycles For Sale 1989 Cannortdale Rd Bike, Chptess petals, shoes. Avenir helmet. Scott Bars, and Cateye Vectra Comp Great cond S350 OBO. 436-8153. Cannonttaie mountain bike. 2 years old. Some tour com ponents Call quickly. 464-4859 Lincoln Police Department notice ot sale ot unclaimed bicycles, September 19, 1992 1000am. Lincoln Land Towing. 410 W. P.St. No checks accepted Street ready, low cost bicycles, many makes and models Call 475 3847 Stop by 2252 Orchaid 6 Computers For Sale Ike Newt Apple imageWriter II pnnter with original rib bon. S275. 476-0674. X Furniture For Sale Old fashioned hand-crank hospital bed, frame and mat tress Has original wooden crank handles S60 obo. 435 8025. leave message 10 Misc. For Sale_ ‘Flea Market4 This Saturday and Sunday Parshlng Auditorium 15 AM downtown. Looking tor unusual, cool collectibles7 You'll lind them here. Perfect to decorate a dorm or apartment Admission 50 Show hours Saturday and Sunday 10am CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW.S50 87 MERCEDES.$100 65 MUSTANG.$50 ^h°u°Se'L°7?,h0uosandss,an'n9$25. FREE Informalion ?4 Hour Hotline. 801 379-2929 Copyright #NE 11KJC ?M"S.urve*orsTra"srt wi,h bipod. $500 or best offer. i 643-6477. Leave message. Xear!0ld’ ei9hl ,eel lon9 S60. Computer, Tandy 1000 EX with joystick. Good condition $50. Huffy Aerowmd women's bike 10 speed. $35. 486-1168 Free kittens to good homes. Call 423-0771 leave mes sage. 15 Photo Equipment case" S3?6T4?™0?i N202°' aU'° ’°CUS'b0dy 0nly wi,h 16 Sporting Goods Roller Blades $59.95 Don t just rent 'em—own 'em. We re selling all previously rented skates at Cycle Works 27th & Vine. 475-BIKE 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Home stereo, good condition, dual cassette, turntable S75 477-7153. Kenwood Port-CD with remote and accessories Call Jeff at 435-2024 Sony AM-FM Cassette stereo deck, XR 6080 New con dition, $150 O.B.O. 474-5859 most evenings and week ends. i'p i itKei nxcnange NEEDED: 3-5 Arizona State tickets 464-9407 after 5:00pm. Wanted: 3 tickets for the Arizona State game. 477-0923 20 Vehicles For Sale 1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo, red, automatic. 20,000 miles. $14,000. 489-2393. 1989 Yamaha FZR 400 1800 miles, 1-year since pur chased new. Excellent bike' Leave message 477-3646 NO PARKING PROBLEMS! 1983 YAMAHA 750 VI RAGO Nicebke. perfect for school1! (Work) 1-443-4675. (Home) 435-6010. 105 Career Events Oareer Events lor the Week of Sept. 21st Von. 9/21: Professional Dev. Day lor Educators. Ne. Jnion rues 9/22 Resume Writing. 6:30 - 7:30 pm. NE. Union Ned 9/23: Professional Dev. Day for Educators. NE. Jmon Ned 9/23: Orientation Session 11 00 a m.. NE Union rhurs 9/24: Career Information Day. NE Union ;ri. 9/25: Choosing a Career. 1:30 2:30 pm. NE Union THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I p i 1 I i * I---- - .A—J “N’t not good, ma’am_He’s got field mice.” Come to a free Kaplan seminar and get an education on getting an MBA. Monday Sept. 21.6:30pm. at the Kaplan Center. 216 N. 11th. Suite 102, Lincoln. 475-7010. Must reserve by Monday noon. Interviewing Skills Workshop - TODAY! 10:30-11:30 East Union 110 Announcements International Carnival Union Plaza September 18. 4:00pm-8:00pm 4:20-5:00p.m. Chinese Instrumental 5:20-5:50p.m. Chinese Painting . 6:20-6:50p.m. Bamboo Performances 7:20-7:50p.m. Lion Dance FREE Admission! Sponsored by UPC International Committee All students are welcome! ALL-NIGHTER The Intramural Sports Program will be ottering three avents on the evening ot September 18. 1992. These ihree events are Frisbee Skills, Hackey Sack, and the Wallyball Tournament. No advance entry is required enter on site. Be sure to bring your current UNL photo I.D. Cruise Ships Now Hiring Earn S2.000+/month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday. Summer and Career employ ment available. No experience necessary. For employ ment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. C5778. Delta Sigma Pi Informal pledge activity at P.CTPears for Burger Madness & volleyball. Sunday. Sept. 20th, 2-6pm Be there! FESTIVAL OF FAITH Saturday, September 19, 1992 10:00 A M. -8:00 P.M Devaney Sports Center 'Foods from Around the World (tables provided- lunch/' snacks/dinners) ‘Global Village Display Booths of Many Religious Tradi :ions 'Crafts/Books/Sales ‘Live Cultural/Religious Music A Dance Presentations on Stage (Dragon Dance/Gospel Music/Handbell Choir/and More...) Admission is FREE Sponsored by the Lincoln Interfaith Council GRE GENERAL or PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICE EXAM Open to everyone t Fee: S5.00 Sponsored by Psi Chi Dali 466-546 7 by Monday. Sept 21 to reserve spot INTERESTED IN STUDENT LEADERSHIP? Join the Nebraska Association of Student Councils Staff. Applications at Student Involvement. SEE THE WORLD —Join a study tour during semester Dreak Travel and earn credit. Call International Affairs, t/2-5358 or stop by 123? R Street. INTRAMURAL ARCHERY The intramural Archery Contest will be held on Tuesday. 3/22. Wednesday. 9/23, and Thursday. 9/24 beginning at 3:00 p.m. No advance entry is required, no fees. Enter on site at Mabel Lee Hall, South Gym. A current UNL photo I D. is required. PEACE CORPS Video, information applications. Monday. September 21. 1992. 7:30pm. East Campus Union. POSTER SALE! Biggest and best selection. Choose from over 1000 Jifferent images. ROCK. OLD MASTERS, (Monel. Dali. Van Gogh Picasso. Escher, Matisse, Wyeth, and hun Jreds more). MOVIE POSTERS. SPORTS, SCENIC -ANDSCAPES, MUSIC DANCE. SKHING. PERSONALI TIES (Einstein, James Dean. Marilyn Monroe, and oth srs), TRAVEL, HUMOR. ROMANCE. PHOTOGRAPHY [Talbot, Ansel Adams, and others). MOST IMAGES DNL Y $5. S6. AND $7 eachi See us ai BROYHILL PLAZA OUTSIDE OF THE NEBRASKA UNION ON CITY CAM PUS on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH THROUGH FRI DAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. The hours are 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. This sale is sponsored by UPC AND ART COMMITTEE. Register to Vote GLC/ASUN Voter Registration Booth * Sept. 21 to 28 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Nebraska Union - City Campus If you have any questions contact Jennifer at 472-2652 INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday, September 22.1992 is the entry deadline for the ollowing Intramural Sports: Co-Rec Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. Co-Red Soccer, and the Golf Tournament, -or more information, call 472-3467. Tape the game Saturday night and come see Don Pullen, ive ja2z solo pianist. Carson Theater Ventures Saturday. Sept. 19 at 0pm. with halt price student tickets available at the door. WOMEN IN PERSPECTIVE Sept 22 Tues. 11:301:00 Breast Cancer Sept. 28 Mon. 11:30-1 00 Still Killing Us Softly Sept. 29 Tues. 5:00-6:00 Women & Alcohol Women's Center Hm. 340 Nebraska Union 472-2597 Women only pool-llnion Rec Room - THURSDAYS • 2-4pm FREEIt! RAISE A COOL $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR TIIE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO - just Tor calling I -800-9.<2-0528, Kst. 65 SKY DIVE! Jump from a perfectly good airplane Call Crete Skydiving center 488-7084 YOU CAN BE SAVED! II you haven! registered lor the student Organization conferences Oct. 3 and 18. there is still timet Rub, don t walk to the Office lor Student Involvement and reserve a space lor your organization. ' 115 Meetings * * * Union Festivals meeting Tuesday, Sept 22, 7 30 Ne Union room posted LINOMA BEACH PARTY Friday, September 18 6pm to Midnight $3.00/Peraon, bring blanket & jacket For information call 486-4071 Sponsored by the Navigators Women’s Studies Association Join the excitement Tuesday, September 22, 3 30-5:30, in Ne. Union, room posted For more information contact Cindy 472-9392 120 Greek Affairs 3=^ Does anyone know where we are qomq7 AOII Destination Unknown Congratulations Valerie Arms (KKG) on making Greek Yearbook. Way to goi Love, your Kappa sisters Congratulations to the Kappa Delta pledge class officers: MelissaZ President.Holly H-Vice-President. AngelaL. Secretary. Lisa T.-Treasurer, Altssa R -Scholarship. Jen J.-Activities, Shana M.-Chaplain. Kelli K -Philantrhopy Shelly K.-Social. Tonya 8 Parlimentanna. Laurel K ■ Songleader. Debra 6.-Public Relations Paiae D ■ Intramurals IpHXRMONVJ A casual reception ^JNL Culture Center I 14th & R d Sept. 23, 12-2 pm food, furr, entertainment Everyone welcopne1 Sponsored by UNL Culture Centery Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OK, THERES.A lOU HATE PICTURE OF ME SPORTS LOOKING WEll ADJUSTED AHD PLMIHG SPORTS. = THAT OUGHT TO J „ ■ aM VEAU, BUT PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT THEV 5EE, AND NOW NEVE GOT A PHOTOGRAPHS DOCUMENT OF A FAKE CVULDWOOD REACH FOR. ANV FUTURE BIOGRAPHICAL NEEDS I WAV HAVE' C\ \ . A St PRETH ] EXCEPT FOR OHE SHREWD OETAH. SUPPOSE PEAWNtHG, THE PHOTOGRAPHER HUH? / D0E5HT KEEP i i 5 l I NOU DR WE Y OOW, HOW A HAW) MAGGOT MAH IS BARGAiH, ABeWT TO RENE At FLEA BAVT ms SECRET _Y 10EHTITN TO I I AMAZON BABE ' v-y Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska r J No. 0528 ACROSS 1 Pats down 6 Wanes 10 Seaweed 14 Man of Attu 15 Small pie 16 Port of entry in Pa 17 Locomotive pilot 19 Roller's home 20 Russian cart 21 Tot's vehicle 23 A “John Hancock" Abbr 25 Jabbers 26 Brew ingredient 30 Satisfy 33 Glacial ridges 34” lend me your -Shak 35 Hoffmann’s specialty 40 Giving a snow job 43 Hopper of Hollywood 44 Copperfield's first wife 45 Gaelic 4« Usage 48 Proof of ownership 49 Holds back 53 Use a straw 55 Certain runners 58 Seed coverings ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE a|b|u|s|eHr|a[s|pMK|aTs' SANE rBBi T C H|S U C H S W I N gTT SWA yBe C R U ALT oMt E A M sBBa|k|| N y|s1e|rBh|s TMT[s[Ttr|M AIEIRMOIRIA R ERMA Q I p[S| B RpjTjH e|rMp[a|r|s|n| I |p| C A C H EBBm A T T|FMpr|R~[Al 63 Algerian seaport 64 Prodigal s reward7 Luke 1523 66 Homophone for nun 67 Locale of Sevier Lake 68 Rout a sleeper 69 Pass receivers 70 Carson s guest host 71 Preminger and Harbach DOWN 1 Diplomacy 2 Tub plant 3 Cry 4 Brownish purple 5 Parties for men only 6 And so forth Abbr 7 Thai coin 8 -Rabbit 9 Airport runways 10 Nairobi is its capital 11 Upright 12 Kind of thread 13 "For-sake!" 16 Taiwan's capital 22 Island also called Candia 24 Endocrinolo gist's specialty 26 Clothes-closet culprit 27 "Off the Court"' author 28 Fat from hogs 29 Trampled on 31 Cereal woe 32 Ballplayers at Houston 36 In one's bunk 37 Entice 38 Otherwise 39 Snow vehicle 41 Off one’s rocker 42 Descendant of a son of Noah 47 Serviceable 49 Hag 50 Egret 51 Large antelope 52 Thrashes 54 A king of Aragon 55 Assess 57 Bandleader Kenton 59 Edinburgh native •0 Tightly drawn •1 Too 62 Newts 65 My-, town in Vietnam