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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1992)
22 Adoption Dream come true loving couple unable to have children long for precious newborn. Caring father, devoted full-time mother and three adorable puppies live in large, cozy home filled with happiness and laughter. Time, love and dedication prom ised! All expenses paid. Please call Elizabeth and Dick collect anytime. 516-329-3574. _ Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Homs Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 314.483-7879 23 Alterations & Sewing Lyn 6 Lee's Bridal Creations. Custom design or rentals. S* flowers. 486-1981 or 486-3614. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 4752501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT « a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy tael, please cal us for appoint merit. 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes All types of word processing. Laser printing. St .25 double-spaced page Cal Dana. 466-4400. AH typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave._ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professbnal writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Si5 plus tax Daily Nabraakan,basement of Nebraska Union. 110 Announcements ! Karaoke Party! Hundreds of on-screen songs plus new country selec tions -Boot Scoot'n Boogie.' etc. State-of-the-art portable equipment. 476-8173. New multi-culturaidating dub. Minorities, foreigners are encouraged to join. For nbre details. 434-3326 (Monday Fnday) 150 Child Care Needed Looking for a responsbie live-in nanny to care for two children. 7 and 3.5 years ok1 Room, board and salary Location is a beautiful Long Island. New York town near water and short trb to New York C«y Non-smokers only Please can 464-2349 tor more informatiorv_ Need atterschool sitter for seven and eight year olds. Must have references and car. 10-15 hours/week Southeast r Lincoln. Cal: 486-8781. Leave message. 160 Help Wanted Barrymore’s I* hiring wanary potion* Apply ai 124 N. 13th (alloy) WORK ON CAMPUS PRODUCTION DEPT. IBM PAGEMAKER & EDITORIAL PASTE-UP .. ..The Daily Nebraskan has part time opening for the 1992-93 academic year for an individual to manipulate editorial copy us ing IBM PageMaker and an indi vidual to paste-up the editorial aspects of this daily newspaper during the p.m. hours. Hourly pay, flexible schedule. Must be extremely responsible and be pa tient enough to work with stu dents who arc in learning posi tions. Prefer experience consid ering these arc very independent positions. Individuals arc not re quired to be students to work for the Production Dept. Accepting applications for each position af ter Aug. 11,1992. Apply to Kilty, 34 Nebraska Union. EOE. Dependable, hard working kennel and stable help. Posi tive outlook. Above minimum wage. Part or full-time. 40 hours/week or more. Send resume to: Wilderness Ken nels, Box 89. Roca. NE 68430 Driver needed. 12-3pm Monday-Friday. Mail sorter needed 3:30-6:30pm Monday-Friday. Apply in person only, between 10am-12pm at Miller Mailing Inc, 5609 S. 49th St._'_ Factory Workers Immediate Openings Now hiring for Iona term assignments on ad shifts. Must be 18 or older. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite 436 Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North._ Female or male to live-in with wheelchair male. Free room, board, little help. 475-5228. Nebraska Ftepublican Party seeks permanent part-,.me telemarketers. Experiencea plus, but not mandatory. Call Sam Fischer August 24-28. 475-2122._ Need person with mechanical ability to work weekends and some evenings in service station. Call 489-7979. Need three people to learn my business. Two qualifica tions :1-learn, 2-teach. Call now for interview. 473-9811. Part time person for position with a cabinet rsfacing company experience with hand tools and carpentry needed. Town Center Showcase. 2845 O Street. _ Part time security available. Can study on job. Male or female. Call to set up interview. 478-6600 ext, 350 Sales position available. Earn money for college. Set own hours. Commissionpi us bonuses Unlimited income. Call Student Academic Fund < ng Services and leave name and phone number at 434-6417._ Staying for the summer? Need extra cash? We Oder flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus. Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Telemarketers. Earn up to $ 12/hour evening hours. Call 466-3802. The Nebraska Center lor Continuing Educator and the Nebraska East Union are now hiring part-time catering and kitchen personnel. Flexible hours, pleasant working conditions, no experience needed. Call Den ice, 472 2900, Monday-Frlday between 9OOam and 300pm to set up an appointment. 170 Roommates Female non-smoking roommate needed starting Sept 1. Nice apartment in historic neqhborhood. $187 50 utilities Can 435-7796. leave message it not home. Female non smoking roommate. $125/month ♦ $75 de posit ♦ 1/2 utilities tast campus area 467-5794 Female roommate. Kc. Close to campus. 1/3 rent. 1/3 utilities. Huge duplex Call Amy. 477-0284 Female, non-smoking roommate for large house. $205 plus 1/3 utilities 475-9648 Male, non-smoking roommate to share quiet. 3 bedroom house at 4412 Huntington $ 170/month plus 1/3 deposit and 1/3 utilitm. Call 464-8572 (leave message). Need roommate to hunt for housing with September lease a.s.a.p Ask tor Jeff or Tina. 435-8952. Non-smoking female $155 plus 1/2 utilities (Low$15.)5 blocks to campus. Free parking. Central air. Wei fur nished. 438-1528 Nonsmoking roommates needed for duplex. 3261 R Street. $165. 477-5970. 435-1393 _ Responsible female roommate wanted Non-smoker Apartment is across from East Campus and close to bus stop Parking available Call 464-2349 Roommate needed Wak to city campus. Rent cheap CalU75-9716 ___ Roommate needed A S A P. Non-smoking female. $170. plus 1/3 utilities Ask lor julw. 435-6185. Silver Dollar Saloon & Steakhousc Hickman, NE (10 miles south on 56th) Saturday August 22nd 4:00p.m. Wet T-Shirt Contest 1st Place Cash Prize 4:00p.m. Pork roast dinner 7:30p.m. Bikini Contest SI00 in Cash and Prizes Call 792-2060 to enter by August 21st. 8:30p.m. Whiskey River Band Drawing during dance ' for two State Fair tickets to Travis Trill & Doug Slone Register Anytime Share house, male, private bedroom, low rent + utilities. deposit, lease. No smoking. No pets. 25th & B4S8 5942. Share house, male, private bedroom, low rant + utilities, deposit, lease no-smoking. No pets. 25th 8 B. 488-5942. Wanted: one roomate to share Hve bedroom house at f 25 West Q. No utilities, plenty of parking. 1.7 miles from campus. Free washer and dryer, and fully furnished. Ask for Russ. Call in evening. 476-9348. We are looking for a non-smoking, mature, female room mate to move in immediately. $191/month plus utilities. This is a beautiful three bedroom, three bath condo in southeast Lincoln. Very nice neighborhood. Washer/ dryer, two fireplaces, low utilities. Call Carolyn, 421 -6471 or 423-2394. — 180 Houses For Rent 3200 S. Four bedroom, two baths, central air. parking. $595.437-6328.__ Al new one bedroom house near campus. $325. 475 6128. Between campuses 2—► bedrooms, large kitchen, washer/dryer. Newer car pel. No pels. September. $400. 2944 S. 488-5446. Near Campus 354 N. 28th, Five bedroom. $795 1402 N. 25th. 4 bedroom. $595 2948 Starr, 4 bedroom, $650 Al have two baths and c/a. No pels. 437 6328 Three bedroom. Close to campus. $600.909N. 23rd. 475 1579._ We love students I Four bedroom. $695,6bedroom. $865. Air conditioning, dishwasher, washer/dryer and dose to UNLI423-1535. 190 Apartments For Rent 1 & 2 BRS washer/dryers 24 hou/ fitness center Highpointe 46th 6 Old Cheney Road 421-2400 tt1 rf* ^ ^ rf' at' ^ jt ^ d JTl ^ J J J J J J J J J J J J J $ Increased Fees!!! $ $ Increased Hours!!! $ $New • $10 Bonus on first donation. Return - $10 Bonus after two $ months lapse. $ <1 So ... New & Return Donors a receive $25 for the first donation. $ All donors receive $15 for each 5 £ donation. See For Yourself • YOU <t EARN MORE AT ABI! $ M-F 8:00-7:30 Sat 9:00-4:00 % <£ University Plasma Center «£ 1442 "O" St.,475-1358 |p Two honrt frt* parking al any Park A Shop! |J 18th & H. One bedroom. All utilities paid. $235. Available now. 438-5157. 640 S. 20th Swimming pool, one bedroom. $309 up. 2 bedroom, $349 up. Laundry, no pets, 475-7262. Basement apartment. Stove, refrigerators, utilities fur nished. 303 S. 26th. $20Qfmonth. Call 423-5968. Campus Close 2740 R3bedroorn@S49Smonth.Twobaths.air. laundry, parking, no pets. 437-6328. Century Management Efficiencies, one ana two bedroom units near campus. 476-2500. _ _ CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Brand new luxury apartments going fasti Only a few three bedrooms left for summer ana fair Great location. Only five blocks from campus. Swimming pool, weight room, laundry facility and garages. Open house every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Call now1474-PARK. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Newer one bedroom. Carpet, air. laundry, parking. All electric. FREE CABLE. No pets. $320 plus. 521 N. 25th; 474-3155, 477-7564. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming Victorian 2 6 3 bedroom apartments. Air, appliances. Call 489-1938 Downtown Luxury one bedroom in Cornerstone. 12th 4 O 421-7670. Furnished, atlordable efficiencies. Close to campus Laundry and parking available. $210, $235. $275.435 6690 or 475-3111. Great selection of Nice 14 2 bedroom apartments. Close to campus. Call for current availability. Zimmer Mangement 475-0180. _ Near Campus One and two bedrooms. 438-1970. Near UNL Nice three and four bedroom duplex. $450 and $600 plus utilities respectively. 488-8483. NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/1 bedroom, furnished, near Capitol, clean, quiet, non-smoker, no pets, low utilities. $220 + deposit. 475-4808. __ _ One bedroom. Stove, refrigerators, utilities furnished. 303 S. 26th. $245/month. Call 423-5968._ One bedroom, 11th and A. Available 9/1. Central air. Security building. $225.477-8204._ Statehouse Suites 1824 M One bedroom $295 Efficiencies from $226 __ 438-3132 No pet*. Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available. Call about our summer specials. 478-3287 Walk to City Campus Spotless one bedroom. Heat paid. August 1. Cherry Hill Realty. 489-4857. 192 Mobile Homes For Rent One bedroom duplex mobile homes. $245/month. Contempo Lincoln Mobile Home Park. 3601N. 1st Street. 435-6683. ■ ■ FREE WASH o 1 Limit t Coupon Por Vi»t and Pai Addraaa. %_ J. I_SpfTi9 R»s fric bon s AppJy hbqhhh 7<o» Y Offer good I August 1992 DN ACROSS 1 June 6, 1944 5 Musical-pitch indicator 10 Ski lift 14 Architect Saarinen 15 Mrs Gorbachev 16 Hereditary unit 17 Certain mesons 19 Torn place 20 Essays 21 Similes, eg 23 Fimal 24 Dish list 25 Procacious 28 Topers 32 -pris (bias) 33 Biblical verb 34 Baseball stat 35 Mimics 36 -du Diable 37 Pungent bulb 39 King Arthur's lance 40 Gal of song et al 41 Metaphysical poet 42 Wartime meals 45 Reef 46 Alma mater of an ens 47 Fig trees of India 46 Ancient Peloponnesian state 51 Performance of a duty : Law 56 Chat 57 Football-team positioning on offense ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE |p|h|0|tMmTa|p1e1c|a|p|eTr1 59 Bush studied here 60 A style of dress 61 Treasury agt 62 Diagnostic photo 63 Emulated a cobbler 64 Movie dog DOWN 1 -vu 2 Govt branch 3 Smell 4 Olden times 5 Suffering from a form of flu • Cholla and saguaro 7 Jim Brady's friend et al 8 Ending for Siam 9 Most celeritous 10 Collection of people learning to improve sensitivity 11 Warning sound 12 Royal equestrienne 13 Macerates 18 Compound word separation 22 Hosp “angels" 24 Biblical lawgiver 28 Flavor 28 Dallas's Reunion is one 27 SS 28 End of a Hemingway title 29 Sealing gasket used by NASA 30 Steak cut 31 Trigonometrical function 32 Hyde or Central follower 33 Lady Cooper 37 Black Sea port 38 Doze a bit 40 Instrumental pieces 43 Bowler's three successive strikes 44 Producer: Suffix 46 Applied topsoil 47 “Happy Valley" author 46 A river of Hades 40 Former “Tonight Show" host SO-breve (music direction) 51 Thwart 52 “-boy!" 53 "The Iron Pastoral" poet 54 Paint layer 56 Sicilian resort 56 Showman ZiegfekJ Edited by Eugene T. Maleska