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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1992)
L-. —Dailv _ _ NebraskaN_ I I_ — Jeff Hallef/DN Four-year-old Dustin Bush, the son of Jamie and Donald Bush of Lincoln, peers curiously into the mouth of Leo the Paper-eating Uon Tuesday at Folsom Children’s Zoo. The Lion encourages children to feed it with bits of trash. Coliseum gets new lookjor upcoming season By Sam S. Kepfield Staff Reporter he first major renovation to the NU Coliseum in more than a decade is nearing completion, according to the director of campus recreation. Stan Campbell said that the reno vation was progressing smoothly,and would be completed By the start of the fall semester. “The facility is fantastic, and the students will be pleased,” Campbell said. “It will be well worth the wait." The facility has been closed since March 1991. The most recent renovation to the Coliseum until the present was in the 1970s. That time around, the renova lion was concentrated on class room and office space, but during the cur rent construction, classrooms and of fices have been moved to Mabel Lee Hall, expanding the space available for recreational activities. Campbell said that since the initial completion of the Coliseum in 1926, recreational needs and interests of students had changed and the renova tion was necessary to keep up. The list of improvements is long. The floor has been replaced and bleachers have been added for volley ball games. Basketball courts now run north-south instead of cast-west, mak ing room for one more court and bringing the total for the Coliseum to four. Also, the locker rooms for men and ( women were redone, and a sauna was added, while lockers and offices were built for the softball team and up graded for the volleyball squad. New areas include a fitness/ aerobics room, a combative arts room and a table tennis area. Another innovation is a child care area. Faculty, students and staff will be able to leave children with Coli seum personnel, for $ 1 per hour and a maximum of two hours. Tocap off the renovations, the new Coliseum will feature a bronze sculp ture created by native Nebraskan George Lundecn. Barb Hibner, assistant to the direc tor in charge of women’s athletics, said that the sculpture of three volley ball players would be a “tribute to the Nebraska women’s volleyball team and women’s intercol legiate athletics in general.” For the past year, the Match Club, a UNL booster organization, has been raising funds for the sculpture. Its main source of funds came from 14 inch replicas sold for $2,200. Hibner noted that some art galleries have valued the miniatures at more than $3,000. Hibner said that an exact date for dedication of the sculpture has not yet been set, but that it will coincide with the opening of the Coliseum. She added that the department is aiming for a ceremony in early September at the beginning of the intercollegiate season. UNL brings marriages together with couple-oriented employment By DeDra Janssen Staff Reporter Lhc University of Ncbraska-Lin coln has taken a big step for ward in responsiveness to the needs of employees’ families and in affirmative action goals, Chancellor Graham Spanier said. Beginning this fall, UNL will adopt a Dual Career Program that will assist partners of new UNL employees in finding employment within the uni versity or the community, he said. “In recruiting people to institu tions like this, we only get the best if we are responsive to dual career couples,” Spanier said. Spanier first developed the dual career program in 1986 while at Or egon Stale University. He said that, because he found nearly 75 percent of new people hired had a spouse who also was a professional looking for employment, he was moved to create the program. Spanier said the program at Or egon State had been “extremely suc cessful.” Since the program was put in place at the institution, it has had a near perfect record of hiring its first choice of applicants, he said. “Candidates found the program very supportive of them. That can often make a difference in getting the top people,” Spanier said. The program also supports affir mative action goals at UNL. “In a community where the num ber of people of color is relatively small, if we can assist both partners in finding employment, we're doubling the number of minorities hired, ’ Spanicr said. “The program works hand in hand with affirmative action goals.” The following statement will ap pear as the final sentence in all adver tisements as part of the Affirmative Action statement: “The University of Nebraska-Lin coln is responsive to the needs of dual career couples.” In addition, the program will es tablish relationships between UNL and other employers in the region, Spanicr said. LizGrobsmith,assistant vicechan ccllor for academic affairs, will su pcrvisc the dual career program. When a prospective hire involves accom Commuters find new home By sam 5. Keptieid Staff Reporter he University of Nebraska-Lin coln will expand opportunities for commuter students to expe rience on-campus living this fall with the adaptation of residence hall rooms, an official said. Doug Zatechka, UNL’s housing director, said that the rooms would allow commuter students greater case of access to instructors, tutoring and other on-campus services and activi ties. “Going to school here should be more than just driving in each day,” Zatechka said. “Involvement is the key word. This provides an opportu nity for them to get involved in cam pus life.” The commuter rooms, located in Harper and Smith Halls, will be much like any other dormitory room, he saia, giving commuter students a chance to study, meet other students and have a secure place for belong ings. Each commuter dorm room will be furnished to house three to four people, with desks, chairs, lamps,closet space and a phone. No beds are included, since the program does nolallow over night slays, with the exception of bad weather or study groups. The cost is $995 for the 1992-1993 academic year. Peg Blake, executive assistant to the vice chancellor for students af fairs, said that perhaps the most im portant aim of the program is to de crease student dropout rates. According to Blake, the program is targeted at incoming freshmen who have just graduated from high school and are living at home with their See COMMUTER on 4 See DUAL on 4 Regents still have concerns about budget By Andrea Kaser Staff Reporter _ No action was taken at a Budget Subcommittee meeting called by the NU Board of Re gents last Friday in hopes of clarifying budget procedures and requests after Die confusion dur ing the board’s July 12 meeting. Because of a deadline and inconsistent budget requests from campuses, regents left the July 12 meeting feeling uneasy aboullhc budget guidelines they had approved. Although no formal action was taken at the subcommittee meeting, board members dis cussed improvements for the budget process and listened to details on budget requests from each campus. University President Martin Masscngalc said improvements in the future budget process would include planning the bud get earlier. The planning com mittee, which in the past has met in the winter, will begin meet ing in the fall. Also, he said, the planning committee is looking toward standardizing budget criteria. This year, the four Nebraska universities did not include a uniform detail of expenses in their budget requests, making comparisons difficult. For example, the University Medical Center did not list a See BUDGET on 4