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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1992)
RpffljjH New plan for - L/3.11V- B^k -V- ■BEBSflB Mitchell learns about NPfei > NebraskaN l« —-d Fall enrollment at UNL stays on stagnant course By Ronda Vlasin Staff Reporter Despite no new recruitment procedures or changed enrollment standards, offi cials believe this year’s enrollment will be almost identical to previous years. Earl Hawkey, director of registrations and ' records, said that registration for fall classes is almost precisely at the same point as this time last year in terms of numbers enrolled. These numbers are based on the 19,543 students, only nine more than last year, who were registered as of July 24 when registration confirmations were sent out, Hawkey said. New freshmen enrollment is slightly up, as 3,177 freshmen arc currently enrolled com pared to last year’s 3,113 freshman at this same point, Hawkey said. i nc statistics win increase, nc said, out win probably remain fiat with International Stu dent Enrollment on Aug. 18, the last New Student Enrollment session on Aug. 19 and General Registration on Aug. 20 and 21. “We won’t know what the exact statistics will be until the vice chancellor releases the figures shortly after Aug. 31,” Hawkey said, referring to the last day to sign up for classes. Lisa Schmidt, director of High School and College Relations, agreed that enrollment should be similar to past years. The department hasn’t made any major changes in recruitment, Schmidt said. “We arc always trying to be responsive to enrollment, but very few of our programs would have a impact in just one year, they usually lake a while to measure,” Schmidt said. “The only change we have made in our _ program is the addition of one reception to the series of annual out-of-state receptions,” Schmidt said. There is a chance that financial aid proce dures might change in the years to come, but they were similar enough this year to previous years that no impact was made, she said. She said that new admission standards could have an effect on future enrollment. “If admission standards would change, that could very well have a impact, but those arc only in the proposed stages right now,” Schmidt said. Program not limited to marriages By Andrea Kaser ^ Staff Reporter_ i In order lo conform lo university affirma tive action rules and state anti-discrimina tion laws, the new University of Nebraska Lincoln policy of attempting to find employ ment for partners of people the university is seeking to hire is not limited to married couples. Liz Grobsmith, assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs, said that policy makers chose the word “partner ” instead of “spouse” be cause the word “spouse ” would eliminate a segment of the population. “We feel very strongly that we must not discriminate on the basis of marriage,” Grobsmith said. “It’s not for me to deny ser vices to the program because (candidates) arc in a homosexual relationship or arc not legally married.” uroosmim saia inai me uuai career program would increase the univcrsity’schanccs of land ing the most qualified candidates, because it assured that there would be opportunities for the partner of the candidate. Not only will the dual career program help UNL compete for the best candidates, Grobsmith said, it also will help keep current faculty members at the university. Many faculty members have partners in other institutions, she said. By offering their partners opportunities here, the stress of sepa ration can be removed, and quality faculty would be more likely to stay. “We need to stop pretending we arc hiring individuals,”Grobsmith said,“This program is more responsive to families.” Opportunities within the university would include a one-year fellowship to qualified part ners. Grobsmith said UNL would not create ^Jfermanent positions out of thin air or force anyone into departments. Partners would have to prove their expertise and be approved by the department before anything permanent would be offered, she said. Opportunities within the community might include searching and selling up interviews for job openings in the partner’s line of work, Grobsmith said. —■“* ..., jarsf S^niiMiiiajMLjfli^ _ . . Jeff Haller/DN Look out! Donna Wilson of Lincoln looks at “Iron Horse Legacy," a brick wall design by Jay Tschetter, in the Haymarket Tuesday. Natural Law Party gives Nebraskans new political hope By Sam S. Kepfield Staff Reporter The Ross Pcroi debacle earlier this sum mer may have deflated political hopes among many Nebraskans, but Dr. Donn Wiedershine is not faxed. Wiedershine, state coordinator for the Natu ral Law Party, said he fell the Perot quasi candidacy actually helped his party. “There is a great deal of discontent with the political system, and his movement showed that. His departure has left a vacuum which we New party expected to be factor in November election hope 10 fill,” Wiedershinc said. A medical doctor and general practitioner who recently arrived in Nebraska from Liberty, N.Y., Wiedershinc said he was slaying in Bellevue tooverscc the Nebraska petition drive. The Natural Law Party itself is very new, he said, having been formed on April 20 of this year. The convention in Fairfield, Iowa, drew 1500 people. It nominated John Hagelin, a renowned expert on unified quantum field theory, for President, and Mike Tompkins for Vice President.* Organizers have been met with great amounts of enthusiasm, especially among students, one of their major focus groups. Wiedershine said his party’s entrance onto the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus earlier this year to hire students for a petition drive was successful. “There was an incredible response,” Wiedershine said. “We had students wanting to go out and get signatures not just in the city, but all over the stale, and some even willing 10 go lo other states and help out.” He said that the party planned to hold an organizational meeting on the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln campus sometime after the fall semester begins. * The Natural Law Party is not a purely Ameri can phenomenon, having organized in 30coun tries worldwide since April, Wiedershine said. In the British general elections in April, the Natural Law Party ran 313 candidates for par See PARTY on 3