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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1991)
Officials: Regents’ plan may aid gender equity, UNL status of women By Jeremy Fitzpatrick Senior Reporter A plan completed by an NU Board of Regents committee could signifi cantly improve the status of women at UNL, two officials said. The gender equity committee Thursday submitted a plan to estab lish seven general goals and 32 spe cific strategies designed to improve gender equity throughout the Univer sity of Nebraska. If approved by the Board of Re gents during its September meeting, university administrators will be re sponsible for implementing the goals and strategies, which range from achieving gender representation to maintaining a safer campus environ ment. The plan completes a process that began with a regent’s hearing on the status of women in April. Following the hearing, regents Chairman Don Blank appointed the committee to evaluate NU’s gender policies and devise a plan on how they can be improved. Regent Charles Wilson of Lincoln, chairman of the committee, said he was “optimistic that the board will be receptive” to the completed plan. “There’s a sense something needs to be done,” he said. Mary Beck, chairman of the Chan cellor’s Commission on the Status of Women, and Brad Munn, UNL Af firmative Action officer, both agreed that the plan was a positive step. “All of those things (in the plan) are things we and various groups have asked for repeatedly,” Beck said. “As long as they (the regents) require that public statements of progress on the issue be made, it should be a strong incentive to make progress.” Munn said he thought the commit tee had done an “outstanding” job in composing the plan. “I don’t think that anyone who represents the university could state they were against it,” he said. “We were consulted in the process. Much of what you see in this document is what we have pushed for.” Beck said she believed accounta bility was the key to improving the status of women. “As long as the university admini stration realizes the regents really and truly are concerned, it is not going to go away,” she said. “That is the bot tom line. If the regents demand ac countability, the rest will fall into place.” Munn also stressed accountabil ity. “It seems to me what the regents are trying to say to the four campuses is that there is going to be more ac countability in affirmative action and equal opportunity at all levels of the university,” he said. He praised the plan’s goal of making gender equity a Board of Regents item each year. “Annually, we’re going to say, ‘here’s where we were and here’s where we are today,”’ he said. Beck said the plan was a sign that conditions for women are beginning to improve. “Since the forum in April, I have seen small signs that people are be ginning to pay attention to the issue,” she said. Student Health and Accident Insurance UNL has tried to find a medical plan to suit the needs of most of our students, graduate or undergraduate. GM Underwriters and the University Health Center are working together to provide such a plan. The premium for student coverage is affordable, and works in conjunction with the Student Health Center fees to provide the best medical care available and as economical as possible. Student Insurance Enrollment Dates 1991/1992 1st Semester 8/24/91 - 9/24/91 The student is required to seek treatment at University Health Center whenever possible. To effectively utilize this policy your Health Center fees must be paid. In some circumstances a referral may be obtained to sec a physician outside the Health Center. 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