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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1991)
•g Classified 472-2588 NelSraSkan ** Tuesday, April 23,1991 140 Personals Ro*», Jeff, Scott and friend*, Don't miss out on the cornstalk traditio1 at Linda Friday 11:00-? _ _ P.S. No pop allowed I To the youth gone wild: Kim B„ Andrea F„ Sonya S. and Jennifer W. Thanks for makin. my last year the best. Y'all are the best Thanks UNL Bowling team men. Your support mean! alot. Michelle. P.S. I got my ring and watch. Eric A Craig: Our Triad dale* war* right on par! We had a great time at the bar-b-que and in Friend! KJ A LA Shane, Randy, Dave, Paul, John, Gene and friends (Phi Delta): Please return the BRA you stole from Sandoz 305. SPC R. Dennis Rieke, Welcome Home! Missed you terrible and thought of you often. Glad ya'II are back. Ben and Rob, Thanks tor a great weekend. Wanna go swimming? _ Tania and Sandra Melissa Ellynlee: Happy 22nd Birthday! Here's to the return ol thirtysom ethmg, being obsessed with Michael, cat hair, Geeek, smelly water, etc. Thanks for everything! Nancy Michaalliope Barb (the twin with the tan genes). Congrats on your upcoming graduation! Dinner at Hardees and dancing at Daddy Os following the cere mony. Don't fee! bad that Jon K. is lying on the stree somewhere- he'll always be in your heart. Is that our ca moving?... Oh no pop stains size 111 Don't let anyone te you that Tone Loc is anything bul a skinny, well man nered guy. If Rex Smith doesn't win an award tor thi moving portrayal ol Daryl- there is no Godl What is Richard Hatch doing there?... P*ych 181 Recitations ("love those pants"), trying to get a radio station in the middle of nowhere. Rocky premiers, THE white sweater scene, and more recently the psychological sequel Rocky V. To the best sister in the world. Good luck with finals’ (And with the new TM hotline.) Mary (the much younger, fairer twin) P.S. Yo Yo Barb! You're on my home team! Heff rey, Happy 20th, you've finally made it! Too bad you dor know everything anymore’ Arr Rar Rar! You know I love you whether you like it or notl Ettah!?l Have a great birthday. Your Friend, Asil i45 Lost & Found Lost: Pair ot glasses in Nebraska Hall. Friday afternoon If found please call 483-4610. 150 Child Care Needed Boston Nanny In suburb Boston. Mass. Start August 1991 tor one year committment 2-earner family seeks young woman 20+ non-smoker to provide live-m child care tor two and five year old. Car provided, child care experience required Call collect 617 237-4’79 after 7pm. Responsible person needed to care tor mree children this summer in my home. 8-4 Monday Friday. Call aher 7pm, 423-8879 H Summer companion for fwo energetic boys. 8 and 12. Flexible hours. MUST HAVE OWN'VehICLE. 489-8975 Summer sitter needed, my home CPR 4 swimming experience a must, dependable. 18 yrs. 4 older. 421 2832. 160 Help Wanted "COLLEGE STUDENTS" •$8.90 to start ’Entry level openings ’Flexible schedules ‘Great resume experience ’All majors may apply Call 488-6017 tor interview appointment Above Minimum Wage Positions open immediately. Apply at Popeye s Chicken 48th and Vine. Area managers needed in growing oompany. No experi ence necessary High income potential. Full or pan-time Call 420-1201. Artists! Will pay good $ for very short amount ot your time. Call today for details 436-8689 Bicycle Set-up Person Mechanical experience required Cycie Works, 475-2453 J LWELRY Qual,,y Diamonds ^Ince 1901 ▼ —• ^Wedding Ring Specialist ▼ Unparalleled Quality ^ Unbeatable Prices ^Custom Design * Financing Available £ Shop and compare but see us last. ^ 3111 'O’ St. 474-6044 Chi Chi’s Now hiring line cooks, kitchen prep.. Apply in person between 2-4pm at 201 N. 66th. __ Clerking position open now. Applications A resumes only. No phone applications. Plaza Bookshelf, Varidorn Plaza. College Interns Northwestern Mutual Lse, a Fortune 50C company, is currently accepting applications for Its summer intern ship program. If you are a junior or senior interested in narrowing possible career options and gaining valuable business experience, contact Joan Jennings, 4630 Ante lope Creek Road, Lincoln, 68506.463-7871._ Data input operator (20hrs/wk) good typing ekitls neces sary. Call Mrs. Martin 469-2717. Food Service Distributor has excellent part-time opportunity to work in our ware house Must be in good physical condition, oe able to lift 100 pounds, and work in a cold environment. Monday and Thursday 2-10:30pm, Saturday6:30am-noon. Apply at Lincoln Poultry, 20th A M. Hashers needed for fall. Graduate students accepted Contact House Director 476-1338, Immediate openings for full A part time summer employ ment. Please call Don or Linda for interview. Branched Oak Marina A Restaurant located at Branched Oak Lake. (402)783-3311. ___ Jobs needed, part-lime, full-time. Rahn's Amoco, Cash ers. service station attendants. Call 4S9-7979. Need experienced farm help equipment operator Bob. 785 7285. __ Permanent part-time retail computer sales (20hrs/wk). Knowledge of PC mandatory. Call for information Mrs. Martin 489-2717.__ Peter McCues/Sweep Left Now hiring full and part-time bartenders and cocktail servers Excellent starting salaiy and tips. Flexible hours. Apply: 12-8 p.m., Monday-Saturday. Sweep Left. 815 0 Street. 474-1521._ Room and board in exchange for care of elderly aentle man/housework.Fallsemester-May. 1992.1915s. 77th, 18 minutes from campus. Need car. Call 489-2024 after 5:30 p.m. RUNZA RESTAURANT 13th A E. Pan-time day or evening positions available. Join our winning team and receive: 1/2 price meals, flexible schedule, competitive wages, friendly working environ ment. p'us more. Stop by and apply today. Student (prefer work-study) to assist in field research on corn. Stan Ma> 15. Call Al a. 472 6761 Summer hep wanted for part-time positions. Apply at United Rent-Alls, 710 N. 48th. Summer Jobs $312/week Get a jump on your summer Work tor environmental legislation Great for building your resume. Interview now Call 477-8689. Work hours 1:30pm-10:30pm Mon day-Friday. Summer/permanent/careers. Summer Jobs Full time summer job tor warehouse hep at Duffy's Fireworks Call 466 2221 or apply at 5700 Comhusker Hwy Monday-Fnday between 1-3. Taste ^Yndia Now hiring tor summer: pan-time kitchen/waitery help. Apply in person, 1209 Q Street or call 475-1642 Ticket Agents No experience needed, will train, hours 5pm-9pm Mon day-Friday. 9am- 1pm Saturdays. Call ticket office at 466 0275 and make St per hour Two positions open. Permanent part-time stocker/castv ter. Apply to Gary. Full time in summer tor driver/yard hep Apply to Glen Pauley lumber, 945 S. 27th Wanted pan-time computer programmer. Selected appli cant will have training in: PC Application D eve lope ment Rising programmable data bases. SOI and/or 4GL K>lattorms(preferabty using Informa. Smart II, and/or Wingz products). Ability to write documentation or de velop applications is required. 1033 a. St., Suiie 316, Lincoln, 66508. Wanted: Individual to assist in general office work, 15-20 hours per week. Typing, adding machine and communi cation skills required. Downtown location. Please submit resume to Midcontmenet Properties Inc.. 233 S. 13th, Suite 1717, Lincoln. NE 68508. Wanted: Part-time dependable individual with good tele phone voice, 15-20 hours per week 5-9pm Monday Thursday and every other Saturday. Call 477-9909 162 Work Study Jobs These positions are cunentiy available at the UNL State Museum tor students having work-study: (20 Planetar ium Assistant: contact Jack Dunn at 2-2637 (2) Museum Assistants: contact Rick Whiting at 2 2637. (1) Encoun ter Center Summer Coordinator IV: contact Karen or Peggy at 2-6302. (6) Encounter Center Facilitators I: contact Karen or Peggy at 2-6302. (2) Museum Office Assistant : contact Chartmeat 2-3779. (3) Museum Assis tants: contact R.J. at 2-2637. (1) Museum Assistant II: contact Thomas Labedz 2-6606. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS, male/temale. OUTSTANDING SLIM-DOWN CAMPS: tennis, dance, slimnastlcs, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics. Age 20+ Seven weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Mas sachusetis, Pennsylvania. California. Contact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Dr.. North Woodmere. NY 11581, 1-800-421-4321. FREE WASH g limli 1 Co-pen '•« V.»«f c'.a fai Aod*a»». gmm Soma ta»ir*o.on» Apply. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boya'giris summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, drafts, dramatics, OR nding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1,000 or more plus R4B. Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple, Norlhfield, IL 60093 708446-2444. __ Earn up to $4.75/hour detasseling seed corn from mid June to mid-August. Call Dan at 483-5535. Handyman wanted Free room 4 board, plus $1000. great atmosphere-great summer. Call YMCA Camp Kitaki (402) 475-9622. Summer Jobs Automotive parts manufacturing company has the fol lowing positions available tor summer employment. Flexible hours to fit your schedule. All jobs start at $4.25/ hour. PHONE SALES —Computer input of orders received by phone and mail. Computer experience helpful. Send resume to Dept. S. PACKAGING DEPARTMENT —Learn ali aspects of order fulfillment department. Some lifting required in pcking and packaging of orders. Send resume to Dept. GROUNDS KEEPER —Yard maintenance of business properly using power tools and equipment. Experience ho^ful. Send resume to Dept. G. Send Resume to: Personnel Director P.O. Box 81505 Lincoln, NE 68501 Wanted: Motivated students tor summer employment in Omaha. June 3-August 30. Monday-Friday. 830-500 Sales/marketing products to business. Call Bill Muske ai American Linen Supply Co. for appointment. 392-1161 in Omaha l /u Koommates Female non-smoking roommate needed for two bedroom ASAP. Close to campus $150+1/2 utilities. 474-0094. Female roommate needed for large 3 bedroom house beginning May 1 or 15 at 1238 Sumner Street. Call 477 1174. Female roommate needed, available Mayor June. $125. Call Jennifer at 475-0072 leave message. Female roommate, available May 15, $122. Close to Med Center (Omaha). Call Sue al 476-7670. _ Looking for female non-smoking roommate to share large 2 bedroom apartment on 21st 4 Washington. Big closets, cheap laundry, free cable, parking. Available May 1st. $150+Utilities. 476-0420 Carla._ Male/famale. Nonsmoker to share 3-bedroom duplex. $138 plus 1/3 utilities. 475-9330.__ Need one male non-smoking roommate for throe bed room, 2 bath house. W/D. $250 includes utilities. 423 9441. Leave Message._ __ One roommate needed for next fall. 1/4 rent and utilities Call Dave or Darin 436-0770. Responsible, non-smoking female roommate to share two bedroom apartment near 48th 4 O. $150/month* half utilities. Ask tor Dan. or leave message, 489-8503. Summer roommate* needed for 3 bedroom town house on East Campus. Approximately $120-$170. Available May 15. No deposit. Pool, W/0, air, etc 464-5214. Three responsible, non-smoking male or female room mates needed to share duplex. $118.75/month + 1/4 utilities. 474-9293. _ Two male roommates for summer, large apartment, pod. No deposit. $170+1/3 utilities. 421-3124. 180 Houses ror Rent 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom-$630. 489-6948 633 N. 26th. large 5 bedroom plus loft, very nice. $775. 489 6948 August lease 2948 Starr. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, central air, rec room, garage. $595, 488-6738 Between campuses, available May. 4 bedroom 1602 N. 28th 5 bedroom-2825 R St 488-5446. CAMPUS CLOSE 3210 S, 4 bedrooms. 2 baihs central air, parking, $575. 488 6738. * Five bedroom house, walk to campus. 2 bathrooms, washer/dryer, water paid. Double garage. $650. 477 1646 _____ Four bedrooms, real nice, available May. close to UNL $525, 1300 N 21st 475 ' 579, 488-0061 Four bedroom. August lease or longer. 4 blocks from campus. k$500 Call 477-6238 evenings. Houses available for the summer. Near campus. 475 1579. 488-0061. Just 1 home leftl 3179 Kleckner (Near 32 & R). 5 bed rooms. 2 baths, central air, dishwasher, washer/dr/er 4231535._ NEAR CAMPUS 1402 N. 25, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, central air, parking, $575,488-6738. . Needed immediately: 3-4 people to sublet four BR house for summer. $ 136.25+ 1/4 utilities. CallDiane.467-2891. Share a house, room for two, close. W/D. partially fur nehed. John, 438-2356 Three bedroom 1 and 1/2 baths, near UNL. nice 2284 W, $500. available May, 475-1579 or 488-0061. DANCE CONTEST Every Tuesday 9:30 p.m. Watch Local Ladies Compete For Cash Prizes!!! 1823 ”0" Street . Home of Lincoln’s Finest Topless Dancers 190 Apartments For ReiH_ ★ SUMMER LEASES Evidences, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, ciose to city and east campus. Available now through summer. $175 $J60. 476-3403 Century Management Company 1617 E. St. Furnished and spacious 1 bedroom apart ment. Big enough (or 2 people, with French doors 4 everything you need for the summer. Available May 11th to August 11th. $295. Scott 477-4253. 2222 Vine Street, Two bedroom, two bath apartment to sublease. 435-3512 2301 A St., one bedroom, available now. $285, 475 7262. 2310 S. 14th, one bedroom, laundry hook-up, $285,475 7262. __ 2433 D St. three bedroom apartment (sublease). Avail able June 1, very nice, W/D, $495,476-8573. 244 S. 26th, one bedroom, nice, utilities paid. Leave message, 483-2357. 2740 R, nicer one and three bedroom, air. laundry, garage. S225/S350,488-6738. _ 3541 Baldwin, summer lease, 2 bedrooms, $360, near East Campus, all appliances. C/A. 467-3628. 3541 Baldwin, near E as I Campus. Fireplace, "bedroom, balcony, laundry, appliances, low price. 467-1739,489 9916.____ 441 S. 26th, two bedroom, $330/month. 476-7950. 539 N. 24th.2bedroomaparimeni, all amenities, no pets. $365. 423-1029 4 477-2403 __ 620 S. 20th One and two bedroom apartments available. No pets. 48*3550. 800 H, 2 bedroom, available May 15, $345 *depoelt. no pets, 487-3145 or 488-7755. _ __ AVAILABLE MAY One and two bedroom, appliances, carpet, air, all elec tric, FREE CABLE, laundry, parking, no pets, $300 and $370 plus. 521 N. 25th, 474-0998(mgr) 1900 Knox, 435-7770(mgr) Owner: 477-7684 Claremont Park Apts Brand new under construction. 88 luxury living units, all units have decks or balconies, energy efficient gas heat, all units have microwaves and appliances. 54 garages, on-site management, swimming pool, exercise room, laundry facility. Three blocks from campus. 4 blocks from downtown Next to city park. Call 474-PARK. French Quarters 4643 Dudley. 1 & 2 bedroom/pool, $320-365/month. Call 464-4751. Arapahoe Village 1200 Arapahoe, 1 bedroom/pool. $335/month. Call 423 5729. 2101 D St. 1 bedroom, $325 ♦ electricity. Call 423-5729. 1209 F St. 1 bedroom, $260 Call 423-5729. For more information call Midcontinent Properties Inc., _475-0134._ Newer two bedroom Minutes to UNL, mini blinds, security building, electnc appliances, no pets, 201 Adams, 821 A. $390 $410,483 6057 or 483-1130 Nice one bedroom house, one bedroom apartment. All dose to campus. Call 477-6021 or 476-0437. Nice two bedroom. Near new. Near campus. $365/month. Ask manager for summer rate details. 477-0837 or 474-6048. One Bedroom 623 S. 19th. Large. New carpet. All appliances. Parting, S295. 1535 F. Appliances, parking, laundry, $275. 2 Bedroom 2412 W. Large, All appliances, washer/dryer hook-ups, parting $355. 1136 5.W. 10th. NICE DUPLEX, garage, 4 minutes from downtown, $485. $100 special discount. Zimmer Management 475-0180 One bedroom, between campuses, 31st and T, $230/ month. Call Chris at 435-7958. Studios, 1 and 2 bedrooms Great campus locations, new carpet, breakfast bar. ceiling fans. $240-335. All or most utilities caid. Cherry Hill Management, 489-3387. Sublease for summer. Large 2 bedroom. A/C, ceiling fans, $375/month. 816 G. Call 477-9934,_ Sublease for summer, spacious two bedroom near Capi tol, AC, balcony, laundry, parting, $345. 477-9656. Summer and Fall Leases East campus, 3609 Baldwin, brick 4-plex, 2 bedroom, fireolace, central air. appliances, parting, laundry, 489 9916. _ _ Two BR'e - nice 3092 T (balcony) $325 2201 A (dormer) $325 136 S2dth (huge BR) $350 One BR'e - nice 931 Oak (park-like) *280 3179 R (eft.) $195 Houee 1905 S 27th (4 BR-2 BA) $500 844 S lOih (nice! $500 1016 F (OK) $500. Three month leases available. Call Keith at 474-5327. Want to have a GREAT summer? Make WILLOWHAVEN your home! 476-6200 -cool, refreshing pool -private tanning deck -central air -balconies -summer leases available Rent an apartment and aet a FREE summer fun basket! Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 191 Summer Housing Clean, affordable living conditions at Chi Phi fraternity. Utilities paid, laundry facility, and AC available Call 436 6065._ ON-CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING Coed housing at Triangle Fraternity. Affordable and dean rooms available from May 11 to August 17. AC in each room and cheap laundries available. Call Rich at 436-8546 192 Mobile Homes For Rent Must selll 12'x SO 2 bedroom. 1 1/2 bath. C/A. fireplace $5,000 Cash. 477-1574. 22 Adoption Adoption: We are a fropily married' corpse wbc wish’ mom than anything to *h*fe our home filled with love ano laughter w«h a newborn. Lett help each other. Medical and legal e*pen*e* paid. Pleas* can Gail and Glenn coAect Anytime, at 212-932-3S44.__ PREGNANT AND WONOEMNG WHAT TO DOT EwAore the protection and benefit* of adoptin', which are only provided by a licensed agency. No tee (or our confident mi service*. Contact: Nebraska Children'* Horn* Society 4*00 v'akey Roed 433-7*>9. 23 Alterations & Sewing WwMkhTT 0*m«ns' ’‘rroi**S’o?»T Star"11 ion*™^ «i| kind*incfudirtfltapenng(ear*. 719*P"8treeU3$-210l. 24 Apartment Finders ^APARTMENT FINDERS* FINDS APARTMENT* 4*5-5655 . Jn*#ph 6. Kean Company 474- tMA 27 Bicycle Service _ BiiOo WSfeAL^ffSTumTft) Solea-Serv** all m*m. Tonwup**i7.96. NawanduaeduikeaAfw/rentale 474 7030, ___ Downtown aike Shop Ju*t*t*bto Xu Irom campu*. New and used bike*. Expert repair* for ad make*. 427 tout 13th. *96-2322. 30 Bridal -■&VS*9t$53S5fi wotography CompCAW wedding phofography etartmn under 1200. EoWron mental perira ture and vMeegraphy nvait Dy^l to match weeksing ai d jWirty ahoea. barker s Down* town, 12^1 0 St. 5TComgute^ervlce~~~ ... Computer Rentals ^«l’r±,cSST591-Macow“0"' 35 Ciift Ideas_ BALLOON EXPRESSIONS Lincoln'# Bal^Tn Shew case. 27th and "O' 4364017. 10% ah with your Student LOI_ _ Irrported Cigarette*. Zippo PoduM Lighter# evaiMbie el Cittf# 140 N. 12th Sheet. 478-0118. 44 Legal Services Immigration problems? Ceil Clayton Btatv. attorney, lor dmtigtahon help. 478 6583,421 S. 8th *111, Lincoln. 60 Misc. Services Si you'** thro<gKV ramming for finale com Into lor etinvner. Comhutfter Red Storage 3638 Cornhueker Highway. 10 toot by 20 teat. MtVmonih _ 4884127 61 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECOROS 8833 8. *<Pn 488-381?'Toy" ing-SeRng record#, tape#, convert cn*cs. Qmm pouter t Amotion. 63 Premiancv WHdiyilTT iWiimiltt I* e ooMbentlb kelptng <**«*» w*** r«m#r#t "BiroUiR! 80 Typing & Resumes ^rejni"TrzTT~'::y~ 7-" ",,tilraxr:’~jasr~ ^^grnvgrnj^m^.m.ym MstSBmtetiJm'iiVV.* .....