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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1991)
NefiS&kan Classified 472-2588 pff Tuesday, April 23,1991 $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3.75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads. $.15 each additional word. 3 Bicycles For Sale 1990 Trek 1200,4 month old racing bike. $425 obo.477 7854, leave message. 27" Raleigh Olympian 12 spe»d, $150.435-1263. 59 cm Torpado, Campy. Columbus. 435-2322. ask for Bob Or 423-9441. Paul. 84 Bianchi San Remo, good shape. 18 spd., $300 obo. Cali Dave at 436-7741. CANNONDALE road bke. biueVyellow. Shimeno 105 components. Cateye computer, Scott/Lemond clip-ons, excellent condition, $500.476-2843. Lke new. Centurion Ironman 12 speed touring bike. Call Doug, 421-645^._ Must sell 1990 woman's Sterling street bike. Like new for $200. Call 476-9735.__ Schwinn Super Letour. Excellent condition. Lots of ex tras. $250, obo. 466-0697. leave message 5 Clothing For Sale Brand-new bridal gown purchased from J.P. Originals in Omaha. Never worn. Size 12. 474-3939. Please leave message. 6 Computers For Sale Apple IIGS. 512k, 2 drives. RGB Monitor, mint condition. Call 438 2546._ MACINTOSH PLUS COMPUTER 20 Meg Hard Drive. Also carrying case. $900.436-6946 7 Jewelry , Men's 14 carat gold ring, Size 8 3/4. Appraised at $250. taking best otter. 436-8181._ One carat diamond cluster ring with 14 carat gold thick band. In perfect condition. Chrs, 421-7364, leave mes sage 8 Furniture For Sale Brown couch. $30; Double bed. $20; RCA 19* color TV, $100. Must sell1477-7300._ Dorm lofts for sale. Delivered and installed. $04 23. Call Todd. 475-0654._ Lcveseat. sofa, table and chair. Must see! Best offer. Cali Mke 436-8268. Leave message Must sell super single waterbed, 12 drawers, excellent condition. $250. hide-a-bed couch with chair. $100 Cal! Kelly. 476-8573._ Sofa and loveseat, real good condition. $150. Full size dryer. $50. Call Dan, 470-3824 White French Provincial dresser. Six drawers, large mir ror, excellent condition, best offer. Call Kristi, 483-0054. 10 Misc. For Sale 14' coior TV with remote control. 3 years old. $300/obo Peugot ten speed $150. 786 2216 Contemporary couch, dean, new. $165; electronic hu mdifier, $35; living room larcp. $15; o.b.o. 474-7601 GAPS complete MCAT tost preparation kit 477 6453. Kyosho Burns R/C Car. Capable of 60mph. Complete and ready to run. Chris. 436-8476._ Mademoiselle membership for sale. Great deal. Call evenings: 464-4299. 12 Musical Instruments For Sale: Fender Baseman 50 amp, Peavey StudioPro 40 amp. and B.C Rich guitar. 489-7884. For Sale: Peavey wireless microphone with rack mount receiver Excellent oondition, $350 Call Jeff. 436-8963. Ibanez J-Bass. Fender Tele; Crate 60W Bass Amp; 2 Monitors. Dave. 483-5085. Randeli 100 watt amp., $1 «0. Call 476-0073.___ Roland S550 digital sampler Vox Jaguar Organ. Cheap. 438 2552. Yamaha console piano, excellent condition. $2000/obo. 489-7884 13 Pets CFA registered Siamese Kittens. 435-6585, leave mes sage. Male tan neutered and oeclawed medium haired cat. Free to good home. 423-4123, leave message. Purebred Dachshunds lor tale. Male and Female. 3 months lo 2 1/2 years. Call 476-7560. 14 Photo Equipment _ O^mg/^OM-10 w/ lens, plus zoom lens and flash. Call Pentax SFX Camera Body with 35-70 AF 200M, 105MM Tele-micro, and 28MM Wide-angle lenses. 436-0757 or leave message 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale " New. perfect shape, 7-band 300W. booster/equalizer for car stereo. $135. 436-7967. Sony 5-disc CD-player CDP30, 16 inch Fisher 120 wall speakers Make offer. 474-9065,leave message. 19 Ticket Exchange One way ticket to New York May 1.436-0027. SUMMER IN EUROPE FROM $338 each way on dis counted scheduled airlines to Europe from Omaha. Call (800)325-2026 Two airline roundtrip tickets, Omaha-New Yom, July 1 -8, call 466-0596. Alter 5 call 473-4727. $400 or best offer. 20 Vehicles For Sale 1988 Honda Hurricane. Red and white, matching helmet, low miles. $30C0/obo. 474-9065, leave message 1985 Kawasaki LTD 1100 with extras. Can 435-6678. 1983 Audi 5000, 5-speed, all options. $2800/obo. Before 6pm. 489-6007. after 6pm 786-3371. Ask for Tom. 1961 Z28. t-tops, code alarm, many extras, must see. 53100 obo. 477-0025._ 1979 Fora Fiesta, runs great, body in good condition, good on gas. $900 obo. 467-5174. Datsur. 810 with Z-car motor, needs tune-up. Cal 438 2548 110 Announcements Biology Club Last meeting of semester, tonight, 7 p.m„ 11ft Matter Hall Guest speaker: Or. Johnsgard. History and Ecology of the Platte River. CORNCOBS Psychl Last meeting of the semester TODAY at 430 in Union. Pay your duesl Spnng picnic Sunday, ApriBBth (RSVP to Beth by Friday). Earn $7.50-515/lecture taking notes tor Jon's Notes. Excellent opportunity lor a junior, senior. TA, or grad student Must provide examp'o of noto-taking skills. Note takers needed in the following subjects: Anthropology Arts today Astronomy Bioloaical Sciences Chemistry Classics Economics Geography Geology History Modern Languages Philosophy Physics Political Science Psycholog Sociology Apply in person at Jon's Notes, located in Nebraska Bookstore. 1300 Q Street Jon’s Notes Hours: 8-5 Moo day-Friday. 476-8006 --1 THK FAR SIM By GARY LARSON I 'll iiit< .^jmxiii -*ETSK=r Academic year residence hall contracts are available. S*op by the Division of University Housing or call 402 472-3561 for more information. AIESEC Congratulations to the new officers: HR Director- Mary Kay Raymold New Membership)- Suchi Ong Don't miss the meeting, 4pm Union. ATTENTION OFF-CAMPUS WOMEN UNL Rape Prevention Handbooks are now available. Secure one at Women's Resource Center (117 Nebrask, Union), Health Center, Judicial Affairs (125 Administra tion) or College of Homo Economics (105 Home Ec). READING IT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFEI Ecology Now Meeting tonight 7:30pm, Union. Finance Club Meeting Thursday, April 25th, at 6 p.m. at Downtown Valentino's. Rodeo Club Meeting Wad need ay 7:30 Eaet Campus Union Room to be posted Short sweet trip tc Kansas City. Come join ISO for a fun packed weekendl WHEN: May 11-12. COST: $40. Dead line to sign up e April 26th. Hurry over lo IES (472-3264) with your cash. SKYDIVE! Junrp out ot a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7084. The Scarlet & Cream Singers Annual Spring Show Kimball HaiT April 26 and 27,1091, 8:00 p.m. Tickets (available at the door) $6.00 General Admission $4.00 Students Tired of doing nothing in the summer? The National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) has some thing for youl NACA is sponsoring the following national workshops: —Celebrating Diversity Through Enhanced Understand ing and Programing —Three separate national student government work shops -Contemporary Concert Management and Promotion -Programing m the 90s: Doing the Rght Things —Training of Trainers—Leadership into the '90s —leadership West Cultural minority scholarships on a competitive basis (deadline is May 1). Contact Michelle Howell at the CAP office. 20C Nebraska Union. 472-2454 for more informa tion on any of these workshops. Trbades otthe world unltel Queer Nation Lincoln I Cornel 489-332C_ UNL Wildlife Club Meeting Wednesday. April 24 at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska East Union Violence Against Women Awareness Week April 22-26 Call Women's Resource Center, 472-2597, for informa tlon on events I Women Unite —TAKE BACK THE NIGHT. Speakers, Rally and March on Friday. April 26th, 7 p.m. Broyhill fountain. HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Jet there anytime with AIRHITCH(r) lor $160 from the East Coastl $229 from Mldwo6t (when available.) Reported In NY Times and Let's Go I AIRHITCH(r) 212-864-2000. Homecomming meeting Today at 6 p.m. City Union Room to bo posted _Everyone Welcome. Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Clark Thursday at 7 Uad Center Free with UNLf.D. UPC Talke A Topics NAA Officer elections and pizza party Tuesday. April 23 at Valentino's. 6 p.m. Casual dress—pizza and soft drinkt provided. NU MEDS Final meeting and elections Wednesday. April 24, 8:00pm at the Union. After elections and farewell to Dr. Gfeliar, we will have a party and movie to celebrate tlie end of a groat year. Mark your calendar. P.S. T-shirts have arrived. REMINDER: Emerging Leader Networking Program, 4/23. 7:00-900 p.m., NE Union, Room TBA. UNION BOARD MEETING Tonight. 5 p.m. City Union. Room posted. Space Allocation wiH be decided 120 Greek Affairs _ Becky H. (DG): Congratulations on being accecpted to study in Aus tralia next semester. Love. Delta Gamma CariS6a S. (Tri-Deli). Congratulations on being elected pledge educator for FH Sisters. Love, the Tri-Delts Congrats NU Women's Bowling Team on first place a Nationals. Way to go Kim B. (Alpha Phi) for being named MVP. The A-Phi'i Congratulations Johnny Frewzer and Rich "TKO" McCnemical on your winning performances F riday night. Your Phi Psi Brothers Courtney F. (Phi Mu): Congrsts on being selected Homecoming Chair and a member o< Union Boardl Way to Gol Love, your sisters Davlna H. and A.J.T. (ADM) Congratulations on being chosen tor Peer Leaders I Love and Loyalty, your sisters Greg B. (FN), YES!!! I Love You, Jill Green (ODD) Jen Vokmer: Congratulations on being selected vice chair of Health Center SABI Love, Phi Mu <r« N. (DG): Congratulations on being accecpted to the Med Cen er. Love, Delta Gamma SAE Little Sisters Initiation week Meeting 9-10pm. MANDATORYI nitiation April 25th. nformation or problems call Toby 436-8531. ;rae parking. SANDBASH April 27 6 28 P.O. Pears Gamma Phi Beta & Sigma Nu Jandbash at P.O. Pears. Men's and women's voiieyba oumament on April 27th and 28th. Any questions, call ‘.my, 436-9442 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES The deadline has been extended to April 24 for the following positions: Parking Advisory Committee Government Liaison Committee Calendar a Examinations Commencement Committee Central Planning Committee Campus Recreation Advisory Council Scholarship & Financial Aid Teaching Council University Judiciary/Appeals Electoral Commssion Curriculum Grading Publications Board UNL Police Committee University Lbraries Human Rights Committee Criminal Justice Senator Teachers College Senator Graduate Senator CFA Representative - residence hall rep. & off campus Students with Disabilities Subcommittee International Students Subcommittee Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Applications for the above positions are available at the ASUN Office - 115 Nebr. Union. 135 Meeting Others Magic Match Dating Service Looking for students or other singles who would be interested in meeting each other. Confidential. Ooen 7 days. Call anytime. 489-6433 ^ I Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Layer of felt 5 Small stream 10 New York street 14 Brainstorm, in Brest 15 Person born on Oct 3, e g 16 Hodgepodge 17 Comics 20 More wrathful 21 Spirit of Saint Louis 22 Type of shirt 23 With 59 Across, Iowa city 24 Jacob s first wife 26 Entirely 28 A defendant, in law Abbr 29 Encircle, as with a lei 33 Exert influence over 36 Humorous suffix with switch 38 Sesame 39 Comics 42 Sandwich tiller 43 Eye, to Pierre 44 W German state 45 Programs for committees 47 Cupid 49 Comic Caesar 50 Stainer ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 51 "-Got a Secret" 54 Refuge 57 Being, to Brutus 59 See 23 Across 61 Comic from Dayton 64 Mimicked 65 Sahara filling station 66 -dixit 67 Comic-singer Jerry 68 Songbirds 69 British gun DOWN 1 Forked 2 Love very much 3 Where Rangers range 4 Subject for a sermon 5 Family of a memorable British comic 6 Tear 7 Witchcraft in the West Indies 8 Algerian city 9 Kind of court 10 Chinese skillet 11 Came down 12 "I Walk the -Cash hit 13 Theater section 18 Mont s capital 19 Printer's word 25 Summits 27 Shaping tools 28 St Paul s book 29 Comedienne Jo Anne 30 English river 31 Towel word 32 Otherwise 33 ''-boy I" 34 Iron horse's snort 35 Shoe size 37 Stat for Strawberry 40 Performance on a troupe's tour 41 Radioactive isotope 46 Lose weight, hopefully 48 Lax in duty 50 Stupid 51 Awkward 52 Poetry 53 W German city 54 Slightly open 55 Lasso 56 Leg joint 58 European coal basin 60 Gleason’s ‘How sweet-!B 62 Find the sum 63 Conquer