The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1990, Page 11, Image 11
IBook Continued from Page 9 about past mistakes and embar rassments? The Caswell Life Edit ing System is just for you. Because it directly interfaces with your mem ory, this system “not only removes offending material from your mem ory, but automatically ‘splices’ your life back together for a seamless and superior version of a personal reality.” Finding it impossible to keep up with all the news of the world? It could be time to purchase “The Wide World of Everything,” a vide ocassette documentary that “cov ers every subject known to man in a single one-hour show.” Those are only a small sam pling of the products available in “Not Available in Any Store,” which offers “96 BIG PAGES of Personal Fulfillment.” Composed largely of garish 1950s pulp magazine advertising send ups, this book is a farcical romp through the consumer-ori ented unconsciousness of the nu clear family. The advertising style is familiar to all of us who collected comics in the early 1970s: cheesy art, “au thentic” letters from satisfied cus tomers, the appeals to fears of in adequacy and all the rest. Most of these ads are directed toward adults, so convenience and conformity seem to be the cardinal values. Do it yourself, do it quickly, do it at home, do it better than your neighbor: these are the themes that still move a country. Other sample items, none of them short on satire, include: • StewartGoodlife Lenses, “the one and only contact lens that fil ters out poverty and the poor from your field of vision, leaving only pleasing people and objects to contemplate.” • The Noveltron, which “lets a person be a novelist without writ ing a single word!” • The Man-On-the-Street-Insti tute, which will “train you to pro vide the hackneyed opinions and sentiments that local and network news reports are crying out for.” Divided into sections like Life Management Accessories and In terpersonal Activity Enhancers, these are products that call out to us from old detective magazines or 3 a.m. advertising on UHF sta tions. For a classic collection of satire and humor in which reality and the advertised life are often confused, seek this catalog of the products we all secretly desire but which, alas, are “Not Available in Any Store.” Dead Continued from Page 9 the ironic twist of its predecessor. That’s the only real surprise here, so the question then is not “Why do a remake?” but rather “Why see it?” This new batch of creeps is good for a few screams, but people who still aren’t acquainted with “The Dead” are better off taking their cash to the video store. If curiosity gets the best of you, though, the new “Night of the Living Dead” is playing at the State Thea ter, 1415 0 St. 72 Rentals 74 Social Services -1 76 Travel 2 Appliances 78 Tutoring 3 Bicycles 80 Typing 4 Resumes 4 bOOKS - 5 Clothing 6 Computers _ 8 Furniture 100 Rides 9 Garage Sales 110 Announcements 0 Misc For Sale 120 Greek Attains 12 Musical Instruments 130 Student Government 13 Pets 135 Meeting Others ’4 Photo Equipment 140 Personals 16 Sporting Goods 145 Lost 4 Found 18 Stereos/TVs 148 Wanted 19 Ticket Exchange 149 Fund Raising 20 Vehicles „ . 150 Child Care Needed 22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted 26 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs 7? Cleaning/Laundry - -6 Health & Fitness •o'se Boarding - 38 Insurance 170 Roommates 40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent 42 job Placement 180 Houses For Rent 44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent 60 Misc Services 190 Apartments For Rent 6? P-nananew 192 Mobile Homes For Rent M PrZno 194 Homes For Sale 70 Religious 196 v*call0n R*nlai!> $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads $ 15 each additional word $ /5 pilling charge Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 pm. weekday before publica tion. 3 Bicycles For Sale 1989 20" red GT Mountain Bike Cromoly frame, Shimano SIS. very durable' $240 Call 436-9314. 6 Computers For Sale Student s best friend Apple He. second external drive, Panasonic 1080) LQ printer, and software including Apple Works, games, and copy disks $750 obo. Dave. 464 7059 8 Furniture For Sale Brown pit couch, rust oolored sola, decorative lamp. 2 pmg pong tables Perfect for family room or fraternity rec room 488 5944 10 Misc. For Sale Free used carpet' Call Bill Ramsey tor information. Day time 472-3611 ext. 348 or evenings 489 2067. Halloween Magic Costume yourself in witch hat, dew horns, fedora, feather boa. fairy princess look & more. Check our selec tionl One More Time 850 No. 27th 18 Stereos/TVs for sale Panasonic compact stereo, LED Active Tuning, PLL Multiplex Circuit, cassette, turntable, speakers included $100 474 1524 19 Ticket Exchange Alumni looking tor 2-5 tickets tor NE/OK game m OK, November 23 Collect 214 220 4856. 8 00 b 00 Need 2 CU vs. NE footoall tickets Please leave message at 466 9389 One student ticket, 3rd row seat, Colorado game. Highest offer plus validation. Call Chris at 423-3700. WANTED: 2 tickets for Colorado vs. Nebraska on 11/3. Will pay top $. Call 312-280-1212. 20 Vehicles For Sale '82 ESCORT STATION WAGON, 4-door, a/c, power steering. Pioneer am/fm cassette, roof-rack, new timing belt. 62,000 miles. 81,BOO o.b.o. 467-2026 '77 VW Rabbit, runs good. $250. Call 483-6752 after 7:00pm. 1989 Nissan Sentra, 2-door, 4-speed, AM/FM, 15,000 miles, extra nice, $4950, offers. Baer's Auto Sales. 1647 S. 3rd, 477-6442. 1985 Honda Prelude, one owner, excellent condition, 72,000 miles, $7000. 476-2056. 110 Announcements ‘Sneak Preview Movie* Jacob's Ladder 800 p.m. at the Sheldon Tuesday, October 23. 1990 FREE! FREE! FREE! Tickets available city union CAP office. Sponsored by UPC American Films. 1 Anyone interested in helping with the Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton concert on October 28, oome to an organizational meeting on Wednes day, October 24 at 4:00pm in the NE Union. Free admission to the showl Sian up to help with the Kenny & Dolly concert Meetings: Today 7pm, Wednesday 4pm, Thursday 6pm. All meetings at City Union. Business Dining Etiquette Seminar! Thursday, November 1, 6*0 - 8*0 p.m. in the Ne braska Union. Review the line points ol etiquette and increase your confidence during a meal interview Cost $10.00. Reservations required. Contact Career Planning & Placement, Room 230 NU. Campus Red Cross Tonight at 6:00 in the Union Dry White Season Presented by UPC American Films and UPC Talks and Topics East Campus Union Thursday October 25. 1990 6 30 and 8:30pm Tickets: with ID S2 00, $3.00 non. Get involved' Volunteer to help Exon Nelson. Crump, et a. gel elected Call Rick, Becky 434-3966. Golden Key Members!! Persons interested in becoming an officer should atteitd the meeting on Wednesday. Oct 24 at 9:00pm in HAH 548 Oflicer duties will be discussed! Dorn forget the informative 2% Lid Assembly to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 7:00pm in Love Library Auditorium. INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday, 10-23 is the entry deadline tor the following intramural activities co-rec basketball, co-rec indoor soccer, men s * women's volleyball, backgammon, and mens, women s, and co-rec 3-on-3 basketball. 472 3467 NSE orientation leader applications are due TODAY by 5pm. Turn in completed applications to the CAP office, 200 NE Union. NU Meds Guest speaker Dr. Gfeller "Practice of Medicine", Tues day, Oct. 23, in City Union. Room will be posted. There will be a sign-up for first aid/adult CPR certification. The class is scheduled for Sunday. Oct 28. form 8 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. We must have commitment no later than Oct 23. Remember: Must pay duesl PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or advanced Lessons can include use of rental guitar at S8 per week Zager Studio 489-2430. Rodeo Club Benefit Dance At the Kattle Kompany 27th and Holdrege Wednesday, October 24th, 9:00-1:00 Featuring Sandy Creek Band and Fast Moving Train $3.00 per person or $5.00 per couple I —————— CORNCOBS Meeting today - 4:30 p.m. in the Union Sian up to help with the Kenny & Dolly concert . Meetings: Today 7pm, Wednesday 4pm, Thursday 6pm. Ail meetings at City Union. Students Against 2% Tuesday, Oct. 23 Very Important Meeting Meet at tne ASUN office at 6:00 pm Teachers College Advisory Board applications are avail able in Henzlik student Services Center. Due Date Octo oer 24th. Travel to London and Paris Why not join, a UN-L study tour during semester break’ Study the arts or theater and earn credit. Call Flights & Study Tours 472-3264 lor details or stop by 1237 R Street, Room 102. TRAVEL TO MEXICO Disfruta y aprendeen Mexico. IY ganacreditos tambienl Join a study tour during semester break Call Flights A Study Tours 472-3264 tor details or stop by 1237 R Street, Room 102. Peace Information and applications, Oct. 23,1090. Nebraska Union, 7:30 p.m. UNION BOARD Meeting Today. October 23 5:00pm Culture Center City & East Campus D(f| Harper-Shramm Smith 475-7672 SffB. 476-0787 j $8.05 tax | 2 10" One Topping Pizzas J plus 2 Cokes Expires 11-3-90 1 $7.99 + tax Large One Item Pizza | plus 1 Liter of Coke mmmM m i _ THK FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Joe! You went and ate the pig I was going to serve this evening to the MacIntyres? ... Well you just disgorge it — it should still be OK. campus notes COME ON BKTIAN LAN OFF TW)MAS F OR AWHU.E. TME 609 HARDLY KNOWS WHERE ME \$ KHV MOCt. ^HE WALKS AROUND^ /n IN A RATE Au_ / I THE TIKE. . BRIAN, / ' ... HEW BRIAN? , of kJ-k _by brian shellito 40 , SNOUT k/ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Singer Elliot 5 Mideast rulers 10 An anagram for team 14 Dos y seis 15 Pissarro contemporary 16 Russian saint 17 Tea sweetener 10 Fabulist 20 Naturalist Charles 21 One in opposition 23 Bring home the bacon 25 Medieval blade 2« Salutes 28 Kampala native 32 2001 A Space Odyssey* star 33 Spheres 34 Ankara 35 Just 36 Night on the town 38 Caesar and Stone 30 III x LXVII 40 Command to Fido 41 Still-life objects 43 Jewish months 45 Knitters woes 46 Burden 47 Peon's predecessor 46 Crib spread 51 Goalies' credits 55 Diner order 56 Irregularly shaped piece of furniture 58 Route to Roma 59 Provide (with) 60 Kett of comics 61 Skeletal 62 “The Second Coming" poet 63 Cheer DOWN 1 Career 367 hitter 2 Homestead segment 3 Sabot 4 Salt pork 5 Bad-, German spa 6 Laments 7 "Picnic" playwright 8 Give new confidence to 9 Tall, skinny fellers 10 Lavalike 11 Nobelist Wiesei 12 Medium for Pasteur 13 Swabbie 18 Fraser of tennis 22 Vastntesses 24 Thanksgiving favorite 26 Suspicion guess 27 “-Rhee." 1865 song 29 Kind of sergeant 30 Culex s km 31 Drumnadrochit s loch 32 Severinsen and Holliday 33 Kid-, tamed jazzman 37 Dice shooter s strip 38 Farm implement 40 Balanced 42 Li'l Abner s mammy 44 Flaubert heroine 45 Metal fastener 48 Roman statesman 49 Chamber in a pizzeria 50 Snorri s stories 52 Oval Office act 53 "-Perpetua ‘ Idaho's motto 54 Card game for three 55 Triangular sail 57 M I T grads ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE