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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1990)
Readers discuss Christianity, Kay Orr Christianity calls for believers to give up some behaviors I think Eric Aspengren (DN, Oct. 5) is right on target in claiming that Christianity does not mean bigotry. However, it is important to recognize that orthodox Christianity does call people to give up certain beliefs and behaviors. After all, the cental idea of Christianity is that God saves human beings from the condition of sin, and part of what it means to say that we are in a condition of sin is that we often act and believe in unacceptable ways. So Christianity requires that we renounce bigotry and whatever else is morally unacceptable. David Reiter graduate student philosophy Orr’s leadership, aid to education impress NU student The race for the office of the gov ernor doesn’t present a great chal lenge for me. One candidate has shown strong leadership for Nebraskans. Kay Orr has demonstrated her commit ment to education by restoring more than $10 million in aid to public schools that was cut by the previous admini stration. Also, Gov. Orr signed the first-ever teacher incentive program providing a two-year $40 million pay hike for teachers. Through her first term, the gover nor has made the following funding commitments to higher education in Nebraska: • 53-percent increase to the Uni versity of Nebraska system; • 52-pcrccnt increase to Nebraska’s state colleges; • 45-percent increase to Nebraska’s technical community colleges; Kay Orr has shown great leader ship in revitalizing Nebraska’s econ omy. The state’s unemployment rate is slightly above 2 percent (lowest in the nation) compared to 5.5 percent when she took office. There arc more people working in Nebraska now than at any other time in our state’s his tory, and the number of Nebraskans on welfare has been reduced by 2,000 families. In addition, the governor’s incentive programs have brought more than S2 billion in new investments and thousands of new jobs to Ne braska. These are just some of the tremen dous accomplishments of Gov. Orr. They represent the proven leadership that she nas provided for all Nebras kans. These things aren’t the result of luck or fortunate coincidence, but the result of strong, effective leadership from a class act, and that is why Kay >'■. Orr will get my vote on Nov. 6. Daniel A. Fix junior political science India’s minorities hold top positions, unlike unjust U.S. In his letter (DN, Oct. 8), Mr. Garland Bare essentially equates the Soviet Union, Japan and India with South Africa. According to him, “we” should retaliate against India for her “ruthless suppression of the Sikh, Moslem and Christian minorities by the Hindu rulers.” This reckless statement implies that the minorities in India are systemati cally persecuted by the rulers and he conveniently assumes that the rulers belong exclusively to one particular religion (i.e. Hindu). Nothing could be further from the truth. In 45 years of post independence, a couple of persons from the minority have held the top-most position in India, in cluding one woman who incidentally ruled India for 15 years. Can he give me one example where there was a single person from a minority group (women included), who became the president of the United States? As a matter of fact, in India, there are reservations for the minorities and every effort is made toward affirma tive action. Similarly he makes a quick generalization from a behavior of some “nasty” Japanese businessmen that every other Japanese businessman behaves in the same “nasty” fashion. American businessmen are no saints either, but that is beside the point. You cannot hold a nation accountable for the behavior of a few individuals. This is where the situation drastically differs from that of South Africa. Finally, in hisopinion.U.S. should preside over as a judge for all the internal affairs of the foreign coun tries. My suggestion to him is that he should correct the fault with this country before pointing fingers at others. Agreed Indian society is not an egalitarian society, but then nei ther is the United States. Please re member, “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others!” Sanjay Wale graduate student chemical engineering Student angered by drunken fans at football games Dear Dissatisfied Drunks and Fair Weather Fans: With the upcoming game on Sat urday I thought I’d write you a letter telling you to shut up. Every game I’ve been to this year there has been a guy or two that has obviously wasted his time and money (it is always a student), because all he does is bitch about the team, Tom Osborne and anything associated with Nebraska football. And sure, I don’t mind that you are dissatisfied with the team’s performance, it just both ers me that you to scream your slurred comments and alcohol-tainted obscenities so loudly, that my grand mother in Council Bluffs, Iowa, can hear you. Do you think that you’re funny and that you should let the whole crowd in on your humor? Well I’ll let you in on a secret: YOU’RE NOT FUNNY. Maybe you really believe Osborne can hear you and is going to change the play due to your advice. I’ll clear up that too: HE CANNOT HEAR YOU. uk, so now ici me ask tne ques tion: Why do you yell? Perhaps you played a little hall in high school, possibly even lettered. But if you know so much abut how the game, how come you paid to get into the stadium? You were obvi ously recruited by Notre Dame, Ne braska and Miami, but you turned everyone down to come sit in the stand and scream out what each player should do. At the Oregon State game there were four drunk males that decided to smash bottles on the ground and bleach ers in front of them because they were so upset that the Huskcr defense let Oregon score. Well, this bottle smash ing along with their crying and slob bering, disturbed another student enough for him to ask the four guys to please behave themselves. These four gentlemen flipped out, started going off on some argument that they paid for their seats just like everyone else, so they’re going to do and say what ever they please. OK, one more time, why do you yell? Getting back to the story, these four students continued on with their unbecoming conduct, embedding stereotypes of a Nebraska student in adult’s and children’s heads. I’d just like to make an informal apology to everyone that witnesses such vulgar side shows, especially to the families that come to the game from all over the country. Please do not form opin ions of UNL students based on ac tions of the four loud mouths. And I’d like to commend the stu dent that asked the four barbarians to please behave. After much ridicule, he accepted the fact that they were . . ' i - not going to make their behavior more becoming. He then did the mature thing by going to the authorities and inform them of what was going on. (I, myself, would have stooped to a lower level in the situation and cracked one of them in the mouth.) Ten minutes later the four comedians were es corted from the premises. In closing, I would just like to tell all the fair-weather fans and dissatis fied drunks, that they should stop embarrassing themselves and their parents, and keep their mouths shut. In other words, if you don’t like the team, don’t come to the game. I’d also like to add that I am not against drinking, just the people that make a point of being an annoyance at the football games. Scott Fox junior electrical engineering SPECIAL HOURS: 800 A.M.- 6O0P.M. Super Saturday . NIKE • TIMBERLAND • REEBOK • EASTLAND • K-SWISS • BELLINI Everything InThe Store (Saturday, October L3) Ifrfo jS The best shoes for the money. Period. Lincoln's largest shoe store. East Park Plaza, 6810 'P' St. 464-3138 ROLLING ROCK $9.99 $2.75 WAR M CASH WARM 6 PACK SCHAEFERS REG.-LIGHT $5.99 $3.65 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK OLD MILWAUKEE! REG. 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