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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1990)
Classified 472-2588_ $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3.75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 3 Bicycles For Sale Bianchi Special 54cm/21“ road/ractna bike Excellent components, low miles, plus Slocum Wind Trainer Sell together or separate, best otter. 483-2009 Lincoln Police Department sale ot unclaimed bicycles, October 6,10:00am, Lincolnland Towing, 410 West P St. No checks accepted. 6 Computers For Sale Autodesk animator. Interactive desk top video tor IBM standard PC and compatible computers, $200 obo 436 8889 IBM Wheelwriter Si*. EMI screen and disk drive In cludes desk and chair $1200-488-9294 EXTRA CASH NEW AND RETURNING DONORS RECEIVE $20.00!! your first time back in over 2 months Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change.) Monday - Saturday Free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience,Inc 1442 "O” SI. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ end 5 T E A M B O * T JANUARY 2-12 • 5 6 OR 7 NIGHTS BRECKENRID^E VAIL/BEAVER CRFFK JANUARY 2-12 • 5 6 OR 7 NIGHTS ; 9th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION A RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 [ Oscar's I 800 O St Hay market Charlie Burton and the hiccups Friday - Sunday October 5,6,7 8 Furniture For Sale for sals: couch, chair, ottoman. $75, 476-0755. 10 Misc. For Sale_ (iarpot and pad, 3 years old, color carmel Room sizes: 17 x 10,10 x 10,12 x 17 and 11 x 15. Very clean Call 483 1748 after 5:00. Emerson VHS VCR, wireless remote, guaranteed for 30 days. $125. 19" Magnavox color TV $55 483 2349. Sega Genesis, 4 games, extra controller, $250. Call 474 0651. 12 Musical Instruments Yamaha VX55 Amp, Fender Bullet/ Hard case, Ibanez Super Metal Pedal. Call Tim- 435-7336. 13 Pets Please help usl Our seven month sheppard/lab puppy is destroying our homel All shots, rabies vaccinated, spade, likes kids-will negotiate with family of loving home with spacious yard--is house-broken but needs supervision. Call a s.a p.l 421-7519 18 Stereos/TVs for sale JVC receiver, CD player, equalizer Remote, video in puts, all extras. Best offer, 483-2009 19 Ticket Exchange America West travel voucher, S220 credit value Will sell lor $175 467-3644 One one way certificate for travel, Omaha- ten cities in Florida. Midway Airlines before 12-19 90 $65. call 435 0225 OneRT Am. West Lincoln Pheomx, 10/11 am. return 10/ 14 am S150 403 2932, ask for John Wanted. 2-4 tickets for Colorado vs Nebraska game 488-6475. 20 Vehicles For Sale 1983 Honda V45 Sabre 750 CC, many extras, immacu late condition. It's a steal at $1000 476 3441 1980 Citation, $400 o b.o 475-5324 BMW 1977. 320i. Perfect. $4000 firm 436 0665 22 Adoption __ Considering ADOPTION7 Happily married couple with love and affection to share seeks to adopt newborn to make our family complete Reside in small town near Rocky Mountains. Both educators, financially secure Medical and all legal expenses paid Please call Nancy or Ken oollect after 6pm or on weekends Confidential (303)443 5986 PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency No fee tor our confidential services Contact Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483 7879 60 Misc. Services Book Exchange Service Buying or selling books’ Call in a list o! books you want to sell or buy. we II put vou in touch with students with similar needs BOOKFINDERS. 466 6893.475 5819, 5pm 10pm. Monday Friday Scholars hips, grants tor college are available Millions go unclaimed yearly For details. 1 800 334 3681 TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS Rentals Sales Service Rent-To-Own BLOOM'S 1001 Garfield 474-4136 62 Prcunancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483 2609 HO Typing & Resumes All your typing needs Saved until final edit and printing Spell check, proof copy with grammar check available Extra style features available Reasonable rates with last service Computer Type and Services 1630 Q Street. 476-8973 Laser desktop publishing and word processing, full serv roe business and academic Editing, writing and tape transcription 467-2801 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years experience, proven results 464-0775 Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union 1976 to 1986 199010 ? L{ 1-irst diMir west of Into Bell) ^^^^Couponsvaiid^Fri^OajSihan^Moi^— ^^ m | AM "* J PM : Sausage, eggs, and • Pizza burger, onion ’ ■ cheese on a bun. $1.49 ® rings, and fries. $1.89 FifEE donuts! Fnday Qct 5th and Mon. Opt Kth 8:00 am to M :00 am with drink purchase Open 8:00 am . Typing services. Fast service at the right price. Call 488 DO 12 after 4:30. Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 483-4010. 110 Announcements * Fantastic Attendance. . . * Let's do it again future teachersl Come hear Ruth Ann Wylie ano Tim Carroll talk about "Discipline in the School System", Oct. 9, at 5:30 p.m. mt he City Union. Room will be posted SEA members and non-members welcome. DON’T FORGET DO IT SOBER presents RISQUE BUSINESS Monday. Oct 8 at 8:00 in the Coliseum Be therel Dress-up this fall with vintage fashions from Pack Rats. Men's and women's vintage clothing, scarves, hats, gloves ties, also quilts, linens and bed spreads Pack Rata Antique Co-op. 1617 S 17th, Monday-Saturday I0:00am-5:30pm, Sunday I2:00-5:00pm. 474-4043. ENJOY COLLEGE MORE! Let National Scholarship Services eliminate your finan cial aid hassles Call today. 489 8102 leave message GOLDEN KEY ELECTS!! Don'1 forget: send in your applications by Friday, October Si HOMECOMING 90 Win, Lose or Draw Sponsored by Union Board Open to all students Wednesday, October 10th, 6:30 p.m.. Mam Lounge Entry forms available in City Union, Suite 220. •DEADLINE THIS FRIDAY -OCTOBER 5. 5:00 p.m. Hungarian Fairy Tale International Films presents Hungarian Fairy Tale Showing at the Sheldon Sunday Oct 7 at 3,5,7, and 9 pm $3 tot students with I D,. $4 50 general. INTRAMURAL ENTRY DEADLINES Tuesday. 10/9 is the entry deadline tor men'* and women's racquetball, and men's and women's table tennis singles No fees Enter at either Campus Recrea tion office 472 3467, _ Kickoff Events UPC Homecoming Committee is sponsoring this year's Kickoff Activities I he event will be held Monday. Oct 8 from 3 30-5:00 at Broyhill Fountain. Rain tile- City Union Ballroom Looking for A Sunday Adventure? Spend you day with Outdoor Adventures CANOEING AND KAYAKING ON A LOCAL LAKE OR BICYCLING TO ARBOR LOOGE, NEBRASKA CITY SIGN UP DEADLINE: October 9, 1990 Questions 7 Contact the Office of Campus Recreation, Room 55. Campus Recreation Center 472-4777. NSE Attend an Orientation Leader Information Session tomorrow before the game 11 am NE Union PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginner* or advanoed L***on* can include u»e of rental guitar at $8 per week Zager Studio 449-2430. Register to Vote!! Wail-m Deadline Oct 7 Stop by the ASUN Office, 115 Neb Union for all of your registering needs DO IT TODAY'! _____ Talent Talent Talent Abend the Homeoommg Talent Show Tuesday Oct 9th. 7 30-10pm City Union Ballroom General S3, with Stu dent I.0, $2 See students perform their wonderful tal ent* Travel to London and Paris Why not (Oin a UN-L study tour during semester break7 Study the arts or theater and earn credit Call Flights A Study Tours 472 3264 tor details or stop by 1237 R Street, Room 102. TUESDAY - OCT. 9 ELECTION DAY 8:00-8.00 Referendum to change the required hours o! enrollment Irom 12 to 3 tor the Division ot Continuing Studies student Polling sites will be at the City Campus Union and East Campus Union Questions 7777 Stop in ihe ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union, 472-2581. UNL Women's Rugby New members wanted No experience necessary 476 7113. UPC VISUAL ARTS AND DIRT CHEAP PRESENT: Rock n Roll poster sale. City Union-Main Lounge 10/1 • 10/5. On sale 900 500 120 Creek Affairs 1990 Woodchoppers Ball Andy M . Sheby W., TimR , Rona W , Bret T„ Dawn B . Steve L., Chandelle P., Darren E.. Jill H , Scott B , Jennifer B . PaulC . DebF., Shawn S., Shannon T., Tim Z., Lon F„ Jason B . Dare* M., Doug M., Kristi S . Greg H., Kim A., Lanoe K., Ang* K.,Chad fc .. Jennifer S., Rod D.. T.a Me., Kirt E . Rachel Z , Bill N.. Laura $., Chris B . Sue W , Todd H , Amy V Jett M , Jennifer H., Casey M , Kristen R .BiadS .CherylC ,LeeS . Debbie K.. Andy T.. Rachel B., Zeke P , Christie, Jett R , Janet J„ Tim C., Mary, Brad P.. Sherr' t„ Jett S . Julie N., Randy K., Maureen M . Matt K., uiski A . Man H., Lon B.. Dave S Kristi M., Jett W , Tammy W , John M , Theresa V . Scon W , Wendy B., Kevin L . Agatha E , Jett G., Kelly A , Ron M , Amy F., Jon C., Tracy P , Dan G., Cindy 0 . Brian V.. Josie W ,ChrisL .DawnG ,KilavR . AngieD .Greg W , Heidi C,, Tom P , Melissa 0 , Tom 6 . Kim V , Terry E., Victoria J. Alpha Ch, Babies Have a greai week but remember Mom's watching youM So be goodl coming soon SAE little sister rush Congratulations Shelly P. on becoming a member of Student Foundations. Keep up the good work _Love, the Kappas Demos and Deeperedoe M Alpha Gamma Sigma/Kappa Alpha Theta Delta Gamma pledges, Good Luck at ATO softball. Kick some *l?#‘ Love, your Delta Gamma Sisters Touchdown ’90 Phi Mu are you ready to score? The Beta Sigs are. Lets get pumped for Saturday. GUNSLINGER ’90 Farmhouse -• Gamma Phi Beta DG _STAMPEDE_ Touchdown ’90 The Superbowl of the Greeks SAT., Oct 6 Cather/ Pound Fields 10:30am 1 st Down and Two Days to goll We would like to Thank the Sig Nu's, Dell s, Kappa's, ADPi’s, S AE s and the rest of the Greek System for all the help and ooncern during the night of the fire The Theta Chi’s 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Senate positions open for the following colleges: Criminal Justice Graduate Committee positions open for: Publications Board Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Committee Additional information and applications available at ASUN office- 115 Nebr Union Deadline- 4:00pm Oct. 10 140 Personals Dewight You're finally 21 and you still haven't lost it, maybe you will tonight and finally be a real man. Sympathetically your Buffy Helmet Mitch and Mike, Thunder is nothmgl But you Ye been struck by Light ning! The Bolts Brooke. • Hope school is going good. We re all busy Me with the books. Brian with the Chicks and Doug with the House See you soon We miss you11 Christ). Brian and Doug Beavers You are not too old for a little roll in the hayl Fitchett-(or not7) Care M . HAPPY BIRTHDAY one day early to my favorite Coloradan Jack Pound 7 Who ruled7 We want out beeri Bring on the mud. Cat her 7 P S. Why is your S.A so mean to ours7 Arm Thanks for the spaghetti on Mondayl It was great I Julie and Beth N-Woman Good luck and Happy Hunting ___J.N.A. Steve M. Happy 2?nd Birthday!! Now who s going to be stag gering?? Love, Dawn Rick, Good luck on the LSATII love you a lot and am proud of you no matter how you dol Love, Jenny JCI. I cant believe it's been a whole year! Thanks tor everything! You re the BEST! Love, your Fern TA Kelly and student who returned my black note book Thanks again, my faith in humanity is strengthened BP Sweet Pea. No matter what you say it's been a year Love, Bob 145 Lost & Found LOST: Blue Billfold outside Love Library al 11:00am. H found, call Amy at 436 8740 Lost Men s gold wedding band and Casio watch in parking lot west o* Reunion or near Rec Center 489 6818 14S Wanted Asthmatics Needed to participate « a medical study Must be 19 years or older, a non smoker, and on daily asthma medications Stipend $560 For more information call 559 68t>8. UNMC Omaha 150 C hild Care Needed Nanny Opportunities Salaries $150 $400 week Join our successful Nanny Network and expeuonoe growth with a great family on East Coast Call Arlene Streisand. 1 800 443-6428 Minimum 1 year Wanted: Experienced babysitter on-call, to care tor siak baby in our home 488-6398 160 Help Wanted A* S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available lor an Arts and Scienoes Student Adviser poeitun in 1223 Oldfather Deadline • October 17. Babysitter Mature responsible non-smoker to watch our two-year old son Timsday and Thursday days in our nearby country home Apply at 21st and N. southeast corner, ask for Mary S._______ Bartender- Cocktail Waitery needed Part time evening shift. Apply in person between 11*6, Safari Lounge, 2555 Cornhusker. Building maintenance 8:00- 5:00 Monday through Friday and Saturday 8:00 12:00 Need 2 or 4 hours at a time. Interview McMaster Real Estate, 858 S 27th. Draftsperson to draw plans for houses and other small buildings. Must have completed Production Drawing or equivalent. Flexible hours, apply at Lincoln Lumber Co. 932 N 23rd. ___ Free board and room in exchange for household duhes and care for elderly gentleman. 1915 S. 77th St. Car necessary. Call 489-2024 after 6pm. Godfather a Pizza Drivers wanted $4.25/hour starting pay plus $ 1 /delivery Apply 1209 0 St. or call 474-6000. Great Evening Job! So easy you won't even know you're working! Call now and earn $6/hour. Lincoln Premium Guide, 466-1397. Great part-time opportunities Flexible hours! Competitive pay! Free uniforms! Free meals! We can give you as few or as many hours as you need worked around your class schedule. Give us a call. McDonalds 475-5238. LaunDRYLand now hiring part-time 8P-2A shift. $4.50/ hr 56th & Floldrege. Lee s West has openings for waitery. Must be over 19 years old. Evening hours, full or part time. Call 477-4339 for appointment. Need extra cash? Looking for enthusiastic, self motivated, responsible student who wants to earn extra money. Set your own hours. Call Kevin, 421-8092 after 7pm Part time maid work. 9:00-3 00pm on week days 9:00 5:30pm weekends Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. 472-3435. 472-2293 or apply in person. $7.00 per hour Interacting work Good work environment Hudson Bay Company needs serious minded, articulate people to do phone work for environmental and con sumer groups. Full or part time, $7.00 hourly week days and $8 00 hourly on weekends. References required. For interview call 11:00-1:00pm only Monday-Friday 476 1010.__ •Hiring Now* TMI Corp., ranked in the "lop 10" by the telemarketing industry's trade magazine for the past 7 years, is now hinng. $6.50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning poten tial to $10/hour. Flexible scheduling-you set your own hours around your classes! Day and evening hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient I oca tion 2 blocks from campus Contests, prizes, fun. friendly faces. Call today for a personal interview: 476-7625 Ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE)_ Part-time delivery person. 1100am- 500pm 3-4 days per week. Mrs. Martin 489-2717. Part-time evening desk position Apply m person to Great Plains Motel. 2732 O St. Part time custodian Minimum 20 hours/week, flexible hours. Lied Center for Performing Arts Apply in person at the Lied Center, 301 N. 12th. Sales persons needed l^nble hours, weekends a must. 15 to 25 hours weakly. Apply in person to Super Saver Bakery. 48th and O St. Taco Inn 13th & R now hiring part-time day and evening positions Must be available for lunch shift. Apply in person at 13th & R. The Oregon Palace in F.ast Park Plaza is now accepting applications for part-time food prep or cashiers Please apply today in person Wanted: Computer whiz to help with programming Smart Ware II. Part-time or full-time 467-5781. ask for Doug. Wendy's 1336 Q Now Hiring All Shifts 50% meal decounts, paid vacations, flexible hours $4.25/hour to start. X-Maa Help $8.10 to Start Local branch of national firm seeks 30 part-time students for seasonal rush Start now. Permanent positions pos stole Call 467-2672. 170 R(X)mmates Female roommate wanted Non-smoker $145 rent ♦ 1/3 utilities Washer dryer available Ask for Oonna 8am 5pm 475-5191 After 5pm 477-2423 Male roommate needed to share furnished 2 bedroom, nice, apartment in historic district. $125/mo 489 8858 or 488 5999 Male roommate needed 3 bedroom house. $142 * 1/3 utilities Call 477 8765. ask for Sieve or Greg One roommate $155 00-month plus 1-2 utilities No deposit, washer-dryer Close to campus. 435-6175. 1K0 Houses For Kent Three bedroom, two blocks from downtown UNL. central air. washer/dryer $450-month, 435-2983. leave mes sage 190 Apartments For Kent 1 bedroom, nice basement apartment, 1920 A St Excel lent location, off-street parking $235 477 1565 2412 W Large two bedroom, all appliances, washer/dryer hookup, wak to UNL. $355 Zimmer Management. 475 0180 2^*0 R. nioer 2-bedroom, laundry, air, parking, $295. 488-6738 All new furnished one bedroom apartments Next to 908^0*464*5170^ electricity and deposit 466 Circa 1880 Garret Newly restored, balcony cathedral ceilings. 2 bedroom, central air, tile bath Available De oerrtoer 1.476 2522 . ,_, EaelCampue 36th 6 Baldwin 2 bedroom in 4-Plex with fireplace, appliances, laundry and parking Available immediately 467-1347 (leave message).