The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1990, Page 15, Image 15

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Continued from Page 12
ment spending on the same ballot. By
God, I have to live within my pay
check every month and it’s aboul
time the government was forced to, as
well,” Dan said. Little pockets of spil
were building in the comers of his
The logic of this 2 percent lid
escaped me so I pressed for more
“But Uncle Dan, won’t a 2 per
cent lid cut money to the univer
sity?” I asked.
“Damn right it will, and that’s th<
way it should be. You whiny, pam
pered college kids have been getting
too much for too long. I dropped out
of school in the eighth grade and went
to work on my dad’s farm and I was
happy to do it. You little weasels
oughta quit mooching off of the gov
ernment and get a real job.”
My drive to be a man was slowly
“But the university conducts re
search that’s vital to the state and
generates a lot of attention and in
vestment for Nebraska,” 1 offered.
“I’ll tell you what generates a lot
of money for the university and that’s
the football team. As far as I’m con
cerned, that’s the only worthwhile
! part of the university. ’'
I changed tactics.
“Uncle Dan, I’m no economist,
but it seems odd to me to put a 2
percent lid on government spending
increases when inflation goes up about
five percent every year. We won’t
even keep up with inflation if Ne
braska voters pass this law.”
“Don’t try to confuse the issue
with your facts. Facts are the enemy
of right-thinking men. And as I hear
it, there must be a lot of right-thinking
men in this state because polls indi
cate the 2 percent lid will pass eas
“I don’t think my college peers
will vote for it,” I said.
“Yeah, it probably wouldn’t pass
if they voted but we all know college
kids are the worst voters of them all.
Truth be told, the university is sunk if
this bill passes and there ain’t a damn
thing you apathetic college weenies
can do.”
Another momentary shock as I
responded to Dan’s use of the four
syllable word, “apathetic.”
Still, I pressed on.
“Uncle Dan, if I may be so bold as
to have an unmale position on this
issue, I think the 2 percent lid is a
knee-jerk reaction from backward,
thick-skulled zeros like you who will
support any ill-conceived piece of
legislation that protects your narrow
minded interests. This bill would
devastate government programs and
cripple the university and all Nebras
kans who truly want what’s best for
the state will vote against it. I’m quite
.convinced that I have no desire to be
a man in your book and so will now go
help my mom with the dishes.”
Uncle Dan looked at me vacantly
for a few moments and then spoke.
‘‘What’s that word mean ... con
‘‘Go to Love Library and look it
up while you still can,” I said.
Then, feeling far too impressed
with myself, I went to the kitchen and
finished the dishes for my mom.
Hanna is a senior theater major and Daily
Nebraskan staff writer.
' ."“172 Rentals
74 Social Servioe*
__176 Travel
2 Appliances 78 Tutoring
3 Bicycles 80 Typing a Resumes
4 Books
5 Clothing Ml >1 j,m T
Computers HHHlHBHHHHiH
8 Furniture 100 Rides
9 Garage Sales 110 Announcements
10 Misc. For Sale 120 Greek Affaire
12 Musical Instruments 130 Student Government
13 P®ts 135 Meeting Others
14 Photo Equipment 140 Personals
16 Sporting Goods 145 Lost & Found
18 Stereos/TVs 148 Wanted
19 Exchange 149 Fund Raising
20 Vehicles -1
. 150 Child Care Needed
22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted
25 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs
30 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs
32 Cleaning/Laundry I
36 Health A F itness
37 Horse* Boarding _
38 Insurance 170 Roommates
40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent
42 Job Placement 180 Houses For Rent
44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent
60 Misc. Services 190 tyartments For Rent
£ "ht* isssrsaf’'"*"
70 Iwffgi. »»«■""■»
$3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads
$3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads
$ 15 each additional word.
$ 75billingcharge. Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2.00 p.m weekday before publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age. disability, marital status of national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nflht to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
0? the newspaper
3 Bicycles For Sale
25 inch Trek 670 racing bike. Shimano 600, SIS. Sharp.
8 Furniture For Sale
vu*n» usto lurniiure ai anoroaoie pnoee. ovcono oea
sonl3$ A. St. 477-9354 _
Single waterbed, two drawer base Complete set $100
10 Misc. For Sale
Ladies Ross 3-speed bicycle. $75; Early American sola,
$25, Wurtitzer organ, $500; 489-0535
20 Vehicles For Sale
89 Escort, 4 speed, clean, low miles, $4500 or best otter
474 5575 or 475-0705
1984 Kawasaki Ninja 900, Mini condition Low mites
Best otter 423-5849 Leave message
Path anywhere 85 Honda Scooter. Great lor campus.
Must sell. $700 o b o. 423-0049
22 Adoption
A warm, loving, stable, financially secure, happy, well
educated future awaits your baby Your child will have
the best ol everything! Expenses paid Please call oollecr
and in oontxtence: 212 595-2495
Loving, financially secure and well-educated future
awaits your baby Your child will have the best ot every
thing Expenses paid Ca|! collect 212-8?6-2444
you would like your child to be raised in a loving, caring
financially secure family environment, please call us
collect Medical/legal expenses paid Jim and Nancy.
Caring, educated couple will love, embrace 4 adopt
special infant Dad is a pediatrician $ mom hefcs lamilies
with sick children Give yourself, your baby and us a
chance Call Mindy collect, 718-347-5020
Loving couple seeks baby to adopt into secure home
Call oollect 201 586 3668
Explore ihe protection and benefits ot adoption which are
only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our
confidential services. Contact:
Nebraska Children's Home Society
4600 Valley Road
___483 7876
44 Li^al Services
Chapter is bankruptcy"can discharge studant loans
Statmore Law Oft toes. 474 1842
Immigration problems?
Call Clayton Brant, attorney, tor immigration help 476
8583.421 S 9th »111, Linooln
60 Misc. Services
Book Exchange Service
Buying or selling books? Call in a 1*1 ot books you wan!
to salt or buy. we'll pul you in touch with students witt
similar needs BOOKFINDERS. 486-6893/475-5819,
5pm- 10pm, Monetay-Friday_
Don’t WaH
For your windehwtd rock damage to spread. Most mur
■noe companies pay In full. Mobile servtos, Olas Weld
477-8*61 ' _ _
Scholarships/grants tor college are available. Millions go
unclaimed yearly. For details, 1800-334 3681
Rentals Sales Service
1001 Garfield 474-4136
62 Pregnancy
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint
ment, 483-2609.
80 Typing & Resumes
All your typing needs. Saved until final edit and printing.
Spell-check, proof copy with grammar check available.
E xt ra style feat ures available. Reasonable rates with tast
Computer Type and Services
1630 Q Street.
teimpapers that make YOU look great Karen 483
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years
experience, proven results. 464-0775.
Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax
Daily Nebraskan
basement of the Nebraska Union
Typing and Word Processing Resumes-Papers. Call
All-Types, 477-0445. __
Word processing papers, reasonable prices Call Mary
Word Processing, 488-8208. O&lme - straight typing,
excellent qual ty, fast, types papers resumes, etc.
Word processing, checkbook balancing, appointments
made, miscellaneous mfoimation gathering, errand*, fill
ing out forms, etc.. 464-9588,
110 Announcements
Juggler*. Jazz band*. Broadway Play*. Opera*. Musi
cal, Ballets! The Kimball-Led PeHorrrxng Arts Commit
tee wants you to be a part oI UPC programs and promo
tions. Meeting today. 4 p.m., NE Union. __
Meeting Tuesday. September 18. 600pm. Burnett 320.
All interested are weicomel
College Republican* Masting
1st Fall Meeting September 18, 7:30p.m. Where’ Com
monptace (Aero** from lie Union of 14th St., neat to
Wendy's) Guest speaker Don Stenberg. Attorney Gen
eral Candidate and Representatives from Gov Or and
Hal Daub Questions” Call Lon at 436-6158 or Chn* at
477-3052 New members welcome
Dear Pre-Medical Student*,
We would like to invite you to the *irst N.U Meds
meeting on Sept. 19th at 600 p m., Nebraska Union.
(Room will be posted I N.U Med* « a pre-medical
tociety organization We encourage you to lake part in
this opportunity to learn rrore and help prepare lor your
future m the medical profession Hop# to see you at the
first meeting o* the yearl
Sincerely, Shan Barrios,
N.U. Meds. President
P S H you are interested but unable to attend, please
contact the N.U. Meds office in the biological soence
advising center in Manter.
Don’t Read This
Unies* you are interested in a committee to work on a
Disability Awareness Week at UNL Meeting on Thurs
day, Sept 20 at 4 Union If question* call 472-5490
Fast Pitch Softball
The entry deadline for the intramural men's and women's
Iasi pit chi softball tournament is Tuesday, September 16
A $15.00 refundable forfeit fee is required of each team
Fnter at either Campus Recreation office Play will begin
»14 and continue through the weekend as necessary
Horseshoe single* entries are also due Sept 18 472
Three intramural activities, huckey sac*, trisbee skills
and Ih# wallyball tournament will be held in conjunction
with the Campus Recreation All Niahter on Friday. Sep
tember 21. Enter ori site on 9/21 For more information
c*« 472-3467
Bagmner* or advanced. Lessons c*n include use of
SKT «««».
Sept 19 7:30 City Union
New Member* Welcome
as«jL Munch*uoen
Wednesday. Sept. 19th at Sheldon 700and930 $1,00
w/studeot fe!$5.00 non-students Presented by UPC
Amercen FUms..
Triangle Little Sinter Rush
Sept. 19th, 21st, and 23rd.
Lots of fun and gamesl If interested or have questions
cal: Helen 438-9332, Gwyn 436-9264. or Mike 436
U.S. Peace Corps
Video ft information September 18, 1990, East Carrcus
UPC Visual Arts & Prolific Arts
Print Sale. City Union, main lobby. Monday-Friday.
’Kinko's-12th ft P (Vend.)
‘Student Union-14th ft R
‘Nebraska Bookstore-13th ft Q
‘Reader's Choice-Atrium
The UNL Culture Center invites you to our OPEN
Wed. Sopt. 19th. 2-5pm
Win a trophy and prestige in the SAA Homecoming
Wallyball tournament Applications available September
17- October 3 at the Wick Alumni Center. CAP City and
CAP East
120 Greek Affairs
Ag Men Fraternity
Littie Sister Rush September 19-21. Come join the funl
Contact Randy 467 3925
You know you've got it in you.
We know you've got it in you.
Let's see who has the most.
Chi Phi Kick 4 Kids. You'll kick yourself for
missing out.
CINOY (Gamma Phi)
Congratulations on making UNL Homecorrvng Court.
Best of luck. You're the greatest.
Love, your sisters.
College Republican* Meeting
1»t Fell Meeting September 18, 7:30 p m Where’ Com
monplace (Across from the Union of 14th St , next to
Wendy's) Guest speaker. Don Stenberg. Attorney Gen
eral Candidate and Representatives from Gov Orr and
Hal Daub. Questions’’ Cad Lon at 436-6156 or Chns at
477-3052. New members welcome.
Congratulations to SAE
For T,Ou1*tanding House Corp " and Most Improved
Chapter' (National Awards)
Pi Phi Pledges.
We had a great time at the Study Break Wed. right. Let's
get together again sometime
Thanks, The Pledges ol Kappa Sigma
Shana A., Kelly A.. Chickev A. Adrienne B.. Sandy B.,
Angie B , Tamera C.. Andrea C., Deb D„ Alyson E..
Katnna H., Jill H„ Barb H.. Rachel K., Kon K., Kodi K.,
Crystal L., Adeana L„ Gina V., Jolcne P„ Jennifer P ,
Rhonda R , Amy S., Tricia T., Lon T., Amy V., Kelly V..
Beth W.. Margaret W.. Connie W., Marcy W
Love, your sisters
130 Student Government
77 Should liter* be spending limits 77
Open Hearing- Sept T3
Nebraska Union-room to be posted
600 to 8 00 p m
If you cant attend drop by the
ASUN Office 115 Nebraska Union
140 Personals
J Beftenhausen
I hope you didn t get too seasick Thursday night Next
time your place’ And I promise I wont say no again
M Ferguson
145 Lost & Found
Black sunglasses with gold writing lost in women s
restroom on second floor ot CQ A 911 / Call Nancy at 435
5496 _
Found Men's watch on the sidewalk on the west side ol
Cathet Hall Call 436 6891 to claim.
FOUND: Three rings m second floor women's bathroom
of Richards Hall on Thursday. September 13 Call Liea
423-03)66 to identity and claim
148 Wanted
Backtrack Records
3833 S. 48th
linooln's vintage record shop Buying Selling records,
tapes, compact discs Great poster selection 10% stu
dent discount.
149 Fundraising
91.000 In fust on* week tarn up to 91.000 tor pour
campus oigam.’Blior. plus s ohano* at 95.000 moral This
»sm worksl No investment needed Cal f -900-932
PUSES. Your campus group can earn up to S1,000 in just
one week. No investment needed. Be first on your cam
pus. A FREE gift just for calling.
Call Now 1 -800-785-8472, Ext. M
150 Child Care Needed
Child care, our home. Mondays and Tuesdays. 8am
5pm, non smoker, own transportation, $3.50-$4/hour.
Fteferences required. 421-2701 or 423 0879.
Child care provider needed for Sunday mornings 10:30
12:30 $15i/week. Faith United Methodist Church 466
I need an individual interested in children to lake care of
my 9 & 10 year olds from 3:30 to 6pm Mon-Fri. Good
flexibility. My home is in Southeast Lincoln, own trans
portation needed. Please call after 4pm 489-4997.
Nanny Opportunities
Salaries SI50- $400 week
Join our successful Nanny Network and experience
growth with a great family on East Coast. Call Arlene
Streisand, 1-8OT-443-6428. Minimum 1 year.
160 Help Wanted
Lancaster County Attention Center seeks 8 male and
4 females to perform responsible work interacting with
luveniles confined to a secure detention facility
H S. graduate of equivalent plus 6 months 2 years
experience working with |uveniles in a pub'c social
services, juvenile detention or corrections program Col
lege level course work in criminal |ustice. adolescent
growth and development, psychology, sociology, social
work or related field desired. Must nave access to 24
hour transportation and telephone. Cnmmal history re
ports will be obtained for top candidates Salary $7.41/
hour. Hours: on-call. Must be available to work a mini
mum of 7 out of 21 eight-hour shifts. Shifts are: 7am
3:30pm, 2:45pm-11:15pm, 11pm-7am and 2:45-11pm
Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in
addition to City/Countv application Closing date: Friday.
September 21. 1990. %xoly at:
Citv-Co. Employment Office
555 S. 10th Street. Room B113
Lincoln, NE 68508
_ _EOE/AA_
Delivery dnvers needed to start immediately Apply in
person at Fat Pat s Pizza, between 8:00- 10 O0am and
200 4 00pm Monday- Friday. 838 N. 27th St.
Banquet Set-Up Personnel
Lincoln Hilton Hotel
Full and part time positions open Hours flexible, good
company benefits, some heavy lifting required Apply in
person to the Executive Office. 141 N 9th, Mon-Fn
10am-4pm _ _
Dietary Aide
Evening hours, $4 95 hourly Vacation and holxlays
Salary review after 6 months Apply at Lancaster rftanor,
’001 South St , Lincoln, NE 68502
Full time 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Full time 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Part-time 3:15 p.m. to 7:15 p m
Part time 4:15 p.m. to 8 15 p.m
We have temporary opening* beginning on 10/1/90
Dutie* include responding to incoming customer tele
phone calls on 800 number Positions available for ap
proximately 8 to 10 weeks Good oral communications
skills required CRT skills or experience helpful
Apply in person to:
Carol Wright Sale*
340 Apple Creek Road
Lincoln, NE 88528
Human Resources Department
Openings are available lor: Full time 6 a rrv to 4 15 p m..
full time 4:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m,, part time 4:30 p.m to
8:30 p.m.. part-time 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m
Excellent benefits
Base wage and incentive pay
Cafeteria and parking
Great working conditions
11 pad holidays
Tuition reimbursement
Eligible for wage increase after 6 months
Qualified candidate* must be able to type 55/wpm with 5
or less errors.
Apply io Human Resource Department Monday to Frday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Typing test will be given.
340 Apple Creek Road
Lincoln, NE 08528
Respond by September 21,1980.
Earn up to $5.25 per hour
"54 00 minimum to start (week day noon hour shift)
‘1/2 price on duty meals
*1/2 price off-duty meals for you and a friend
‘Frequent performance/salary evaluations
‘Paid vacations tor all employees
‘Flexible schedule
‘Payroll savings plan
•Retirement program
‘Free uniforms
‘Co-worker referral reward program
If you are seeking a job that provide* a challenge at a fast
pace, and an enjoyable atmosphere, we woulrfltke to tak
io you We are looking for reliable individuals to bo a part
of our restaurant team*.
Please apply in person daily at the following Lncotn
Driveway Salesperson
Experience not reauired. but helpful. Amoco station
close to campus, 15-20 hours per week, evening and
Saturday hours. Pay hourly plus commission. Ash lor
Stan 475-8819. _
Computer lab consultants wanted. Morning and atter
loon hours available Mainframe and microcomputer
sxperience preferred. We pay $4.50/hr to start. Work
Study only. Contact Bill Hayes Room A221 Animal Sci
snce Complex, 472-6096.
Are you looking lor a job that ia ctoee to campus, great
faytime hours and is a fun place to work? Look no
urther. wo have tho following positions available: Food
3reps, Dishwasher, Delivery, Hostess/Cashier and Wait
sry Must be able to work lunch hours 2-3 days a week
Apply at Jan Drake's Garden Cafe, 131 S. 13 between
3:30-1100 or 1:30-400.__
Clerk Typist
Division of Continuing Studies
Part-time work study student needed to help with general
office work Flexible schedule, $4.25 hourly. Department
of Academic Telecommunications 472-1924,
Complete and attendant profile-let people with disabili
ties know you'd assist in daily needs Possible live-in.
League of Human Dignity
1701 P M-F 8-5
posters with application forms for VISA, MasterCark and
other national credit cards on campus And earn up to $2
for each response It's that easy Call 1-800-950-1037,
Ext 75.
Flextole hours made tor students. Part time position
during early evening and early morning. Jobs available
now Apply at Lincoln Janitorial Services 1033 O St.,
Gold's Galleria, Mezzanine Suite 1 (use N St. doors)
Full or part-time help on large cash gram (arm Non
smoking. 781-2064
FustHi’s Lincoln Square Food Court, 14th and O, needs
part-time day counter and cashier. Work around class
schedule. Apply 9-11 a.m. or 24 p.m. Ask for Jett
Godfather s Pizxa
Drivers wanted. $4.25/hour starting pay plus $1 /delivery
Apply 1209 Q St or call 464-730#
Greet part-time opportunities
Flexible hours!
Competitive pay I
Free uniforms!
Free meals!
We can give you as tew or as many hours as you need
worked around you: class schedule Give us a call
McDonalds 475-5238
Hamburger Patty’s
Fall staff needed. Must be able to work Tuesday, Thurs
day lunch and some weekends. $3.85 to start Half off on
food Applications available at Reunion, 16th & W.
Now hiring full and part tune day and night management
and crew positions. Flexible hours, free uniforms, dis
count meals and more. Apply m person at Taco Be*.
4500 O Street or 245 No 13th Street EOE.
Need responsible person to manage 15 unit apartment
building Must have knowledge of painting and general
maintenance Apartment provided. 476-1911,467 5986
Need someone to work 5-7 hours Saturday and/or Sun
day Will work in grocery store fitting shelves and dis
plays. $7/hour. Call Larry at 3314052 or write 4421 S
76th Circle, Omaha, NE 68127.
No selling involved!
Enjoy taking on tha telephone’ Gain valuable job expe
rience while gathering opinion* over the telephone Work
as little as 12 hours per week or more to tit your busy
schedule. You choose your own evening and weekend
hours Call 483-7054 for further information WIESE
Oriental De-Lite
Lincolnequare Food Court
Courteous oounter hep to work lunch shift, experience
not necessary, tree meals, apply m person. Lin
colnsquare lower level food court, 13th A O.
Part time job. pays more than minimum. Ag experience
helpful Call J. Mead 665-2250
Part-time gram handlers FaM harvest, flexible hours
Must have (arming background Greenwood Farmers
Co-op 789 2335 Daryl or Gaytn.
Part time dishwasher and bus person Monday Friday
10 30a.m.-2:30p m. Apply in person 1309 L" Street,
Ming Palace
Part time telemarketing flexible hours, contact Mrs
Martin. 489 2717.
Pari time delivery person, flexible hours, contact Mrs
Martin. 489-2717
Receptionist needed for growing software company
Answer phone, data entry, and other eternal duties are
part ot this lull-time post mo Phone experience helpful
Apply af Health Care Communications 301 S 68 St
Suita 500. Lincoln, NE 68510
Runza restaurants
111h and Cornhusker & West O.
The quality hour customers have oome to expect has
made Run/a a leader in the last food business lor over 40
years We have both pari time and lull time |obs avail
able It's the perfect job for a college student with our
many locations within five minutes from campus We
Competitive starting salary-$4.25/hr tor lunch help
Flexible scheduling
Great working environment
Bonus programs
50% meal discounts both on and oft duty
Opportunities for advancement
Stop by and apply'
’art time help automotive department Tire and battery
installers, morning hours needed Apply af Sears Gate
way Personnel. Monday 10- 7.30pm, and Tuesday Fri
day 10:00- 4:00pm. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
Techmcian/Couneelor Assistant
Part time position in residential treatment facility Must
be 23. high school dploma Flexible hours, some nights,
weekends, holidays Ideal for college students or per
sons interested in counsoling career. Deadline tor appli
cation S/21/90 Submit letter of application and resume
to: Lincoln Lancaster Drug Projects, 3200 0 St., Sts 1,
Lincoln. NE 68510.
Student Organization
Work Study Pooh Ion Available
Assist students in planning eventa. develop oocrputei
skids Join the CAP taaml To apply contact Lynn Pater
son. Conpua AotMtiee & Programa. 200 NE Union. 47»