Hanna Continued from Page 12 ment spending on the same ballot. By God, I have to live within my pay check every month and it’s aboul time the government was forced to, as well,” Dan said. Little pockets of spil were building in the comers of his mouth. The logic of this 2 percent lid escaped me so I pressed for more answers. “But Uncle Dan, won’t a 2 per cent lid cut money to the univer sity?” I asked. “Damn right it will, and that’s th< way it should be. You whiny, pam pered college kids have been getting too much for too long. I dropped out of school in the eighth grade and went to work on my dad’s farm and I was happy to do it. You little weasels oughta quit mooching off of the gov ernment and get a real job.” My drive to be a man was slowly fading. “But the university conducts re search that’s vital to the state and generates a lot of attention and in vestment for Nebraska,” 1 offered. “I’ll tell you what generates a lot of money for the university and that’s the football team. As far as I’m con cerned, that’s the only worthwhile ! part of the university. ’' I changed tactics. “Uncle Dan, I’m no economist, but it seems odd to me to put a 2 percent lid on government spending increases when inflation goes up about five percent every year. We won’t even keep up with inflation if Ne braska voters pass this law.” “Don’t try to confuse the issue with your facts. Facts are the enemy of right-thinking men. And as I hear it, there must be a lot of right-thinking men in this state because polls indi cate the 2 percent lid will pass eas ily.” “I don’t think my college peers will vote for it,” I said. “Yeah, it probably wouldn’t pass if they voted but we all know college kids are the worst voters of them all. Truth be told, the university is sunk if this bill passes and there ain’t a damn thing you apathetic college weenies can do.” Another momentary shock as I responded to Dan’s use of the four syllable word, “apathetic.” Still, I pressed on. “Uncle Dan, if I may be so bold as to have an unmale position on this issue, I think the 2 percent lid is a knee-jerk reaction from backward, thick-skulled zeros like you who will support any ill-conceived piece of legislation that protects your narrow minded interests. This bill would devastate government programs and cripple the university and all Nebras kans who truly want what’s best for the state will vote against it. I’m quite .convinced that I have no desire to be a man in your book and so will now go help my mom with the dishes.” Uncle Dan looked at me vacantly for a few moments and then spoke. ‘‘What’s that word mean ... con ceived?” ‘‘Go to Love Library and look it up while you still can,” I said. Then, feeling far too impressed with myself, I went to the kitchen and finished the dishes for my mom. Hanna is a senior theater major and Daily Nebraskan staff writer. ' ."“172 Rentals 74 Social Servioe* __176 Travel 2 Appliances 78 Tutoring 3 Bicycles 80 Typing a Resumes 4 Books 5 Clothing Ml >1 j,m T Computers HHHlHBHHHHiH 8 Furniture 100 Rides 9 Garage Sales 110 Announcements 10 Misc. For Sale 120 Greek Affaire 12 Musical Instruments 130 Student Government 13 P®ts 135 Meeting Others 14 Photo Equipment 140 Personals 16 Sporting Goods 145 Lost & Found 18 Stereos/TVs 148 Wanted 19 Exchange 149 Fund Raising 20 Vehicles -1 . 150 Child Care Needed 22 Adoption 160 Help Wanted 25 Automotive 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Bridal 164 Summer Jobs 32 Cleaning/Laundry I 36 Health A F itness 37 Horse* Boarding _ 38 Insurance 170 Roommates 40 Instruction 175 Rooms For Rent 42 Job Placement 180 Houses For Rent 44 Legal 185 Duplex For Rent 60 Misc. Services 190 tyartments For Rent £ "ht* isssrsaf’'"*" 70 Iwffgi. »»«■""■» $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads $ 15 each additional word. $ 75billingcharge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2.00 p.m weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status of national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nflht to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments 0? the newspaper 3 Bicycles For Sale 25 inch Trek 670 racing bike. Shimano 600, SIS. Sharp. 483-4924. 8 Furniture For Sale vu*n» usto lurniiure ai anoroaoie pnoee. ovcono oea sonl3$ A. St. 477-9354 _ Single waterbed, two drawer base Complete set $100 47