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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1990)
SggfSg Classified 472-2588 fr 60Misc. Services ^^"f7FEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 62 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping h"nd Free pregnancy test, please call us tor appomt inenL 483 2609. KOTvping & Resumes Moaned it yesterday? Fast, affordable, professional typmg and word processing. Call Kris at 435-0178. Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union TYPING Computer Type & Services 1630 Que Street 476-8973 All papers. Thesis, Dissertations, Reports, Long/Short TerrnProiects. Letters/Envelopes/Resumes are profes sionally done. Service: Prompt -Rates: Great Overnghl/I^eekend Rates Corrputer-Produced. Laser-Printed Term Papers, Reports, Resumes Davis 4 Davis Business Services, 464-0698 Typing Service Accurate, proficient, 15 years experi ence Reasonable rates. Term papers, thesis, resumes, etc. 423-2097. Will do typing, school papers, term papers Cal Mary at 483-4010. 100 Rides i WANT TO GO HOM EI UNL student needs a rid* to NYC of Long Island, final destination Montauk or Greenport I m flexible. I can drive a stick and I'll pay halt the gasl Call Jennifer at 435-4312. 110 Announcements D \lOW WE CAN MEET FOR CAPPACH'NO AT THE COFFEE HOUSE. 1324 P" AND PARK RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET IN THE NEW PARKING GA RAGE' HOW ABOUT LUNCH? SAME PLACE/SAME TIME All are invited to the All Campus L eadershjri Recognition Ceremony and Reception. Sunday. April 22, 7-9:0op.m., Nebraska Union Sponsored by Campus Activities and Piograms (472-2454). AlL CAMPUS LEADERSHIP RECOGNITION CERE MONY SUNDAY, APRIL 22. 7-9:00 PM. NE UNION SPONSORED BY CAMPUS ACTIVITIES AND PRO GRAMS (472-2454). Announcing The 1990 AG-Forum “Tomorrow’s Entrepeneurs” Brought to you by: Alpha Zela'FAC.TS Thursday, April 19, 1990 7:00 p.m. East Campus Union, Great Plains Room Appearing Thurs April 19, 9 p m.-12 30 a m.. Street Legal at The Pla mor Ballroom. 6600 W. O St, Lincoln 4754030 A2 Meel’ng Wednesday, April 18. 7 00 pm. East Union Br • g checkbooks to register lor Regional Conclave Reason «l Why You Should Be A Health Aide Good Experience (Looks Good on a Resume). Pick up applications at the University Health Center or *fom your nearest Health Aide Must live in Residence Halls. Greek House, or Coops during 1990 91 academx: year For more information contact the Community Health Dept at 472-7440, UNL does not discriminate m its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal and state regulations pertaining to same -- Come hear about TOPICS Unique to Women Who Experience Disabilities. Panelists: Sue Vaughn Wil uams, Kathie Carroll, Rev. Nancy Erickson, Della Snyder. Thursday, April 19, noon, City Union. (Room to be posted). Sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center. CORNCOBS Important meeting today, 4:30pm in the Union. Bring your checkbook lor football tickets and dues CORNSTOCK XX April 27th 12:30-7:00pm Mark your calendar todayl featuring: Diving for Pearls Sandy Creek Band The Confidential r~ WflgSfciyrr.'ii,,. pjt.iy 'I'liimm tws1 >na iiiisimii Earn $7.50 fo $15 per lecture taking notes for Jon's Notes. Excellent opportunity for a junior, senior, TA or arad . student. Mustprovide example of notetakinq skills. Notetakers needed in the following subjects Anthropology Arte Today Astronomy Biological Science* Chemistry Classic* Economics Geography Geologv History' Modern Language Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology For more information please call Jon s notes at 476 8006. Jon's Notes is located in the Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 0 St. English Honorary Sigma Tau Delia applications available in 202 B An drews Hall Open to English maiors/mincrs. Extended Deadline-Due April 23. EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR BASIC TRAINING Sat.-Sun . April 21-22. Call Jan. Body Flex. 476-1492. Experience Internatcnal Business Attend an AIESEC meeting Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. in the Union. Government Liaison Committee IMPORTANT Final (and tun) meeting Tonight 6:15 NE Union Interested in Law School? Come talk to UN-L law school students Tuesday. 7pm. at the Union. New members encouraged. Lincoln's Finest CjQjomalHeigliis • Indoor/Outdoor Pool Sand Volleyball • Fitness Center Call 421-3070/2815 Tierra Drive (Two Blocks South of HWY 2) Meadow Wood • Outdoor Pool • Fitness Center/Basketball Ct Call 476-3393/7th & Superior --—-1 INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS MONTH Visiting Scholars Program College of Business Administration PRESENTS Dr. Edward Nemeth Professor International Education Consultant to U.S. Companies operating in China "China, Business as Usual" Presentation at 3:30 g.m., Wednesday, April 18 ALL UNIVERSITY WELCOME Listen I Band members are invilod to the Annual Band Banquet, Friday, April 20th Tickets will be on sale through Wednesday at the band office. Men 8 Women of UNL-- Here's your chance to show your spirit.Herbie Husker Tryouts April 25 4 26. Call Stacie for interview 475-8509. Deadline is April 23. NEBRASKA UNION BOARD Meeting Today 5:00pm City Union PEACE FAIR April 18,19,20 Broyhill/Union peace info‘music‘food*kites ‘dancing _ ★ Pre-Law Club Meeting tonight, 7.00 p.m.. Room to be Posted. Pre-Pharmacy Club Final Meeting Wed., April 18, 6 pm _IMPORTANT! Be Therel_ Scholarship Available S500 Scholarship offered by DPMA-Cornhusker Chapter for Computer Science Major (or equivalent). Junior standing or above Minima! requirements. To receive application, contact DPMA-Scholarship. Box 80724, Linooln NE 68501 or call 402-473-0357. The Publications Board will discuss Daily Nebraskan Gulicies at 4:45 p.m., Tuesday. April 17in the Nebraska nion. All are invited to attend. Heaeon #2 Why You Should Be A Health Aide No math involved. Pick up applications at the University Health Center or from your nearest Health Aide Must live in Residence Halls. Greek House, or Coops during 1990-91 academic Ssar. For more information contact the Community ealth Dept, at 472-7440. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal and state regulations pertaining to same. Walk America' April 28thl Come join the UNL W.A.L.K. Club and support the March of Dimes in their annual walk for healthier babies. Call Vicki at 472-3467 to sign up. All information must be to Vicki by April 24th. so call today! (472-3467) 120 Greek Affairs ATTENTION Applications for managing, layout, copy, ad | sales, ad layout and photo editors are available at 332 Nebraska Union. Applications are due j April 20. at 4:00 in 332. Contact Laurie Hokom at 436-6210 for any questions. Congratulations Leslie L. on Vice Presidency of the Actuarial Sconce Club!! Love, your KD Sisters KAPPA DELTA SENIORS Good Luck In The Future WE LOVE YOU!! The Flight may be Straight The Way may be Winding But there is only ONE way to TRIAD ‘90 130 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES Government Liaison Committee Chair GLC Registered Lobbyist Parking Appeals Parking Advisory Committee Government Liaison Committee Intercollegiate Athletics Calendar & Examinations Convocations Committee Student Employee Rights Commencement Committee Academic Planning Committee Central Planning Committee Recreation Advisory Council Scholarship & Financial Aid Teaching Council University Judiciary Appeals Electoral Commission Curriculum Grading Honorary Degrees Computational Services & Facilities Publications Board UNL Police Committee University Libraries Scholastic or Student LHe Commission Honors Convocation The list represents vacancies on campus wide commit tees, information and applications available in ASUN office, 116 Nebraska Union. Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., Friday. April 20, 1990. 140 Personals Men's & Women's Gymnastics Teams: Good Luck this weekend at NCAA's. You are the best combined program in the country-- prove it- again! A Retired Savage Dan, Matt and Doug (the dance instructors). Thanks, for tne dance lessons! THe after-hours" dancing was enlightening. We'll have to test out the "Nager step real soon The question is: Will Wed nite at Pears top Saturday nite? Tina, Mel. Michelle (the two-step nerds) P.S. How are your toes' Laurie F„ Had a great time dancing Saturday. Let's do Pears Wednesday. Curt Beautiful owner of the red car with license 24-C699: I would Ike to meet you in the Nebraska Union for a Diet Pepsi sometime before the Spring semester is out. H you're willing to meet me on a specific day, send your note through the personal ads. You're G-R-E-A-TII Thank you very much, my mademoiselle Your smiling, polite prince charming in the denim |acket Goof Happy 21stl! Thanks for a great year. I LOVE YOU I A 145 Lost & Found Found: woman's wrist watch by Burnett Hall 4-13 90 Call 436-9318 10 identify. Found: Keys in Andrews comp. lab. Vail and sailboat chains, 472-5671. Lost bright yellow/green/black jacket in Nebraska Hall study area Monday 9th. Please call 466-3888 or 467 4912 leave message. It was a gift. 150 Child Care Needed Dependable person needed to care for two children, 11 and 9,for the summer. Hours are from 9 5 Monday Fnday. Car is needed, references required. Call Dana at 471-2244 (daytime). Live in mother's helper at a Connecticutt beach town. Approximate dates June 20 to labor day. Salary S125/ week. Call Sally Geisler after 6 pm NY time, 212-472 2091. Loving and mature, experienced babysitter needed Tues. and Sat. afternoon and evenings, approximately 15 hours per week Two children ages 3 and 1. Own transportation, non-smoker, 84th and A area Pay nego tiable. References a must. Pl6ase call 483-4910. NANNY JOBS HOTLINE 1-800-736-8090 California, our specialty. ‘See families on videotape. 'Local interviews ‘One year minimum commitment. Archer Dawson Agency Omaha NANNY OPPORTUNITIES ‘San Francisco-1 girl--$150/week 'So. Calif -newborn-$175/week *Connecticut--infant--$180/week 'Boston--1 airl~$ 160/week ‘Virginia-2 children--$225/week Many positions available One year commitment necessary Call 1-80a937-NANI. 160 Help Wanted ALmSKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT- FISHERIES Earn $600*/week tn cannery, $8,000-$ 12,000* lor two months on ftshing vessel. Over 8,000 openings Start June 18th. No experience necessary Mel# or Female. For 68 page employment booklet, send $6 95 to M $ L Research, Box 84008. Seattle. WA 98124. 30 day, un conditional. 100% money back guarantee. Grounds Keeper Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. has an immediate opening lor a temporary grounds keeper This position involves lawn care, mowing, and weeding. Hours 8 a. m. -2:30 p. m. Monday through Friday, May 1 through Aug. 31. Candi dates must have a valid driver's license Qualified appli cants may apply between 8:30 a m.-4:00 p m Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Human Resources Dept., 5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510. EOE AA onamyDumonds ^ ^ 1901 £ I WEDDING RING ▲ J SPECIALIST ^ ♦ Wholesale Prices ▲ Newest Styles a ▼ Custom Design ▼ A Shop and compare ^ ♦ hut .see us last. ▲ 1 £ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Campus Notes /) HtRETAKtI <~£ Uare tf/flTM </ -A/n-A r OUT. -/(** )3\ r' ^ L, rM '^rs^il y* ACROSS 1 Partner of polish 5 Wedding locale 10 Wouk s "The Winds of-" 13 Hebrides island 14 Cleanse 15 Piercing preposition 16 Mystery-novel item 18 Ceremony 19 Kind of pigeon 20 Opp of WSW 21 Summer in Savoie 22 Yale athlete 24 Third word of Moby-Dick _rji_! 27 SCI Spot 30 Aide Abbr 32 To-his own" 33 Sum total 34 Capek play about robots 35 Stockings 38 Precise 40 Decorate 42 Epochs 43 Edict 45 Bind 46 1 ake a chair 47 Baltic port 48 Scullers needs 50 They re high in Chi 51 Adjective for a loner 53 Still and all 55 Theol degree 56 Pistol 58 Animal resembling a swine 62 Part of an auto tire 63 N C city 65 Writes 66 Gossip. Yiddish style 67 Circuit 68 Exist 69 Controversial Reagan Edited by Eugene I. Maleska appointee 70 Sea bird ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE DOWN 1 Dear follower 2 Keats or Yeats 3 China predecessor 4 Nev resort lake 5 Spring mo 6 Entice 7 TNT 8 Choreographer De Mille 9 Col s command 10 Yukon capital 11 Soviet co-op by Brian Shellito ~ [uTEgrrn BRAD, I'M HOME f MDVsl ARE YOU - GETTING ALONG VJITH MAXlMllllON? 12 Regret 15 Molasses 17 Cinders of comics 23 Sabra 25 Fowl Spot 26 Actress Britt 27 Disembark 28 Sheltered at sea 29 Famed writer on English law 31 South, to Ren6 36 Brad or spad 37 Fast planes 39 Vacuum tubes 41 Inlet 44 Common Market initials 49 Hollywood structures 51 Eighth son of Jacob 52 Consent 54 Put otl an agenda item 57 Dividers at Wimbledon 59 Indigent 60 Do a laundry job 61 Lariat 62 Bad Ems, e g 63 Where to find dumbbells 64 Scottie s dissent