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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1990)
r cayc iu tin J0lta?3 Bowlers receive All-America honors Two members of the Nebraska men’sand women’show l in gleams were awarded second-team All America honors Monday. Kim Berke, a sophomore busi ness major from Beatrice, and Paul Fleming, a junior general studies major from Peculiar, Mo., were selected for the team by the Na tional Collegiate Bowling Coaches’ Association. Berke also was named an academic All-America selec tion. I Crew team records tirst, third places The Nebraska crew team re corded first- and third- place fin ishes at the President’s Regatta last weekend in Topeka, Kan. Nebraska’s Ron Vokoun and Dave Schmidt won the men’s var sity pair competition over a 400 meter course, while the Com huskers’ mixed-eight squad entfy finished third over the same dis tance. The members of the mixed eight squad included Vokoun, Schmidt, Teresa Kastl, Jackie Sutsin, Amy Green, Eric Dove, Vicki Schormaker, Jon Paladino and steerer Eric Dunning. ---V- - h—raa—————————i ■ ^r^ndpa s Ribs Specials n49tf small beef or pork sandwiches Mon-Fri this week only All you can eat country style ribs for only $5.99 and 99g pitchers 1 lam-4pm (pitchers only) L _?3rd & Holdrege _476-6076_ _ ■ “CM j717I~"a”i7i A H KTKs" ~ ASSOCIATION Bike-A-Thon Sunday, April 22 Have fun biking, earn a prize and food coupon, and raise money to support diabetes education and research Pick up a pledge sheet at da Vinci's, bicycle shops, sporting goods stores, both Unions, and other locations. Students^at cheap at Lee's STUDENT*'' I.D. Name: Ima Chikkin Signature: Stop in at one of our two locations and try our famous Southern Fried . Chicken, Steak and Lobster. Be sure to bring your Student ID Card in Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days during April for a 10 percent student discount (per student, with ID. Offer not good with any other coupons). WEST at 1940 W. Van Dorn (by Pioneers Park) EAST at 211 No. 70th eeX i^uiiy i • Rodgers faces competition for I-back by John Adkisson Staff Reporter Terry Rodgers says he is the type of person who backs down from noth ing. And after the junior I-back battled back from a career-threatening knee injury to play in six games for Ne braska last season, he proved he was a competitor. But Rodgers’ biggest challenge may be getting playing time during his senior year. Rodgers entered spring practice second on Nebraska’s depth chart at I-back, behind sophomore Leodis Flowers. With the addition of high school standouts Derek Brown and Calvin Jones to the team this fall, the position became loaded with talent. “I love the competition,” Rodg ers said. “The more guys I got going against me, the better I perform.” Rodgers said his knee still is not fully recuperated from the injury which made him sit out most of his sopho more season. Last season he returned to action, gaining 144 yards on 34 attempts. “I’m still not back to 100 per ■ cent,’ ’ Rodgers said. * Ttgcts frustrat ing not being able to go as fast or as hard as you know you can.” Rodgers said he has put the injury behind him and is focusing on the fall campaign. “It’s in the past now. Those are the things that happen in the game. It’s a violent sport, and sometimes there arc violent consequences,” Rodgers said. Injuries haven’t been Rodgers’ only problem since coming to Nebraska. At 5 feet 7 inches and 170 pounds, Rodgers’ small stature has been an other obstacle for him to overcome. “Terry lost some weight during l his rehabilitation and that set him | back even more, but he’s had a great I attitude considering everything he’s ' been through,” said head football coach Tom Osborne. Rodgers also has had to deal with some off-field distractions. His father Johnny, a 1972 Hcisman Trophy winner for Nebraska, was involved in a recruiting scandal concerning Hous ton quarterback Andre Ware. Head football coach Tom Osborne eyes his players Monday as they practice in light rain and wind. “My dad’s a grown man,’’ Rodg ers said. “Sure, I’m concerned about him and some of the bad things that have happened, but I can’t tell him what to do and what not to do.’’ In light of all his problems, would Rodgers consider himself unlucky? ‘Td say that there’s been things that have happened to me that lots of other athletes don’t have to go through,” Rodgers said. ‘‘But if I sit back and think about what could’ve been, I’ll lose all that I’ve worked so hard for.” Gymnastics Continued from Page 9 Icss-than-spcciacular away from home. Nebraska’s fourth-place finish at last season’s NCAA championships was the highest by the women’steam. This year, it could be higher. Maybe even at the top. Green is a senior news-editorial major and a Daily Nebraskan sports senior re porter and columnist. Bair Continued from Page 8 the uneven bars (9.85). She lied the school record of 9.85 on ihc balance beam against Iowa State. But her individual success, as well as the team’s success, came as little surprise to Bair. “I’ve worked hard, and I knew what I could do,’’ she said. “We’ve got a lot of talent, and a lot of return ing seniors and juniors from last year’s team.” Because of the team’s leadership, Bair said, the Huskcrs have a good chance to win the national title. ‘‘Even though everybody’s pretty excited, we’re a good enough team to know that we have a lot wc have to get done this weekend,” she said. “ We’ve been working hard on trying to clean up executions and mistakes that will get us small deductions.” Bair said the Husker coaches have tried to ensure a fun week of practice this week to keep anxiety and tension to a minimum. ‘They’ve been encouraging us a lot, and it’s helped,” she said. Bair, who plans to graduate this May with an advertising degree, was named to the Academic All-Big Eight team for the third consecutive year. She has a 3.13 grade point average. 164 Printing 70 Raligious _ 72 Reniab 2 Appliances 74 Social Services 3 Bicycle* 76 Travel 4 Book* 78 Tutoring 5 Clothing 80 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers - 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sale* _ 10 Misc For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments 110 Announcements 14 Photo Equipment 120 Greek Affairs 16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Governmenl 18 Stereos/TV* 135 Meeting Others 19 Ticket Enchange 140 Personals 20 Vehicle* 145 Lost 6 Found -148 Wanted I-m-m 2? Adoption Hi_HH 25 Automotive 150 Child Care Needed 28 Beauty Aids 160 Help Wanted 30 Bridal 162 Work Study Jobs 32 Counseling 164 Summer Jobs 34 Floral - 36 Health & F itness 38 Insurance - 40 Instruction 170 Roommates 42 Job Placement 175 Rooms For Rent 44 L#aal 180 Housai For Rant 60 Misc. Services 190 Apartment. For Rent an p194 Homes For Sale 62 Pregnancy_196 Vacation Rentals $2.50 per day for 10 words on individual student and student organization ads $3 00 per day for 10 words on commercial ads $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submined free of charge DEADLINE: 2 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). Tne Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 3 Bicycles Raleigh Grand Prix, 1988. Excellent Condition, $200 obo. 477 0387, leave message 6 Computers_ Apple IIGS. t mg. Image Writer II printer, color, software optional $1500 464 4&9 I ft Misc. For Sale _ Clift's tor Pocket lighters! 140 N 12th. Clifts tor Pinning Cigarsl. 140 N. 12lh Stop at One More Time tor Formals- both vintage and current styles We also have lovely wedding dresses. bridesmaids dresses 850 N. 27th. 474 2065 Open every day. IX Stereos/TVs AIWA tape deck. AD-515 $120 obo Call 436 9947. as* tor Jason. Jamo professional Hi-Fi speakers 1 1/2 yrs. old. New $1300, asking $650 obo. 435-9429. ask lor Matt S. or Jay 2ft Vehicles For Sale '82 Mazda Sport Pickup. 5-speed, air. am/fm. 55,00( miles, sharp. $2250 otter. '81 Honda Civic, 4-door, auto am/tm. excellent throughout. $2250 otter Baer s Auto motive Sales, 1647 S. 3rd, 477 6442. 1966 Toyota King Cab Turbo 4x4 pxk-up. black. 33.000 mi., auto., stereo, mags, till-wheel, loaded radials, nice, $7495 obo. 1985 Ford E XP T urbo, red. 5 spd., air, stereo, sunroof, low miles, nice, $3495 obo 1984 VW Rabbit GTI, red, 5 spd , air, Kenwood stereo, sunroof, new radials. Ike new, $3495 obo. 1962 Honda Aocord, auto., air power steering and brakes, never smoked in. like new in end out, $3695 obo. 1980 VW Rabbit, two door, air, stereo, fresh paint, nice driver, $1495 obo. 1980 Celica Supra, auto . air, power windows, locks and more, nee driver, $1495 obo. Top Auto Sales. 139 A St., 437-6308 oi 560-2366 1979 Ford Fiesta, best otter 476-0907. 1974 Mercedes 230. best oher. 474-1716 or 483-1691 Cars bought for cash. Best prices given up to $1,000 437-8031 days, 423-5036 after 6 p.m. 22 Adoption * Adoption * Happy, financially secure woman eager to share my undivided love of life with a child Conlioential. expenses paid as legal. Vour wishes mattar. Call Judie collect (508)744-1282 ADOPTION California couple with adopted son and lots of love to give desire to adopt newborn. Happily married, financially secure. Let us help you through this difficult time Legal/ confidential. Expenses paid.all Janet collect anytime, (707)633-1230 ADOPTION EQUALS LOVE Financially secure father, full time mother/teacher, seek* to adopt newborn. Vour baby will make our life complete. Let ue help. Expeneee paid. Confidential. Ca'I collect. Paula and Michael, 718 _ 370-1056._ BLESS THIS HOUSE. TV director and wife with big hearts, big old house, adorable puppy, loving grandpar ents, waiting to give your baby a happy life. Can we help you? Expenses paid. Confidential and legal Call Kathy and Mike collect 212-431-9284. Happily ever after, days filled with laughter, a warm and loving mom and dad. all your wishes can be had. Loving couple unable to have our own child want to channel our love and devotion into raising your baby Financial security and loving dedication promised We know that we can help make your difficult decision easier if you call us. We‘d like to provide the happy beginnings you des.rt for your child Expenses paid. Call us colloct, evenings and weekends. 212-243-2621. Loving CaMornia couple and 14-month old daughter. Emily, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, ex penses paid. Call Kathy collect anytime st 213-643 5843 PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No lee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879