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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1990)
WEATHER INDEX Tuesday, mostly sunny, high in the low-50s, light News Digest.2 east wind. Tuesday night, low 30-35. Wednes- Editorial.4 day, mostly sunny and warmer, high in the mid- Arts & Entertainment.6 6°s Sports.8 Classifieds.11 April 17, 1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 89 No.<T8§> f . Panelists say South African investments don't help blacks Symposium emphasizes need for divestment Joe Heinzle/Daily Nebraskan Joseph Akpan, a UNL graduate student in political science, denounces U.S. investment in South Africa. Akpan and Robert Hitchcock (left), assistant professor of anthropology, were part of a six-member panel that criticized U.S. policy and university investment in companies that deal with South Africa. By Sara Bauder Staff Reporter Panelists and audience members Monday night emphasized the need for universities to divest holdings with companies that do business in South Africa and for eco nomic sanctions against thecountry’s government. At a symposium in the Nebraska Union, Joseph Akpan, a political sci ence graduate student at the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln, said UNL has partially divested, or pulled out of, companies that invest in South Africa. About 70 people attended the six panelist symposium,organized by the Nigerian Student Association. According to Akpan, the Univer sity of Nebraska has two categories of investments. One, controlled by the administration through the NU Board of Regents, is completely divested of South African interests, he said. The other category is controlled by the NU Foundation, which has no policy on divestment, he said. Terry Fairfield, foundation presi dent, sent Akpan a statement saying that the foundation docs not have a policy on South African investments and does not intend to have one, Akpan said. A stale law passed in 1984 re quires the withdrawal of slate funds from companies that operate in South Africa. Bui the NU Foundation is a private organization and docs not receive state money. Although the foundation is a pri vate organization, Akpan said, it still is part of the university. UNL is not the only university dealing with the problem of divest ment, Akpan said. He said 1.2 percent of all U.S. university and college holdings in South Africa have been divested. He said 76 institutions in the United States have a divestment policy, and seven of those have a policy of complete divestment. Panel member Lee Bouka, a re search analyst with the Nebraska Department of Labor, said that in vesting in South Africa docs not help blacks, as some people believe. He said economic sanctions will work in the struggle to end apartheid and bring about equality for blacks. ‘ ‘The blacksdon’t see investments trickle down,” he said. Robert Hitchcock, UNL assistant professor of anthropology, also said economic sanctions against South Africa will not hurt blacks. ‘‘If you talk to blacks in South Africa, as I have recently, you will find they feel sanctions should go ahead,” he said. “They don’t mind the price they will have to pay for what it will bring them in the end.” See SYMPOSIUM on 3 Non-apartheid state objective of delegate By Robin Trimarchi Staff Reporter_ An African National Congress delegate to the United Nations said Monday that blacks in South Africa arc willing to endure international economic pressure on their country for the sake of a non apartheid state. “Economic pressure is one non violent measure against the apartheid regime” that will bring the govern ment to the negotiating table, said Shuping Coapogc, who has advised the U.N. on apartheid since 1978. After South Africa was expelled from the United Nations General Assembly in the early 1960s, the ANC was voted in with an “observer status,” Coapogc said. Coapogc said he also travels the United States promoting international divestment of corporate and govern mental money from that country’s economy. The U.S. media “tends to blunt the truth’’ of events and conditions in South Africa, Coapogc said, because of U.S. corporate investments in his country. Coapogc urged students to organ ize and take action in anti-apartheid campaigns, such as involvement in recruiting black South Africans to study on U.S. campuses. Coapogc, whose home is near Johannesburg, South Africa, spoke on the impact of divestment policies on his country’s government as part of a panel presentation Monday night See ANC on 3 Council approves purchase of land for movie theater By Todd Neeley Staff Reporter In a 6-1 vote, the Lincoln City Council on Monday approved spending $372,000 to purchase land at 12th and P streets for con struction of a movie theater. The money will come from the $12 million downtown redevelopment plan. The land currently is a parking lot with 44 spaces. George Chick, director of the Lincoln urban development depart ment, said the project will be “very important to the revitalization of the downtown area.” He said the city is “under-mar keted” with theaters. Chicks said in typical communi ties there is one movie screen for every 1(),0(X) people. He said there arc 19 screens in Lincoln, 11 of them downtown. But Lincoln is a “high-range” community, he said, because of the number of college students. That means it could support 28 screens -- one per 7,000 people in Lincoln, he said. The proposal, which calls for three or four screens, shouldn’t affect busi ness at existing theaters, Chick said. Chick said the recent opening of the University Square parking garage and a proposed 90-spacc lot at 11th and P streets should compensate for the loss of the 44 parking spaces. But Don Hamann, owner of Sartor Hamann Jewelry at 12th and O streets, said the city should “enhance” the retail stores it has downtown, rather than develop new projects. He said the location is “not an appropriate place” for a theater. Hamann said he is concerned the plan will eliminate parking for his customers. “Customers like the idea of close parking,” he said. Mike Johanns, a council member who voted against the proposal, said he is concerned there is “no total See THEATER on 3 Students surveyed on education quality By Emily Rosenbaum Senior Reporter A majority of University of Ncbraska-Lincoln students surveyed arc satisfied with the quality of education they pay for, but do not think their educa tion emphasizes multi-cultural understanding. The survey, given by a UNL management class, shows that 76 percent of the respondents answered “yes” when asked, “Do you be lieve that UNL gives you the qual ity of education that you pay for?” Fifty-six percent said UNL doesn’t emphasize multi-cultural understanding. Four students in the manage ment class conducted the survey by randomly calling students en rolled at UNL this semester. Every fifth name on the list was called until 300 students were reached and surveyed. Dixie Doughty, one of the stu dents who conducted the survey, said it has a 6 percent margin of error. Doughty, a junior in the teach ers college, said the group con sulted Wayne Osgood, co-director of ihc UNL Bureau of Sociological Research, on ihc correct way to conduct a survey. The group then wrote 25 ques tions, most of them about the qual ity of education at UNL, she said. Doughty said ihc group decided to focus on education quality be cause the subject has received much attention lately. The Nebraska Legislature has proposed changes in the governance of higher educa tion in Nebraska, which will be on the November ballot. The Legislature, Gov. Kay Orr, See SURVEY on 3 Total surveyed 75 *There were no undecided' responses All others answered 'no'. § CO w ^ c: if 11 I! o It s Si i 3 _ . 3 I Because your family Because society To aet a better iob For improvement in _expects it — expects it self development John Bruca/Daily Nabrsakan